Spiritlovers.at - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.22 s
File size
338.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
246 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
♥ Dein Spirituosen Onlineshop – SpiritLovers
The length of the page title is perfect. (411 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Gin, Rum und Whisky einfach online bestellen! Du suchst nach Spirituosen, wie Vodka, Tequila oder Edelbränden? Du liebst Schnäpse, Liköre und Schaumwein? Bei SpiritLovers wirst du fündig! Spirituosen für die Home Bar einfach online bestellen!
The meta description is too long: 1529 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionGin, Rum und Whisky einfach online bestellen! Du suchst nach Spirituosen, wie Vodka, Tequila oder Edelbränden? Du liebst Schnäpse, Liköre und Schaumwein? Bei SpiritLovers wirst du fündig! Spirituosen für die Home Bar einfach online bestellen!
twitter:title♥ Dein Spirituosen Onlineshop
twitter:descriptionGin, Rum und Whisky einfach online bestellen! Du suchst nach Spirituosen, wie Vodka, Tequila oder Edelbränden? Du liebst Schnäpse, Liköre und Schaumwein? Bei SpiritLovers wirst du fündig! Spirituosen für die Home Bar einfach online bestellen!
og:title♥ Dein Spirituosen Onlineshop
og:descriptionGin, Rum und Whisky einfach online bestellen! Du suchst nach Spirituosen, wie Vodka, Tequila oder Edelbränden? Du liebst Schnäpse, Liköre und Schaumwein? Bei SpiritLovers wirst du fündig! Spirituosen für die Home Bar einfach online bestellen!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of spiritlovers.at with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1003 words. That's ok.
23.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
6 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 18.82 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The amount of tags is very high (50). We recommend using a maximum of 20 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
14 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...fd7353605d8a.jpg?v=1735834256&width=1500Aktionen SpiritLovers
...310753d9c613.jpg?v=1738319929&width=1500Tatratea Aktion
...b56ca9e51af0.jpg?v=1732700566&width=1500Rum Aktion December
...gave-Cut_NEU.jpg?v=1709198210&width=1500Brockmans Agave Cut Gin
...acanha_Sirup.jpg?v=1735893124&width=1500Bacanha Sirup
...0pxBlanton_s.jpg?v=1735893235&width=1500Blanton's Bourbon
...30pxDeanston.jpg?v=1735893294&width=1500Deanston Whisky
...x_V1_DNA8842.jpg?v=1736320008&width=1500No alt attribute provided
..._Rose_Spritz.jpg?v=1738219705&width=1500Fentimans Rose Spritz
...630px_Tamboo.jpg?v=1738219796&width=1500Angostura Tamboo
...tine_DNA8842.jpg?v=1738219923&width=1500Lillet Aktion
...630x_DNA8873.jpg?v=1738219967&width=1500Lillet Aktion
...ro_vermouth2.jpg?v=1738220061&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...30px_Sprudel.jpg?v=1732695808&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...--Ammersin_1.jpg?v=1732695597&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...630px_Beluga.jpg?v=1732695701&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...x_Gutscheine.jpg?v=1732695952&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...feaa1db67681.jpg?v=1690539849&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...-ce56316f5c2b.jpg?v=1736243054&width=533The Standard 1894 Vodka 40% vol. 0.7l
...-b244d8f9e609.jpg?v=1736243080&width=533Mionetto Aperitivo Alkoholfrei 0.5l
...-39ea9f43fe74.jpg?v=1736243073&width=533Absolut Andy Warhol Edition 40% vol. 0.7l
...-027940b0e3d7.jpg?v=1737624683&width=533Johnnie Walker Black Label Paket
...-cc7790e4bc47.jpg?v=1736242490&width=533Pallini Limonzero Alkoholfrei 0.5l
...-3aa68b6628e4.jpg?v=1736243063&width=533Bacanha Vanillesirup Brut Vanille 0.4l
...iles/036740_1.jpg?v=1709019660&width=533Tatratea Miniset 47% vol. 0.24l
...icon_Gin_neu.jpg?v=1690529592&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...cons_Rum_neu.jpg?v=1690529741&width=1500No alt attribute provided
..._Whiskey_neu.jpg?v=1690530003&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...cons_Tequila.jpg?v=1690529806&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...ampagner_neu.jpg?v=1690529427&width=1500No alt attribute provided
..._Icons_Vodka.jpg?v=1690529935&width=1500No alt attribute provided
...online-kaufen.png?v=1687242670&width=400No alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (12 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 50 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 SpiritLovers
H2 Artikel wurde in den Warenkorb gelegt
H2 Unsere Empfehlungen
H2 Jetzt in Aktion
H2 Getränkekategorien
H2 SpiritLovers Duplicate text
H2 Spirituosen online bestellen auf SpiritLovers.at!
H2 Gin & Genever
H2 Whisky & Whiskey
H2 Sekt, Champagner & Prosecco
H2 Drink like a Star
H2 Low Cal
H2 Empty heading
H2 Bestellungen / Anfragen
H3 Aktionen
H3 Aktionen Duplicate text
H3 The Standard 1894 Vodka 40% vol. 0.7l
H3 The Standard 1894 Vodka 40% vol. 0.7l Duplicate text
H3 Mionetto Aperitivo Alkoholfrei 0.5l
H3 Mionetto Aperitivo Alkoholfrei 0.5l Duplicate text
H3 Absolut Andy Warhol Edition 40% vol. 0.7l
H3 Absolut Andy Warhol Edition 40% vol. 0.7l Duplicate text
H3 Johnnie Walker Black Label Paket
H3 Johnnie Walker Black Label Paket Duplicate text
H3 Pallini Limonzero Alkoholfrei 0.5l
H3 Pallini Limonzero Alkoholfrei 0.5l Duplicate text
H3 Bacanha Vanillesirup Brut Vanille 0.4l
H3 Bacanha Vanillesirup Brut Vanille 0.4l Duplicate text
H3 Tatratea Miniset 47% vol. 0.24l
H3 Tatratea Miniset 47% vol. 0.24l Duplicate text
H3 Gin
H3 Gin Duplicate text
H3 Rum
H3 Rum Duplicate text
H3 Whisky
H3 Whisky Duplicate text
H3 Tequila
H3 Tequila Duplicate text
H3 Champagner
H3 Champagner Duplicate text
H3 Vodka
H3 Vodka Duplicate text
H3 Mehr als 250 verschiedene Gins
H4 Whisky, Whiskey und Scotch
H4 Sekt, Champagner & Prosecco fürs nächste Fest
H4 Spirituosen von heimischen Stars
H4 Kalorienarme Drinks
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
6 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://spiritlovers.at/Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
/collections/aktionen?utm_sour...JETZT IN AKTION
/collections/regionenREGIONEN & LÄNDER
/collections/paketeBUNDLES & PAKETE
/collections/bar-glaeser-coBAR, GLÄSER & CO
/collections/ready-to-drinkReady to Drink
/collections/limited-editionsLimited Editions
/collections/gin-tonicGin & Tonic
/collections/dry-ginDry Gin
/collections/london-dry-ginLondon Dry Gin
/collections/sloe-ginSloe Gin
/collections/new-western-ginNew Western Gin
/collections/old-tom-ginOld Tom Gin
/collections/flavoured-ginFlavoured Gin
/collections/reserve-ginReserve Gin
/collections/weisser-rumWeißer Rum
/collections/goldener-rumGoldener Rum
/collections/gereifter-rumGereifter Rum
/collections/rhum-agricoleRhum Agricole
/collections/inlander-rumInländer Rum
/collections/single-malt-whiskySingle Malt Whisky
/collections/blended-malt-whiskyBlended Malt Whisky
/collections/blended-whiskyBlended Whisky
/collections/grain-whiskyGrain Whisky
/collections/blended-grain-whiskyBlended Grain Whisky
/collections/single-pot-still-...Single Pot Still Whiskey
/collections/bourbon-whiskeyBourbon Whiskey
/collections/rye-whiskyRye Whisky
/collections/rye-malt-whiskyRye Malt Whisky
/collections/wheat-whiskyWheat Whisky
/collections/tequila-mezcalTequila & Mezcal
/collections/obstbrand-obstlerObstbrand & Obstler
/collections/pflaumen-zwetschk...Pflaumen & Zwetschkenbrand
/collections/gewurz-krauterlikoreGewürz & Kräuterliköre
/collections/kakao-kaffeelikoreKakao & Kaffeeliköre
/collections/bar-bittersBar Bitters
/collections/apfel-ciderApfel Cider
/collections/birnen-ciderBirnen Cider
/collections/frucht-ciderFrucht Cider
/collections/alkoholfreie-getr...Alkoholfreie Getränke
/collections/alkoholfreie-dest...Alkoholfreie Destillate
/collections/alkoholfreie-aper...Alkoholfreie Aperitife
https://facebook.com/spiritlov...New window External Facebook
https://instagram.com/spiritlo...New window External Instagram
https://spiritlovers.at/IMG-ALT SpiritLovers
/collections/aktionenText duplicate AKTIONEN
/collections/geschenkideenText duplicate GESCHENKIDEEN
/collections/geschenkideenText duplicate GESCHENKIDEEN
/collections/aktionenText duplicate AKTIONEN
/collections/neuText duplicate NEU
/products/spiritlovers-gutscheineText duplicate GUTSCHEINE
/collections/regionenText duplicate REGIONEN & LÄNDER
/collections/paketeText duplicate BUNDLES & PAKETE
/collections/bar-glaeser-coText duplicate BAR, GLÄSER & CO
/collections/specialsText duplicate Specials
/collections/ready-to-drinkText duplicate Ready to Drink
/collections/miniaturenText duplicate Miniaturen
/collections/limited-editionsText duplicate Limited Editions
/collections/raritatenText duplicate Raritäten
/collections/negroniText duplicate Negroni
/collections/gin-tonicText duplicate Gin & Tonic
/collections/spirituosenText duplicate Spirituosen
/collections/ginText duplicate Gin
/collections/rumText duplicate Rum
/collections/whiskyText duplicate Whisky
/collections/tequila-mezcalText duplicate Tequila & Mezcal
/collections/brandeText duplicate Brände
/collections/edelbrandeText duplicate Edelbrände
/collections/likoreText duplicate Liköre
/collections/vodkaText duplicate Vodka
/collections/bar-bittersText duplicate Bar Bitters
/collections/weineText duplicate Weine
/collections/schaumweinText duplicate Schaumwein
/collections/ciderText duplicate Cider
/collections/sherryText duplicate Sherry
/collections/portweinText duplicate Portwein
/collections/madeiraText duplicate Madeira
/collections/wermutText duplicate Wermut
/collections/metText duplicate Met
/collections/sakeText duplicate Sake
/collections/alkoholfreie-getr...Text duplicate Alkoholfreie Getränke
/collections/alkoholfreie-dest...Text duplicate Alkoholfreie Destillate
/collections/alkoholfreie-aper...Text duplicate Alkoholfreie Aperitife
/collections/bitterlimonadenText duplicate Bitterlimonaden
/collections/sirupeText duplicate Sirupe
/collections/pureesText duplicate Pürees
/collections/limonadenText duplicate Limonaden
/collections/fruchtsafteText duplicate Fruchtsäfte
/collections/premixText duplicate Premix
/customer_authentication/redir...Text duplicate Einloggen
https://spiritlovers.at/cartWarenkorb ansehen
/collections/aktionen?utm_sour...Angebote entdecken
/collections/tatratea?utm_sour...TATRATEA entdecken
/collections/rum?utm_source=st...Jetzt entdecken
/products/brockmans-agave-cut-...Jetzt bestellen
/collections/bacanha?utm_sourc...IMG-ALT Bacanha Sirup
/collections/blantons?utm_sour...IMG-ALT Blanton's Bourbon
/collections/deanston?utm_sour...IMG-ALT Deanston Whisky
/products/beefeater-alkoholfre...No Text
/collections/fentimans-rose-le...IMG-ALT Fentimans Rose Spritz
/products/angostura-tamboo-40-...IMG-ALT Angostura Tamboo
/collections/lillet?utm_source...IMG-ALT Lillet Aktion
/collections/lillet?utm_source...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Lillet Aktion
/collections/cocchi?utm_source...No Text
/collections/schaumwein?utm_so...No Text
/collections/loch-lomond?utm_s...No Text
/collections/geschenkideen?utm...No Text
/products/spiritlovers-gutsche...No Text
/collections/aktionenText duplicate Aktionen
/products/the-standard-1894-vo...The Standard 1894 Vodka 40% vol. 0.7l
/products/the-standard-1894-vo...Text duplicate The Standard 1894 Vodka 40% vol. 0.7l
/products/mionetto-aperitivo-a...Mionetto Aperitivo Alkoholfrei 0.5l
/products/mionetto-aperitivo-a...Text duplicate Mionetto Aperitivo Alkoholfrei 0.5l
/products/absolut-andy-warhol-...Absolut Andy Warhol Edition 40% vol. 0.7l
/products/absolut-andy-warhol-...Text duplicate Absolut Andy Warhol Edition 40% vol. 0.7l
/products/johnnie-walker-black...Johnnie Walker Black Label Paket
/products/johnnie-walker-black...Text duplicate Johnnie Walker Black Label Paket
/products/pallini-limonzero-al...Pallini Limonzero Alkoholfrei 0.5l
/products/pallini-limonzero-al...Text duplicate Pallini Limonzero Alkoholfrei 0.5l
/products/bacanha-vanillesirup...Bacanha Vanillesirup Brut Vanille 0.4l
/products/bacanha-vanillesirup...Text duplicate Bacanha Vanillesirup Brut Vanille 0.4l
/products/tatratea-miniset-47-...Tatratea Miniset 47% vol. 0.24l
/products/tatratea-miniset-47-...Text duplicate Tatratea Miniset 47% vol. 0.24l
/collections/aktionenAlle anzeigen
/collections/ginText duplicate Gin
/collections/ginText duplicate Gin
/collections/rumText duplicate Rum
/collections/rumText duplicate Rum
/collections/whiskyText duplicate Whisky
/collections/whiskyText duplicate Whisky
/collections/tequilaText duplicate Tequila
/collections/tequilaText duplicate Tequila
/collections/champagnerText duplicate Champagner
/collections/champagnerText duplicate Champagner
/collections/vodkaText duplicate Vodka
/collections/vodkaText duplicate Vodka
/collections/alle-getrankealle Spirituosen entdecken
/collections/gin-tonicText duplicate Gin & Tonic
A-TITLE Gin & Tonic
/collections/gordonsGordon's Gin
A-TITLE Gordon's
/collections/bombayBombay Sapphire Gin
A-TITLE Bombay
/collections/ginVielzahl an Gins aus der ganzen Welt
A-TITLE Tonic Water
/collections/hendricksHendricks Gin aus Schottland
A-TITLE Hendrick's
/collections/monkey-47Monkey 47 aus Deutschland
A-TITLE Monkey 47 Gin
/collections/rickRick Gin aus Österreich
/collections/alkoholfreie-dest...alkoholfreie Gins
A-TITLE Alkoholfreie Destillate
/collections/irish-whiskeyWhiskeys aus Irland
A-TITLE Irish Whiskey
/collections/schottischer-whisky(Scotch)-Whiskys aus Schottland
A-TITLE Schottischer Whisky
/collections/japanischer-whiskyjapanische Whiskys
A-TITLE Japanischer Whisky
/collections/amerikanischer-wh...amerikanische Bourbon, Rye und Malt Whiskeys
A-TITLE Amerikanischer Whiskey
/collections/raritatenWhisky-Raritäten für Liebhaber
A-TITLE Raritäten
/collections/limited-editionslimitierte Editionen
A-TITLE Limited Editions
/collections/schaumweinText duplicate Schaumwein
A-TITLE Schaumwein
/collections/champagnerText duplicate Champagner
A-TITLE Champagner
/collections/moet-chandonMoet & Chandon Brut Imperial
A-TITLE Moët & Chandon
/collections/proseccoText duplicate Prosecco
A-TITLE Prosecco
/collections/cremantText duplicate Cremant
A-TITLE Cremant
A-TITLE Schaumweine im Großformat
/collections/arnautovicArnautovic Gin
A-TITLE Arnautovic
/collections/karnevalKarneval Premium Vodka
A-TITLE Karneval
/collections/alkoholfreie-getr...Tonic, Ginger Beer oder Cola
A-TITLE Alkoholfreie Getränke
A-TITLE Fentimans
/collections/thomas-henryThomas Henry
A-TITLE Thomas Henry
/collections/fever-treeFever Tree
A-TITLE Fever Tree
/collections/hard-seltzerHard Seltzer
A-TITLE Hard Seltzer
/policies/shipping-policyVersand und Lieferung
https://spiritlovers.at/Text duplicate SpiritLovers
https://facebook.com/spiritlov...New window External Text duplicate Facebook
https://instagram.com/spiritlo...New window External Text duplicate Instagram

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://spiritlovers.at/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.22 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (339 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 192 referring domains.
This page has 633 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 48 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform

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♥ Dein Spirituosen Onlineshop – SpiritLovers
Gin, Rum und Whisky einfach online bestellen! Du suchst nach Spirituosen, wie Vodka, Tequila oder Edelbränden? Du liebst Schnäpse, Liköre und Schaumwein? Bei SpiritLovers wirst du fündig! Spirituosen für die Home Bar einfach online bestellen!

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Spirituosen Onlineshop61%Check
Gin Rum60%Check
Spirituosen wie Vodka59%Check

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