Webspatz.ch - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
6.18 s
File size
343.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
126 internal / 5 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN | WordPress & SEO Webagentur | Zürich
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 608 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Webspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine WordPress & SEO Agentur aus Zürich. ✓ Webdesign Agentur ✓ Suchmaschinenoptimierung ✓ Local SEO
The length of the meta description is perfect. (882 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
apple-mobile-web-app-titleWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH - Wordpress Webdesign Agentur Zürich
descriptionWebspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine WordPress & SEO Agentur aus Zürich. ✓ Webdesign Agentur ✓ Suchmaschinenoptimierung ✓ Local SEO
robotsfollow, index, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1, max-image-preview:large
generatorPowered by Slider Revolution 6.7.18 - responsive, Mobile-Friendly Slider Plugin for WordPress with comfortable drag and drop interface.
twitter:titleWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN | WordPress & SEO Webagentur | Zürich
twitter:descriptionWebspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine WordPress & SEO Agentur aus Zürich. ✓ Webdesign Agentur ✓ Suchmaschinenoptimierung ✓ Local SEO
twitter:label1Verfasst von
twitter:data1Gregor Altenburger
twitter:data29 Minuten
og:titleWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN | WordPress & SEO Webagentur | Zürich
og:descriptionWebspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine WordPress & SEO Agentur aus Zürich. ✓ Webdesign Agentur ✓ Suchmaschinenoptimierung ✓ Local SEO
og:image:altWebspatz Webdesign GmbH Social Thumbnail

Test up to 1.000 webpages of webspatz.ch with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 6 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Ich gestalte moderne, responsive Webseiten und optimiere sie für Googl...
  • Duplicate 2: Ich arbeite dynamisch, unkonventionell und zeitgemäss, bin gut vernetz...
  • Duplicate 3: Ich mag die Arbeit im Kollektiv. Da ich über ein breites Netzwerk verf...
This page contains 932 words. That's ok.
33% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
12 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 10.96 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
This page loads 30 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: cms von wordpress
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
.../webspatz-webdesign-logo-white-pfade.svgWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
.../webspatz-webdesign-logo-black-pfade.svgWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
.../webspatz-webdesign-logo-black-pfade.svgWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
.../webspatz-webdesign-logo-black-pfade.svgWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
.../webspatz-webdesign-logo-white-pfade.svgWEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
...ns/revslider/sr6/assets/assets/dummy.pngZUHAUSE SEIN 48 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHZUHAUSE SEIN
...ns/revslider/sr6/assets/assets/dummy.pngZUHAUSE SEIN 49 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHZUHAUSE SEIN
...ns/revslider/sr6/assets/assets/dummy.pngZUHAUSE SEIN 50 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHZUHAUSE SEIN
data:[...] Base64Gregor Altenburger - Webspatz Webdesign Gmbh - PortraitZUHAUSE SEIN 67 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Gregor Altenburger - Webspatz Webdesign Gmbh - PortraitZUHAUSE SEIN 67 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 1 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 1 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 2 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 2 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 3 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 3 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 4 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 4 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 5 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 5 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Shopify Webdesign Schweiz HolzproduktePortfolios 6 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 6 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 7 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 7 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 8 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 8 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 9 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 9 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 10 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 10 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 11 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 11 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 12 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Shopify Webdesign Schweiz - Schmuck - PerlschmuckPortfolios 13 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 12 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 14 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Nino Schurter - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 15 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 13 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 16 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 14 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 17 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 15 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 18 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 16 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 19 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 17 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 20 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 18 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 21 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 19 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 22 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 20 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 23 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 21 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 24 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 22 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 25 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 23 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 26 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Carlo Janka - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 27 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 24 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 28 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 25 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 29 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 26 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 30 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 27 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 31 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 28 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 32 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 29 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 33 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 30 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 34 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 31 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 35 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 32 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 36 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 33 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 37 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 34 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 38 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 35 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 39 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 36 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 40 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 37 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 41 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Rechtsanwalt Webdesign ReferenzPortfolios 42 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Die Exfreundinnen - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 43 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 38 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 44 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 39 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 45 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 40 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 46 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 41 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 47 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Culinarium Alpinum - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 48 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Mazza Asset Management AG - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 49 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 42 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 50 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64KinoKoni - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 51 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Dentallabor - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 52 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 43 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 53 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 44 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 54 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 45 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 55 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 46 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 56 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Ziegler AG - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 57 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Covergirl - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 58 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Stylingpool - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 59 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64J4FUN Entertainment - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 60 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Portfolios 47 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHPortfolios 61 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Matthias Arn - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 62 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Löwen Musical - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 63 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Praxis - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 64 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Hallberg Dentes - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 65 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64Kopelli Klinik - Referenzbild von Webspatz Webdesign ZürichPortfolios 66 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 51 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHcovergirl-w
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 52 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHBZB_logo_2x-w
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 53 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHneoprop-w
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 54 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHecco-w
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 55 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHpionierpreis-w
data:[...] Base64ZUHAUSE SEIN 56 WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbHnino-schurter-logo-w

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Die frische Webdesign Agentur & SEO Agentur aus Zürich
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 88 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Die frische Webdesign Agentur & SEO Agentur aus Zürich
H2 Webspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine Webagentur aus Zürich und steht für moderne Webseiten, ansprechendes Grafikdesign sowie durchdachte SEO Suchmaschinenoptimierung
H2 Webdesign
H2 Shopify Shop
H2 SEO Duplicate text
H2 WordPress Wartung
H2 WordPress Support
H2 Newsletter
H3 Hallo, ich bin Gregor
H3 Hallo, ich bin Gregor Duplicate text
H3 Pfeffermint
H3 Amazing Views
H3 compliag AG
H3 Sandra Studer
H3 Holzlöffel
H3 CANCOM Switzerland AG
H3 Cream Bridal
H3 Weingut Rütihof
H3 Mira South Sea Pearls
H3 ORDP (ETH Zürich)
H3 Nino Schurter
H3 Lukas Hobi
H3 TuricumFit
H3 Marsman Stiftung
H3 Public History
H3 Martina Lory
H3 Kinderwunsch Bern
H3 Landmann Rechtsanwälte
H3 Carlo Janka
H3 TCM Becchio
H3 Offleash Hundetraining
H3 Grundisch GmbH
H3 Frauenpraxis Bern
H3 Eggimann Stöckli & Partner
H3 b-resilient Consulting
H3 Apunta GmbH
H3 Belvédère AM AG
H3 La Mia!
H3 HormonPlus
H3 ZKB Pionierpreis Technopark
H3 Eatery Lekkeray
H3 Elsa Kommunikation
H3 SBN Rechtsanwälte
H3 Die Exfreundinnen
H3 TT-Store
H3 Boxtop AG
H3 Citykirche
H3 Tanja Peters
H3 Culinarium Alpinum
H3 Mazza Asset Management
H3 Neoprop AG
H3 KinoKoni
H3 Romag Dentallabor
H3 Pro Kinderrechte
H3 Spagi
H3 NGO Netzwerk Sierra Leone
H3 Gesprächszeit
H3 Ziegler AG
H3 Covergirl
H3 Stylingpool
H3 Just4Fun Entertainment
H3 Juntos en Camino
H3 Matthias Arn
H3 Löwen Musical
H3 Praxis am Wolfgraben
H3 Zahnarztpraxis Dentes
H3 Kopelli Klinik
H3 Pro bono
H5 Zeit – Ihren Auftritt neu zu denken?
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
66 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 5 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://webspatz.ch/Anchor Zur primären Navigation springen
https://webspatz.ch/Anchor Zum Inhalt springen
https://webspatz.ch/IMG-ALT WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN GmbH
https://webspatz.ch/ZUHAUSE sein
/webdesign-angebote/IM ANGEBOT schmökern
/webdesign-angebote/profession...Webseite erstellen lassen
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...WordPress Support
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...WordPress Wartungsservice
/webdesign-angebote/elementor-...Elementor Support
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-su...Shopify Support Schweiz
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-sh...Shopify Shop erstellen lassen
/webdesign-angebote/standard-s...BASIC SEO Optimierung
/webdesign-angebote/technische...PREMIUM SEO Optimierung
/webdesign-angebote/local-seo-...LOCAL SEO Optimierung
/webdesign-angebote/newsletter...Newsletter erstellen lassen
/webdesign-angebote/datenschut...Datenschutzerklärung gemäss revDSG oder DSGVO erstellen
/webdesign-angebote/google-con...Google Consent Mode Schweiz
/webdesign-referenzen/REFERENZEN sehen
/wordpress-webagentur/KENNEN lernen
/kontakt-aufnehmen/KONTAKT aufnehmen
/offerte-anfordern/Offerte anfordern
A-TITLE SEO Optimierung
/offerte-anfordern/Text duplicate Offerte anfordern
A-TITLE SEO Optimierung
/webdesign-referenzen/Text duplicate Kundschaft
/webdesign-angebote/profession...Responsive Webseiten
/webdesign-angebote/profession...Landing Pages | Redesign
/webdesign-angebote/profession...MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE Webseite erstellen lassen
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-sh...Onlineshop erstellen
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-su...Shopify Support
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-sh...Online Marketing Setup
/webdesign-angebote/shopify-sh...Text duplicate MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE Shopify Shop
/webdesign-angebote/technische...On & OffPage SEO
/webdesign-angebote/technische...Technische & Inhaltliche SEO
/webdesign-angebote/local-seo-...Local Search SEO (Lokale Suche)
/webdesign-angebote/technische...Text duplicate MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE SEO Optimierung
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...Wartungs-Service (ABO)
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...Text duplicate MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE WordPress Wartung Abo
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...Technischer Support
/webdesign-angebote/datenschut...Datenschutzseite erstellen
/webdesign-angebote/elementor-...Text duplicate Elementor Support
/webdesign-angebote/wordpress-...Text duplicate MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE WordPress Support
https://www.klaviyo.com/New window External Subdomain Klaviyo
/webdesign-angebote/newsletter...Text duplicate MEHR DAZU
A-TITLE Newsletter Vorlage erstellen lassen
/referenzen/nuvonda-genossensc...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-kre...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-rei...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-ber...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-mod...No Text
/referenzen/holzloeffel/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-finanzun...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-it-...No Text
/referenzen/shopify-hunde-onli...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-bra...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-livebands/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-wei...No Text
/referenzen/mira-south-sea-pea...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-die...No Text
/referenzen/nino-schurter/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-sae...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-fit...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-sti...No Text
/referenzen/website-fuer-bars-...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-gesundhe...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-res...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-sch...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-kinderwu...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-wed...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-anwaltsk...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-bau...No Text
/referenzen/carlo-janka/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-tcm...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-hun...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-maler/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-fra...No Text
/referenzen/website-fuer-verha...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-consulti...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-fuer-med...No Text
/referenzen/belvedere/No Text
/referenzen/onlineshop-fuer-ho...No Text
/referenzen/hormonplus/No Text
/referenzen/forschung-webdesign/No Text
/referenzen/restaurant-webseite/No Text
/referenzen/shopify-shop-fuer-...No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-kommunik...No Text
/referenzen/rechtsanwalt-webde...No Text
/referenzen/die-exfreundinnen/No Text
/referenzen/shopify-sportartik...No Text
/referenzen/boxtop-ag/No Text
/referenzen/webseite-kirche-er...No Text
/referenzen/coaching-website-e...No Text
/referenzen/culinarium-alpinum/No Text
/referenzen/mazza-asset-manage...No Text
/referenzen/neoprop-ag/No Text
/referenzen/kinokoni/No Text
/referenzen/romag-dentallabor/No Text
/referenzen/webdesign-verein/No Text
/referenzen/spagi/No Text
/referenzen/ngo-netzwerk-sierr...No Text
/referenzen/gespraechszeit/No Text
/referenzen/ziegler-ag/No Text
/referenzen/covergirl/No Text
/referenzen/stylingpool/No Text
/referenzen/just4fun-entertain...No Text
/referenzen/juntos-en-camino/No Text
/referenzen/matthias-arn/No Text
/referenzen/loewen-musical/No Text
/referenzen/praxis-am-wolfgraben/No Text
/referenzen/zahnarztpraxis-den...No Text
/referenzen/kopelli-klinik/No Text
https://webspatz.ch/Anchor No Text
https://www.linkedin.com/in/gr...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/webs...New window External Subdomain No Text
/webdesign-referenzen/pro-bono/New window Von Webspatz unterstützte Projekte
https://webspatz.ch/Text duplicate ZUHAUSE sein
/webdesign-angebote/Text duplicate IM ANGEBOT schmökern
/webdesign-referenzen/Text duplicate REFERENZEN sehen
/wordpress-webagentur/Text duplicate KENNEN lernen
/kontakt-aufnehmen/Text duplicate KONTAKT aufnehmen
https://goo.gl/maps/FsSaeExternal Am Wasser 159
https://www.sbb.ch/de/kaufen/p...New window External Subdomain SBB Fahrplan, bitte hier klicken
https://webspatz.ch/impressum/Text duplicate Impressum
/datenschutzerkaerung/Text duplicate Datenschutzerkärung

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://webspatz.ch/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is very slow (6.18 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
This page loads 26 CSS files. This may affect the page load time negatively.
This page loads 30 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A Content Delivery Network like Bootstrap CDN can save bandwidth for Bootstrap front-end component library.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (344 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 11 Dec 2024 22:27:15 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
access-control-allow-headersContent-Type, Authorization
cross-origin-embedder-policyunsafe-none; report-to='default'
cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-onlyunsafe-none; report-to='default'
cross-origin-opener-policy-report-onlyunsafe-none; report-to='default'
permissions-policyaccelerometer=(), autoplay=(), camera=(), cross-origin-isolated=(), display-capture=(self), encrypted-media=(), fullscreen=*, geolocation=(self), gyroscope=(), keyboard-map=(), magnetometer=(), microphone=(), midi=(), payment=*, picture-in-picture=*, publickey-credentials-get=(), screen-wake-lock=(), sync-xhr=*, usb=(), xr-spatial-tracking=(), gamepad=(), serial=()
strict-transport-securitymax-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
x-content-security-policydefault-src 'self'; img-src *; media-src * data:;
link<https://webspatz.ch/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/", <https://webspatz.ch/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/18>; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json", <https://webspatz.ch/>; rel=shortlink

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 112 referring domains.
This page has 1,535 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 83 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

WEBSPATZ WEBDESIGN | WordPress & SEO Webagentur | Zürich
Webspatz Webdesign ist eine kleine WordPress & SEO Agentur aus Zürich. ✓ Webdesign Agentur ✓ Suchmaschinenoptimierung ✓ Local SEO

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Webspatz Webdesign83%Check
Webdesign Agentur80%Check
Webdesign WordPress78%Check
SEO Agentur77%Check
WordPress SEO75%Check

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