Sputnick.ch - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.43 s
File size
136.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
293 internal / 3 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz - Sputnick Growshop
There are word repetitions in the page title.
The length of the page title is perfect. (568 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
Meta description
(Critically important)
Sputnick Growshop in Schönenwerd seit 1999 Growboxen - Growsysteme - grosses Growsortiment - kompetente Beratung -Biobizz - Hesi - Lumatek - Plagron - Mammot
The meta description is too long: 1046 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionSputnick Growshop in Schönenwerd seit 1999<br /> Growboxen - Growsysteme - grosses Growsortiment - kompetente Beratung -Biobizz - Hesi - Lumatek - Plagron - Mammot
keywordsgrowshop,growshop,sputnick,sputnik,plagron,dimlux,biobizz,canna,hesi,aptus,TerraAquatiqa,mills,crystaltop,rips,ocb,medusa,purize,mammoth,homebox,lumatek,gardenhighpro,growsysteme,growbox,AdvancedNutrients,Rhino,Primaklima,galaxus grow
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1
og:site_nameSputnick Growshop
og:titleSputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
og:descriptionSputnick Growshop in Schönenwerd seit 1999<br /> Growboxen - Growsysteme - grosses Growsortiment - kompetente Beratung -Biobizz - Hesi - Lumatek - Plagron - Mammot

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 614 words. That's ok.
9.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.5 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 12 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...v/2586246/assets/logo.png?20250308074717Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
...v/2586246/assets/logo.png?20250308074717Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
...-biobizz-juju-royal-try-pack-3x250ml.jpgJuJu Royal by BioBizz JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
...a-omega-infinity-600w-pro-30-dimmbar.jpgOmega Omega Infinity 600W Pro 3.0 dimmbar
...360x2/garland-garland-tray-120x120cm.jpgGarland Garland Tray 120x120cm
.../dimlux-dimlux-xplore-serie-led-730w.jpgDimlux Dimlux Xplore Serie LED 730W
...-biobizz-juju-royal-try-pack-3x250ml.jpgJuJu Royal by BioBizz JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
...260x2/garland-garland-tray-120x120cm.jpgGarland Garland Tray 120x120cm
...ecret-jardin-tnoled-2x20w-growing-27.jpgSecret Jardin TNoled 2x20W Growing 2.7
...ethod-seven-cultivator-led-plus-schu.jpgmethod seven Method Seven Cultivator LED Plus Schutzbrille
...260x260x2/biotabs-biotabs-starterbox.jpgBioTabs Biotabs Starterbox
...nd-gewaechshaus-garland-l-35x21x19cm.jpgGarland Gewächshaus Garland L 35x21x19cm
...z-co2-spender-mit-lichtsensor-co2-pa.jpgAirbomz Airbomz CO2 Spender mit Lichtsensor + CO2-Patrone
...0/260x260x2/trim-bin-by-harvest-more.jpg Trim Bin by Harvest More
...air-sureair-spray-500ml-cotton-fresh.jpgSureair Sureair Spray 500ml Cotton Fresh
...89259/260x260x2/aptus-all-in-one-1kg.jpgAptus All-In-One 1kg
...35/260x260x2/canna-canna-bio-vega-1l.jpgCanna Canna Bio Vega 1l
...tica-ghe-ebbe-grow-system-95x95x38cm.jpgT.A. Terra Aquatica (GHE) Ebbe- Grow System 95x95x38cm
...highpro-ghp-propagator-l-60x40x200cm.jpgGardenHighPro GHP Propagator L 60x40x200cm
...2/gardenhighpro-ghp-box-multfunction.jpgGardenHighPro GHP Box Multfunction
...60x2/root-pouch-blau-16l-mit-griffen.jpg Root Pouch Blau 16l mit Griffen
...mega-infinity-300w-pro-led-27-mmol-s.jpgOmega Omega Infinity 300W Pro LED 2,7 μMol/s
.../rhino-akf-rhino-pro-160-500mm-940m3.jpgRhino AKF Rhino Pro Ø 160 500mm 940m3
...ott-roott-thermostat-fuer-heizmatten.jpgRoot!t Root!t Thermostat für Heizmatten
...260x260x2/gewaechshaus-xl-58x38x24cm.jpg Gewächshaus XL 58x38x24cm
...0x260x2/roott-heizmatte-40x120cm-60w.jpg Root!t Heizmatte 40x120cm 60W
...60x260x2/roott-heizmatte-40x60cm-30w.jpg Root!t Heizmatte 40x60cm 30W
...159/assets/footer_img.png?20240125225144Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
...icon-payment-banktransfer.png?2025-02-20Bank transfer
.../icon-payment-paypallater.png?2025-02-20PayPal Pay Later

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 35 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Beliebte Produkte
H2 Empfohlene Produkte
H3 JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
H3 Omega Infinity 600W Pro 3.0 dimmbar
H3 Garland Tray 120x120cm
H3 Dimlux Xplore Serie LED 730W
H3 JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml Duplicate text
H3 Garland Tray 120x120cm Duplicate text
H3 TNoled 2x20W Growing 2.7
H3 Method Seven Cultivator LED Plus Schutzbrille
H3 Biotabs Starterbox
H3 Gewächshaus Garland L 35x21x19cm
H3 Airbomz CO2 Spender mit Lichtsensor + CO2-Patrone
H3 Trim Bin by Harvest More
H3 Sureair Spray 500ml Cotton Fresh
H3 All-In-One 1kg
H3 Canna Bio Vega 1l
H3 Ebbe- Grow System 95x95x38cm
H3 GHP Propagator L 60x40x200cm
H3 GHP Box Multfunction
H3 Root Pouch Blau 16l mit Griffen
H3 Omega Infinity 300W Pro LED 2,7 μMol/s
H3 AKF Rhino Pro Ø 160 500mm 940m3
H3 Root!t Thermostat für Heizmatten
H3 Gewächshaus XL 58x38x24cm
H3 Root!t Heizmatte 40x120cm 60W
H3 Root!t Heizmatte 40x60cm 30W
H4 Let's stay in touch!
H4 Follow us or share us?
H4 Kontaktdaten
H4 Kundendienst
H4 Empty heading
H4 Empty heading
H4 Öffnungszeiten
H4 Empty heading
H4 Empty heading
H4 Mein Konto
H4 Languages
H4 Währung
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.sputnick.ch/Subdomain IMG-ALT Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
A-TITLE Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
https://www.sputnick.ch/account/Subdomain anmelden
A-TITLE Mein Konto
/account/wishlist/Subdomain Wunschzettel
A-TITLE Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen
https://www.sputnick.ch/cart/Subdomain Ihr Warenkorb
A-TITLE Mein Warenkorb
https://www.sputnick.ch/cart/Subdomain Kasse
/weiterverarbeitung/manuelle-t...Subdomain No Text
https://www.sputnick.ch/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
A-TITLE Sputnick Growshop - Grow Shop Schweiz
https://www.sputnick.ch/account/Subdomain A-TITLE Mein Konto
https://www.sputnick.ch/cart/Subdomain A-TITLE Mein Warenkorb
/neuheiten/Subdomain Neuheiten
A-TITLE Neuheiten
https://www.sputnick.ch/aktionen/Subdomain Aktionen
A-TITLE Aktionen
/vaporizer/Subdomain Vaporizer
A-TITLE Vaporizer
/vaporizer/vaporizer-zubehoer-...Subdomain Vaporizer Zubehör Wolkenkraft
A-TITLE Vaporizer Zubehör Wolkenkraft
/vaporizer/vaporizer-zubehoer-...Subdomain Vaporizer Zubehör Storz & Bickel
A-TITLE Vaporizer Zubehör Storz & Bickel
/vaporizer/vaporizer-zubehoer-...Subdomain Vaporizer Zubehör Diverse
A-TITLE Vaporizer Zubehör Diverse
https://www.sputnick.ch/waagen/Subdomain Waagen
A-TITLE Waagen
https://www.sputnick.ch/headshop/Subdomain Headshop
A-TITLE Headshop
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A-TITLE Aschenbecher
/headshop/aufbewahrung/Subdomain Aufbewahrung
A-TITLE Aufbewahrung
/headshop/grinder/Subdomain Grinder
A-TITLE Grinder
/headshop/bong/Subdomain Bong
/headshop/buecher/Subdomain Bücher
A-TITLE Bücher
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A-TITLE Feuerzeug
/headshop/filter/Subdomain Filter
A-TITLE Filter
/headshop/filter/papierfilter/Subdomain Papierfilter
A-TITLE Papierfilter
/headshop/filter/aktivkohlefil...Subdomain Aktivkohlefilter und Div. Filter
A-TITLE Aktivkohlefilter und Div. Filter
/headshop/geheimversteck/Subdomain Geheimversteck
A-TITLE Geheimversteck
/headshop/kerzen/Subdomain Kerzen
A-TITLE Kerzen
/headshop/papers-cones-blunts-...Subdomain Papers / Cones / Blunts / Tubes
A-TITLE Papers / Cones / Blunts / Tubes
/headshop/pfeifen/Subdomain Pfeifen
A-TITLE Pfeifen
/headshop/raeucherwerk/Subdomain Räucherwerk
A-TITLE Räucherwerk
/headshop/rolling-tray-mischsc...Subdomain Rolling Tray Mischschale
A-TITLE Rolling Tray Mischschale
/headshop/snus/Subdomain SNUS
/headshop/test/Subdomain Test
https://www.sputnick.ch/anzucht/Subdomain Anzucht
A-TITLE Anzucht
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A-TITLE Anzuchtwürfel
/anzucht/bewurzelungsmittel/Subdomain Bewurzelungsmittel
A-TITLE Bewurzelungsmittel
/anzucht/gewaechshaeuser-anzuc...Subdomain Gewächshäuser Anzuchtboxen
A-TITLE Gewächshäuser Anzuchtboxen
/anzucht/heizmatten/Subdomain Heizmatten
A-TITLE Heizmatten
/anzucht/skalpelle-klingen-sch...Subdomain Skalpelle, Klingen, Scherren
A-TITLE Skalpelle, Klingen, Scherren
/anzucht/keimsprossen/Subdomain Keimsprossen
A-TITLE Keimsprossen
/anzucht/stecklingsbeleuchtung/Subdomain Stecklingsbeleuchtung
A-TITLE Stecklingsbeleuchtung
https://www.sputnick.ch/growbox/Subdomain Growbox
A-TITLE Growbox
/growbox/komplettsets/Subdomain Komplettsets
A-TITLE Komplettsets
/growbox/garden-high-pro/Subdomain Garden High Pro
A-TITLE Garden High Pro
/growbox/homebox-homelab/Subdomain Homebox / Homelab
A-TITLE Homebox / Homelab
/growbox/mammoth/Subdomain Mammoth
A-TITLE Mammoth
/growbox/secret-jardin/Subdomain Secret Jardin
A-TITLE Secret Jardin
/growbox/stecklings-aufzuchtbo...Subdomain Stecklings / Aufzuchtboxen
A-TITLE Stecklings / Aufzuchtboxen
/growbox/zubehoer/Subdomain Zubehör
A-TITLE Zubehör
https://www.sputnick.ch/licht/Subdomain Licht
/licht/led/Subdomain LED
/licht/led/led-dimlux/Subdomain LED Dimlux
/licht/led/led-fortis/Subdomain LED Fortis
/licht/led/led-hortimol/Subdomain LED Hortimol
A-TITLE LED Hortimol
/licht/led/led-lumatek/Subdomain LED Lumatek
/licht/led/led-lumii/Subdomain LED Lumii
/licht/led/led-omega/Subdomain LED Omega
/licht/led/led-sanlight/Subdomain LED Sanlight
A-TITLE LED Sanlight
/licht/led/led-spektra-master/Subdomain LED Spektra Master
A-TITLE LED Spektra Master
/licht/led/led-secret-jardin/Subdomain LED Secret Jardin
A-TITLE LED Secret Jardin
/licht/leuchstoffroehren-led/Subdomain Leuchstoffröhren / LED
A-TITLE Leuchstoffröhren / LED
/licht/lichtset/Subdomain Lichtset
A-TITLE Lichtset
/licht/arbeitslicht-augenschutz/Subdomain Arbeitslicht Augenschutz
A-TITLE Arbeitslicht Augenschutz
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A-TITLE Diverses
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A-TITLE Komplettarmaturen
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A-TITLE Metallhalogenbirnen
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A-TITLE Natriumdampfbirnen
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A-TITLE Reflektoren
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A-TITLE Sparlampen
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A-TITLE Vorschaltgeräte
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A-TITLE Zeitschaltuhren - Lichtsteuerung
https://www.sputnick.ch/klima/Subdomain Klima
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A-TITLE Abluft/Zuluft
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A-TITLE Zubehör
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A-TITLE Aktivkohlefilter
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A-TITLE Inlinefilter
/klima/geruchsneutralisation/Subdomain Geruchsneutralisation
A-TITLE Geruchsneutralisation
/klima/heizung/Subdomain Heizung
A-TITLE Heizung
/klima/klimasteuerung/Subdomain Klimasteuerung
A-TITLE Klimasteuerung
/klima/thermo-hygrometer/Subdomain Thermo- Hygrometer
A-TITLE Thermo- Hygrometer
/klima/lueftungsrohre/Subdomain Lüftungsrohre
A-TITLE Lüftungsrohre
/klima/luftbefeuchter-luftentf...Subdomain Luftbefeuchter /Luftentfeuchter
A-TITLE Luftbefeuchter /Luftentfeuchter
/klima/schalldaempfer/Subdomain Schalldämpfer
A-TITLE Schalldämpfer
/klima/umluftventilatoren/Subdomain Umluftventilatoren
A-TITLE Umluftventilatoren
/klima/vorfilter/Subdomain Vorfilter
A-TITLE Vorfilter
/klima/lueftungsset-abluft/Subdomain Lüftungsset Abluft
A-TITLE Lüftungsset Abluft
https://www.sputnick.ch/duenger/Subdomain Dünger
A-TITLE Dünger
/duenger/startersets/Subdomain Startersets
A-TITLE Startersets
/duenger/advanced-hydroponics/Subdomain Advanced Hydroponics
A-TITLE Advanced Hydroponics
/duenger/advanced-nutrients-wa...Subdomain Advanced Nutrients Wachstum /Wurzel / Bodenstimulatoren
A-TITLE Advanced Nutrients Wachstum /Wurzel / Bodenstimulatoren
/duenger/advanced-nutrients-ba...Subdomain Advanced Nutrients Basisdünger
A-TITLE Advanced Nutrients Basisdünger
/duenger/advanced-nutrients-bl...Subdomain Advanced Nutrients Blütendünger / Booster
A-TITLE Advanced Nutrients Blütendünger / Booster
/duenger/aptus/Subdomain Aptus
/duenger/ata-atami-bcuzz/Subdomain ATA Atami / B'Cuzz
A-TITLE ATA Atami / B'Cuzz
/duenger/biobizz/Subdomain Biobizz
A-TITLE Biobizz
/duenger/biotabs/Subdomain BioTabs
/duenger/canna/Subdomain Canna
/duenger/crystal-top/Subdomain Crystal Top
A-TITLE Crystal Top
/duenger/f-max/Subdomain F-Max
/duenger/growth-technology/Subdomain Growth Technology
A-TITLE Growth Technology
/duenger/guanokalong/Subdomain Guanokalong
A-TITLE Guanokalong
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/duenger/hy-pro/Subdomain Hy-Pro
/duenger/juju-royal-by-biobizz/Subdomain JuJu Royal by BioBizz
A-TITLE JuJu Royal by BioBizz
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A-TITLE Jungle Boost
/duenger/metrop/Subdomain Metrop
A-TITLE Metrop
/duenger/mills/Subdomain Mills
/duenger/plagron/Subdomain Plagron
A-TITLE Plagron
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A-TITLE T.A. Terra Aquatica
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A-TITLE Diverse
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A-TITLE Dosierhilfen
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A-TITLE Pflanzenschutz
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A-TITLE Mikroskop
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A-TITLE Sprühgeräte
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A-TITLE Wasser
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A-TITLE Bewässerungen
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A-TITLE Heizstäbe/Heizmatten
/wasser/bewaesserungsteile-pe-...Subdomain Bewässerungsteile / PE Rohre
A-TITLE Bewässerungsteile / PE Rohre
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A-TITLE Pumpen
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A-TITLE Sprüher
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A-TITLE Bewässerungssysteme
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A-TITLE Diverses
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A-TITLE Folien ,Netze
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A-TITLE Klebeband
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A-TITLE Reinigung/Desinfektion
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A-TITLE Schutzkleidung
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A-TITLE PH- EC Messgeräte
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A-TITLE Flüssigkeiten für PH- EC Messgeräte
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A-TITLE Zubehör
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A-TITLE Substrate
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A-TITLE Blähton
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A-TITLE Eazy Plug
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A-TITLE Perlite
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A-TITLE Speed Grow
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A-TITLE Steinwolle
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A-TITLE Wurzelmatte
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A-TITLE Zusätze
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A-TITLE Töpfe, Wannen, Tische
/toepfe-wannen-tische/ebbe-flu...Subdomain Ebbe- / Flutbeläge
A-TITLE Ebbe- / Flutbeläge
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A-TITLE Growsysteme
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A-TITLE Wannen
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A-TITLE Tischunterbau
/toepfe-wannen-tische/toepfe-u...Subdomain Töpfe, Untersetzer
A-TITLE Töpfe, Untersetzer
/toepfe-wannen-tische/toepfe-u...Subdomain Stofftöpfe
A-TITLE Stofftöpfe
/weiterverarbeitung/Subdomain Weiterverarbeitung
A-TITLE Weiterverarbeitung
/weiterverarbeitung/aufbewahrung/Subdomain Text duplicate Aufbewahrung
A-TITLE Aufbewahrung
/weiterverarbeitung/extraktore...Subdomain Extraktoren WAX, Rosin, Honey
A-TITLE Extraktoren WAX, Rosin, Honey
/weiterverarbeitung/ice-o-lator/Subdomain Ice-O-Lator
A-TITLE Ice-O-Lator
/weiterverarbeitung/pollinatoren/Subdomain Pollinatoren
A-TITLE Pollinatoren
/weiterverarbeitung/mikroskope...Subdomain Mikroskope Lupen
A-TITLE Mikroskope Lupen
/weiterverarbeitung/pressen/Subdomain Pressen
A-TITLE Pressen
/weiterverarbeitung/scheren/Subdomain Scheren
A-TITLE Scheren
/weiterverarbeitung/manuelle-t...Subdomain Manuelle Trimmer
A-TITLE Manuelle Trimmer
/weiterverarbeitung/elektrisch...Subdomain Elektrische Trimmer
A-TITLE Elektrische Trimmer
/weiterverarbeitung/trocknungs...Subdomain Trocknungsnetze
A-TITLE Trocknungsnetze
/weiterverarbeitung/test/Subdomain Text duplicate Test
/weiterverarbeitung/grip/Subdomain Grip
https://www.sputnick.ch/brands/Subdomain Marken
A-TITLE Marken
https://www.sputnick.ch/cart/Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Mein Warenkorb
https://www.sputnick.ch/Subdomain A-TITLE Deutsch
https://www.sputnick.ch/Subdomain Text duplicate Deutsch
A-TITLE Deutsch
/account/wishlistAdd/150638342/Subdomain A-TITLE Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen
/juju-royal-try-pack-3x250ml.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT JuJu Royal by BioBizz JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
A-TITLE JuJu Royal by BioBizz JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
/juju-royal-try-pack-3x250ml.htmlSubdomain JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
A-TITLE JuJu Royal by BioBizz JuJu Royal Try Pack 3x250ml
/compare/add/298701085/Subdomain Vergleichen
/account/wishlistAdd/155194849/Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen
/omega-infinity-600w-pro-30.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Omega Omega Infinity 600W Pro 3.0 dimmbar
A-TITLE Omega Omega Infinity 600W Pro 3.0 dimmbar
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A-TITLE Omega Omega Infinity 600W Pro 3.0 dimmbar
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