This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
User-agent: * Disallow: / User-agent: Mediapartners-Google User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: Googlebot-Image User-agent: AdsBot-Google User-agent: Storebot-Google User-agent: Google-InspectionTool User-agent: GoogleOther User-agent: bingbot User-agent: SemrushBot User-agent: YandexBot User-agent: ChatGPT-User User-agent: OAI-SearchBot User-agent: GPTbot User-agent: Botify Allow: / Allow: */pg-1/* Allow: */pg-2/* Allow: */pg-3/* Allow: */pg-4/* Allow: */pg-5/* Allow: */pg-6/* Allow: */pg-7/* Allow: */pg-8/* Allow: */pg-9/* Allow: */pg-10/* Allow: *utm_source=* Disallow: */pg-* Disallow: /extern/adm-images/ Disallow: /sse/ Disallow: /internal_api/ Disallow: /picture500/ Disallow: *cp_print* Disallow: */suche/ui5-* Disallow: */inside-business/checkip Disallow: *?* Disallow: *oauth2/* Disallow: /*/my-account/* Disallow: /rfq/create Disallow: /request/create Disallow: /.ory/ Disallow: /*/supplier-registration?* Disallow: /*/login Disallow: /*/logout Disallow: /*/verification Disallow: /*/user-frontend/* Disallow: /de/produkte/* Disallow: /de/sustainability Disallow: /фирми/ Disallow: /společnosti/ Disallow: /virksomheder/ Disallow: /eπιχειρησεις/ Disallow: /companies/ Disallow: /empresas/ Disallow: /ettevõtted/ Disallow: /yritykset/ Disallow: /entreprises/ Disallow: /vállalatok/ Disallow: /aziende/ Disallow: /įmonės/ Disallow: /uzņēmumi/ Disallow: /ondernemingen/ Disallow: /bedrifter/ Disallow: /przedsiębiorstwa/ Disallow: /empresas/ Disallow: /firme/ Disallow: /podjetja/ Disallow: /företag/ Disallow: /şirketler/ Disallow: /bg/ Disallow: /cs/ Disallow: /da/ Disallow: /el/ Disallow: /en/ Disallow: /es/ Disallow: /et/ Disallow: /fi/ Disallow: /fr/ Disallow: /hu/ Disallow: /it/ Disallow: /lt/ Disallow: /lv/ Disallow: /nl/ Disallow: /no/ Disallow: /pl/ Disallow: /pt/ Disallow: /ro/ Disallow: /sl/ Disallow: /sv/ Disallow: /tr/