- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.28 s
File size
181.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
117 internal / 6 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Promopesca – #1 en ofertas de pesca
The length of the page title is perfect. (341 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Every day the best angling deals with discounts up to 70%! Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a deal!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (668 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: es
Language defined in HTML: es-es
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: es-es
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0
descriptionEvery day the best angling deals with discounts up to 70%! Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a deal!
og:titlePromopesca – #1 en ofertas de pesca
og:site_namePromopesca – #1 en ofertas de pesca
og:descriptionEvery day the best angling deals with discounts up to 70%! Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a deal!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 2034 words. That's ok.
27.2% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
10 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 20.71 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 41 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
12 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/media/67292f07b6fd2e4a.pngNo alt attribute provided
/assets/0.8/base/images/blank.gifTopbanner: Tot 20% Big pit molens
/assets/0.8/base/images/blank.gifTopbanner: Tot 30% vislijnen
/assets/0.8/base/images/blank.gifTopbanner: Tot 30% Kleding
/media/67292f07b6fd2e4a.pngNo alt attribute provided
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngDaiwa J-Braid X8 Línea Trenzada Multi Colour 1500m
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngNorfin Rain Suit Alpha
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngVass-Tex 700E Wader Muslo
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngAqua F12 Chaqueta Térmica
/assets/0.8/base/images/blank.gifAqua Products
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngShimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngSubbanner: Tot 20% Big pit molens
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngSubbanner: Tot 30% vislijnen
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngShimano Beastmaster XC 14000 Carrete Bigpit
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngSubbanner: Tot 30% Kleding
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngNash TT Highline Floating Braid Green Línea Trenzada (600m)
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngNash TT Highline Floating Braid UV Yellow Línea Trenzada (600m)
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngTrabucco Maxxis Hyper Surf
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/media/d944d0ae0606723a.pngcategory image
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngAvid Carp Ascent Day Chair
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngUltimate Set Completo de Feeder
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngUltimate Outdoor Foldable Toilet
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngBaleno Montana Raincoat Green Khaki Impermeable
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngSufix Egi X8 Braid Línea Trenzada (150m)
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngPrologic Fulcrum XD Carrete para Carpa
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngYamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngGamakatsu G-Line Fluorocarbon 50m
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngSavage Gear Softshell Winter
/assets/0.8/base/images/blank.gifSavage Gear
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngMomoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngFishouflage Camiseta
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngCalcetines de neopreno supercalientes
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngGrauvell Teklon Gold Advanced Nylon
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngUltimate Bionic Anchor Rod Pod
/media/f1652d63985cdbd2.pngcategory image
/media/8748a2956edabfb6.jpgcategory image
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/media/449cdcf673cf1cf0.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/media/a057c045739d68ef.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngFishouflage Camiseta
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngCalcetines de neopreno supercalientes
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngShimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngMomoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear
/assets/0.8/base/images/default.pngYamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m
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/media/3fb487385c1c000f.pngGoogle Pay

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (5 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Pesca
H2 Tienda de Pesca para Entusiastas
H2 Tienda de Pesca para Principiantes
H2 Pesca con Caña
H3 Todas las ofertas para pesca de carpa
H3 Todas las ofertas para pesca de mar
H3 Todas los afertas de Ultimate
H3 ¡Explore nuestra base de conocimientos
H3 No te pierdas nunca más una oferta
H3 Carpfishing
H3 Pez Depredador
H3 Pesca de Mar
H3 Pez Blanco
H3 Pesca con Mosca
H3 Cookies en el sitio web de Promopesca
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
3 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 6 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor textón al cliente Promopesca Text
/user-wishlistNo Text un Sonik Carp Comfort Set duplicate Gana un Sonik Carp Comfort Set de hoy duplicate Ofertas de hoy
/t/carpfishing/Ver todas las categorias
/t/pesca-de-mar/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/pesca-de-mar/Pesca de Mar
/t/pez-depredador/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/pez-depredador/Pez Depredador
/t/pez-blanco/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/pez-blanco/Pez Blanco duplicate Ver todas las categorias Text
/t/ropa-de-pesca/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/kits-de-pesca/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/kits-de-pesca/Kits de Pesca
/t/utensilios-camping/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/articulos-de-pesca/Text duplicate Ver todas las categorias
/t/articulos-de-pesca/Todas las ofertas
/t/marcas-de-pesca/Ver todas las marcas
/t/outlet-de-pesca/No Text
/t/tips-para-regalo-de-pesca/Tips para Regalo
/t/tips-para-regalo-de-pesca/Text duplicate Tips para Regalo duplicate Gana un Sonik Carp Comfort Set duplicate Gana un Sonik Carp Comfort Set
/pages/photo-contestGana un River2Sea Lure Pack
/pages/photo-contestText duplicate Gana un River2Sea Lure Pack
/pages/base-de-conocimientos/La base de conocimientos de Promopesca
/pages/base-de-conocimientos/Text duplicate La base de conocimientos de Promopesca frecuentes duplicate Preguntas frecuentes duplicate Contacto window External Subdomain Reseñas 4.16/5.00
/t/carretes-big-pit/día(s) hora min y seg
IMG-ALT Topbanner: Tot 20% Big pit molens
/t/hilos-de-pescar/Text duplicate día(s) hora min y seg
IMG-ALT Topbanner: Tot 30% vislijnen
/t/ropa-de-pesca/Text duplicate día(s) hora min y seg
IMG-ALT Topbanner: Tot 30% Kleding window External Subdomain Text duplicate Reseñas 4.16/5.00
/t/hilos-trenzados/daiwa-j-bra...-21% Multiples opciones d h m s Daiwa J-Braid X8 Línea Trenzada Multi Colour 1500m (5 Reseñas) Precio de lista 139.95 110.53 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Daiwa J-Braid X8 Línea Trenzada Multi Colour 1500m
/t/trajes-para-lluvia/norfin-r...-39% Multiples opciones d h m s Norfin Rain Suit Alpha (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 324.95 197.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Norfin Rain Suit Alpha
/t/botas-largas/vass-tex-700e-...-19% Multiples opciones d h m s Vass-Tex 700E Wader Muslo (6 Reseñas) Precio de lista 99.95 80.79 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Vass-Tex 700E Wader Muslo
/t/chaquetas-de-pesca/aqua-f12...-11% Multiples opciones d h m s Aqua F12 Chaqueta Térmica (12 Reseñas) Precio de lista 149.99 133.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Aqua F12 Chaqueta Térmica
/t/carretes-de-pesca/shimano-s...-24% Multiples opciones d h m s Shimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD (15 Reseñas) Precio de lista 172.95 130.90 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Shimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD
/t/carretes-big-pit/¡Sólo por hoy hasta un 20% de descuento extra!
IMG-ALT Subbanner: Tot 20% Big pit molens
/t/hilos-de-pescar/¡Sólo por hoy hasta un 30% de descuento extra!
IMG-ALT Subbanner: Tot 30% vislijnen
/t/carretes-de-pesca/shimano-b...-20% d h m s Shimano Beastmaster XC 14000 Carrete Bigpit (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 112.95 90.36 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Shimano Beastmaster XC 14000 Carrete Bigpit
/t/ropa-de-pesca/¡Sólo por hoy en oferta
IMG-ALT Subbanner: Tot 30% Kleding
/t/hilos-trenzados/nash-tt-hig...-9% Multiples opciones d h m s Nash TT Highline Floating Braid Green Línea Trenzada (600m) Precio de lista 79.99 72.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Nash TT Highline Floating Braid Green Línea Trenzada (600m)
/t/hilos-trenzados/nash-tt-hig...-9% Multiples opciones d h m s Nash TT Highline Floating Braid UV Yellow Línea Trenzada (600m) Precio de lista 79.99 72.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Nash TT Highline Floating Braid UV Yellow Línea Trenzada (600m)
/t/carretes-de-pesca/trabucco-...-28% Multiples opciones d h m s Trabucco Maxxis Hyper Surf (1 Reseña) Precio de lista 168.95 121.39 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Trabucco Maxxis Hyper Surf
/t/carpfishing/Todas las ofertas para pesca de carpa Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT category image
/t/pesca-de-mar/Todas las ofertas para pesca de mar Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT category image
/t/sillas-carpfishing/avid-car...-23% d h m s Avid Carp Ascent Day Chair Precio de lista 79.95 61.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Avid Carp Ascent Day Chair
/t/kits-para-pez-blanco/ultima...-40% d h m s Ultimate Set Completo de Feeder Precio de lista 44.97 26.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Ultimate Set Completo de Feeder
/t/utensilios-camping/ultimate...-17% d h m s Ultimate Outdoor Foldable Toilet (7 Reseñas) Precio de lista 59.95 49.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Ultimate Outdoor Foldable Toilet
/t/chaquetas-de-pesca/baleno-m...-59% Multiples opciones d h m s Baleno Montana Raincoat Green Khaki Impermeable Precio de lista 73.95 30.25 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Baleno Montana Raincoat Green Khaki Impermeable
/t/hilos-trenzados/sufix-egi-x...-25% Multiples opciones d h m s Sufix Egi X8 Braid Línea Trenzada (150m) Precio de lista 24.95 18.76 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Sufix Egi X8 Braid Línea Trenzada (150m)
/t/carretes-de-pesca/prologic-...-42% Multiples opciones d h m s Prologic Fulcrum XD Carrete para Carpa (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 129.99 75.45 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Prologic Fulcrum XD Carrete para Carpa
/t/hilos-trenzados/yamatoyo-pe...-59% Multiples opciones d h m s Yamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m (3 Reseñas) Precio de lista 36.99 15.04 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Yamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m
/t/flurocarbono/gamakatsu-g-li...-18% Multiples opciones d h m s Gamakatsu G-Line Fluorocarbon 50m (1 Reseña) Precio de lista 11.99 9.84 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Gamakatsu G-Line Fluorocarbon 50m
/t/guantes-de-pesca/savage-gea...-17% Multiples opciones d h m s Savage Gear Softshell Winter (3 Reseñas) Precio de lista 31.99 26.58 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Savage Gear Softshell Winter
/t/flurocarbono/momoi-hi-catch...-17% Multiples opciones d h m s Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 13.95 11.59 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear
/t/camisetas-de-pesca/fishoufl...-84% Multiples opciones d h m s Fishouflage Camiseta (19 Reseñas) Precio de lista 29.95 4.87 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Fishouflage Camiseta
/t/calcetines-de-pesca/calceti...-48% Multiples opciones d h m s Calcetines de neopreno supercalientes (5 Reseñas) Precio de lista 14.95 7.71 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Calcetines de neopreno supercalientes
/t/monofilamento/grauvell-tekl...-37% Multiples opciones d h m s Grauvell Teklon Gold Advanced Nylon (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 10.95 6.88 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Grauvell Teklon Gold Advanced Nylon
/t/rod-pods/ultimate-bionic-an...-45% d h m s Ultimate Bionic Anchor Rod Pod (1 Reseña) Precio de lista 99.95 54.95 Ver la oferta Ver
IMG-ALT Ultimate Bionic Anchor Rod Pod los afertas de Ultimate Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT category image
/pages/base-de-conocimientos/¡Explore nuestra base de conocimientos Visite
IMG-ALT category image
/photo-contestVer más imágenes
/pages/photo-contestÚnete al concurso
/t/camisetas-de-pesca/fishoufl...-84% Multiples opciones Fishouflage Camiseta (19 Reseñas) Precio de lista 29.95 4.87 Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT Fishouflage Camiseta
/t/calcetines-de-pesca/calceti...-48% Multiples opciones Calcetines de neopreno supercalientes (5 Reseñas) Precio de lista 14.95 7.71 Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT Calcetines de neopreno supercalientes
/t/carretes-de-pesca/shimano-s...-24% Multiples opciones Shimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD (15 Reseñas) Precio de lista 172.95 130.90 Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT Shimano Speedmaster 14000 Carrete para Carpa XSC/XTC/XSD/XTD
/t/flurocarbono/momoi-hi-catch...-17% Multiples opciones Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear (2 Reseñas) Precio de lista 13.95 11.59 Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT Momoi Hi-Catch Fluorocarbono Neo Clear
/t/hilos-trenzados/yamatoyo-pe...-59% Multiples opciones Yamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m (3 Reseñas) Precio de lista 36.99 15.04 Ver la oferta
IMG-ALT Yamatoyo Pe Resin Sheller 150m Subdomain Privacy Policy Subdomain Terms of Service
/t/carpfishing/Text duplicate Carpfishing
IMG-ALT Carpfishing
/t/pez-depredador/Text duplicate Pez Depredador
IMG-ALT Pez Depredador
/t/pesca-de-mar/Text duplicate Pesca de Mar
IMG-ALT Pesca de Mar
/t/pez-blanco/Text duplicate Pez Blanco
IMG-ALT Pez Blanco
/t/pesca-con-mosca/Pesca con Mosca
IMG-ALT Pesca con Mosca
/t/ropa-de-pesca/ropa duplicate Preguntas frecuentes
/pages/faq-deliveryEnvío y entrega
/pages/faq-refundDevolución y reembolso duplicate Contacto Promopesca generales de regalo
/pages/privacy-settingsCookie Page
/t/tips-para-regalo-de-pesca/Text duplicate Tips para Regalo
/t/equipo-de-pesca-temporalmen...Equipo de pesca temporalmente agotado
/pages/black-friday/Black Friday
/t/outlet-carpfishing/Outlet carpfishing
/t/outlet-de-pez-depredador/Outlet de Pez Depredador
/t/outlet-de-pesca-de-mar/Outlet de Pesca de Mar
/t/outlet-de-pez-blanco/Outlet de Pez Blanco
/t/outlet-de-ropa/Outlet de Ropa Subdomain Facebook Subdomain Instagram
/pages/privacyLea nuestra política de privacidad.

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.28 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (182 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 19 Feb 2025 22:23:38 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
cache-controlmax-age=0, private, must-revalidate
x-xss-protection1; mode=block
set-cookie152 Characters

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 65 referring domains.
This page has 14,104 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 51 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview
Promopesca – #1 en ofertas de pesca
Every day the best angling deals with discounts up to 70%! Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a deal!

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

de Pesca70%Check
de Promopesca67%Check
es pescador63%Check
en ofertas de pesca63%Check
Tienda de Pesca60%Check
tiendas de pesca56%Check
equipos de pesca56%Check
equipo de pesca56%Check

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

We need these so the site can function properly

So we can better understand how visitors use our website

So we can serve you tailored ads and promotions