- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.32 s
File size
62.10 kB
Media files
Number of links
113 internal / 3 external

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Biowein vom Bioweinhandel vinoverde
The length of the page title is perfect. (344 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
DIE Adresse für Biowein: 2.500 Bioweine ✓ Biozertifiziert ✓ CO2-neutraler Versand 3,95€ DE, ab 90€ frei ✓ Biowein günstig und sicher auf Rechnung kaufen ✓
The length of the meta description is perfect. (982 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionDIE Adresse für Biowein: 2.500 Bioweine ✓ Biozertifiziert ✓ CO2-neutraler Versand 3,95€ DE, ab 90€ frei ✓ Biowein günstig und sicher auf Rechnung kaufen ✓
keywordsbiowein, bioweinversand, biowein online, bio wein, biowein kaufen, bio weine, bioweine, weine bio, wein bio, bio wein online
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1403 words. That's ok.
38.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
7 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.24 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: 5,69 € *
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
This page uses Google authorship markup.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/out/azure/img/x.pngvinoverde - Biowein - close
/out/azure/img/logo.pngBiowein - vinoverde
...duct/1/87_87_95/armonia-rouge-bassac.jpgARMONIA Rouge 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton)
...oduct/1/87_87_95/fincaengueracrianza.jpgFinca Enguera Crianza Valencia DO 2022 Enguera (im 6er Karton)
...ted/product/1/87_87_95/armonia-blanc.jpgArmonia Blanc 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton)
/out/azure/img/schatten_box.pngBiowein Bestseller
/out/azure/img/schatten_box.pngausgezeichnete Bioweine
/out/azure/img/alkoholfreier-wein.avifalkoholfreier wein
/out/azure/img/schatten_box.pngalkoholfreie Weine
...romo/biowein-mirasoles-appassimente.avifBiowein Mirasoles Appassimento Toskanapaket
/out/azure/img/schatten_tags.pngBiowein Angebote bei vinoverde Bioweinhandel
/out/azure/img/probierpakete.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein Probierpakete ansehen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein-Probierpakete online kaufen
/out/azure/img/sale.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein Angebote ansehen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein-Probierpakete online kaufen
...1/185_170_95/rose-spumante-extra-dry.jpgPizzolato Rosé Spumante Extra Dry (im 6er Karton)
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
...5_170_95/coste-di-moro-montepulciano.jpgMontepulciano Coste di Moro DOC 2019 Lunaria (im 6er Karton)
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
...1/185_170_95/osteria-pinot-grigio(1).jpgPinot Grigio OSTERIA IGT 2023 Demeter (im 6er Karton)
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
...uct/1/185_170_95/bio-primitivo-paket.jpgPrimitivo Paket
/out/azure/img/button_ansehen.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/schatten_mitte.pngBiowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/out/azure/img/schatten_tags.pngBiowein Vorteile bei vinoverde
/out/azure/img/ups2.pngUPS Wein-versand
/out/azure/img/blog.pngBiowein-Blog vinoverde
/out/azure/img/facebook.pngBiowein-Infos auf facebook
/out/azure/img/twitter.pngBiowein-Infos auf twitter
/out/azure/img/instagram_icon.pngBiowein auf Instagram
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/haken.pngVorteile Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/bio-siegel-ssl.pngBio-Siegel Weinhandel
/out/azure/img/schatten_footer.pngBiowein bei vinoverde kaufen

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Biowein - online bestellen bei vinoverde Bioweinhandel
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Biowein - online bestellen bei vinoverde Bioweinhandel
H2 Was ist Biowein? Warum Biowein?
H2 Biowein kaufen
H3 Bestseller
H4 Anmelden
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/mein-konto/Nofollow Subdomain Konto
/mein-konto/Nofollow Subdomain Mein Konto
/mein-merkzettel/Nofollow Subdomain Mein Merkzettel
/mein-wunschzettel/Nofollow Subdomain Mein Wunschzettel
/passwort-vergessen/Nofollow Subdomain ? vergessen
A-TITLE Passwort vergessen?
/konto-eroeffnen/Subdomain Registrieren
A-TITLE Registrieren IMG-ALT Biosiegel
A-TITLE Biowein-Siegel IMG-ALT Biowein - vinoverde
A-TITLE Biowein von vinoverde
/Biorotwein/Subdomain Biorotwein
/Biorotwein/Argentinien/Subdomain Argentinien
/Biorotwein/Biorotwein-Italien/Subdomain Biorotwein Italien
/Biorotwein/Chile/Subdomain Chile
/Biorotwein/Deutschland/Subdomain Deutschland
/Biorotwein/Frankreich/Subdomain Frankreich
/Biorotwein/Griechenland/Subdomain Griechenland
/Biorotwein/Neuseeland/Subdomain Neuseeland
/Biorotwein/OEsterreich/Subdomain Österreich
/Biorotwein/Portugal/Subdomain Portugal
/Biorotwein/Rumaenien/Subdomain Rumänien
/Biorotwein/Spanien/Subdomain Spanien
/Biorotwein/Suedafrika/Subdomain Südafrika
/Biorotwein/Ungarn/Subdomain Ungarn
/Biorotwein/USA/Subdomain USA
/Bioweisswein/Subdomain Bioweißwein
/Bioweisswein/Argentinien/Subdomain Text duplicate Argentinien
/Bioweisswein/Chile/Subdomain Text duplicate Chile
/Bioweisswein/Bioweisswein-Deu...Subdomain Text duplicate Deutschland
/Bioweisswein/Bioweisswein-Fra...Subdomain Text duplicate Frankreich
/Herrenhof/Subdomain Herrenhof
/Bioweisswein/Bioweisswein-Ita...Subdomain Italien
/Bioweisswein/Neuseeland/Subdomain Text duplicate Neuseeland
/Bioweisswein/Bioweisswein-OEs...Subdomain Text duplicate Österreich
/Portugal/Subdomain Text duplicate Portugal
/Bioweisswein/Rumaenien/Subdomain Text duplicate Rumänien
/Bioweisswein/Slowenien/Subdomain Slowenien
/Bioweisswein/Bioweisswein-Spa...Subdomain Text duplicate Spanien
/Bioweisswein/Suedafrika/Subdomain Text duplicate Südafrika
/Bioweisswein/USA/Subdomain Text duplicate USA
/Bioros-wein/Subdomain Bioroséwein
/Bioros-wein/Deutschland/Subdomain Text duplicate Deutschland
/Bioros-wein/Frankreich/Subdomain Text duplicate Frankreich
/Bioros-wein/Italien/Subdomain Text duplicate Italien
/Bioros-wein/Spanien/Subdomain Text duplicate Spanien
/Bioros-wein/Suedafrika/Subdomain Text duplicate Südafrika
/Prosecco-Co/Subdomain Prosecco & Co Cava
/Champagner/Subdomain Champagner Cremant
/Franciacorta/Subdomain Franciacorta
/Prosecco/Subdomain Prosecco Sekt
/Vegane-Weine-biowein/Subdomain Vegane Weine
/Spirituosen/Subdomain Spirituosen Grappa
/Obstbrand/Subdomain Obstbrand
/Portwein/Subdomain Portwein
/Biowein-Probierpakete/Subdomain Pakete
/Biowein-Probierpakete/Probier...Subdomain Probierpakete
/Weingeschenke/Subdomain Weingeschenke
/Armonia-Rouge.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT ARMONIA Rouge 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton)
/Armonia-Rouge.htmlSubdomain ARMONIA Rouge 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton) 5,69 € *
/Enguera-Crianza.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Finca Enguera Crianza Valencia DO 2022 Enguera (im 6er Karton)
/Enguera-Crianza.htmlSubdomain Finca Enguera Crianza Valencia DO 2022 Enguera (im 6er Karton) 6,55 € *
/ARMONIA-Blanc.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Armonia Blanc 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton)
/ARMONIA-Blanc.htmlSubdomain Armonia Blanc 2023 Bassac (im 6er Karton) 5,69 € *
/ausgezeichnete-bioweine/Subdomain IMG-ALT ausgezeichnet
/alkoholfreier-wein/Subdomain IMG-ALT alkoholfreier wein
/Mirasoles-Appassimento-Pablo-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Biowein Mirasoles Appassimento
/Toskana-Paket.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Biowein Toskanapaket
/Biowein-Probierpakete/Subdomain IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Biowein-Probierpakete/Subdomain IMG-ALT Biowein Probierpakete ansehen
/Biowein-Angebote/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Biowein-Angebote/Subdomain IMG-ALT Biowein Angebote ansehen
/Rosato-Spumante-Violette-Pizz...Subdomain IMG-ALT Pizzolato Rosé Spumante Extra Dry (im 6er Karton)
A-TITLE Pizzolato Rosé Spumante Extra Dry (im 6er Karton)
/Rosato-Spumante-Violette-Pizz...Subdomain Everybody's Darling
A-TITLE Everybody's Darling
/Rosato-Spumante-Violette-Pizz...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Montepulciano-Moro-Vinicola.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Montepulciano Coste di Moro DOC 2019 Lunaria (im 6er Karton)
A-TITLE Montepulciano Coste di Moro DOC 2019 Lunaria (im 6er Karton)
/Montepulciano-Moro-Vinicola.htmlSubdomain Bestseller von Lunaria
A-TITLE Bestseller von Lunaria
/Montepulciano-Moro-Vinicola.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Pinot-Grigio.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Pinot Grigio OSTERIA IGT 2023 Demeter (im 6er Karton)
A-TITLE Pinot Grigio OSTERIA IGT 2023 Demeter (im 6er Karton)
/Pinot-Grigio.htmlSubdomain Biowein Schnäppchen
A-TITLE Biowein Schnäppchen
/Pinot-Grigio.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Primitivo-Paket-Bio.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Primitivo Paket
A-TITLE Primitivo Paket
/Primitivo-Paket-Bio.htmlSubdomain Bestsellerpaket
A-TITLE Bestsellerpaket
/Primitivo-Paket-Bio.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Biowein im Probierpaket online kaufen
/Biorotwein/Subdomain Text duplicate Biorotwein
/Bioweisswein/Subdomain Text duplicate Bioweißwein
/Bioros-wein/Subdomain Text duplicate Bioroséwein
/Prosecco/Subdomain Bio-Prosecco
/Champagner/Subdomain Bio-Champagner
/index.php?stoken=9587F76E&lan...Subdomain Demeter,
A-TITLE Demeter Wein
/index.php?stoken=9587F76E&lan...Subdomain Ecovin,
A-TITLE Ecovin Wein
/index.php?stoken=9587F76E&lan...Subdomain Bioland und
A-TITLE Bioland Wein
/index.php?stoken=9587F76E&lan...Subdomain Naturland
A-TITLE Naturland Wein window Subdomain Blog
IMG-ALT Biowein-Blog vinoverde window External Subdomain Facebook
IMG-ALT Biowein-Infos auf facebook window External Subdomain Twitter
IMG-ALT Biowein-Infos auf twitter window External Subdomain Instagram
IMG-ALT Biowein auf Instagram
/was-ist-biowein/New window Subdomain Was ist Biowein?
/veganer-wein/New window Subdomain Veganer Wein
/Wein-ohne-Sulfite/New window Subdomain Wein ohne Sulfite
/Demeter-Wein/New window Subdomain Demeter Wein
/Weinstein/New window Subdomain Was ist Weinstein?
/Alkoholfreier-Wein-Sekt/New window Subdomain Alkoholfreier Wein
/Impressum/Nofollow Subdomain Impressum Subdomain AGB
/Datenschutz/Nofollow Subdomain Datenschutzerklärung
/Jugendschutz/Nofollow Subdomain Jugendschutz
/Versand-und-Kosten/Nofollow Subdomain Versand und Kosten
/Bezahlen/Nofollow Subdomain Bezahlen
/Biorotwein/Widerrufsrecht/Nofollow Subdomain Widerrufsrecht
/Wie-bestellen/Nofollow Subdomain Wie bestellen? Biowein
/BioweinhandelSubdomain Bioweinhandel Partner
/Versand-und-Kosten/Nofollow Subdomain Versandkosten,

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
A Content Delivery Network like Google Hosted Libraries can save bandwidth for the JQuery files.
The page response time is excellent with 0.32 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (62 kB).

HTTP Response Header

set-cookie28 Characters
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateThu, 07 Nov 2024 13:33:15 GMT

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 265 referring domains.
This page has 6,354 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 153 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
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User-agent: AdsBot-Google
User-agent: Googlebot-Image
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Search preview
Biowein vom Bioweinhandel vinoverde
DIE Adresse für Biowein: 2.500 Bioweine ✓ Biozertifiziert ✓ CO2-neutraler Versand 3,95€ DE, ab 90€ frei ✓ Biowein günstig und sicher auf Rechnung kaufen ✓

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Wein kaufen73%Check
Bioweinhandel vinoverde73%Check
Biowein kaufen73%Check
Wein online kaufen66%Check
Alkoholfreier Wein64%Check

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