Fcbassecourt.ch - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.68 s
File size
196.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
64 internal / 16 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
FC Bassecourt – Club sportif
The length of the page title is perfect. (261 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: fr
Language defined in HTML: fr-fr
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: fr-fr
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
generatorPowered by Slider Revolution 6.4.11 - responsive, Mobile-Friendly Slider Plugin for WordPress with comfortable drag and drop interface.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 644 words. That's ok.
10.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 21 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 13 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
16 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/New2024-3.pngNo alt attribute providedNew2024-3
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...tent/uploads/2020/03/Muttenz-150x150.pngSV Muttenz
...2020/05/FCCourtetelleLogoNew-150x150.pngFC Courtételle
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...nt/uploads/2021/07/Munsingen-150x150.pngFC Münsingen
...ds/2024/06/FC_Prishtina_Bern-150x150.pngFC Prishtina Bern
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...uploads/2024/06/FC_Besa_Biel-150x150.pngFC Besa Biel/Bienne
...ntent/uploads/2020/03/Schötz-150x150.pngFC Schötz
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Langenthal-150x150.pngFC Langenthal
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...ent/uploads/2020/03/GCZürich-150x150.pngGC Zürich II
...t/uploads/2023/04/fcdietikon-150x150.pngFC Dietikon
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
.../uploads/2021/07/fcconcordia-150x150.pngFC Concordia Bâle
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
.../uploads/2021/12/FC_Rotkreuz-150x150.pngFC Rotkreuz
...ntent/uploads/2020/03/Wohlen-150x150.pngFC Wohlen
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...tent/uploads/2021/12/FC_Thun-150x150.pngFC Thoune M21
...tent/uploads/2020/03/Soleure-150x150.pngFC Soleure
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...loads/2021/12/FC_Black_Stars-150x150.pngFC Black Stars
...tent/uploads/2020/03/Muttenz-150x150.pngSV Muttenz
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...2020/05/FCCourtetelleLogoNew-150x150.pngFC Courtételle
...nt/uploads/2021/07/Munsingen-150x150.pngFC Münsingen
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...ds/2024/06/FC_Prishtina_Bern-150x150.pngFC Prishtina Bern
...uploads/2024/06/FC_Besa_Biel-150x150.pngFC Besa Biel/Bienne
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngFC Bassecourt
...ntent/uploads/2020/03/Schötz-150x150.pngFC Schötz
...ds/2024/07/FCB-NEWS-Abo24-25-770x450.pngNo alt attribute provided
...4/NOUS-AVONS-BESOIN-DE-VOUS--370x210.pngNo alt attribute provided
...4/04/FCB-ANNONCE_Souper_Muri-370x210.pngNo alt attribute provided
...t/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-150x150.pngNo alt attribute provided
...tent/uploads/2020/03/Muttenz-150x150.pngNo alt attribute provided
...uploads/2021/12/FC_Black_Stars-98x98.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ent/uploads/2020/03/Bassecourt-98x98.pngNo alt attribute provided
/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/instagram.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🚍 En route pour Bâle ce week-end ! Après avoir renoué avec la victoire et réalisé une belle prestation le week-end passé face au FC Soleure, c’est face au FC Black Stars, actuellement 12e à deux points du FCB, que nos joueurs vont tout donner pour rentrer au Jura avec les 3 points. Coup d’envoi à 15h00 à Bâle ! ALLEZ BASSECOURT ! 💛🖤
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🏟️ Ce samedi, nous accueillons Soleure ! Après une défaite frustrante samedi et un bilan de 5 matchs sans victoire, avec seulement 1 point obtenu, voici ce qui ressort de ces dernières semaines... Face au FC Soleure, actuellement devant le FCB avec un petit point d'avance, nous attendons une réaction de nos joueurs pour récolter les 3 points après 90 minutes de jeu. Coup d’envoi à 16h00 aux Grands-Prés à Bassecourt ! Venez nombreux soutenir les jaunes et noirs ! ALLEZ BASSECOURT ! 💛🖤
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png🚍 En route pour Thoune ce week-end ! 4 matchs sans victoire et seulement 1 point obtenu... c’est le bilan de ces dernières semaines. Face à la réserve du FC Thoune, actuellement à égalité de points avec le FCB, nous attendons une réaction de nos joueurs afin de revenir de Thoune avec les 3 points. Coup d’envoi à 18h00 dans le joli stade de la Stockhorn Arena ! ALLEZ BASSECOURT ! 💛🖤
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.png📸 FC Bassecourt - FC Wohlen (1-2) Photos : Georges Henz | @georgeshenz
...feisen-region-blanc-Officiel-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...oads/2020/03/VicquoDeco-logo-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ploads/2021/09/precidip-2021-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ent/uploads/2020/03/Rouvinez-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...2024/07/TimTech_Geneve_Blanc-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ads/2024/07/M-Montavon_Blanc-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided
...uploads/2021/07/thierryerard-300x300.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Prochainement
H2 Actualités
H2 Résultat
H2 FC Black Stars
H2 FC Bassecourt
H2 Événements
H4 ABONNEMENTS | 2024-2025
H4 Concert – Alain Morisod et Sweet People
H4 Derby 1ère Ligue – FC Bassecourt / FC Courtételle
H4 Tournoi cantonal scolaire – Crédit Suisse Cup
H6 FC Bassecourt Duplicate text
H6 Suivez-nous !
H6 Contact
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 16 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://fcbassecourt.ch/IMG-ALT Logo
/histoire-du-club/Histoire du club
https://fcbassecourt.ch/la-2/La 2
https://fcbassecourt.ch/juniorsb/Juniors B
/juniorsc1/Juniors C1
/juniors-c2/Juniors C2
/juniorsd-bass/Juniors D – BAS.
/juniorsd-glo/Juniors D – GLO.
/juniors-ea-bassecourt/Juniors Ea – BAS.
/juniors-eb-bassecourt/Juniors Eb – BAS.
/juniors-e-boecourt/Juniors E – BOÉ.
/ecole-de-foot/École de football
https://shop.fcbassecourt.ch/External Subdomain Shop
https://fcbassecourt.ch/sponsors/Nos sponsors
/soutien-moju/Nous soutenir
https://fcbassecourt.ch/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
/histoire-du-club/Text duplicate Histoire du club
https://fcbassecourt.ch/stade/Text duplicate Stade
/abonnements/Text duplicate Abonnements
https://fcbassecourt.ch/comite/Text duplicate Comité
https://fcbassecourt.ch/staff/Text duplicate Staff
/team/fc-bassecourt/Text duplicate L’équipe
/calendar/calendrier/Text duplicate Calendrier
/calendar/resultats/Text duplicate Résultats
/classement/Text duplicate Classement
https://fcbassecourt.ch/la-2/Text duplicate La 2
https://fcbassecourt.ch/veterans/Text duplicate Vétérans
https://fcbassecourt.ch/juniorsb/Text duplicate Juniors B
/juniorsc1/Text duplicate Juniors C1
/juniors-c2/Text duplicate Juniors C2
/juniorsd-bass/Text duplicate Juniors D – BAS.
/juniorsd-glo/Text duplicate Juniors D – GLO.
/juniors-ea-bassecourt/Text duplicate Juniors Ea – BAS.
/juniors-eb-bassecourt/Text duplicate Juniors Eb – BAS.
/juniors-e-boecourt/Text duplicate Juniors E – BOÉ.
/ecole-de-foot/Text duplicate École de football
/actualites/Text duplicate Actualités
/evenements/Text duplicate Événements
https://shop.fcbassecourt.ch/External Subdomain Text duplicate Shop
https://fcbassecourt.ch/sponsors/Text duplicate Nos sponsors
/soutien-moju/Text duplicate Nous soutenir
https://fcbassecourt.ch/contact/Text duplicate Contact
/abonnements-2024-2025/ABONNEMENTS | 2024-2025 10 juillet 2024
/nous-avons-besoins-de-vous/CROWDFUNDING 24 avril 2024
/repas-1-mai-fcb-fc-muri/REPAS 1 MAI – FCB / FC MURI 21 avril 2024
A-TITLE Actualités
/calendar/resultats/TOUS LES RÉSULTATS
A-TITLE Résultats
/evenements/concert-alain-mori...Concert – Alain Morisod et Sweet People
/evenements/concert-alain-mori...En savoir plus
/evenements/derby-fcb-fcc/Derby 1ère Ligue – FC Bassecourt / FC Courtételle
/evenements/derby-fcb-fcc/Text duplicate En savoir plus
/evenements/tournoi-cantonal-s...Tournoi cantonal scolaire – Crédit Suisse Cup
/evenements/tournoi-cantonal-s...Text duplicate En savoir plus
A-TITLE Agenda
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window Nofollow External Subdomain 🚍 En route pour Bâle ce week-end ! Après avo
IMG-ALT 🚍 En route pour Bâle ce week-end ! Après avoir renoué avec la victoire et réalisé une belle prestation le week-end passé face au FC Soleure, c’est face au FC...
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window Nofollow External Subdomain 🏟️ Ce samedi, nous accueillons Soleure ! Apr
IMG-ALT 🏟️ Ce samedi, nous accueillons Soleure ! Après une défaite frustrante samedi et un bilan de 5 matchs sans victoire, avec seulement 1 point obtenu, voici ce q...
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window Nofollow External Subdomain 🚍 En route pour Thoune ce week-end ! 4 matchs
IMG-ALT 🚍 En route pour Thoune ce week-end ! 4 matchs sans victoire et seulement 1 point obtenu... c’est le bilan de ces dernières semaines. Face à la réserve du FC ...
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window Nofollow External Subdomain 📸 FC Bassecourt - FC Wohlen (1-2) Photos : Geo
IMG-ALT 📸 FC Bassecourt - FC Wohlen (1-2) Photos : Georges Henz | @georgeshenz
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window Nofollow External Subdomain Nous suivre sur Instagram
https://www.raiffeisen.ch/regi...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://viquodeco.ch/New window External No Text
https://www.precidip.com/New window External Subdomain No Text
https://famillerouvinez.com/ma...New window External No Text
https://www.garagemontavon.ch/frNew window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.thierryerardsa.ch/New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.facebook.com/FCBas...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/fcba...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://massluc.ch/External MASSLUC.CH

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://fcbassecourt.ch/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is very slow (1.68 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (197 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateThu, 03 Oct 2024 00:13:18 GMT
link<https://fcbassecourt.ch/wp-json/>; rel="https://api.w.org/"
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 12 referring domains.
This page only has 45 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 11 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

FC Bassecourt70%Check
FC Bassecourt club64%Check
FC Bassecourt Club sportif61%Check
Club Sportif46%Check
En route46%Check

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

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