- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.16 s
File size
834.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
160 internal / 3 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important) - Rum online kaufen
The domain is used in the page's title.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Finde deinen Lieblings-Rum und genieße die besten Rum-Sorten von deinen Rumpiraten. Erlebe die spannende Welt der Rum, Gin und weiteren Spirituosen-Sorten und sicher dir die besten Preise im Online-Shop, schnellen Versand und viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten.
The meta description is too long: 1644 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
revisit-after15 days
keywordsRum, Gin, Spirituosen, Karibik Rum, Don Papa, Botucal, Pampero, zacapa Monkey47
descriptionFinde deinen Lieblings-Rum und genieße die besten Rum-Sorten von deinen Rumpiraten. Erlebe die spannende Welt der Rum, Gin und weiteren Spirituosen-Sorten und sicher dir die besten Preise im Online-Shop, schnellen Versand und viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten.
twitter:cardsummary - Rum online kaufen
twitter:descriptionFinde deinen Lieblings-Rum und genieße die besten Rum-Sorten von deinen Rumpiraten. Erlebe die spannende Welt der Rum, Gin und weiteren Spirituosen-Sorten und sicher dir die besten Preise im Online-Shop, schnellen Versand und viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten.
og:typewebsite - Rum online kaufen
og:descriptionFinde deinen Lieblings-Rum und genieße die besten Rum-Sorten von deinen Rumpiraten. Erlebe die spannende Welt der Rum, Gin und weiteren Spirituosen-Sorten und sicher dir die besten Preise im Online-Shop, schnellen Versand und viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1516 words. That's ok.
23% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
9 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.71 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (834.9 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 30 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
16 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...3627105/RonZacapa_Solera_GranReserva.jpgRon Zacapa Solera Gran Reserva 40.0% 0,7lRon Zacapa Solera Gran Reserva 40.0% 0,7l
...528/AHRiise_FamilyReserve_Solera1838.jpgA.H. Riise Family Reserve Solera 1838 25 Jahre 42.0% 0,7lA.H. Riise Family Reserve Solera 1838 25 Jahre 42.0% 0,7l
...17/Black_Beards_front_rumpiratenshop.jpgBlackbeard's Spiced Rum - The Beard Rum Company 40.0% 0,7lBlackbeard's Spiced Rum - The Beard Rum Company 40.0% 0,7l
...48/1f/1692677037/RemedyosuIH6RLNRu4R.jpgRemedy Spiced Rum 41.5% 0,7lRemedy Spiced Rum 41.5% 0,7l
...4285/LilletBlanc_Aperitif_abasedevin.jpgLillet Blanc Aperitif a base de vin 17.0% 0,75lLillet Blanc Aperitif a base de vin 17.0% 0,75l
...5/Bacane_Geschenkset_2Glaeser_gratis.jpgBacane Geschenkset mit 2 Gläser gratis 40.0% 0,7lBacane Geschenkset mit 2 Gläser gratis 40.0% 0,7l The Original 40.0% 0,7lBumbu The Original 40.0% 0,7l
...neEstate_3Jahre_2017_2020_JamaicaRum.jpgWorthy Park St. Catherine Estate 3 Jahre 2017/2020 Jamaica Rum 57.0% 0,7lWorthy Park St. Catherine Estate 3 Jahre 2017/2020 Jamaica Rum 57.0% 0,7l
...8/SearsGin_SmallBatch_TheCuttingEdge.jpgSears Gin Small Batch The Cutting Edge 37.5% 0,7lSears Gin Small Batch The Cutting Edge 37.5% 0,7l
...2012_2024_TranscontinentalRumLine_70.jpgJamaica 12 Jahre HD 2012/2024 Transcontinental Rum Line #70 55.9% 0,7l Jamaica 12 Jahre HD 2012/2024 Transcontinental Rum Line #70 55.9% 0,7l
...bers_SherrySmoke_TheMastersAnthology.jpgGlendronach Ode to the Embers Sherry & Smoke The Master’s Anthology 48.4% 0,7lGlendronach Ode to the Embers Sherry & Smoke The Master’s Anthology 48.4% 0,7l
...edroXiminezCasks_TheMastersAnthology.jpgGlendronach Ode to the Dark Pedro Ximinez Casks The Master’s Anthology 50.8% 0,7lGlendronach Ode to the Dark Pedro Ximinez Casks The Master’s Anthology 50.8% 0,7l
..._Sherry_PortCask_TheMastersAnthology.jpgGlendronach Ode to the Valley Sherry & Port Cask The Master’s Anthology 46.2% 0,7lGlendronach Ode to the Valley Sherry & Port Cask The Master’s Anthology 46.2% 0,7l
...den_LROK_5Jahre_2019_2024_SherryCask.jpgHampden LROK 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Sherry Cask 60.5% 0,7lHampden LROK 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Sherry Cask 60.5% 0,7l
...xSherryCask_Batch3_SingleJamaicanRum.jpgHampden Pagos 100% Ex-Sherry Cask Batch 3 Single Jamaican Rum 52.0% 0,7lHampden Pagos 100% Ex-Sherry Cask Batch 3 Single Jamaican Rum 52.0% 0,7l
...allan_12Jahre_DoubleCask_Halbflasche.jpgMacallan 12 Jahre Double Cask Halbflasche 40.0% 0,35lMacallan 12 Jahre Double Cask Halbflasche 40.0% 0,35l
.../1738226971/RonPampero_Blanco_1Liter.jpgRon Pampero Blanco 37.5% 1 LiterRon Pampero Blanco 37.5% 1 Liter
...ean_SingleCaskBlend_Batch3_RomDeLuxe.jpgConsummatus Caribbean Single Cask Blend Batch 3 RomDeLuxe 42.0% 0,7lConsummatus Caribbean Single Cask Blend Batch 3 RomDeLuxe 42.0% 0,7l
..._2019_2024_WildSeries_No58_RomDeLuxe.jpgGuadeloupe 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Wild Series No.58 RomDeLuxe 69.8% 0,7lGuadeloupe 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Wild Series No.58 RomDeLuxe 69.8% 0,7l
..._2012_2024_WildSeries_No55_RomDeLuxe.jpgJamaica 12 Jahre 2012/2024 Wild Series No.55 RomDeLuxe 60.0% 0,7lJamaica 12 Jahre 2012/2024 Wild Series No.55 RomDeLuxe 60.0% 0,7l
...1998_2022_WildSeries_No_37_RomDeLuxe.jpgNicaragua 24 Jahre 1998/2022 Wild Series No.37 RomDeLuxe 61.2% 0,7lNicaragua 24 Jahre 1998/2022 Wild Series No.37 RomDeLuxe 61.2% 0,7l
...2023_CollectorsSeries_No18_RomDeLuxe.jpgBelize 17 Jahre 2006/2023 Collectors Series No.18 RomDeLuxe 56.9% 0,7lBelize 17 Jahre 2006/2023 Collectors Series No.18 RomDeLuxe 56.9% 0,7l
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...52_M1_Zacapa La Pasion_Banner Mittig.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...bys_Schiedam_DryGin_Geschenkset_Glas.jpgBobby's Schiedam Dry Gin Geschenkset mit einem Glas 42.0% 0,7lBobby's Schiedam Dry Gin Geschenkset mit einem Glas 42.0% 0,7l
...deras_PX_5_5_Geschenkset_zweiGlaeser.jpgDos Maderas PX 5+5 Geschenkset mit zwei Gläser 40.0% 0,7lDos Maderas PX 5+5 Geschenkset mit zwei Gläser 40.0% 0,7l
..._Maderas_PX_5_5_Geschenkset_mit_Glas.jpgDos Maderas PX 5+5 Geschenkset mit Glas 40.0% 0,7lDos Maderas PX 5+5 Geschenkset mit Glas 40.0% 0,7l
...uperiorReserve_Geschenkset_2Glaesern.jpgDos Maderas Seleccion Superior Reserve Geschenkset mit 2 Gläsern 42.0% 0,7lDos Maderas Seleccion Superior Reserve Geschenkset mit 2 Gläsern 42.0% 0,7l
.../ElDoradoRum15_Geschenkset_2Glaesern.jpgEl Dorado Rum 15 Jahre Geschenkset mit 2 Gläsern 43% 0,7lEl Dorado Rum 15 Jahre Geschenkset mit 2 Gläsern 43% 0,7l
...Malteco20_Geschenkset_2Tumblern_2025.jpgRon Malteco 20 Jahre Geschenkset mit 2 Tumblern 40.0% 0,7lRon Malteco 20 Jahre Geschenkset mit 2 Tumblern 40.0% 0,7l
...co_10_Jahre_Geschenkset_mit_Miniatur.jpgRon Malteco 10 Jahre Geschenkset mit Miniatur Ron Malteco 15 Jahre 40.0% 0,75lRon Malteco 10 Jahre Geschenkset mit Miniatur Ron Malteco 15 Jahre 40.0% 0,75l
...20thAnniversary_Geschenkset_2Tumbler.jpgPlanteray Barbados X.O. Rum 20th Anniversary Geschenkset mit 2 Tumbler 40.0% 0,7lPlanteray Barbados X.O. Rum 20th Anniversary Geschenkset mit 2 Tumbler 40.0% 0,7l
...antation_Experience_Set_Box-Flaschen.jpgPlantation Barbados Rum Tastingset 41.0% 6x100mlPlantation Barbados Rum Tastingset 41.0% 6x100ml
...kcurrant_Gin_Geschenkverpackung_Glas.jpgGeschenkset Mintis Blackcurrant Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7lGeschenkset Mintis Blackcurrant Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7l
...a_Cherry_Gin_Geschenkverpackung_Glas.jpgGeschenkset Mintis Amarena Cherry Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7lGeschenkset Mintis Amarena Cherry Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7l
...ementine_Gin_Geschenkverpackung_Glas.jpgGeschenkset Mintis Clementine Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7lGeschenkset Mintis Clementine Gin mit Glas 41.8% 0,7l
...ervaExclusiva_Geschenkset2Gl-ser2019.jpgRon Botucal Reserva Exclusiva mit zwei Gläsern 40% 0,7lRon Botucal Reserva Exclusiva mit zwei Gläsern 40% 0,7l
...1709210544/Botucal_Mantuano_Rucksack.jpgRon Botucal Mantuano Geschenkset mit Rucksack 40% 0,7lRon Botucal Mantuano Geschenkset mit Rucksack 40% 0,7l
...calReservaExclusiva_Geschenkset_Glas.jpgRon Botucal Reserva Exclusiva Geschenkset mit Glas 40.0% 0,7lRon Botucal Reserva Exclusiva Geschenkset mit Glas 40.0% 0,7l
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...7994590/Screenshot 2025-01-27 170732.jpgNo alt attribute providedOh là là – Lillet, dein Apéritif mit Style, jetzt im neuen Look
...7054945/Screenshot 2025-01-16 201514.jpgNo alt attribute providedHavana Club Cocktail Maestros startet in Deutschland
...3939629/Screenshot 2024-12-11 165828.jpgNo alt attribute providedNEU ab Februar: Baileys Chocolate
...ets/awards/twt-ssl-siegel.png?1727868949Pay safelySSL secure
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Willkommen bei Rumpiraten
The H1 heading contains the words Willkommen bei! Use important keywords instead.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Willkommen bei Rumpiraten
H2 Rum für jeden Geschmack
H2 Rum einkaufen bei
H2 Empty heading
H2 Sicheres Einkaufen bei
H2 Rum Blog
H4 Oh là là – Lillet, dein Apéritif mit Style, jetzt im neuen Look
H4 Havana Club Cocktail Maestros startet in Deutschland
H4 NEU ab Februar: Baileys Chocolate
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
10 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Zur Startseite gehen
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A-TITLE Merkzettel
A-TITLE Anmelden
A-TITLE RegistrierenÜbersicht
A-TITLE Übersicht
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A-TITLE Persönliches Profil
A-TITLE Adressen
A-TITLE Zahlungsarten
A-TITLE Bestellungen
/EasyCoupon/listMeine Gutscheine
A-TITLE Meine Gutscheine
/checkout/cartWarenkorb 0,00 €*
A-TITLE Warenkorb Home
/angebote/Subdomain Angebote
A-TITLE Angebote Rum
A-TITLE Gin Whisky
A-TITLE Whisky
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A-TITLE Spirituosen
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A-TITLE Liköre
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A-TITLE Champagner
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A-TITLE Geschenke Sale
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A-TITLE Zubehör
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A-TITLE Adventskalender
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A-TITLE Gläser
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A-TITLE Gutscheine
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A-TITLE Miniaturen
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A-TITLE Probierboxen
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A-TITLE Tonic & Filler
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A-TITLE Whisky
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A-TITLE Liköre
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A-TITLE Champagner
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A-TITLE Ron Zacapa Solera Gran Reserva 40.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE A.H. Riise Family Reserve Solera 1838 25 Jahre 42.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE A.H. Riise Family Reserve Solera 1838 25 Jahre 42.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Blackbeard's Spiced Rum - The Beard Rum Company 40.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Blackbeard's Spiced Rum - The Beard Rum Company 40.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Bacane Geschenkset mit 2 Gläser gratis 40.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Details
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A-TITLE Bumbu The Original 40.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Worthy Park St. Catherine Estate 3 Jahre 2017/2020 Jamaica Rum 57.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Worthy Park St. Catherine Estate 3 Jahre 2017/2020 Jamaica Rum 57.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Jamaica 12 Jahre HD 2012/2024 Transcontinental Rum Line #70 55.9% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Glendronach Ode to the Valley Sherry & Port Cask The Master’s Anthology 46.2% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Glendronach Ode to the Valley Sherry & Port Cask The Master’s Anthology 46.2% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Hampden LROK 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Sherry Cask 60.5% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Hampden LROK 5 Jahre 2019/2024 Sherry Cask 60.5% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Hampden Pagos 100% Ex-Sherry Cask Batch 3 Single Jamaican Rum 52.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Hampden Pagos 100% Ex-Sherry Cask Batch 3 Single Jamaican Rum 52.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Macallan 12 Jahre Double Cask Halbflasche 40.0% 0,35l
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A-TITLE Macallan 12 Jahre Double Cask Halbflasche 40.0% 0,35l
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A-TITLE Ron Pampero Blanco 37.5% 1 Liter
/ron-pampero-blanco-1-literSubdomain Text duplicate Ron Pampero Blanco 37.5% 1 Liter
A-TITLE Ron Pampero Blanco 37.5% 1 Liter
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A-TITLE Consummatus Caribbean Single Cask Blend Batch 3 RomDeLuxe 42.0% 0,7l
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A-TITLE Consummatus Caribbean Single Cask Blend Batch 3 RomDeLuxe 42.0% 0,7l
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