- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.55 s
File size
145.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
320 internal / 55 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The Dutch Table
The page title is too short. (149 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Discover Holland's best kept secret: its food! The Dutch Table is the most extensive online resource for traditional Dutch food recipes.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (819 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Server location: United States of America
The language is not specified in the HTML markup.
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionDiscover Holland's best kept secret: its food! The Dutch Table is the most extensive online resource for traditional Dutch food recipes.
og:titleThe Dutch Table
og:descriptionDiscover Holland's best kept secret: its food! The Dutch Table is the most extensive online resource for traditional Dutch food recipes.
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
The content of this page is too large (4388 words). Maybe the content could be divided into several pages.
30.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
46 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 18.69 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=1100" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
33 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...ic6DI/w150-h200/mandarijnenpudding3a.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...x08VvZluOXFOJawG58/w400-h176/maizena.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...HRyLc/w300-h400/mandarijnenpudding1a.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...U9k9EjCOuuxUuBpyp34/w150-h200/foeks1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...z8fSv3hUx6cU/s320/spruitjesstamppot3.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
..._RwzOSeNTA/w150-h200/rodekoolstamp1a.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...YNNnERwZV0mSzHU/s320/rodekoolstamp2a.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...RQRaYgvM/w150-h200/bloemkoolgratin1a.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...pmFwzrkXQUeu98/w105-h140/bloemkool3a.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...7tN8Q3GeR57Fw/s320/bloemkoolgratin2a.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...-supardi-salari-xIwK_KGGtpA-unsplash.jpgNo alt attribute providedPhoto by Wouter Supardi Salari alt attribute provided
...dQ9rg-s/w72-h72-p-k-no-nu/kibbeling3.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...Zc/w72-h72-p-k-no-nu/filetamericain4.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...0Ha5OXI/w72-h72-p-k-no-nu/bitterbal2.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...qfK5c7HQzSJcIc9BHyPxz-21V9HEPScEqaQ=s0-dLocations of visitors to this pageLocations of visitors to this page
...JUvs0xC1yrRXUGC5s/s1600/HT-LFB-badge.pngBadge of Honor

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The Dutch Table
The H1 heading is too short (15 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 The Dutch Table
H2 Pages
H2 The Dutch Table on YouTube!
H2 Popular Posts
H2 Search for a recipe
H2 We're Instagramming!
H2 We're Pinteresting!
H2 Subscribe To
H2 Recipes
H2 Followers
H2 Blijf je eten?
H2 Blog Archive
H2 Badge of Honor
H2 © 2025 The Dutch Table
H3 Mandarijnentoetje
H3 Stamppot
H3 Rode Kool Stamppot
H3 Bloemkoolgratin
H3 Speculaaskruiden
H4 Mandarijnenpudding
H4 Rodekoolstamppot
H4 Homemade Speculaaskruiden Recipe
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
3 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are too many external links (55) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Home
/p/dutch-baking.htmlSubdomain Dutch Baking
/p/dutch-cooking.htmlSubdomain Dutch Cooking
/p/shop.htmlSubdomain Shop
/p/dutch-gardening.htmlSubdomain Dutch Gardening
/p/dutch-reading.htmlSubdomain Dutch Reading
/p/dutch-broadcasts.htmlSubdomain Dutch TV & Radio
/p/whats-in-cup.htmlSubdomain What's in a cup?
/p/about-me.htmlSubdomain About Us
/p/privacy-policy.htmlSubdomain Privacy Policy
/2024/12/mandarijnentoetje.htmlSubdomain Mandarijnentoetje
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2012/03/vanillevla.htmlNew window Subdomain vla
/2011/12/slagroomtaart-we-vier...New window Subdomain slagroomtaart
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2024/12/mandarijnentoetje.htmlSubdomain Anchor 0 comments Subdomain A-TITLE Email Post window External Subdomain Email This
A-TITLE Email This window External Subdomain BlogThis!
A-TITLE BlogThis! window External Subdomain Share to X
A-TITLE Share to X window External Subdomain Share to Facebook
A-TITLE Share to Facebook window External Subdomain Share to Pinterest
A-TITLE Share to Pinterest
/search/label/Mandarijnentoetj...Subdomain Mandarijnentoetje (Mandarin Orange Dessert)
/2024/12/stamppot.htmlSubdomain Stamppot
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2010/10/boerenkool-met-worst-...New window Subdomain Boerenkool Stamppot
/2010/10/hutspot-met-klapstuk-...New window Subdomain Hutspot
/2010/12/foeksandijvie-escarol...New window Subdomain Andijviestamppot
/2020/10/zuurkoolstamppot-met-...New window Subdomain Zuurkool
/2024/12/rode-kool-stamppot.htmlNew window Subdomain Rodekoolstamppot:
/2015/02/spruitjesstamppot.htmlNew window Subdomain Spruitjesstamppot
/2013/09/appelmoes.htmlNew window Subdomain appelmoes
/2010/11/hete-bliksem-mashed-p...New window Subdomain Hete Bliksem
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2024/12/stamppot.htmlSubdomain Anchor Text duplicate 0 comments Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Email Post window External Subdomain Text duplicate Email This
A-TITLE Email This window External Subdomain Text duplicate BlogThis!
A-TITLE BlogThis! window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to X
A-TITLE Share to X window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Facebook
A-TITLE Share to Facebook window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Pinterest
A-TITLE Share to Pinterest
/search/label/Stamppot (Dutch ...Subdomain Stamppot (Dutch Mashed Potato Dish)
/2024/12/rode-kool-stamppot.htmlSubdomain Rode Kool Stamppot
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2010/10/boerenkool-met-worst-...New window Subdomain Boerenkool
/2013/02/spruitjes.htmlNew window Subdomain Spruitjes
/2024/01/bloemkool.htmlNew window Subdomain Bloemkool
/2012/11/zuurkool.htmlNew window Subdomain zuurkool
/2011/11/slavinken.htmlNew window Subdomain slavinken.
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2024/12/rode-kool-stamppot.htmlSubdomain Anchor Text duplicate 0 comments Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Email Post window External Subdomain Text duplicate Email This
A-TITLE Email This window External Subdomain Text duplicate BlogThis!
A-TITLE BlogThis! window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to X
A-TITLE Share to X window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Facebook
A-TITLE Share to Facebook window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Pinterest
A-TITLE Share to Pinterest
/search/label/Rode Kool Stampp...Subdomain Rode Kool Stamppot (Red Cabbage Mashed Potatoes)
/2024/12/bloemkoolgratin.htmlSubdomain Bloemkoolgratin
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2011/02/gehaktballen-met-jus....New window Subdomain gehaktballen,
/2015/02/spruitjesstamppot.htmlNew window Subdomain braadworst
/2013/09/appelmoes.htmlNew window Subdomain Text duplicate appelmoes
/2011/02/on-practice-of-prakke...New window Subdomain prakken
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2024/12/bloemkoolgratin.htmlSubdomain Anchor Text duplicate 0 comments Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Email Post window External Subdomain Text duplicate Email This
A-TITLE Email This window External Subdomain Text duplicate BlogThis!
A-TITLE BlogThis! window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to X
A-TITLE Share to X window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Facebook
A-TITLE Share to Facebook window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Pinterest
A-TITLE Share to Pinterest
/search/label/Bloemkoolgratin ...Subdomain Bloemkoolgratin (Cauliflower Gratin)
/2024/12/speculaaskruiden.htmlSubdomain Speculaaskruiden
https://blogger.googleusercont...External Subdomain No Text
/2012/10/speculaasjes.htmlNew window Subdomain speculaas
/2011/03/crushed-mice-and-choc...New window Subdomain bread topping
/2009/12/it-time-for-speculaas...New window Subdomain Text duplicate speculaas
/2010/12/gevulde-speculaas.htmlNew window Subdomain gevulde speculaas
/2013/12/speculaascake-met-per...New window Subdomain speculaascake,
/2020/09/koffiekoekje-i.htmlNew window Subdomain cookie recipe window External speculaaskruiden window External pumpkin pie spice window External apple pie spice. Wouter Supardi Salari Unsplash
/2024/12/speculaaskruiden.htmlSubdomain Anchor Text duplicate 0 comments Subdomain Text duplicate A-TITLE Email Post window External Subdomain Text duplicate Email This
A-TITLE Email This window External Subdomain Text duplicate BlogThis!
A-TITLE BlogThis! window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to X
A-TITLE Share to X window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Facebook
A-TITLE Share to Facebook window External Subdomain Text duplicate Share to Pinterest
A-TITLE Share to Pinterest
/search/label/Speculaaskruiden...Subdomain Speculaaskruiden (Dutch Speculaas Spices)
/search?updated-max=2024-12-01...Subdomain Older Posts
A-TITLE Older Posts Text duplicate Home
/feeds/posts/defaultNew window Subdomain Posts (Atom) Subdomain The Dutch Table on YouTube
/2012/10/kibbeling.htmlNew window Subdomain No Text
/2012/10/kibbeling.htmlSubdomain Kibbeling
/2011/04/filet-americain.htmlNew window Subdomain No Text
/2011/04/filet-americain.htmlSubdomain Filet Americain
/2010/10/bitterballen-dutch-de...New window Subdomain No Text
/2010/10/bitterballen-dutch-de...Subdomain Bitterballen Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/feeds/posts/defaultNew window Subdomain Atom window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/feeds/comments/defaultNew window Subdomain Text duplicate Atom
/search/label/A Dutch Dinner P...Subdomain A Dutch Dinner Party
/search/label/Aardappelsalade ...Subdomain Aardappelsalade (Dutch Potato Salad)
/search/label/Aardbeienjam (Du...Subdomain Aardbeienjam (Dutch Strawberry Jam)
/search/label/Abrikozenvlaai (...Subdomain Abrikozenvlaai (Dutch Apricot Pie)
/search/label/Advocaat (Dutch ...Subdomain Advocaat (Dutch Spiked Eggnog)
/search/label/Amandelbroodjes ...Subdomain Amandelbroodjes (Dutch Almond Turnovers)
/search/label/Amandelkransjes ...Subdomain Amandelkransjes (Dutch Almond Wreath Cookies)
/search/label/Amandelspijs (Du...Subdomain Amandelspijs (Dutch Almond Paste)
/search/label/Anijskrollen (Du...Subdomain Anijskrollen (Dutch Anise Buns)
/search/label/Anijsmelk (Dutch...Subdomain Anijsmelk (Dutch Anise Milk)
/search/label/Appelbeignets (D...Subdomain Appelbeignets (Dutch Apple Donuts)
/search/label/Appelbollen (Dut...Subdomain Appelbollen (Dutch Apple Dumplings)
/search/label/Appelcarrée (Dut...Subdomain Appelcarrée (Dutch Apple Pastry)
/search/label/Appelepap (Dutch...Subdomain Appelepap (Dutch Apple Porridge)
/search/label/Appelflappen (Du...Subdomain Appelflappen (Dutch Apple Turnovers)
/search/label/Appelkruimelvlaa...Subdomain Appelkruimelvlaai (Dutch Apple Crumble Pie)
/search/label/Appelmoes (Dutch...Subdomain Appelmoes (Dutch Apple Sauce)
/search/label/Appeltaart (Dutc...Subdomain Appeltaart (Dutch Apple Pie)
/search/label/Appeltjes onder ...Subdomain Appeltjes onder de deken (Dutch Apple and Vanilla Dessert)
/search/label/Arnhemse Meisjes...Subdomain Arnhemse Meisjes (Dutch Arnhem Girls Cookies)
/search/label/Arretje's Cake (...Subdomain Arretje's Cake (Dutch No-Bake Chocolate Cake)
/search/label/Asperges (White ...Subdomain Asperges (White Asparagus)
/search/label/Aspergesoep (Dut...Subdomain Aspergesoep (Dutch White Asparagus Soup)
/search/label/Atjar Tjampoer (...Subdomain Atjar Tjampoer (Dutch Indonesian Pickles)
/search/label/Baka Bana (Surin...Subdomain Baka Bana (Surinamese Fried Plantain)
/search/label/Bakleverworst (D...Subdomain Bakleverworst (Dutch Fry Liverwurst)
/search/label/Bananensoes (Dut...Subdomain Bananensoes (Dutch Banana Puff)
/search/label/Banketstaaf (Dut...Subdomain Banketstaaf (Dutch Almond Pastry)
/search/label/Bapao (Steamed M...Subdomain Bapao (Steamed Meat Buns)
/search/label/Bara (Surinamese...Subdomain Bara (Surinamese Lentil Snack)
/search/label/Bereklauw (Bear ...Subdomain Bereklauw (Bear Claw)
/search/label/Berliner Bollen ...Subdomain Berliner Bollen (German Jam Donuts)
/search/label/Beschuit (Dutch ...Subdomain Beschuit (Dutch Rusks)
/search/label/Bierpap (Dutch B...Subdomain Bierpap (Dutch Beer Porridge)
/search/label/Bisschopswijn (D...Subdomain Bisschopswijn (Dutch Mulled Wine)
/search/label/Bitterballen (Du...Subdomain Bitterballen (Dutch deep-fried gravy)
/search/label/Bitterkoekjes (D...Subdomain Bitterkoekjes (Dutch Bitter Almond Cookies)
/search/label/Bloemkool (Cauli...Subdomain Bloemkool (Cauliflower)
/search/label/Bloemkoolgratin ...Subdomain Text duplicate Bloemkoolgratin (Cauliflower Gratin)
/search/label/Boerencake met a...Subdomain Boerencake met appel en kaneel ( Dutch Apple Cinnamon Cake)
/search/label/Boerenjongens (D...Subdomain Boerenjongens (Dutch Brandied Raisins)
/search/label/Boerenkool met w...Subdomain Boerenkool met worst (Dutch kale potatoes with kielbasa)
/search/label/Boerenmeisjes (D...Subdomain Boerenmeisjes (Dutch Brandied Apricots)
/search/label/Borstplaat (Dutc...Subdomain Borstplaat (Dutch Fudge)
/search/label/Bossche Bollen (...Subdomain Bossche Bollen (Dutch Chocolate Puffs)
/search/label/Boterkoek (Dutch...Subdomain Boterkoek (Dutch Butter Cake)
/search/label/Botersprits (Dut...Subdomain Botersprits (Dutch Butter Cookies)
/search/label/Brinta (Dutch Wh...Subdomain Brinta (Dutch Whole Wheat Porridge)
/search/label/Broodbeleg (Dutc...Subdomain Broodbeleg (Dutch Bread Toppings)
/search/label/Broodje Gezond (...Subdomain Broodje Gezond (Dutch Healthy Sandwich)
/search/label/Broodjes (The Du...Subdomain Broodjes (The Dutch Sandwich)
/search/label/Bruine Bonen met...Subdomain Bruine Bonen met Rijst (Dutch brown beans with rice)
/search/label/Bruine Bonensoep...Subdomain Bruine Bonensoep (Dutch Brown Bean Soup)
/search/label/Brusselse Appelt...Subdomain Brusselse Appeltjes (Baked Apples)
/search/label/Caramelco (Dutch...Subdomain Caramelco (Dutch Caramel Spread)
/search/label/Champignonsoep (...Subdomain Champignonsoep (Dutch Mushroom Soup)
/search/label/Chocoladeletters...Subdomain Chocoladeletters (Dutch Chocolate Letters)
/search/label/Chocoladevla (Du...Subdomain Chocoladevla (Dutch Chocolate Custard)
/search/label/Christoffelvlaai...Subdomain Christoffelvlaai (Dutch Cherry Chocolate Cake)
/search/label/Citroencake (Lem...Subdomain Citroencake (Lemon Cake)
/search/label/Citroenlimonades...Subdomain Citroenlimonadesiroop (Dutch Lemonade Syrup)
/search/label/Draadjesvlees (D...Subdomain Draadjesvlees (Dutch Braised Beef)
/search/label/Drentse Turfkoek...Subdomain Drentse Turfkoek (Spiced Cake)
/search/label/Drie-in-de-pan (...Subdomain Drie-in-de-pan (Dutch Yeast Pancakes)
/search/label/Driekoningenbroo...Subdomain Driekoningenbrood (Dutch Three Kings Bread)
/search/label/Drop (Dutch Blac...Subdomain Drop (Dutch Black Licorice)
/search/label/Duivekater (Dutc...Subdomain Duivekater (Dutch Duivekater)
/search/label/Dutch Mushroom R...Subdomain Dutch Mushroom Ragout
/search/label/Dutch stampsSubdomain Dutch stamps
/search/label/Easter RecipesSubdomain Easter Recipes
/search/label/Eierkoeken (Dutc...Subdomain Eierkoeken (Dutch Egg Cakes)
/search/label/Eiersalade (Dutc...Subdomain Eiersalade (Dutch Egg Salad)
/search/label/Elfstedentocht (...Subdomain Elfstedentocht (Dutch Eleven Cities Skating Tour)
/search/label/Erwtensoep (Dutc...Subdomain Erwtensoep (Dutch split pea soup)
/search/label/Filet Americain ...Subdomain Filet Americain (Dutch Raw Beef Spread)
/search/label/Foeksandijvie (D...Subdomain Foeksandijvie (Dutch Curly Endive Mashed Potatoes)
/search/label/Fries suikerbroo...Subdomain Fries suikerbrood (Frisian Sugar Bread)
/search/label/Friese Dumkes (F...Subdomain Friese Dumkes (Frisian Aniseed Cookies)
/search/label/Friese Uiensoep ...Subdomain Friese Uiensoep (Frisian Onion Soup)
/search/label/Frikandellen (Du...Subdomain Frikandellen (Dutch deep-fried sausages)
/search/label/Gado Gado (Indon...Subdomain Gado Gado (Indonesian Vegetable Salad)
/search/label/Garnalencocktail...Subdomain Garnalencocktail (Dutch Shrimp Cocktail)
/search/label/Gebakken Aardapp...Subdomain Gebakken Aardappelen (Dutch Pan Fried Potatoes)
/search/label/Gebakken Kaaspla...Subdomain Gebakken Kaasplak (Dutch Fried Cheese Patties)
/search/label/Gebakken Mossele...Subdomain Gebakken Mosselen (Dutch Fried Mussels)
/search/label/Gebakken Peren (...Subdomain Gebakken Peren (Dutch Baked Pears)
/search/label/Gehaktballen met...Subdomain Gehaktballen met jus (Dutch Meatballs with gravy)
/search/label/Gemberbolus (Dut...Subdomain Gemberbolus (Dutch Ginger Roll)
/search/label/Gerookte Makreel...Subdomain Gerookte Makreel (Dutch Smoked Mackerel)
/search/label/Gerookte Paling ...Subdomain Gerookte Paling (Dutch Smoked Eel)
/search/label/Gestoofde Prei (...Subdomain Gestoofde Prei (Braised Leeks)
/search/label/Gevulde Eieren (...Subdomain Gevulde Eieren (Dutch Deviled Eggs)
/search/label/Gevulde Koek (Du...Subdomain Gevulde Koek (Dutch Almond-filled Cookie)
/search/label/Gevulde Speculaa...Subdomain Gevulde Speculaas (Dutch Almond-filled Spice Cake)
/search/label/Gezelligheid ken...Subdomain Gezelligheid kent geen tijd (Dutch Gezelligheid)
/search/label/Goulashsoep (Dut...Subdomain Goulashsoep (Dutch Goulash Soup)
/search/label/Griesmeelpudding...Subdomain Griesmeelpudding met bessensaus (Dutch Grits Pudding)
/search/label/Groentesoep met ...Subdomain Groentesoep met balletjes (Dutch Vegetable Soup with Small Meatballs)
/search/label/Groningse Eierba...Subdomain Groningse Eierbal (Dutch Scotch Egg)
/search/label/Haagse Bluf (Dut...Subdomain Haagse Bluf (Dutch Bluff)
/search/label/Haarlemmer Halle...Subdomain Haarlemmer Halletjes (Dutch Spiced cookies)
/search/label/Hachee (Dutch St...Subdomain Hachee (Dutch Stewed beef)
/search/label/Hangop (Dutch Yo...Subdomain Hangop (Dutch Yoghurt)
/search/label/Haringnieuws (He...Subdomain Haringnieuws (Herring Season 2011)
/search/label/Haringsalade (Du...Subdomain Haringsalade (Dutch Pickled Herring Salad)
/search/label/Hemelse Modder (...Subdomain Hemelse Modder (Dutch Chocolate Mousse)
/search/label/Hete Bliksem (Du...Subdomain Hete Bliksem (Dutch Mashed potatoes with apple and salt pork)
/search/label/Honingkoek (Dutc...Subdomain Honingkoek (Dutch Honey Cake)
/search/label/Hoornse Broeder ...Subdomain Hoornse Broeder (Dutch Raisin and Brown Sugar Bread)
/search/label/Hopjesvla (Dutch...Subdomain Hopjesvla (Dutch Coffee Custard)
/search/label/Hutspot met klap...Subdomain Hutspot met klapstuk (Dutch carrot mashed potatoes with braised beef)
/search/label/Huzarensalade (D...Subdomain Huzarensalade (Dutch Hussar's Salad)
/search/label/Janhagel (Dutch ...Subdomain Janhagel (Dutch Cinnamon Cookie)
/search/label/Jodenkoek (Dutch...Subdomain Jodenkoek (Dutch Jewish Cookies)
/search/label/Joodse Boterkoek...Subdomain Joodse Boterkoek (Dutch Ginger Butter Cake)
/search/label/Kaas-Uien Brood ...Subdomain Kaas-Uien Brood (Dutch Cheese Onion Bread)
/search/label/Kaasvlinders (Du...Subdomain Kaasvlinders (Dutch Cheese Snacks)
/search/label/Kaneelbeschuitje...Subdomain Kaneelbeschuitjes (Dutch Cinnamon Rusks)
/search/label/Karnemelkpudding...Subdomain Karnemelkpudding (Dutch Buttermilk Pudding)
/search/label/Karnemelksepap (...Subdomain Karnemelksepap (Dutch Buttermilk Porridge)
/search/label/Kersenstruif (Du...Subdomain Kersenstruif (Dutch Cherry Pancakes)
/search/label/Kersenvlaai (Dut...Subdomain Kersenvlaai (Dutch Cherry Pie)
/search/label/Kerstkransjes (D...Subdomain Kerstkransjes (Dutch Christmas Wreaths)
/search/label/Kerststol (Dutch...Subdomain Kerststol (Dutch Christmas Stollen)
/search/label/Kersttulband (Du...Subdomain Kersttulband (Dutch Christmas Cake)
/search/label/Kibbeling (Dutch...Subdomain Kibbeling (Dutch Fried Cod)
/search/label/Kletskoppen (Dut...Subdomain Kletskoppen (Dutch Peanut Lace Cookies)
/search/label/Knapkook (Dutch ...Subdomain Knapkook (Dutch crisp sugar cookie)
/search/label/Kniepertjes (Dut...Subdomain Kniepertjes (Dutch New Year's Cookies)
/search/label/Koek-en-zopie (D...Subdomain Koek-en-zopie (Dutch Warm Bock Beer Drink)
/search/label/Koffie Verkeerd ...Subdomain Koffie Verkeerd (Dutch Coffee Latte)
/search/label/Koffiebroodjes (...Subdomain Koffiebroodjes (Dutch Sweet Rolls)
/search/label/Koffiekoekje I (...Subdomain Koffiekoekje I (Dutch coffee cookie I)
/search/label/Koggetjes (Dutch...Subdomain Koggetjes (Dutch Caramel Cookies)
/search/label/Kokosmakronen (D...Subdomain Kokosmakronen (Dutch Coconut Macaroons)
/search/label/Konijn in het zu...Subdomain Konijn in het zuur (Sweet and Sour Rabbit)
/search/label/Koninginnesoep (...Subdomain Koninginnesoep (Dutch Queen's Soup)
/search/label/Koolsoep (Dutch ...Subdomain Koolsoep (Dutch Savoy Cabbage Soup)
/search/label/Korstjes (Dutch ...Subdomain Korstjes (Dutch Spiced Honey Cookie Bars)
/search/label/Krentenbollen (D...Subdomain Krentenbollen (Dutch Raisin Rolls)
/search/label/Krentjebrij (Dut...Subdomain Krentjebrij (Dutch Barley Dessert)
/search/label/Kroketten (Dutch...Subdomain Kroketten (Dutch Meat Kroket)
/search/label/Kruidnoten (Dutc...Subdomain Kruidnoten (Dutch Spiced Cookies)
/search/label/Kruidnoten Arret...Subdomain Kruidnoten Arretje's Cake (Dutch Spiced Cookies Chocolate No-Bake Cake)
/search/label/Kruidnotenbavaro...Subdomain Kruidnotenbavarois (Dutch Spiced Cookies Dairy Dessert)
/search/label/Kruimelvlaai (Du...Subdomain Kruimelvlaai (Dutch Limburg Streusel Custard Pie)
/search/label/Kruisbessenschui...Subdomain Kruisbessenschuimvlaai (Dutch Gooseberry Meringue Pie)
/search/label/Kwark (Dutch Fre...Subdomain Kwark (Dutch Fresh Cheese)
/search/label/Kwarktaart (Dutc...Subdomain Kwarktaart (Dutch Quark Pie)
/search/label/Kwast (Dutch Hot...Subdomain Kwast (Dutch Hot Lemon Drink)
/search/label/Lammetjespap (Du...Subdomain Lammetjespap (Dutch Lamb's Porridge)
/search/label/Lange vingers (D...Subdomain Lange vingers (Dutch Lady Finger Cookies)
/search/label/Lekkerbekje (Fri...Subdomain Lekkerbekje (Fried Whiting)
/search/label/Macaroni (Dutch ...Subdomain Macaroni (Dutch Macaroni)
/search/label/Mandarijnentoetj...Subdomain Text duplicate Mandarijnentoetje (Mandarin Orange Dessert)
/search/label/Meergranenbroodj...Subdomain Meergranenbroodjes (Dutch Multigrain Rolls)
/search/label/Mokkataart (Dutc...Subdomain Mokkataart (Dutch Mocca Cake)
/search/label/Mosselen (Dutch ...Subdomain Mosselen (Dutch Steamed mussels)
/search/label/Mosterdsoep (Dut...Subdomain Mosterdsoep (Dutch Mustard Soup)
/search/label/Nonnevotten (Dut...Subdomain Nonnevotten (Dutch Fried Bows)
/search/label/Oliebollen (Dutc...Subdomain Oliebollen (Dutch Fried Dough Balls)
/search/label/Oliebollenbroods...Subdomain Oliebollenbroodschotel (Dutch Oliebollen Bread Pudding)
/search/label/On the practice ...Subdomain On the practice of Prakken....
/search/label/Ontbijtkoek (Dut...Subdomain Ontbijtkoek (Dutch Spice Bread)
/search/label/Oranjebitter (Du...Subdomain Oranjebitter (Dutch Orange Bitter)
/search/label/Oranjekoek (Dutc...Subdomain Oranjekoek (Dutch Frisian Orange Cake)
/search/label/Oubliewafels met...Subdomain Oubliewafels met slagroom (Dutch fair waffles)
/search/label/Paasbrood (Dutch...Subdomain Paasbrood (Dutch Easter Bread)
/search/label/Paashaasjes (Dut...Subdomain Paashaasjes (Dutch Easter Bunny Rolls)
/search/label/Paasstol (Dutch ...Subdomain Paasstol (Dutch Easter Stollen)
/search/label/Paastaart (Dutch...Subdomain Paastaart (Dutch Easter Cake)
/search/label/Pannenkoeken (Du...Subdomain Pannenkoeken (Dutch Pancakes)
/search/label/Pannenkoekentaar...Subdomain Pannenkoekentaart (Dutch Pancake Cake)
/search/label/Pasteitje met ra...Subdomain Pasteitje met ragout (Dutch Puff pastry with chicken and mushroom gravy)
/search/label/Patat (Dutch Fre...Subdomain Patat (Dutch French Fries)
/search/label/Pindarotsjes (Du...Subdomain Pindarotsjes (Dutch Chocolate Peanut Clusters)
/search/label/Pindasoep (Surin...Subdomain Pindasoep (Surinamese Peanut Soup)
/search/label/Poffert (Dutch B...Subdomain Poffert (Dutch Bread Cake)
/search/label/Poffertjes (Dutc...Subdomain Poffertjes (Dutch Mini Pancakes)
/search/label/Pom (Surinamese ...Subdomain Pom (Surinamese Chicken Dish)
/search/label/Preisoep (Dutch ...Subdomain Preisoep (Dutch Leek Soup)
/search/label/Pruimenvlaai (Du...Subdomain Pruimenvlaai (Dutch Plum Tart)
/search/label/Prûmebôle (Dutch...Subdomain Prûmebôle (Dutch Plum Bread Pudding)
/search/label/Puddingbroodjes ...Subdomain Puddingbroodjes (Dutch Pudding Rolls)
/search/label/Rabarbermoes (Du...Subdomain Rabarbermoes (Dutch Rhubarb Sauce)
/search/label/Rabarbervla (Dut...Subdomain Rabarbervla (Dutch Rhubarb Dessert Pudding)
/search/label/Rabarbervlaai (D...Subdomain Rabarbervlaai (Dutch Rhubarb Pie)
/search/label/Rendang (Indones...Subdomain Rendang (Indonesian Beef Stew)
/search/label/Riefkook (Dutch ...Subdomain Riefkook (Dutch potato fritters)
/search/label/Rijst met krente...Subdomain Rijst met krenten (Dutch rice pudding with raisins)
/search/label/Rijstevlaai (Dut...Subdomain Rijstevlaai (Dutch Rice Pie)
/search/label/Rijsttafel (Indo...Subdomain Rijsttafel (Indonesian Rice Table)
/search/label/Rode Bessensaus ...Subdomain Rode Bessensaus (Dutch Red Currant Sauce)
/search/label/Rode kool met ap...Subdomain Rode kool met appeltjes (Dutch Red cabbage with apple)
/search/label/Rode Kool Stampp...Subdomain Text duplicate Rode Kool Stamppot (Red Cabbage Mashed Potatoes)
/search/label/Rondo's (Dutch A...Subdomain Rondo's (Dutch Almond Filled Cakes)
/search/label/Roti (Curried ch...Subdomain Roti (Curried chicken with beans and potatoes)
/search/label/Roze Koeken (Dut...Subdomain Roze Koeken (Dutch Pink Cakes)
/search/label/Rozijnenbrood (D...Subdomain Rozijnenbrood (Dutch Raisin Bread)
/search/label/Rozijnenbroodsch...Subdomain Rozijnenbroodschoteltje met appel (Dutch Raisin Bread Pudding with Apple)
/search/label/Saté Babi (Indon...Subdomain Saté Babi (Indonesian Pork Satay)
/search/label/Saucijzenbroodje...Subdomain Saucijzenbroodjes (Dutch Sausage Rolls)
/search/label/Schoenlapperstaa...Subdomain Schoenlapperstaart (Dutch Cobbler's Pie)
/search/label/Siepeltjespot (D...Subdomain Siepeltjespot (Dutch Cranberry Sauerkraut Casserole)
/search/label/Sinterklaas Surp...Subdomain Sinterklaas Surprise
/search/label/Slagroomtaart (D...Subdomain Slagroomtaart (Dutch Birthday Cake)
/search/label/Slagroomwafels (...Subdomain Slagroomwafels (Whipped Cream Waffles)
/search/label/Slavinken (Dutch...Subdomain Slavinken (Dutch Bacon Meatrolls)
/search/label/Slemp (Dutch spi...Subdomain Slemp (Dutch spiced milk)
/search/label/Sneeuwballen (Du...Subdomain Sneeuwballen (Dutch Snow Ball Puffs)
/search/label/Sneeuwpudding (D...Subdomain Sneeuwpudding (Dutch Cornstarch Pudding)
/search/label/Soepballetjes (D...Subdomain Soepballetjes (Dutch Soup Meatballs)
/search/label/Speculaasbrokken...Subdomain Speculaasbrokken (Dutch Spice Cookie Chunks)
/search/label/Speculaascake me...Subdomain Speculaascake met peren (Dutch Spice Cake with Pears)
/search/label/Speculaasjes (Du...Subdomain Speculaasjes (Dutch Windmill Cookies)
/search/label/Speculaaskruiden...Subdomain Text duplicate Speculaaskruiden (Dutch Speculaas Spices)
/search/label/Spekkoek ( Layer...Subdomain Spekkoek ( Layered Spice Cake)
/search/label/Spekpannenkoek (...Subdomain Spekpannenkoek (Dutch Bacon Pancakes)
/search/label/Spinazie met Sol...Subdomain Spinazie met Soldaatjes (Dutch Spinach with Soldiers)
/search/label/Spruitjes (Dutch...Subdomain Spruitjes (Dutch Brussels Sprouts)
/search/label/Spruitjesstamppo...Subdomain Spruitjesstamppot (Dutch Brussels Sprouts Potato Mash)
/search/label/St Maarten Wafel...Subdomain St Maarten Wafels (St Martin Waffles)
/search/label/St. Hubertusbroo...Subdomain St. Hubertusbroodjes (Dutch Hubertus Rolls)
/search/label/Stamppot (Dutch ...Subdomain Text duplicate Stamppot (Dutch Mashed Potato Dish)
/search/label/Staphorster Flee...Subdomain Staphorster Fleeren (Dutch New Year's Waffles)
/search/label/Stokvis (Dutch S...Subdomain Stokvis (Dutch Salted Cod)
/search/label/Stoofpeertjes (D...Subdomain Stoofpeertjes (Dutch Stewed Pears)
/search/label/Stroopkoeken (Du...Subdomain Stroopkoeken (Dutch syrup cookies)
/search/label/Stroopwafels (Du...Subdomain Stroopwafels (Dutch Caramel Waffles)
/search/label/Suikerbeestjes (...Subdomain Suikerbeestjes (Dutch Sugar Confectionary)
/search/label/Suikerwafels (Du...Subdomain Suikerwafels (Dutch Sugar Waffles)
/search/label/TaaiTaai (Dutch ...Subdomain TaaiTaai (Dutch Honey cake dolls)
/search/label/The Dutch SandwichSubdomain The Dutch Sandwich
/search/label/Tijgerbollen (Du...Subdomain Tijgerbollen (Dutch Crunch Tiger Rolls)
/search/label/Tijmsiroop (Dutc...Subdomain Tijmsiroop (Dutch Cough Thyme Syrup)
/search/label/Tomatenschoteltj...Subdomain Tomatenschoteltje (Dutch Tomato Dish)
/search/label/Tomatensoep met ...Subdomain Tomatensoep met balletjes (Dutch Tomato Soup with meatballs)
/search/label/Tompoes (Dutch P...Subdomain Tompoes (Dutch Pink Napoleon)
/search/label/Tongrolletjes me...Subdomain Tongrolletjes met garnalensaus (Sole with shrimp)
/search/label/Tosti Ham Kaas (...Subdomain Tosti Ham Kaas (Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich)
/search/label/Uitsmijter (Dutc...Subdomain Uitsmijter (Dutch Fried Egg Sandwich)
/search/label/Vanillevla (Dutc...Subdomain Vanillevla (Dutch Vanilla Custard)
/search/label/Vijfschaft (Dutc...Subdomain Vijfschaft (Dutch Mixed Vegetables)
/search/label/Wat eten we vana...Subdomain Wat eten we vanavond? (What's for dinner tonight?)
/search/label/Wentelteefjes (D...Subdomain Wentelteefjes (Dutch Fried Bread )
/search/label/Why can't I prin...Subdomain Why can't I print your recipes???
/search/label/Witlofschotel (D...Subdomain Witlofschotel (Dutch Belgian Endive Casserole)
/search/label/Witte Bolletjes ...Subdomain Witte Bolletjes (Dutch Soft White Rolls)
/search/label/Worstenbroodjes ...Subdomain Worstenbroodjes (Dutch Sausage rolls)
/search/label/Zakdoekjes (Dutc...Subdomain Zakdoekjes (Dutch Handkerchief Cookies)
/search/label/Zalmsalade (Cold...Subdomain Zalmsalade (Cold Dutch Salmon Salad)
/search/label/Zalmtaart (Dutch...Subdomain Zalmtaart (Dutch Salmon Pie)
/search/label/Zeeuwse Bolus (D...Subdomain Zeeuwse Bolus (Dutch Cinnamon Roll)
/search/label/Zomerkoninkjes (...Subdomain Zomerkoninkjes (Dutch Strawberry Sandwich)
/search/label/Zuringsoep (Dutc...Subdomain Zuringsoep (Dutch Sorrel Soup)
/search/label/Zuurkool (Dutch ...Subdomain Zuurkool (Dutch Sauerkraut)
/search/label/Zuurkoolschotel ...Subdomain Zuurkoolschotel (Dutch Sauerkraut Casserole)
/search/label/Zuurkoolstamppot...Subdomain Zuurkoolstamppot met rookworst (Sauerkraut mash with smoked sausage - Keto version)
/search/label/Zuurvlees (Dutch...Subdomain Zuurvlees (Dutch Sour Beef Stew) Subdomain IMG-ALT Locations of visitors to this page Subdomain IMG-ALT Badge of Honor window External Subdomain Blogger

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