- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.71 s
File size
1,683.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
263 internal / 18 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
The length of the page title is perfect. (331 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
En Telavendo® nos esforzamos por ser la empresa textil online más confiable e inspiradora de la Argentina. Somos parte de tus proyectos y tendencia.#CreaConTela
The meta description is too long: 1025 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
The specified canonical link points to a different page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: es
Language defined in HTML: es
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: es
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionEn Telavendo® nos esforzamos por ser la empresa textil online más confiable e inspiradora de la Argentina. Somos parte de tus proyectos y tendencia.#CreaConTela
nuvempay-logo//[email protected]
og:site_nameTelavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
og:titleTelavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
og:descriptionEn Telavendo® nos esforzamos por ser la empresa textil online más confiable e inspiradora de la Argentina. Somos parte de tus proyectos y tendencia.#CreaConTela
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
No paragraphs were detected.
These Typos were found:
  • linea => línea
This page contains 1423 words. That's ok.
10.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (1683.7 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (95). We recommend using a maximum of 28 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: $4.600
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
3 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...bf561f00bec886194481572970203-320-0.webpTelavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
...bf561f00bec886194481572970203-320-0.webpTelavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor (Ancho 3.00) Blanco Tiza - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor (Ancho 3.00) Blanco Tiza - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Super Ancho 2,80) Cruda Lavada
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Super Ancho 2,80) Cruda Lavada
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor PESADO Blanco Tiza (Ancho 1.50)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor PESADO Blanco Tiza (Ancho 1.50)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Portobello Blanco Tiza (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Portobello Blanco Tiza (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor de Lino Milano (Ancho 2.70) Linen
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor de Lino Milano (Ancho 2.70) Linen
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout TEXTIL Lino (Ancho 2,80) Linen
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout TEXTIL Lino (Ancho 2,80) Linen
...ccbba6111736449357-480-0.webp?1167377112Carrusel 1
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 1
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 2
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 3
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 4
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 5
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 6
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 7
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 8
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 9
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 10
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 11
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 12
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngCategoría 13
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor de Lino Milano (Ancho 2.70) Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTusor de Lino Milano (Ancho 2.70) Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Arena - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Arena - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTejido Luna Dorado
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngTejido Luna Dorado
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Blanco (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Blanco (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 2,80) Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 2,80) Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngHOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Habano
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Habano
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Elefante
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Elefante
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBanner de Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBanner de Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBanner de Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBanner de Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
...4a761733330890-1024-1024.webp?1167377112Banner shop the look
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Marroqui Gris Perla
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Marroqui Gris Perla
...f2121734103823-1024-1024.webp?1167377112Banner shop the look
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón King REVERSIBLE Visón
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón King REVERSIBLE Visón
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón REVERSIBLE King Azul
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón REVERSIBLE King Azul
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón Queen REVERSIBLE Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngPlumón Queen REVERSIBLE Gris
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Ceniza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa GRAVITY (Ancho 2.50) Ceniza
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngMicrotusor Natural (Ancho 2,60 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngMicrotusor Natural (Ancho 2,60 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Gris Claro - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Gris Claro - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Gris - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngLino HABANA Outdoor Gris - comprar online
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Blanco (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Blanco (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Natural (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngGasa Bohemia Natural (Ancho 2,90 Mts)
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout LISO (Ancho 2,80) Gris Oscuro
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout LISO (Ancho 2,80) Gris Oscuro
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout LISO (Ancho 2,80) Gris Claro
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngBlackout LISO (Ancho 2,80) Gris Claro
.../rio/static/images/empty-placeholder.pngNo alt attribute provided
...bf561f00bec886194481572970203-320-0.webpTelavendo | Telas por mayor y menor alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 53 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
H1 Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor Duplicate text
H1 Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor Duplicate text
H2 Ofertas destacadas
H2 Lo nuevo
H3 Todo lo que necesitás para renovar tu hogar.
H3 Todo lo que necesitás para renovar tu hogar. Duplicate text
H3 Acolchados y almohadones
H3 Acolchados y almohadones Duplicate text
H3 Atención personalizada
H3 Envíos a todo el país
H3 Sumate a la comunidad
H3 "Suscribite"
H4 Visitá nuestro showroom
H4 Descuentos
H4 Envíos
H4 Empresas
H4 Testimonios
H4 Tu Perfil
H4 A
H4 B
H4 B Duplicate text
H4 L
H4 P
H4 C
H4 C Duplicate text
H4 C Duplicate text
H4 E
H4 L Duplicate text
H4 F
H4 G
H4 G Duplicate text
H4 B Duplicate text
H4 G Duplicate text
H4 J
H4 L Duplicate text
H4 B Duplicate text
H4 L Duplicate text
H4 1
H4 L Duplicate text
H4 L Duplicate text
H4 M
H4 M Duplicate text
H4 P Duplicate text
H4 P Duplicate text
H4 T
H4 T Duplicate text
H4 M Duplicate text
H4 V
H4 W
H4 Total: $0
H5 Nuestras líneas de gasas son de fabricación propia
H5 Encontrá lo que necesitás para vestir tu dormitorio ideal
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 18 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text window External No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain Visitá nuestro showroom Te esperamos para elegir tus telas personalmente! Lavalle 2542, CABA
/nuevos-ingresosSubdomain Descuentos Llevá tus telas por mayor al mejor precio!
/medios-de-envioSubdomain Envíos Recibí tu envío en todo el país, con la forma de envío que más te convenga.
/empresasSubdomain Empresas Conocé las oportunidades para usuarios mayoristas. window External Subdomain Anchor Testimonios Descubrí las experiencias de otros usuarios.
/account/registerCrear cuenta IMG-ALT Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
/telas/algodones-crudos/Subdomain Algodones Crudos
/telas/arpilleras/Subdomain Arpillera
/telas/bagun/Subdomain Bagún
/telas/batista/Subdomain Batista
/telas/black-outSubdomain Ver todos
/telas/black-out/blackout-anch...Subdomain Blackout Ancho 1,40 Mts
/telas/black-out/blackout-anch...Subdomain Blackout Ancho 2,80 Mts
/telas/black-out/blackout-liso/Subdomain Blackout Liso
/telas/black-out/blackout-text...Subdomain Blackout Textil de Lino
/telas/black-out/lino-blackout/Subdomain Lino Blackout
/telas/black-out/pana-blackout/Subdomain Pana Blackout
/telas/boucle/Subdomain Boucle
/telas/bull/Subdomain Bull
/telas/canvasSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/canvas/canvas-100-algodon/Subdomain Canvas 100% Algodón
/telas/canvas/canvas-blend-ant...Subdomain Canvas Blend (Antidesgarro)
/telas/corderito/Subdomain Corderito
/telas/cordura/Subdomain Cordura
/telas/crochet/Subdomain Crochet
/telas/cuerinaSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/cuerina/cuerina-bufalo/Subdomain Cuerina Búfalo
/telas/cuerina/cuerina-premium/Subdomain Cuerina NV
/telas/cuerina/cuerina-simil-l...Subdomain Cuerina Lino Milano
/telas/cuerina/cuerina-talampaya/Subdomain Cuerina Talampaya
/telas/cuerina/cuerina-torino/Subdomain Cuerina Torino
/telas/cuerina/cuerotex/Subdomain Cuerotex
/telas/cuerina/cuero-madrid/Subdomain Cuero Madrid
/telas/exteriorSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/exterior/linea-bristol/Subdomain Línea Bristol
/telas/exterior/linea-glasgow/Subdomain Línea Glasgow
/telas/exterior/linea-economica/Subdomain Linea Económica
/telas/exterior/linea-habana/Subdomain Línea Habana
/telas/friselina/Subdomain Friselina
/telas/gabardinasSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/gabardinas/gabardina/Subdomain Gabardina 8 Onzas
/telas/gabardinas/bull-algodon/Subdomain Bull 10 Onzas
/telas/gasasSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/gasas/gasa/Subdomain Gasa Arrugada Ancho 2,30 Mts
/telas/gasas/gasa-arrugada-anc...Subdomain Gasa Arrugada Ancho 2,80 Mts
/telas/gasas/gasas-crudas/Subdomain Gasas Crudas
/telas/gasas/gasa-de-lino/Subdomain Gasas de Lino
/telas/gasas/gasa-gravity/Subdomain Gasa Gravity
/telas/gasas/gasa-marroqui/Subdomain Gasa Marroquí
/telas/guardapolvo/Subdomain Guardapolvo
/telas/denim/Subdomain Jean
/telas/jersey/Subdomain Jersey
/telas/lienzoSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/lienzo/brin/Subdomain Brin
/telas/lienzo/lienzos-crudos/Subdomain Lienzos Crudos
/telas/lienzo/lienzos-estampados/Subdomain Lienzos Estampados
/telas/lienzo/lienzo-color/Subdomain Lienzos Teñidos
/telas/linosSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/linos/100-lino/Subdomain 100% Lino
/telas/linos/lino-alpha/Subdomain Lino Alpha
/telas/linos/lino-emilia/Subdomain Lino Emilia
/telas/linos/lino-loseta/Subdomain Lino Loseta
/telas/linos/lino-maui/Subdomain Lino Maui
/telas/linos/lino-spazio/Subdomain Lino Spazio
/telas/linos/lino-stone-washed/Subdomain Lino Stone Washed
/telas/linos/lino-outdoor/Subdomain Linos de Exteriores (Outdoor)
/telas/linos/lino/Subdomain Linos de Fibra Natural
/telas/linos/linos-de-tapiceria/Subdomain Linos de Tapicería
/telas/lonaSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/lona/lona-de-algodon/Subdomain Lona de Algodón
/telas/lona/lona-zonda/Subdomain Lona PVC ZONDA®
/telas/lona/lona-coversol/Subdomain Lona PVC COVERSOL®
/telas/mantasSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/mantas/manta-algodon/Subdomain Manta Algodón
/telas/mantas/bambu/Subdomain Manta Bambú
/telas/microfibra/Subdomain Microfibra
/telas/panaSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/pana/pana-algodon/Subdomain Pana Algodón Anabella
/telas/pana/pana-bull-mercury/Subdomain Pana Bull Mercury
/telas/pana/pana-deco/Subdomain Pana Deco
/telas/pana/pana-mecha/Subdomain Pana Chenille Mecha
/telas/pana/pana-panne/Subdomain Pana Panne Velutti
/telas/pana/pana-shot/Subdomain Pana Shot
/telas/pana/pana-syrah/Subdomain Pana Syrah
/telas/pana/pana-velvet/Subdomain Pana Velvet
/telas/panama/Subdomain Panamá
/telas/pano/Subdomain Paño
/telas/percal/Subdomain Percal
/telas/polar/Subdomain Polar
/telas/tejidos-artesanales/Subdomain Tejidos Artesanales
/telas/tejido-polo/Subdomain Tejido Polo
/telas/terciopelo/Subdomain Terciopelo
/telas/toalla/Subdomain Toalla
/telas/tracker/Subdomain Tracker
/telas/tropical-mecanico/Subdomain Tropical Mecánico
/telas/tusorSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas/tusor/tusor-ancho-150-mts/Subdomain Tusor Ancho 1,50 Mts
/telas/tusor/tusor-230/Subdomain Tusor Ancho 2,30 Mts
/telas/tusor/tusor-ancho-300-mts/Subdomain Tusor Ancho 3,00 Mts
/telas/tusor/tusor-cuadros/Subdomain Tusor Cuadros
/telas/tusor/tusor-liviano/Subdomain Tusor Clásico
/telas/tusor/tusor-estampado/Subdomain Tusor Estampado
/telas/tusor/tusores/Subdomain Tusor Pesado
/telas/tusor/tusor-petra/Subdomain Tusor Petra
/telas/tusor/tusor-rayas-tejidas/Subdomain Tusor Rayado
/telas/tusor/microtusor/Subdomain Microtusor
/telas/voile/Subdomain Voile
/telas/tejido-waffle/Subdomain Waffle
/telas-por-usos/antimanchas/Subdomain Antimanchas
/telas-por-usos/antidesgarro/Subdomain Antidesgarro
/telas-por-usos/marroquineria/Subdomain Calzado & Marroquinería
/telas-por-usos/cortineriaSubdomain Text duplicate Ver todos
/telas-por-usos/cortineria/cor...Subdomain Cortinería 100% Oscuridad
/telas-por-usos/cortineria/cor...Subdomain Cortinería Pesada
/telas-por-usos/cortineria/cor...Subdomain Cortinería Traslúcida
/telas-por-usos/decoracion/Subdomain Decoración
/telas-por-usos/telas-estampadas/Subdomain Estampadas
/telas-por-usos/exteriores/Subdomain Exteriores
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-fun...Subdomain Fundas de Sillón
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-uso...Subdomain Hospitalarias
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-ind...Subdomain Indumentaria
/telas-por-usos/telas-infantiles/Subdomain Infantiles
/telas-por-usos/lonas-de-playa/Subdomain Lonas de Playa & Picnic
/telas-por-usos/manteles/Subdomain Manteles
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-man...Subdomain Manualidades
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-sab...Subdomain Sábanas
/telas-por-usos/sublimables/Subdomain Sublimables
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-tap...Subdomain Tapicería
/telas-por-usos/telas-para-uni...Subdomain Uniformes
/telas-por-color/amarillo/Subdomain Amarillo
/telas-por-color/aqua/Subdomain Aqua
/telas-por-color/arena/Subdomain Arena
/telas-por-color/azul/Subdomain Azul
/telas-por-color/camel/Subdomain Beige
/telas-por-color/blanco/Subdomain Blanco
/telas-por-color/bordo/Subdomain Bordo
/telas-por-color/celeste/Subdomain Celeste
/telas-por-color/crudo/Subdomain Crudo
/telas-por-color/gris/Subdomain Gris
/telas-por-color/marron/Subdomain Marrón
/telas-por-color/maiz/Subdomain Maíz
/telas-por-color/naranja/Subdomain Naranja
/telas-por-color/natural/Subdomain Natural
/telas-por-color/negro/Subdomain Negro
/telas-por-color/rojo/Subdomain Rojo
/telas-por-color/rosa/Subdomain Rosa
/telas-por-color/verde/Subdomain Verde
/telas-por-color/violeta/Subdomain Violeta
/telas-por-color/vison/Subdomain Visón
/nuevos-ingresos/Subdomain Nuevos Ingresos Outlet
/hogar-decoracion/acolchados/Subdomain Acolchados
/hogar-decoracion/plumon/Subdomain Plumones
/hogar-decoracion/rellenos/Subdomain Rellenos de Almohadón
/catalogosSubdomain Catálogos
/club-de-beneficios/Subdomain Club de beneficios Ayuda window External No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/productos/ver otros acá Text duplicate IMG-ALT Telavendo | Telas por mayor y menor
/telas/tusor/Subdomain Tusor
/telas/gasas?Color=BlancoSubdomain Gasa Off White
/telas/algodones-crudos/Subdomain Lienzos
/hogar-decoracion/rellenos/Subdomain Rellenos de almohadón
/telas/gasas/Subdomain Gasa para cortinas
/telas/tusor/tusor-ancho-150-mts/Subdomain Tusor colores 1,50
/telas/black-out/blackout-liso/Subdomain Blackout liso
/telas/gabardinas/bull-algodon/Subdomain Bull 100% Algodón
/telas/linos/Subdomain Lino
/productos/gasa-doble-ancho-bl...Subdomain +1m $4.600 /m +10m $4.370 /m +50m $4.140 /m +100m $3.910 /m
IMG-ALT Gasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
/productos/gasa-doble-ancho-bl...Subdomain Gasa Blanco Tiza $0 $4.600 Material: 100% Algodon Ancho: 2.20 - 2.30m Peso: 230 grs
A-TITLE Gasa (Ancho 2,30) Blanco Tiza
/productos/tusor-liviano-blanc...Subdomain +1m $8.900 /m +10m $8.455 /m +40m $8.010 /m +80m $7.120 /m
IMG-ALT Tusor (Ancho 3.00) Blanco Tiza - comprar online
/productos/tusor-liviano-blanc...Subdomain Tusor Blanco Tiza $0 $8.900 Material: 100% Algodon Ancho: 2.80-3.00 m Peso: 520 grs
A-TITLE Tusor (Ancho 3.00) Blanco Tiza
/productos/house-blackout-anch...Subdomain +1m $7.300 /m +10m $6.935 /m +50m $5.840 /m
IMG-ALT HOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
/productos/house-blackout-anch...Subdomain HOUSE Blackout Natural $0 $7.300 Material: 100% Poliester Ancho: 1.40 m Peso: 420 grs
A-TITLE HOUSE Blackout (Ancho 1,40) Natural
/productos/gasa-ancho-280-crud...Subdomain +1m $6.400 /m +10m $6.080 /m +40m $5.440 /m
IMG-ALT Gasa (Super Ancho 2,80) Cruda Lavada
/productos/gasa-ancho-280-crud...Subdomain Gasa Cruda Lavada $0 $6.400 Material: 100% Algodon Ancho: 2.80 m Peso: 310 grs
A-TITLE Gasa (Super Ancho 2,80) Cruda Lavada
/productos/tusor-blanco/Subdomain +1m $6.300 /m +10m $5.985 /m +50m $5.670 /m +100m $5.040 /m
IMG-ALT Tusor PESADO Blanco Tiza (Ancho 1.50)
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IMG-ALT Gasa Marroqui Gris Perla
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