- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.06 s
File size
645.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
408 internal / 29 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Premium Christmas Lights & Decor - The Christmas Light Emporium
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 609 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Shop high-quality Christmas lights and decorations for indoor & outdoor spaces. Eco-friendly, durable, and affordable. Create magical holiday moments today!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (970 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionShop high-quality Christmas lights and decorations for indoor & outdoor spaces. Eco-friendly, durable, and affordable. Create magical holiday moments today!
authorThe Christmas Light Emporium
og:site_nameThe Christmas Light Emporium
og:titlePremium Christmas Lights & Decor - The Christmas Light Emporium
og:descriptionShop high-quality Christmas lights and decorations for indoor & outdoor spaces. Eco-friendly, durable, and affordable. Create magical holiday moments today!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 3754 words. That's ok.
23% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
29 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.94 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (645 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: browse all collections...
Some tags are too long. With 74 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"we help you create smiles in the moment and memories that last a lifetime."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
7 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/cdn/shop/files/image_410x.svg?v=1689704605The Christmas Light Emporium
...130/7702/files/ChatIcon.png?v=1727188195No alt attribute provided
/cdn/shop/files/logo_410x.svg?v=1684850880The Christmas Light Emporium
data:[...] Base64Twinkly RGB Lights
data:[...] Base64Wireframe Displays & Yard Art
data:[...] Base64The Original Virtual Santa
data:[...] Base64GFade 8 Chase Controller
data:[...] Base64Mega/Pole Trees & Arches
data:[...] Base64Light String Calculator
data:[...] Base64ColorSplash Buyer's Guide
data:[...] Base64The Tinsel Times-Tribune
data:[...] Base64All About Christmas
...-4f4e-935f-ecb0708129a6.jpg?v=1740429575No alt attribute provided
..._Banner_878_x_1000_px_1.jpg?v=1740430098No alt attribute provided
...e-floor-smiling_100x100.jpg?v=1737243259No alt attribute provided
...ung-man-smiling_100x100.jpg?v=1737243281No alt attribute provided
...-holiday-lights_100x100.jpg?v=1737243397No alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64C9 Strobe Light, Green LED - The Christmas Light Emporium
data:[...] Base64C7 Orange ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25
data:[...] Base6450 5mm ColorSplash Shamrock, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing
data:[...] Base64C9 ColorSplash Rainbow LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25
data:[...] Base6450-Light 5mm ColorSplash Mardi Gras LED String Lights - Multicolor, 6" Spacing, Indoor/Outdoor
data:[...] Base644' x 6' Green 5mm LED Smooth Fade DreamSpark Net Lights
data:[...] Base64C9 Gold ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25
data:[...] Base6450 5mm ColorSplash Winter, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing
data:[...] Base64G12 Orange LED Christmas Lights, 70 Bulbs, 4" Spacing
data:[...] Base6470 5mm Green LED Christmas Lights, 4" Spacing
data:[...] Base64C6 Yellow / Gold LED Christmas Lights, 100 Bulbs, 4" Spacing
data:[...] Base645mm Green LED Christmas Lights, 100 Bulbs, 4" Spacing
data:[...] Base64Share-the-Joy
data:[...] Base64Make-it-Easy
data:[...] Base64Reindeer Proof
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64We help you create smiles in the moment and memories that last a lifetime.
data:[...] Base64DIY St. Patrick's Day Lighting: Transform Your Space with Festive Green Glows
data:[...] Base64Top 5 Ways to Use Christmas Lights for a Romantic Valentine's Day Ambiance
data:[...] Base64Photo of Christmas Lights Around the Window of a House
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64DIY Guide to Christmas Decorating
data:[...] Base64DIY Guide to Patio and Outdoor Lighting
data:[...] Base64DIY Guide to Wedding Lighting
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Save Up to 40%
H2 St. Patrick's Day Lights
H2 Make Memories. Create Smiles.
H2 Let customers speak for us
H2 What customers think about the store
H2 Trending Christmas Lights and Decorations
H2 Smiles + Joy + Memories = Hope
H2 Christmas Lights and Decorations and More, OH MY!
H2 Check Out the Recent Redfin Article We Were Featured In
H2 Recent Articles
H2 DIY Guides
H2 Put Your Name on The Nice List
H3 Share the Joy
H3 Make it Easy
H3 Reindeer Proof
H3 AI-generated from customer reviews.
H3 DIY St. Patrick's Day Lighting: Transform Your Space with Festive Green Glows
H3 Top 5 Ways to Use Christmas Lights for a Romantic Valentine's Day Ambiance
H3 Ultimate Guide: How to Hang Christmas Lights on Your House Without Using Clips
H6 Shop Costumes
H6 Customer Service
H6 About
H6 Sign Up & Save!
There are too many internal links (408) on this page.
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
25 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 6 links with a trivial anchor text.
There are too many external links (29) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/collections/roofline-bundlesDIY Roofline Bundles - Bundle & Save!
/collections/christmas-light-c...Christmas Light Clips
/collections/christmas-light-c...Chase Controllers
/collections/mega-tree-pole-tr...Mega Tree / Pole Tree Kits and Accessories
/collections/slide-on-vampire-...Slide On Vampire Plugs
/collections/spt-1-and-spt-2-wireSPT1 and SPT2 Wire
/collections/christmas-light-s...Stringers and Cord Sets
/collections/timers-and-3-way-...Timers and 3 Way Triple Taps
/collections/christmas-light-s...Sockets and Seals
/collections/wireframe-clipsWireframe Clips
/collections/led-light-repairChristmas Light String Repair Kits
/collections/cord-protectionMoisture Protection
/pages/buyers-guideDIY Guides
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...DIY Guide: Christmas Decorating
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...DIY Guide: Patio Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...DIY Guide: Wedding Lighting
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guide: LED Christmas Lights
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guide: SuperSpark, QuadSpark, Dazzle and DreamSpark
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guide: ColorSplash Light Strings
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guide: Chase Controllers
/pages/christmas-tree-light-st...Rudolph's Christmas Tree Light String Calculator
/pages/about-usOur Story
/pages/customer-service-centerCustomer Service
https://the-christmas-light-em...External Subdomain Returns / Exchanges
/pages/why-shop-with-the-chris...Why Shop With Us?
/pages/red-suit-rewardsRewards (Red Suit Club)
/products/gift-cards-the-chris...Gift Cards
/pages/you-shop-we-giveSustainability & Giving
/blogs/the-tinsel-times-tribuneRed Suit Club News
/IMG-ALT The Christmas Light Emporium
A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium
/searchA-TITLE Search
/cartA-TITLE Cart window External Subdomain A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium on Facebook window External Subdomain A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium on Instagram window External Subdomain A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium on Pinterest window External A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium on Twitter window External Subdomain A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium on YouTube
/accountText duplicate Login
A-TITLE My Account
/No Text
/cartNo Text
/Text duplicate IMG-ALT The Christmas Light Emporium
A-TITLE The Christmas Light Emporium
/collections/christmas-lightsText duplicate Lights
/collections/christmas-decorat...Text duplicate Decor
/collections/roofline-bundlesText duplicate DIY Roofline Bundles - Bundle & Save!
/collections/christmas-light-c...Text duplicate Christmas Light Clips
/collections/christmas-light-c...Text duplicate Chase Controllers
/collections/mega-tree-pole-tr...Text duplicate Mega Tree / Pole Tree Kits and Accessories
/collections/slide-on-vampire-...Text duplicate Slide On Vampire Plugs
/collections/spt-1-and-spt-2-wireText duplicate SPT1 and SPT2 Wire
/collections/christmas-light-s...Text duplicate Stringers and Cord Sets
/collections/timers-and-3-way-...Text duplicate Timers and 3 Way Triple Taps
/collections/christmas-light-s...Text duplicate Sockets and Seals
/collections/wireframe-clipsText duplicate Wireframe Clips
/collections/led-light-repairText duplicate Christmas Light String Repair Kits
/collections/cord-protectionText duplicate Moisture Protection
/collections/festive-gift-idea...Text duplicate Gifts
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Christmas Decorating
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Patio Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Wedding Lighting
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: LED Christmas Lights
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: SuperSpark, QuadSpark, Dazzle and DreamSpark
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: ColorSplash Light Strings
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: Chase Controllers
/pages/christmas-tree-light-st...Text duplicate Rudolph's Christmas Tree Light String Calculator
/pages/about-usText duplicate Our Story
/pages/customer-service-centerText duplicate Customer Service
https://the-christmas-light-em...External Subdomain Text duplicate Returns / Exchanges
/pages/why-shop-with-the-chris...Text duplicate Why Shop With Us?
/pages/red-suit-rewardsText duplicate Rewards (Red Suit Club)
/products/gift-cards-the-chris...Text duplicate Gift Cards
/pages/testimonials-our-custom...Text duplicate Testimonials
/pages/you-shop-we-giveText duplicate Sustainability & Giving
/blogs/the-tinsel-times-tribuneText duplicate Red Suit Club News
/searchText duplicate A-TITLE Search
/collections/twinkly-app-contr...IMG-ALT Twinkly RGB Lights
/collections/led-christmas-lig...LED Bulbs
/collections/led-christmas-lig...LED Strings
/collections/christmas-net-lightsLED Net Lights
/collections/christmas-icicle-...LED Icicle Lights
/collections/christmas-rope-lightLED Rope Light
/collections/commercial-co-axi...Commercial Co-Axial LED Strings & Accessories
/collections/incandescent-chri...Incandescent Bulbs
/collections/incandescent-chri...Incandescent Strings
/collections/clearance-centerClearance Center
/collections/supersparkSuperSpark All Strobing Light Strings
/collections/quadsparkQuadSpark Every 4th Strobing Light Strings
/collections/dazzleDazzle Every 4th Strobing Light Strings
/collections/dreamspark-slow-f...DreamSpark Slow Fade Light Strings
/collections/unique-colors-of-...ColorSplash Strings, Bulbs, Nets & Icicles
/collections/c9-led-strobe-lightsLED C9 Strobe Lights
/collections/twinkly-app-contr...Text duplicate Twinkly RGB Lights
/pages/bundlesDIY Bundles
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/valentines-day-li...Valentine's Day
/collections/mardi-gras-lightsMardi Gras
/collections/spring-and-outdoo...Spring & Outdoor
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...St. Patrick's Day
/collections/patio-lighting-8Summer & Patio
/collections/canada-day-lightsCanada Day
/collections/4th-of-july-lightsPatriotic & 4th of July
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/led-christmas-lig...Text duplicate LED Bulbs
/collections/led-christmas-lig...Text duplicate LED Strings
/collections/christmas-net-lightsText duplicate LED Net Lights
/collections/christmas-icicle-...Text duplicate LED Icicle Lights
/collections/christmas-rope-lightText duplicate LED Rope Light
/collections/commercial-co-axi...Text duplicate Commercial Co-Axial LED Strings & Accessories
/collections/incandescent-chri...Text duplicate Incandescent Bulbs
/collections/incandescent-chri...Text duplicate Incandescent Strings
/collections/clearance-centerText duplicate Clearance Center
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/supersparkText duplicate SuperSpark All Strobing Light Strings
/collections/quadsparkText duplicate QuadSpark Every 4th Strobing Light Strings
/collections/dazzleText duplicate Dazzle Every 4th Strobing Light Strings
/collections/dreamspark-slow-f...Text duplicate DreamSpark Slow Fade Light Strings
/collections/unique-colors-of-...Text duplicate ColorSplash Strings, Bulbs, Nets & Icicles
/collections/c9-led-strobe-lightsText duplicate LED C9 Strobe Lights
/collections/twinkly-app-contr...Text duplicate Twinkly RGB Lights
/pages/bundlesText duplicate DIY Bundles
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/christmas-lightsText duplicate Christmas
/collections/valentines-day-li...Text duplicate Valentine's Day
/collections/mardi-gras-lightsText duplicate Mardi Gras
/collections/spring-and-outdoo...Text duplicate Spring & Outdoor
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...Text duplicate St. Patrick's Day
/collections/easter-lightsText duplicate Easter
/collections/wedding-lightingText duplicate Wedding
/collections/patio-lighting-8Text duplicate Summer & Patio
/collections/canada-day-lightsText duplicate Canada Day
/collections/4th-of-july-lightsText duplicate Patriotic & 4th of July
/collections/halloween-lightsText duplicate Halloween
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/wireframes-displa...IMG-ALT Wireframe Displays & Yard Art
/products/the-original-virtual...IMG-ALT The Original Virtual Santa
/collections/christmas-decorat...Shop for Decorations
/collections/wireframes-displa...Text duplicate Wireframe Displays & Yard Art
/collections/designer-series-w...Wireframe Displays - Designer Series
/collections/led-snowflakesLED Snowflakes - Designer Series
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/digital-decoratio...Shop for Digital Decor
/collections/christmas-dvds-an...Christmas Projection FX
/collections/halloween-dvds-an...Halloween Projection FX
/collections/halloween-sound-t...Halloween Soundtracks
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/christmas-decorat...Text duplicate Shop for Decorations
/collections/wireframes-displa...Text duplicate Wireframe Displays & Yard Art
/collections/designer-series-w...Text duplicate Wireframe Displays - Designer Series
/collections/led-snowflakesText duplicate LED Snowflakes - Designer Series
/collections/christmas-wreathsText duplicate Wreaths
/collections/christmas-garlandText duplicate Garland
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/digital-decoratio...Text duplicate Shop for Digital Decor
/collections/christmas-dvds-an...Text duplicate Christmas Projection FX
/collections/halloween-dvds-an...Text duplicate Halloween Projection FX
/collections/halloween-sound-t...Text duplicate Halloween Soundtracks
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/products/gfade-8-channel-full...IMG-ALT GFade 8 Chase Controller
/collections/mega-tree-pole-tr...IMG-ALT Mega/Pole Trees & Arches
/collections/christmas-light-i...Shop for Essentials
/collections/christmas-light-c...Light Clips
/collections/christmas-light-s...C7 & C9 Stringers and Spools
/collections/spt-1-and-spt-2-wireBulk Wire
/collections/wireframe-clipsText duplicate Wireframe Clips
/pages/bundlesText duplicate DIY Bundles
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/christmas-light-i...Shop for Components
/collections/christmas-light-c...Text duplicate Chase Controllers
/collections/mega-tree-pole-tr...Mega & Pole Tree Kits
/collections/timers-and-3-way-...Timers & 3-Ways
/collections/christmas-light-s...Sockets & Seals
/collections/led-light-repairLight String Repair
/collections/cord-protectionText duplicate Moisture Protection
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/christmas-light-i...Text duplicate Shop for Essentials
/collections/christmas-light-c...Text duplicate Light Clips
/collections/christmas-light-s...Text duplicate C7 & C9 Stringers and Spools
/collections/slide-on-vampire-...Text duplicate Plugs
/collections/spt-1-and-spt-2-wireText duplicate Bulk Wire
/collections/wireframe-clipsText duplicate Wireframe Clips
/pages/bundlesText duplicate DIY Bundles
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/collections/christmas-light-i...Text duplicate Shop for Components
/collections/christmas-light-c...Text duplicate Chase Controllers
/collections/mega-tree-pole-tr...Text duplicate Mega & Pole Tree Kits
/collections/timers-and-3-way-...Text duplicate Timers & 3-Ways
/collections/christmas-light-s...Text duplicate Sockets & Seals
/collections/led-light-repairText duplicate Light String Repair
/collections/cord-protectionText duplicate Moisture Protection
/collectionsText duplicate BROWSE ALL COLLECTIONS...
/pages/christmas-tree-light-st...IMG-ALT Light String Calculator
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...IMG-ALT ColorSplash Buyer's Guide
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guides
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: LED Christmas Lights
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Buyer's Guide: SuperSpark, QuadSpark, Dazzle & DreamSpark
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: ColorSplash Light Strings
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: Chase Controllers
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...VIEW ALL BUYER'S GUIDES...
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guides
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...DIY Guide: Decorating for Christmas
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...DIY Guide: Outdoor & Patio Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Wedding Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...VIEW ALL DIY GUIDES...
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guides
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: LED Christmas Lights
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: SuperSpark, QuadSpark, Dazzle & DreamSpark
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: ColorSplash Light Strings
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate Buyer's Guide: Chase Controllers
/blogs/buyers-guides-for-chris...Text duplicate VIEW ALL BUYER'S GUIDES...
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guides
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Decorating for Christmas
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Outdoor & Patio Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate DIY Guide: Wedding Lighting
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...Text duplicate VIEW ALL DIY GUIDES...
/blogs/the-tinsel-times-tribuneIMG-ALT The Tinsel Times-Tribune
/blogs/all-about-christmas-chr...IMG-ALT All About Christmas
/pages/about-usWe Believe...
/pages/about-usText duplicate Our Story
/pages/why-shop-with-the-chris...Text duplicate Why Shop With Us?
/pages/testimonials-our-custom...Text duplicate Testimonials
/pages/customer-service-centerText duplicate Customer Service
/pages/customer-service-centerText duplicate Customer Service
/a/faqFAQ / Help Site
/pages/buyers-guideDIY Guides & Buyer's Guides
/policies/refund-policyReturns & Exchanges
/products/gift-cards-the-chris...Text duplicate Gift Cards
/accountText duplicate Login
/pages/about-usText duplicate We Believe...
/pages/about-usText duplicate Our Story
/pages/givingText duplicate Giving
/pages/why-shop-with-the-chris...Text duplicate Why Shop With Us?
/pages/testimonials-our-custom...Text duplicate Testimonials
/pages/customer-service-centerText duplicate Customer Service
/pages/customer-service-centerText duplicate Customer Service
/a/faqText duplicate FAQ / Help Site
/pages/buyers-guideText duplicate DIY Guides & Buyer's Guides
/policies/refund-policyText duplicate Returns & Exchanges
/products/gift-cards-the-chris...Text duplicate Gift Cards
/accountText duplicate Login
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...SHOP FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...St. Patrick's Day Lights
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT C9 Strobe Light, Green LED - The Christmas Light Emporium
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C9 Strobe Light, Green LED all-productsc9-led-strobe-lightsc9-strobe-lightschristmas-lightson-sale-nowchristmas-strobe-lightscool-new-christmas-lights-and-de...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C9 Strobe Light, Green LED 10 reviews (Save 54% ) $4.64 $4.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT C7 Orange ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C7 Orange ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25 all-productsc7-led-christmas-lightschristmas-lightson-sale-nowcool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorhall...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C7 Orange ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25 8 reviews (Save 11% ) $23.24 $24.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT 50 5mm ColorSplash Shamrock, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...50 5mm ColorSplash Shamrock, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing 5mm-led-christmas-light-stringsall-productschristmas-lightson-sale-nowunique-col...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...50 5mm ColorSplash Shamrock, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing 75 reviews (Save 16% ) $17.66 $18.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT C9 ColorSplash Rainbow LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C9 ColorSplash Rainbow LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25 all-productsc9-led-christmas-lightschristmas-lightson-sale-nowunique-colors-of-5mm-led-christmas...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C9 ColorSplash Rainbow LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25 64 reviews (Save 12% ) $29.75 $31.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT 50-Light 5mm ColorSplash Mardi Gras LED String Lights - Multicolor, 6" Spacing, Indoor/Outdoor
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...50-Light 5mm ColorSplash Mardi Gras LED String Lights - Multicolor, 6" Spacing, Indoor/Outdoor 5mm-led-christmas-light-stringsall-productschristmas-lightson-...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...50-Light 5mm ColorSplash Mardi Gras LED String Lights - Multicolor, 6" Spacing, Indoor/Outdoor 75 reviews (Save 16% ) $17.66 $18.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT 4' x 6' Green 5mm LED Smooth Fade DreamSpark Net Lights
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...4' x 6' Green 5mm LED Smooth Fade DreamSpark Net Lights 5mm-led-christmas-light-stringsall-productschristmas-lightson-sale-nowchristmas-net-lightscool-new-ch...
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...4' x 6' Green 5mm LED Smooth Fade DreamSpark Net Lights No reviews (Save 22% ) $43.70 $46.99
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/collections/st-patricks-day-l...C9 Gold ProCore LED Christmas Light Bulbs, Pack of 25 64 reviews (Save 12% ) $29.75 $31.99
/collections/st-patricks-day-l...IMG-ALT 50 5mm ColorSplash Winter, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 6" Spacing
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/products/replacement-sockets-...Replacement Sockets, C9 / E17, SPT1, Pack of 25, Green
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/products/the-music-box-music-...The Music Box, Music & Light Synchronization Controller
/products/colorsplash-bahamas-...ColorSplash Bahamas, 5mm Multicolor LED Christmas Lights, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT1, Female, Pack of 25, Green 34 reviews (Save 24% ) $21.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, SuperSpark, cool white Strobe Light String, 100 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 289 reviews (Save 27% ) $36.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT1, Female Inline Pass Through, Pack of 25, Green all-productscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorelectrical-accessorieschri...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT1, Female Inline Pass Through, Pack of 25, Green 29 reviews (Save 24% ) $21.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Smooth Fade Lights, DreamSpark, Warm White, 70 Bulbs, 4" Spacing 72 reviews (Save 21% ) $26.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT2, Male, Pack of 25, Green all-productscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorelectrical-accessorieschristmas-light-installati...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT2, Male, Pack of 25, Green 14 reviews (Save 24% ) $21.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Wire, Zipcord 18 Gauge SPT1, 250', Green all-productscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorelectrical-accessorieschristmas-light-installation-accessoriesspt-1-a...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Wire, Zipcord 18 Gauge SPT1, 250', Green 26 reviews (Save 34% ) $58.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Clips, TuffClips Wedge Clip C9 Christmas Light Clips, Pack of 100 all-productschristmas-light-clipschristmas-light-installation-essentialscool-new-christmas-...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Clips, TuffClips Wedge Clip C9 Christmas Light Clips, Pack of 100 15 reviews (Save 22% ) $42.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT2, Female Inline Pass Through, Pack of 25, Green all-productscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorelectrical-accessorieschri...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT2, Female Inline Pass Through, Pack of 25, Green 19 reviews (Save 24% ) $21.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...The Original Virtual Santa, Digital Download all-productschristmas-decorationscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorchristmas-dvds-and-digital-decorationsdigita...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...The Original Virtual Santa, Digital Download 19 reviews (Save 38% ) $20.99
/collections/top-sellers/produ...No Text
/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, QuadSpark, cool white Strobe Lights, Strobing/Static, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 5mm-led-christmas-light-strings5mm-strobe-light-stringsall-...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, QuadSpark, cool white Strobe Lights, Strobing/Static, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 53 reviews (Save 22% ) $24.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Replacement Sockets, C9 / E17, SPT1, Pack of 25, Green all-productschristmas-light-sockets-and-sealschristmas-light-installation-essentialscool-new-christmas...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Replacement Sockets, C9 / E17, SPT1, Pack of 25, Green 20 reviews (Save 14% ) $5.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...C9 Christmas Light Stringer, 100', 12" Spacing, Green Wire all-productschristmas-light-stringers-socket-wire-spools-and-cord-setschristmas-light-installation...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...C9 Christmas Light Stringer, 100', 12" Spacing, Green Wire 12 reviews (Save 25% ) $38.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, SuperSpark, Warm White Strobe Light String, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 5mm-led-christmas-light-strings5mm-strobe-light-stringsall-productsch...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, SuperSpark, Warm White Strobe Light String, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 289 reviews (Save 21% ) $25.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...C9 Christmas Light Stringer, 25', 12" Spacing, Green Wire 5 reviews (Save 13% ) $12.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, SuperSpark, Blue Strobe Light String, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 5mm-led-christmas-light-strings5mm-strobe-light-stringsall-productschristma...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...5mm LED Strobe Lights, SuperSpark, Blue Strobe Light String, 50 Bulbs, 6" Spacing 289 reviews (Save 21% ) $25.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...C9 Strobe Light, Red LED 16 reviews (Save 30% ) $6.99
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/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT1, Male, Pack of 25, White all-productscool-new-christmas-lights-and-decorelectrical-accessorieschristmas-light-installati...
/collections/top-sellers/produ...Slide-On Plugs / Vampire Plugs, SPT1, Male, Pack of 25, White 2 reviews (Save 24% ) $21.99
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A-TITLE DIY St. Patrick's Day Lighting: Transform Your Space with Festive Green Glows
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A-TITLE Top 5 Ways to Use Christmas Lights for a Romantic Valentine's Day Ambiance
/blogs/diy-guides-for-christma...IMG-ALT Photo of Christmas Lights Around the Window of a House
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