- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.57 s
File size
43.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
38 internal / 1 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Startseite | Parlament Österreich
The length of the page title is perfect. (294 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is too short. (61 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length) Optimize description
The meta description contains only one word.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
og:titleStartseite | Parlament Österreich

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are only 220 words on this page. Use at least 250 words to provide useful information.
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
The average number of words per sentence of 39 words is high.
21.8% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
Multiple viewport tags are given. There should only be one.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 6 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
5 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/static/img/einfache_sprache.svgLeichte und einfache Sprache
/static/img/logo.svgParlament Österreich
/static/img/Icon_EN.svgEnglishSprache English
/dokument/bild/200691/20069110_2125.jpgBlick in den Nationalratssaal
/dokument/bild/201410/20141085_800.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/dokument/bild/201410/20141088_800.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/dokument/bild/201411/20141113_800.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/dokument/bild/201095/20109593_800.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/dokument/bild/201410/20141077_800.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/dokument/bild/200630/20063004_800.jpgProbeführung - Junge Erwachsene
/dokument/bild/200590/20059062_800.jpgBlick aus Fenster in Auschwitz
/dokument/bild/200997/20099763_2125.jpgPallas Athene steht auf einem Eulenkapitell, daneben die beiden Allegorien Vollzug der Gesetze (links) und Gesetzgebung (rechts). Die Brunnenschale aus Neuhauser Granit mit den allegorischen Personifikationen von Inn und Donau (in weiblicher Form, rechts). Geflügelte Eroten ergänzen die Darstellung. Nach einem Entwurf von Theophil Hansen.
/static/img/logo_white.svgParlament Österreich

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Startseite des österreichischen Parlaments
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Startseite des österreichischen Parlaments
H2 News
H2 Kontakt
H3 Gedenken an Opfer des 7. Oktober 2023
H3 Jugendparlament: Klassen aus Salzburg und OÖ können sich jetzt bewerben
H3 Wanderausstellung "Parlament on Tour" macht Halt in Wels
H3 Parlament lädt am 26. Oktober zum Tag der offenen Tür
H3 Im Zeichen des Gedenkens: Die Woche vom 7. bis 11. Oktober
H3 Besuchen Sie uns
H3 Nationalfonds
H3 Parlamentsrestaurant KELSEN
H3 Folgen Sie uns:
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 1 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/services/barrierefreiheitAccessibility Menü anzeigen
/services/barrierefreiheit/Übersicht Barrierefreiheit
A-TITLE Übersicht Barrierefreiheit
/services/barrierefreiheit/geb...Österreichische Gebärdensprache
A-TITLE Österreichische Gebärdensprache
/services/barrierefreiheitIMG-ALT Leichte und einfache Sprache
A-TITLE Leichte und einfache Sprache Parlament Österreich zur Volltextsuche English
IMG-ALT English
A-TITLE zum Login duplicate Sprache English
IMG-ALT English
/aktuelles/mediathekText duplicate Mediathek
/services/hilfe/Text duplicate Hilfe
/profil/loginText duplicate Benutzer
A-TITLE zum Login
/bild/20069110New window Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/mehralseinkreuzerlWAHL 2024
/bild/20141085New window Text duplicate Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Johannes Zinner Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/aktuelles/news/Gedenken-an-Op...Gedenken an Opfer des 7. Oktober 2023
/bild/20141088New window Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/David Bohmann Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/aktuelles/news/Jugendparlamen...Jugendparlament: Klassen aus Salzburg und OÖ können sich jetzt bewerben
/bild/20141113New window Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Leopold Lugmayr Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/aktuelles/news/Wanderausstell...Wanderausstellung "Parlament on Tour" macht Halt in Wels
/bild/20109593New window Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Michael Buchner Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/aktuelles/news/Parlament-laed...Parlament lädt am 26. Oktober zum Tag der offenen Tür
/bild/20141077New window Text duplicate Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Michael Buchner Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/aktuelles/news/Im-Zeichen-des...Im Zeichen des Gedenkens: Die Woche vom 7. bis 11. Oktober
/aktuelles/termine?TERMIN_01DA...Alle Termine
/services/nationalfonds/index....Text duplicate Details Text duplicate Details
/bild/20099763New window Text duplicate Modaldialog schließen Parlamentsdirektion/Michael Buchner Schließen
A-TITLE Dieser Link öffnet die Bildvorschau
/eu-internationalesEU & INTERNATIONALES
/services/zutrittAnreise & Zutritt

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The HTML page should be transferred using GZip compression.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.57 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (43 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 09 Oct 2024 00:53:04 GMT

External factors

(Nice to have)
This website is not classified "for adult only".
This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 7,771 referring domains.
This page has 419,356 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 4,618 different ip addresses.


# 2004-02-13 (jk) Definition fuer Suchmaschinen.
# 2011-03-07 (rs): Terminkalender (/PAKT/TERM/) sperren, hohe Last durch Robots
# 2023-10-17 (rs): Ticket#1085679
# 2023-10-19 (rs): Ticket#1085801
# 2023-10-23 (rs): Ticket#1085952 + Ticket#1085956
# 2023-11-03 (rs): Ticket#1086307
# 2023-11-07 (rs): Ticket#1086390
# 2023-11-13 (rs): Ticket#1086702
# 2023-11-17 (mariach): Ticket#1087005
# 2023-11-22 (rs): Ticket#1087153
# 2023-11-27 (rs): Ticket#1087392 (44002.0030/7-3.1/2023)
# 2023-12-06 (rs): Ticket#1087796
# 2023-12-15 (rs): Ticket#1088189
# 2024-01-08 (rs): Ticket#1088729
# 2024-01-09 (rs): Ticket#1088739/Ticket#1088731
# 2024-01-10 (rs): Ticket#1088829
# 2024-01-11 (rs): Ticket#1088816 + Ticket#1088820 + Ticket#1088934
# 2024-01-15 (rs): Ticket#1089037
# 2024-02-02 (rs): Ticket#1090011
# 2024-02-08 (rs): Ticket#1090288 + Ticket#1090299
# 2024-02-12 (rs): Ticket#1090432 (44002.0030/10-3.1/2023) + Ticket#1090444
# 2024-02-16 (rs): Ticket#1090683
# 2024-02-19 (rs): Ticket#1090775 (44002.0030/1-3.1/2024)
# 2024-02-23 (rs): Ticket#1090926
# 2024-02-27 (rs): Ticket#1091176 + Ticket#1091231
# 2024-03-05 (rs): Ticket#1091618
# 2024-03-06 (rs): Ticket#1091698 (44002.0030/2-3.1/2024)
# 2024-03-13 (rs): Ticket#1092018 + Ticket#1092057 (44002.0030/3-3.1/2024)
# 2024-03-14 (rs): Ticket#1092096
# 2024-03-20 (rs): Ticket#1092394
# 2024-03-25 (rs): Ticket#1092458 + Ticket#1092511
# 2024-04-02 (rs): Ticket#1092763
# 2024-04-03 (rs): Ticket#1092801 + Ticket#1092802 + Ticket#1092803 + Ticket#1092804 + Ticket#1092805 + Ticket#1092806 + Ticket#1092808 + Ticket#1092809 + Ticket#1092810
# 2024-04-11 (rs): Ticket#1093207
# 2024-04-17 (rs): Ticket#1093577
# 2024-04-18 (rs): Ticket#1093705
# 2024-04-19 (rs): Ticket#1093760 (44002.0030/4-3.1/2024)
# 2024-04-25 (rs): Ticket#1093973
# 2024-05-02 (rs): Ticket#1094142
# 2024-05-08 (mariach): Ticket#1094376
# 2024-05-10 (rs): Ticket#1094402
# 2024-05-21 (rs): Ticket#1094711
# 2024-05-22 (rs): Ticket#1094786
# 2024-05-24 (rs): Ticket#1094914
# 2024-05-27 (rs): Ticket#1094949
# 2024-05-28 (rs): Ticket#1095002
# 2024-06-06 (rs): Ticket#1095226 + Ticket#1095416
# 2024-06-10 (rs): Ticket#1095525(44002.0030/6-3.1/2024)
# 2024-06-12 (rs): Ticket#1095579
# 2024-06-17 (rs): Ticket#1095787
# 2024-06-19 (rs): Ticket#1095874 + Ticket#1095875 + Ticket#1095888 + Bug#14190
# 2024-07-12 (rs): Ticket#1096914
# 2024-07-17 (rs): Ticket#1097010 # Ticket#1097035(44002.0030/11-3.1/2024)
# 2024-07-18 (rs): Ticket#1097069 + Ticket#1097080
# 2024-07-22 (rs): Ticket#1097107
# 2024-07-23 (rs): Ticket#1097135 + Ticket#1097188 
# 2024-08-01 (rs): Ticket#1097505 (44002.0030/10-3.1/2024)
# 2024-08-09 (rs): Ticket#1097725 (44002.0030/9-3.1/2024) + Ticket#1097726 (44002.0030/12-3.1/2024)
# 2024-08-21 (rs): Ticket#1098017
# 2024-08-26 (rs): Ticket#1098069
# 2024-09-10 (mariach): Ticket#1098711
# 2024-09-29 (rs): Ticket#1099511
# 2024-10-08 (rs): Ticket#1099946

# 2017-09-22 (mariach): Crawl-Delay fuer ahrefsbot gesetzt:
User-agent: AhrefsBot
Crawl-Delay: 10

# 2017-09-26 (mariach): Crawl-Delay fuer bingbot gesetzt:
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-Delay: 5

User-agent: *
# 2023-10-17 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXIV/SNME/13703
# 2023-10-19 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/77019
# 2023-10-23 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/23325
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/122999
# 2023-11-03 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/160249
# 2023-11-07 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/118736/
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/4825
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/1184
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/227606
# 2023-11-13 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/15757
# 2023-11-17 (mariach)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/218799
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/142240
# 2023-11-22 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/103459
# 2023-11-22 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/BR/J-BR/3037/
Disallow: /dokument/XXV/J/10214/
# 2023-12-06 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/36408
# 2023-12-15 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/30862
# 2024-01-08 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/218523
# 2024-01-09 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SPET/747
# 2024-01-10 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/137175
# 2024-01-11 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/66640
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/9316
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/76126
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/17112
# 2024-01-15 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/235301
# 2024-02-02 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/100056
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/36808
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/27771
# 2024-02-08 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/132541
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/20996
# 2024-02-12 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/15289/
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/83189
# 2024-02-16 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/234881
# 2024-02-19 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/155/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/198/
# 2024-02-23 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/252368
# 2024-02-27 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/41582
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/94755
# 2024-03-05 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/109031
# 2024-03-06 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/162/
# 2024-03-13 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SBI/3580
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/16999/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/AB/16454/
# 2024-03-14 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/71572
# 2024-03-20 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/119998
# 2024-03-25 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/72955
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/58973
# 2024-04-02 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/117428
# 2024-04-03 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/58865
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/111559
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SPET/705
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/73489
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/193335
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/193382
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/268615
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/89748
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/159303
# 2024-04-11 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/40061
# 2024-04-17 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/36891
# 2024-04-18 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/30586
# 2024-04-19 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/6556/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/6590/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/6765/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/J/6833/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/AB/6492/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/AB/6750/
# 2024-04-25 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/160706
# 2024-05-02 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/108698
# 2024-05-08 (mariach)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/76576
# 2024-05-10 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/253772
# 2024-05-21 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/253891
# 2024-05-22 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/92323
# 2024-05-24 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/207244
# 2024-05-27 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXV/SNME/11240
# 2024-05-28 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/49332
# 2024-06-06 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/142524
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/34835
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/21194
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/40850
# 2024-06-10 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XVIII/AB/2314/
# 2024-06-12 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/222279
# 2024-06-17 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXIV/SNME/13612
# 2024-06-19 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/115260
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/81624
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/254466
Disallow: /dokument/verstehen/historisches/wahlen/de/
# 2024-07-12 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/3821
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/6319
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/113626
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/114227
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/149088
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/149107
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/170266
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/126718
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/142683
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/141378
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/132752
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/269234
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/269235
# 2024-07-17 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/119987
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/JPR/97/
# 2024-07-18 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/124885
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/64870
# 2024-07-22 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/99882
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/30313
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/179232
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/219250
# 2024-07-23 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/27736
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/57124
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/105990
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/115400
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/24329
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/203511
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/79242
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/175290
# 2024-08-01 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/I/2670/imfname_1639042.pdf
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/I/2671/imfname_1639054.pdf
# 2024-08-09 + 2024-08-12 (rs)
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/202/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVI/KOMM/113/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVI/KOMM/123/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVI/KOMM/232/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVI/KOMM/243/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/199/
Disallow: /dokument/XXVII/KOMM/510/
# 2024-08-21 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SN/3970
# 2024-08-26 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/143746
# 2024-09-10 (mariach)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/164808
# 2024-09-29 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/22033
# 2024-10-08 (rs)
Disallow: /gegenstand/XXVII/SNME/195666

#User-agent: *
# keine Indizierung von Terminkalender, Captchas, personalisierten Seiten und Volltextsuche
Disallow: /PAKT/TERM/
Disallow: /SEC/
Disallow: /HelloCaptchaServer/
Disallow: /KONF/
Disallow: /SUCH/
Disallow: /SUCHES/
Disallow: /PAKT/SW/
Disallow: /PAKT/DE/
Disallow: /PtWeb/
Disallow: /loginEntry.psp
Disallow: /lzEntry.psp
Disallow: /addBookmark.psp
# Alias fuer alte Verzeichnisse sperren, sonst doppelte Indizierung
Disallow: /PG/
Disallow: /AK/
Disallow: /TE/
Disallow: /WW/
Disallow: /PB/SN/112019
Disallow: /PE/
Disallow: /PI/
Disallow: /NR/
Disallow: /BR/
Disallow: /BV/
Disallow: /PA/
Disallow: /SK/
Disallow: /BE/
Disallow: /K/
Disallow: /pls/portal/
Disallow: /VOD/
Disallow: /include/vod/
# ab Relaunch 2023
Disallow: /profil/
Disallow: /suche
Disallow: /certs/
Disallow: /le/
#Disallow: /onboarding/ # Seite hat noindex-Tag
# 2016-01-21 (mariach)
# nicht vorhandene aber in importierten Dokumenten verlinkte Metadaten nicht indizieren:
Disallow: /*filelist.xml$
Disallow: /*editdata.mso$
Disallow: /*header.htm$
Disallow: /*header.html$
# 2016-01-22 (mariach)
# sollte von baiduspider respektiert werden:
Disallow: /*filelist.xml
Disallow: /*editdata.mso
Disallow: /*header.htm
Disallow: /*header.html

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Startseite | Parlament Österreich

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