| New window External | 15 Sherborne Road, Parktown Johannesburg | | New window External | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | No Text | | New window External Subdomain | LMIS |
https://dgportal.servicesseta.... | New window External Subdomain | DG Portal | | New window External Subdomain | Learner Portal | | New window External Subdomain | Invoice Management System |
/book-appointment/ | New window | Book Appointment |
https://servicesseta.mcidirect... | New window External Subdomain | Vacancies | | Subdomain | IMG-ALT logo (3) | | | No Text |
/about-us/ | Subdomain | About Us |
/about-us/ | Subdomain Anchor | What We Do |
/about-us/ | Subdomain Anchor | Vision, Mission and Values |
/about-us/ | | Our Scope of Services |
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/about-us/ | Subdomain Anchor | Legislative Framework |
/about-us/ | Subdomain Anchor | Accounting Authority |
/about-us/ | Subdomain Anchor | Executive Management |
/learners/ | Subdomain | Learners |
/learners/ | Subdomain Anchor | Careers in The Services Sector |
/personal-care/ | Subdomain | Personal Care |
/real-estate/ | Subdomain | Real Estate |
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/communication-and-marketing/ | Subdomain | Communication and Marketing |
/cleaning-and-hiring/ | Subdomain | Cleaning and Hiring |
/learners/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Learner Portal |
/learners/ | Subdomain Anchor | What Should I Know? |
/learners/ | Subdomain Anchor | Search Accredited SDPs |
/give-feedback/ | Subdomain | Give Feedback |
/employers/ | Subdomain | Employers |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Overview |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Mandatory Grants |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Discretionary Grants |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Non-SETA Funded Learning Programmes |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Non-SETA Funded Learner Registration Process |
/employers/ | Subdomain Anchor | InterSETA Transfer Applications |
/learners/ | | Search For Accredited SDPs |
/learners/ | Subdomain Anchor | Search the Learner Portal |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain | Skills Development Providers |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Occupational Qualifications |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Skills Development Providers Accreditation |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Assessment Centres Accreditation |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Subject Matter Experts Database Registration |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Workplace Approval |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | OFO Codes |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Search For Accredited Providers |
/suppliers/ | Subdomain | Suppliers |
/suppliers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Overview |
/tenders/ | Subdomain | Tenders |
/tenders/ | | Active Tenders |
/tenders/ | | Awarded Tenders |
/tenders/ | | Cancelled Tenders |
/suppliers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Tender Notifications |
/suppliers/ | Subdomain Anchor | Submit an Invoice |
/resources/ | Subdomain | Resources |
/resources/nsa-2025-nomination/ | Subdomain | National Skills Awards |
/external-integrated-summative... | Subdomain | External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) Documents |
/newsroom/ | Subdomain | Newsroom |
/category/past-events/ | Subdomain | Past Events |
/resources/ | Subdomain Anchor | Strategic Documents |
/resources/special-projects/ | Subdomain | Special Projects |
/research-reports/ | Subdomain | Research Reports |
/events/ | | Upcoming Events |
/contact-us/ | Subdomain | Contact Us | | Anchor | No Text | | | Get Help |
/welcome-to-the-future-of-cont... | Subdomain | Click For Details |
/?p=11271 | Subdomain Text duplicate | Click For Details | | New window External Subdomain | Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) |
/about-us | Text duplicate | About Us |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor | MORE INFORMATION |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | MORE INFORMATION |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | MORE INFORMATION |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | MORE INFORMATION |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | MORE INFORMATION |
/chambers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | MORE INFORMATION | | New window External | Services SETA WhatsApp |
/transform-your-organization-w... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Transform your organisation with fully funded interns and make a difference. |
/category/text/ | Subdomain | Business |
/transform-your-organization-w... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Transform your organisation with fully funded interns and make a difference. |
/transform-your-organization-w... | Subdomain | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/category/announcements/ | Subdomain | Announcements |
/category/text/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Business |
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/annual-general-meeting-2024/ | Subdomain | Annual General Meeting 2024 |
/annual-general-meeting-2024/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/call-for-submissions-to-serve... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Extension of Deadline: Call for Submissions to Serve on the Services SETA Accounting Authority |
/category/announcements/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Announcements |
/category/text/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Business |
/category/news-articles/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | News Articles |
/call-for-submissions-to-serve... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Extension of Deadline: Call for Submissions to Serve on the Services SETA Accounting Authority |
/call-for-submissions-to-serve... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Trivial anchor text Read More |
/apply-for-the-use-of-logo/ | | Apply for the use of the logo |
/log-a-query/ | | Log a query |
/book-appointment/ | | Schedule an appointment |
/inter-seta-transfer/ | Subdomain | Inter-Seta Transfer |
/learners/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Learners |
/learners/ | | Careers in the Services Sector |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Learner Portal |
/learners/ | | What Should I Know |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Search Accredited SDPs |
/give-feedback/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Give Feedback |
/learners/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Learners |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Careers in the Services Sector |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Learner Portal |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | What Should I Know |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Search Accredited SDPs |
/give-feedback/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Give Feedback |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Overview |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Discretionary Grants |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Mandatory Grants |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Search Accredited SDPs |
/learners/ | | Search The Learner Portal |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Overview |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Discretionary Grants |
/employers/ | Text duplicate | Mandatory Grants |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Search Accredited SDPs |
/learners/ | Text duplicate | Search The Learner Portal |
/suppliers/ | Text duplicate | Overview |
/tenders/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Tenders |
/tenders/ | Text duplicate | Tender Notifications |
/suppliers/ | Text duplicate | Submit an Invoice |
/suppliers/ | Text duplicate | Overview |
/tenders/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Tenders |
/tenders/ | Text duplicate | Tender Notifications |
/suppliers/ | Text duplicate | Submit an Invoice |
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/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Skills Development Providers Accreditation |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Assessment Centres Accreditation |
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/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | OFO Codes |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Search For Accredited Providers |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Text duplicate | Skills Development Providers |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Occupational Qualifications |
/skills-development-providers/ | Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate | Skills Development Providers Accreditation |
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(Nice to have)