- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.12 s
File size
240.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
152 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
STAGE ENTERTAINMENT | Musicals und Shows | Tickets, Karten und Gutscheine
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 740 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Stage garantiert die besten Musicals und Shows. Disneys Der König der Löwen, Disneys Die Eiskönigin, Disneys Hercules, Tanz der Vampire, & Julia - Das Pop-Musical, MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical, Blue Man Group, Ku'damm 59 - Das Musical, Tina - Das Tina Turner Musical, Disneys Musical Tarzan
The meta description is too long: 1899 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
The specified canonical link points to a different page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The alternate link to the page itself is missing.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
There should not be dynamic parameters in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionStage garantiert die besten Musicals und Shows. Disneys Der König der Löwen, Disneys Die Eiskönigin, Disneys Hercules, Tanz der Vampire, & Julia - Das Pop-Musical, MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical, Blue Man Group, Ku'damm 59 - Das Musical, Tina - Das Tina Turner Musical, Disneys Musical Tarzan
robotsindex, follow
GeneratorDrupal 10 (
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0
og:site_nameStage Entertainment
og:titleStage Entertainment
og:descriptionStage garantiert die besten Musicals und Shows. Disneys Der König der Löwen, Disneys Die Eiskönigin, Disneys Hercules, Tanz der Vampire, & Julia - Das Pop-Musical, MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical, Blue Man Group, Ku'damm 59 - Das Musical, Tina - Das Tina Turner Musical, Disneys Musical Tarzan

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
There are 32 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Erleben Sie eine unvergessliche Reise durch die Serengeti Afrikas in e...
  • Duplicate 2: Erleben Sie die mitreißende Geschichte für die ganze Familie von Disne...
  • Duplicate 3: Machen Sie sich auf zu einem magischem Abenteuer im eisigen Königreich...
  • Duplicate 4: Berührend und spektakulär wie nie zuvor: Die Geschichte von Tarzan als...
  • Duplicate 5: Was würde wohl passieren, wenn Julia nach Romeos Tod eine zweite Chanc...
  • Duplicate 6: Mit rockiger Konzertatmosphäre, erstklassiger Comedy und faszinierende...
  • Duplicate 7: Der Broadway-Erfolg jetzt live in Hamburg! Erleben Sie ein Stück Musik...
  • Duplicate 8: Das Musicalcomeback in Hamburg: Die Geschichte von Tarzan als das spek...
  • Duplicate 9: Jetzt geht's ins Jahr 1959! Nach KU'DAMM 56 nun die Fortsetzung - das ...
  • Duplicate 10: Die mehrfach ausgezeichnete Inszenierung, von Presse und Publikum glei...
  • Duplicate 11: Diese Show dürfen Sie nicht verpassen! Steffi Irmen, der Star des Thea...
  • Duplicate 12: Ich möchte personalisierte Informationen zu den Musicals & Shows der S...
This page contains 1746 words. That's ok.
32.8% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
35 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 18.02 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: & julia - das pop-musical
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
62 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...5-BF728D227466C9A5?w=280&h=157&crop=trueCredit: Johan Persson / Abla Alaoui als Anna und Ann Sophie als Elsa in Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN
...9-B7F8EB94780510D1?w=280&h=157&crop=trueTarzan schwingt an einer Liane vor grünem Dschungel-Hintergrund
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...9-B7F8EB94780510D1?w=280&h=157&crop=trueTarzan schwingt an einer Liane vor grünem Dschungel-Hintergrund
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...5-BF728D227466C9A5?w=280&h=157&crop=trueCredit: Johan Persson / Abla Alaoui als Anna und Ann Sophie als Elsa in Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN
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...5-BF728D227466C9A5?w=280&h=157&crop=trueCredit: Johan Persson / Abla Alaoui als Anna und Ann Sophie als Elsa in Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN
...9-B7F8EB94780510D1?w=280&h=157&crop=trueTarzan schwingt an einer Liane vor grünem Dschungel-Hintergrund
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...9-B7F8EB94780510D1?w=280&h=157&crop=trueTarzan schwingt an einer Liane vor grünem Dschungel-Hintergrund
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Musicals & Shows von Stage Entertainment
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 93 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Musicals & Shows von Stage Entertainment
H2 Empty heading
H2 Alle Musicals und Shows im Überblick
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN
H2 & JULIA - Das Pop-Musical
H2 MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical!
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 KU'DAMM 59 - Das Musical
H2 ROMEO UND JULIA - Liebe ist alles
H2 Disneys DER KÖNIG DER LÖWEN Duplicate text
H2 Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN Duplicate text
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 Disneys HERCULES Duplicate text
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 Disneys HERCULES Duplicate text
H2 Disneys DER KÖNIG DER LÖWEN Duplicate text
H2 & JULIA - Das Pop-Musical Duplicate text
H2 MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical! Duplicate text
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 Disneys DIE EISKÖNIGIN Duplicate text
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 BLUE MAN GROUP Duplicate text
H2 KU'DAMM 59 - Das Musical Duplicate text
H2 ROMEO UND JULIA - Liebe ist alles Duplicate text
H2 DIE AMME Duplicate text
H2 ROMEO UND JULIA - Liebe ist alles Duplicate text
H2 DIE AMME Duplicate text
H2 Disney Musical TARZAN Duplicate text
H2 Jetzt Tickets buchen
H3 Musicals & Shows
H3 Hamburg
H3 Berlin
H3 Stuttgart
H3 Musical-Archiv
H3 Alle Standorte
H3 Service
H3 Über uns
H3 Musicals & Shows Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Musical-Archiv Duplicate text
H3 Alle Standorte Duplicate text
H3 Service Duplicate text
H3 Über uns Duplicate text
H3 Disneys DER KÖNIG DER LÖWEN Duplicate text
H3 Empty heading
H3 Zum Abschied - Bis zu 40%* sparen
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Die perfekte Geschenkidee
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Die perfekte Geschenkidee Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Stuttgart Duplicate text
H3 Die perfekte Geschenkidee Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Die perfekte Geschenkidee Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Hamburg Duplicate text
H3 Zum Partnerportal
H3 Schulklassen Angebote
H3 Musical Young Ticket
H3 Jetzt 15€ Willkommens-Vorteil sichern
H5 Erleben Sie große Emotionen
H5 Tickets
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/?belboon=2502070320210090659&...Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
/No Text
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Disneys Der König der Löwen
/musicals-shows/disneys-hercul...Disneys Hercules
/musicals-shows/mj-das-michael...MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical
/musicals-shows/und-julia-hamburg& Julia - Das Pop-Musical
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Disneys Musical Tarzan
/musicals-shows/blue-man-group...Blue Man Group
/musicals-shows/kudamm-59-berlinKu'Damm 59 - Das Musical
/musicals-shows/romeo-julia-be...Romeo und Julia - Liebe ist alles
/musicals-shows/die-amme-berlinDie Amme
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Disneys Musical Tarzan
/musicals-shows/die-eiskoenigi...Disneys Die Eiskönigin - Das Musical
/musicals-shows/backstage/musi...Zum Archiv
/ueber-uns/wer-wir-sindWer wir sind
/ueber-uns/soziale-verantwortungSoziale Verantwortung
/partner-vertriebVetriebs- und Geschäftspartner
/No Text
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Text duplicate Disneys Der König der Löwen
/musicals-shows/disneys-hercul...Text duplicate Disneys Hercules
/musicals-shows/mj-das-michael...Text duplicate MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical
/musicals-shows/und-julia-hamburgText duplicate & Julia - Das Pop-Musical
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Disneys Musical Tarzan
/musicals-shows/blue-man-group...Text duplicate Blue Man Group
/musicals-shows/kudamm-59-berlinText duplicate Ku'Damm 59 - Das Musical
/musicals-shows/romeo-julia-be...Text duplicate Romeo und Julia - Liebe ist alles
/musicals-shows/die-amme-berlinText duplicate Die Amme
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Disneys Musical Tarzan
/musicals-shows/die-eiskoenigi...Text duplicate Disneys Die Eiskönigin - Das Musical
/musicals-shows/backstage/musi...Text duplicate Zum Archiv
/gastspielText duplicate Gastspiele@Stage
/musicals-shows/musicals-in-ha...Text duplicate Hamburg
/musicals-shows/musicals-in-st...Text duplicate Stuttgart
/musicals-shows/musicals-und-s...Text duplicate Berlin
/musicals-shows/gutscheineText duplicate Gutscheine
/service/faqsText duplicate FAQ
/service/kontaktText duplicate Kontakt
/service/newsletterText duplicate Newsletter
/presse/pressemitteilungen-im-...Text duplicate Presse
/ueber-uns/wer-wir-sindText duplicate Wer wir sind
/ueber-uns/soziale-verantwortungText duplicate Soziale Verantwortung
/ueber-uns/wer-wir-sind/compli...Text duplicate Compliance
/karriereText duplicate Karriere
/ueber-uns/stellenangeboteText duplicate Stellenangebote
/partner-vertriebText duplicate Vetriebs- und Geschäftspartner
/No Text
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Disneys DER KÖNIG DER LÖWEN Jetzt zum Valentinstag bis zu 25 %* sparen
/gastspiel/best-of-musical-in-...Ab dem 31.03. - Moderiert von Alexander Klaws
/musicals-shows/kudamm-59-berlinZum Abschied - Bis zu 40%* sparen Nur noch bis 23.02. in Berlin
/musicals-shows/valentinstagA-TITLE Mehr erfahren
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-hercul...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/die-eiskoenigi...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/und-julia-hamb...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/blue-man-group...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/mj-das-michael...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/kudamm-59-berlinText duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/romeo-julia-be...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/die-amme-berlinText duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/gutschein-tick...Gutschein wählen
A-TITLE Gutschein wählen
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/die-eiskoenigi...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-hercul...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-hercul...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/und-julia-hamb...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/mj-das-michael...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/gutschein-tick...Text duplicate Gutschein wählen
A-TITLE Gutschein wählen
/musicals-shows/die-eiskoenigi...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/gutschein-tick...Text duplicate Gutschein wählen
A-TITLE Gutschein wählen
/musicals-shows/blue-man-group...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/kudamm-59-berlinText duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/romeo-julia-be...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/die-amme-berlinText duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/gutschein-tick...Text duplicate Gutschein wählen
A-TITLE Gutschein wählen
/musicals-shows/romeo-julia-be...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/die-amme-berlinText duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/musicals-shows/disneys-tarzan...Text duplicate Infos & Tickets
A-TITLE Infos & Tickets
/vertriebsportalZum Partnerportal
/musicals-shows/schulklassenSchulklassen Angebote
IMG-ALT Szenenfoto: NEUE SHOW Foyer Interaktiv
/musicals-shows/youngticketsMusical Young Ticket Mehr erfahren
/No Text
/homepageUnsere Standorte
/musicals-shows/musicals-in-ha...Musicals in Hamburg
/musicals-shows/musicals-und-s...Musicals und Shows in Berlin
/musicals-shows/musicals-in-st...Musicals in Stuttgart
/ueber-uns/wer-wir-sindSubdomain Das Unternehmen
/karriereKarriere bei Stage
/presse/pressemitteilungen-im-...Text duplicate Presse
/partner-vertriebFür Partner
/ueber-uns/wer-wir-sindÜber uns
/musicals-shows/ein-wochenende...Ein Wochenende in Berlin
/musicals-shows/ein-wochenende...Ein Wochenende in Hamburg
/musicals-shows/ein-wochenende...Ein Wochenende in Stuttgart
/musicals-shows/ticket-hotel-p...Ticket & Hotel
/musicals-shows/disneys-der-ko...Hotelangebote für Disneys Der König der Löwen
/musicals-shows/geschenkideenMusical Geschenkideen
/musicals-shows/gutscheineMusical Gutschein
/service/faqsHäufig gestellte Fragen
/service/hinweiseHinweise zu Ihrem mobile Ticket
/service/flexoptionHinweise zur Flexoption
/service/bestellungenMeine Bestellungen
/musicals-shows/previews-allgmWas sind Previews?
/musicals-shows/backstage/bueh...Das Bühnenbild
/musicals-shows/backstage/castingDas Casting
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/musicals-shows/neu-corp-hh-na...Complaints regarding the supply chain Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text

Server configuration

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STAGE ENTERTAINMENT | Musicals und Shows | Tickets, Karten und Guts...
Stage garantiert die besten Musicals und Shows. Disneys Der König der Löwen, Disneys Die Eiskönigin, Disneys Hercules, Tanz der Vampire, & Julia - Das Pop-Musical, MJ - Das Michael Jackson Musical, Blue Man Group, Ku'damm 59 - Das Musical, Tina - Das Tina Turner Musical, Disneys Musical Tarzan

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