Yuma.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.22 s
File size
472.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
130 internal / 6 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Dein Fachhändler für Balkonkraftwerke & Solaranlagen
The length of the page title is perfect. (493 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Yuma bietet hochwertige Komplettsets für ▷Balkonkraftwerke und ▷Stecker-Solaranlagen. Einfache Montage ✓ Kostenlose Beratung ✓ Schnelle Lieferung ✓. Jetzt kaufen!
The meta description is too long: 1055 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
An URL is specified multiple times in alternate links.
Language for link pointing to page itself inaccurate
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionYuma bietet hochwertige Komplettsets für ▷Balkonkraftwerke und ▷Stecker-Solaranlagen. Einfache Montage ✓ Kostenlose Beratung ✓ Schnelle Lieferung ✓. Jetzt kaufen!
twitter:titleDein Fachhändler für Balkonkraftwerke & Solaranlagen
twitter:descriptionYuma bietet hochwertige Komplettsets für ▷Balkonkraftwerke und ▷Stecker-Solaranlagen. Einfache Montage ✓ Kostenlose Beratung ✓ Schnelle Lieferung ✓. Jetzt kaufen!
og:site_nameYuma GmbH
og:titleDein Fachhändler für Balkonkraftwerke & Solaranlagen
og:descriptionYuma bietet hochwertige Komplettsets für ▷Balkonkraftwerke und ▷Stecker-Solaranlagen. Einfache Montage ✓ Kostenlose Beratung ✓ Schnelle Lieferung ✓. Jetzt kaufen!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of yuma.de with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
The average number of words per sentence of 9.49 words is low.
This page contains 1322 words. That's ok.
32.1% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
31 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: balkonkraftwerk mit bestnote!
Some tags are too long. With 94 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"sichere dir jetzt das ausgezeichnete yuma flat – 4,8 von 5 sternen im computer bild lesertest!"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
42 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...-4608-a08d-b781e8d7924d.png?v=1724166562No alt attribute provided
...-4540-9cd1-a1a1c504becc.jpg?v=1712570123No alt attribute provided
...hop/files/menu-img-flat.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...p/files/menu-img-garten.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...hop/files/menu-img-roof.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...op/files/menu-img-front.jpg?v=1710855606No alt attribute provided
...shop/files/YumaFence990.jpg?v=1723708550No alt attribute provided
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...-4608-a08d-b781e8d7924d.png?v=1724166562No alt attribute provided
...r-Solix-Solarbank-2-PRO.png?v=1720599400No alt attribute provided
/cdn/shop/files/8.png?v=1712081510No alt attribute provided
...Hoymiles_MS-A2_Speicher.jpg?v=1736432605No alt attribute provided
...-4c58-9492-2e9b7dc88a4b.png?v=1712081509No alt attribute provided
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...shop/files/Menu-Zubehor.png?v=1736935207No alt attribute provided
...les/logo_2x_1.png?v=1709905936&width=600Yuma GmbH
...-4608-a08d-b781e8d7924d.png?v=1724166562No alt attribute provided
...-4540-9cd1-a1a1c504becc.jpg?v=1712570123No alt attribute provided
...hop/files/menu-img-flat.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...p/files/menu-img-garten.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...hop/files/menu-img-roof.jpg?v=1710855607No alt attribute provided
...op/files/menu-img-front.jpg?v=1710855606No alt attribute provided
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/cdn/shop/files/8.png?v=1712081510No alt attribute provided
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...-4c58-9492-2e9b7dc88a4b.png?v=1712081509No alt attribute provided
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...shop/files/Menu-Zubehor.png?v=1736935207No alt attribute provided
...Buhnenbilder.jpg?v=1737551534&width=3840No alt attribute provided
...ilder_Mobile.png?v=1737553282&width=1840No alt attribute provided
...495_WP_WEBP.webp?v=1733302258&width=3840No alt attribute provided
...op/files/2_2.png?v=1737553346&width=1840No alt attribute provided
..._03-30-WEBP.webp?v=1733302324&width=3840No alt attribute provided
..._03-30-WEBP.webp?v=1733302324&width=1840No alt attribute provided
...-90c1eff533b6.jpg?v=1713860425&width=533Solaranlage in Garten
...raftwerk900Wp.png?v=1736431107&width=533Solix Solarbank 2 AC Balkonkraftwerk 900 W
...-4c87c4a89862.png?v=1734957764&width=533EcoFlow 900 W Balkonkraftwerk
...aftwerk1800Wp.png?v=1736431795&width=533Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1800 W
...-d60c5cb4a05f.png?v=1737533955&width=533Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1000 W
...-1b5419948882.jpg?v=1713860393&width=533Yuma Flat (1800+) Bifazial
...-67fd1487c86c.png?v=1737534971&width=533Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 2000 W
...-5be55fda36cb.jpg?v=1712570425&width=533Yuma Front (900+) Bifazial
...453445568806.png?v=1709911143&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk am Geländer eines Balkons
.../anker-solix.png?v=1716361532&width=3200Anker Solix, mit Wechselrichter auf einem Balkon. Im Anschnitt: Solarpanel.
...ommessgeraet.png?v=1709911406&width=3200Benutzeroberfläche der MyStrom-App
...asse-600x600.jpg?v=1709978395&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk mit DIY-Halterung in Garten
...f-Ziegeldach.jpg?v=1709978442&width=3200Mann auf einem Dach neben einem Balkonkraftwerk
...ldach-Garage.jpg?v=1709978463&width=3200Überdachte Garage mit einer PV-Anlage
...auf-Schuppen.jpg?v=1709978549&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk auf Remise
...Yuma-Balcony.jpg?v=1709978582&width=3200Balkon mit Solarmodulen und winkender Frau
...f-Gartenhaus.jpg?v=1709978615&width=3200Hütte mit Solarpanels auf dem Dach
...sic-am-Teich.jpg?v=1709978646&width=3200Solarpanel neben Teich
...-auf-Vordach.jpg?v=1709978686&width=3200Solarmodule auf Dach
...nt-am-Balkon.jpg?v=1709978714&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk an Fachwerkhaus
...Gewaechshaus.jpg?v=1709978751&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk auf Gartenhaus
...-Muelltonnen.jpg?v=1709978787&width=3200Solarpanels über Müllstation
...m-Gartenzaun.jpg?v=1709978824&width=3200Balkonkraftwerk an Gartenzaun

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Yuma GmbH
The H1 heading is too short (9 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 59 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Yuma GmbH
H2 Dein Warenkorb ist leer
H2 Gesamtkosten
H2 Yuma-Neujahr-Sale
H2 Balkonkraftwerk mit Bestnote!
H2 Der Yuma Store
H2 Beliebte Komplettsets
H2 Stecker-Solaranlagen für jeden Einsatzort
H2 3 Gründe für einen Kauf bei Yuma
H2 3 Gründe für eine Mini-Solaranlage
H2 Bilder unserer Kundinnen und Kunden
H2 Das sagen unsere Kunden über uns
H2 Newsletter abonnieren
H2 Newsletter
H2 Social Media
H2 Kundenstimmen
H2 Sicher bezahlen
H2 Balkonkraftwerke
H2 Zubehör
H2 Hilfe & Kontakt
H2 Unternehmen
H3 Warenkorb
H3 Yuma Flat (900+)
H3 Yuma Flat (900+) Balkonkraftwerk
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 AC Balkonkraftwerk 900 W
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 AC Balkonkraftwerk 900 W Duplicate text
H3 EcoFlow 900 W Balkonkraftwerk
H3 EcoFlow 900 W Balkonkraftwerk Duplicate text
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1800 W
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1800 W Duplicate text
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1000 W
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1000 W Duplicate text
H3 Yuma Flat (1800+)
H3 Yuma Flat (1800+) Balkonkraftwerk
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 2000 W
H3 Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 2000 W Duplicate text
H3 Yuma Front (900+)
H3 Yuma Front (900+) Balkonkraftwerk
H3 Balkonkraftwerke mit Speicher
H3 Schrägdach
H3 Ohne Halterung
H3 Flachdach
H3 Balkon
H3 Garten
H3 Fassade
H3 Balkonkraftwerk mit Speicher
H3 Zubehör & Komponenten
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H4 Yuma Basic (Freiburg)
H4 Yuma Roof (Vordorf)
H4 Yuma Roof (Olpe)
H4 Yuma Flat (Seeland)
H4 Yuma Balcony (Ladbergen)
H4 Yuma Roof (Schwarzwald)
H4 Yuma Basic (Viersen)
H4 Yuma Flat (Burgstädt)
H4 Yuma Front (Wernberg-Köblitz)
H4 Yuma Roof (Biederitz)
H4 Yuma Flat (Staig)
H4 Yuma Front (bei Göttingen)
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 6 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://yuma.de/Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
/pages/balkonkraftwerkWeiter shoppen
/customer_authentication/redir...Logge dich ein
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicher50 € Rabatt auf Komplettsets – mit & ohne Speicher! Code: YUMA50 – nur kurze Zeit!
https://de.trustpilot.com/revi...New window External Subdomain Trustpilot
https://yuma.de/pages/uber-yumaÜber Yuma
https://support.yuma.de/hc/de/...External Subdomain Beratung & Hilfe
/collections/yuma-basicohne Halterung
/pages/balkonkraftwerkAlle Balkonkraftwerke
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherText duplicate Speicher-Sets
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherAlle Balkonkraftwerke mit Speicher
/pages/solar-zubehoerAlle Anzeigen
https://yuma.de/pages/uber-yumaText duplicate Über Yuma
/pages/strom-spar-checkerErsparnis berechnen
https://yuma.de/IMG-ALT Yuma GmbH
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherText duplicate Speicher-Sets
/collections/yuma-balcony-alle...Text duplicate Balkon
/collections/yuma-flatText duplicate Flachdach
/collections/garten-alle-flat-...Text duplicate Garten
/collections/yuma-roof-alle-ba...Text duplicate Schrägdach
/collections/alle-yuma-front-b...Text duplicate Fassade
/collections/yuma-fenceText duplicate Zaun
/collections/yuma-basicText duplicate ohne Halterung
/pages/balkonkraftwerkText duplicate Alle Balkonkraftwerke
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherText duplicate Speicher-Sets
/collections/anker-speicherText duplicate Anker-Speicher
/collections/ecoflow-speicherText duplicate EcoFlow-Speicher
/collections/hoymiles-speicherText duplicate Hoymiles-Speicher
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherText duplicate Alle Balkonkraftwerke mit Speicher
/collections/strommessgerateText duplicate Strommesser
https://yuma.de/collections/kabelText duplicate Kabel
/collections/kabelzubehorText duplicate Kabelzubehör
/collections/halterungenText duplicate Halterungen
/collections/wechselrichterText duplicate Wechselrichter
/products/yuma-solarmodul-rein...Text duplicate Pflegeprodukte
/pages/solar-zubehoerAlle anzeigen
https://yuma.de/pages/storeText duplicate Store
/pages/kundenserviceText duplicate Service
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherJetzt Angebot sichern!
/collections/yuma-flatAngebote entdecken
https://yuma.de/pages/storeVor Ort Angebote entdecken
/products/yuma-flat-900-bifazialYuma Flat (900+)
/products/yuma-flat-900-bifazialYuma Flat (900+) Balkonkraftwerk
/products/yuma-flat-900-bifazialZum Produkt
/products/solix-solarbank-2-ac...Solix Solarbank 2 AC Balkonkraftwerk 900 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-ac...Text duplicate Solix Solarbank 2 AC Balkonkraftwerk 900 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-ac...Text duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/ecoflow-basic-early-...EcoFlow 900 W Balkonkraftwerk
/products/ecoflow-basic-early-...Text duplicate EcoFlow 900 W Balkonkraftwerk
/products/ecoflow-basic-early-...Text duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1800 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1800 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1000 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 1000 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/yuma-flat-1800-bifazialYuma Flat (1800+)
/products/yuma-flat-1800-bifazialYuma Flat (1800+) Balkonkraftwerk
/products/yuma-flat-1800-bifazialText duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 2000 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Solix Solarbank 2 PRO Balkonkraftwerk 2000 W
/products/solix-solarbank-2-pr...Text duplicate Zum Produkt
/products/yuma-front-860-bifazialYuma Front (900+)
/products/yuma-front-860-bifazialYuma Front (900+) Balkonkraftwerk
/products/yuma-front-860-bifazialText duplicate Zum Produkt
/collections/bestsellerAlle Sets ansehen
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherZu Balkonkraftwerk Speicher
/collections/yuma-roof-alle-ba...Zu den Sets
/collections/yuma-basicText duplicate Zu den Sets
/collections/yuma-flatText duplicate Zu den Sets
/collections/balkon-solaranlagenText duplicate Zu den Sets
/collections/garten-alle-flat-...Text duplicate Zu den Sets
/collections/alle-yuma-front-b...Text duplicate Zu den Sets
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-speicherZu den Speicher-Sets
/pages/solar-zubehoerZum Zubehör
/pages/kundenbilderMehr Bilder
https://www.facebook.com/hello...New window External Subdomain Facebook
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain LinkedIn
https://www.instagram.com/yuma...New window External Subdomain Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/@Yuma_...New window External Subdomain YouTube
/collections/yuma-balcony-alle...für den Balkon
/collections/yuma-flatfür das Flachdach
/collections/yuma-roof-alle-ba...für das Schrägdach
/collections/alle-yuma-front-b...für die Fassade
/collections/garten-alle-flat-...für den Garten
/collections/yuma-fencefür den Zaun
/collections/yuma-basicText duplicate ohne Halterung
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-osterreichBalkonkraftwerke in Österreich
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-800-wattBalkonkraftwerk 800 Watt
https://yuma.de/collections/kabelText duplicate Kabel
/collections/kabelzubehorText duplicate Kabelzubehör
/collections/halterungenText duplicate Halterungen
/collections/wechselrichterWechselrichter und Zubehör
/policies/refund-policyWiderruf & Rücksendung
/pages/balkonkraftwerk-anmeldenBalkonkraftwerk anmelden
https://yuma.de/blogs/yuma-tvYuma TV
https://yuma.de/pages/uber-yumaText duplicate Über Yuma

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://yuma.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.22 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (472 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateThu, 13 Feb 2025 13:34:11 GMT
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External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 245 referring domains.
This page has 349,466 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 197 different ip addresses.


# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform

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Sitemap: https://yuma.de/sitemap.xml

# Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named!
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