- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.25 s
File size
141.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
258 internal / 5 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important) - Alles rund um Chilis!
The length of the page title is perfect. (308 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Das Forum für Chilifans. Hier kann alles vom Chili Anbau, über die Pflege der Chilis, bis hin zur Ernte und Verarbeitung diskutiert werden.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (846 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
No favicon is linked in the HTML code.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover
descriptionDas Forum für Chilifans. Hier kann alles vom Chili Anbau, über die Pflege der Chilis, bis hin zur Ernte und Verarbeitung diskutiert werden.
twitter:descriptionDas Forum für Chilifans. Hier kann alles vom Chili Anbau, über die Pflege der Chilis, bis hin zur Ernte und Verarbeitung diskutiert werden. - Alles rund um Chilis!
og:descriptionDas Forum für Chilifans. Hier kann alles vom Chili Anbau, über die Pflege der Chilis, bis hin zur Ernte und Verarbeitung diskutiert werden. - Alles rund um Chilis!
og:typewebsite - Alles rund um Chilis!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
These Typos were found:
  • warscheinlich => wahrscheinlich
This page contains 1286 words. That's ok.
19.3% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
3 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 26 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
2 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/styles/subway/xenforo/ - Alles rund um Chilis!
/styles/subway/xenforo/ - Alles rund um Chilis!
/media/untitled4-jpg.81436/fullNo alt attribute provided
/data/avatars/s/19/19968.jpg?1578255674WeißBlau und heiter
/data/avatars/s/28/28545.jpg?1712708567Korbinian B.
/data/avatars/s/28/28545.jpg?1712708567Korbinian B.
/data/avatars/s/28/28545.jpg?1712708567Korbinian B.
/media/untitled4-jpg.81436/fullNo alt attribute provided
/data/avatars/s/5/5613.jpg?1579090553Meteora 360
/data/avatars/s/4/4402.jpg?1733156450Chili Max 67
/styles/unicode/1f336.png🌶️Chili :hot_pepper:
/styles/unicode/1f525.png🔥Feuer :fire:
/styles/unicode/1f336.png🌶️Chili :hot_pepper:
/data/avatars/s/15/15783.jpg?1677073226Burning Haed
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important) - Alles rund um Chilis!
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 49 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 - Alles rund um Chilis!
H2 Allgemeines
H2 Chili-Anbau
H2 Chili-Allgemein
H2 Kulinarisches
H2 Bezugsquellen
H2 Off-Topic
H3 Suche
H3 Informationen & Ankündigungen
H3 Rund ums Forum
H3 Events, Treffen & Termine
H3 Mitglieder stellen sich vor
H3 Diskussionen zu den Chililinks
H3 Chilisorten
H3 Anbau & Pflege
H3 Technik & Zubehör
H3 Dünger & Pflanzenschutz
H3 Problemfälle, Schädlinge & Krankheiten
H3 Projekte
H3 Anbau in Hydro und Co.
H3 Anbau-Wettbewerbe, Spiele und Vergleiche
H3 Meine Chilis
H3 Sonstiges zum Thema Chili
H3 Chili-Verarbeitung
H3 Rezepte
H3 Grillen, BBQ & Räuchern
H3 Scharfe Locations
H3 Sonstiges zum Thema Kulinarisches
H3 Chilitauschbörse
H3 Bezugsquellen für den Anbau
H3 Chiliprodukte
H3 Hot Shops / Kommerzielle Projekte
H3 Garten & Pflanzen allgemein
H3 Smalltalk
H3 Zurzeit aktive Besucher
H3 Neueste Beiträge
H3 Trending content
H3 Statistik des Forums
H3 Neueste Profilnachrichten
H3 Teilen
H4 Unterforen
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
H4 Unterforen Duplicate text
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
2 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 5 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/index.phpSubdomain IMG-ALT - Alles rund um Chilis!
/index.phpSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT - Alles rund um Chilis!
/whats-new/posts/Neue Beiträge
/search/?type=postForen durchsuchen
/featured/Featured content
/whats-new/posts/Nofollow Text duplicate Neue Beiträge
/whats-new/media/Nofollow New media
/whats-new/ams-articles/Nofollow New articles
/whats-new/media-comments/Nofollow New media comments
/whats-new/ams-comments/Nofollow New article comments
/whats-new/profile-posts/Nofollow Profilnachrichten
/whats-new/latest-activityNofollow Neueste Aktivitäten
/whats-new/media/Nofollow Text duplicate New media
/whats-new/media-comments/Nofollow New comments
/search/?type=xfmg_mediaSearch media
/online/Zurzeit aktive Besucher
/whats-new/profile-posts/Nofollow Text duplicate Profilnachrichten
/search/?type=profile_postProfilnachrichten suchen
/help/Impressum/Subdomain Impressum
/pages/Regeln/Subdomain Forenregeln
/linksSubdomain Links
/showcase/categories/chili-sor...Subdomain Chili Sorten Datenbank
/whats-new/Text duplicate Aktuelles
A-TITLE Aktuelles
/whats-new/posts/Text duplicate Neue Beiträge
/search/?type=postText duplicate Foren durchsuchen
/login/Text duplicate Anmelden
/register/Text duplicate Registrieren window External Subdomain alternativen Browser
/whats-new/posts/Text duplicate Neue Beiträge
/showcase/categories/chili-sor...Subdomain No Text
/forums/informationen-ankuendi...Informationen & Ankündigungen
/pages/Regeln/Text duplicate Forenregeln
/members/weissblau-und-heiter....IMG-ALT WeißBlau und heiter
/threads/update-tarif-fuers-fo...Update Tarif fürs Forum
A-TITLE Update Tarif fürs Forum
/members/weissblau-und-heiter....Text duplicate WeißBlau und heiter
/forums/rund-ums-forum.9/Rund ums Forum
/forums/hot-pain-kalender.69/Hot Pain Kalender
/members/alexander_hicks.19822/IMG-ALT Alexander_Hicks
/threads/chili-sorten-datenban...Text duplicate Chili Sorten Datenbank
A-TITLE Chili Sorten Datenbank
/members/alexander_hicks.19822/Text duplicate Alexander_Hicks
/forums/events-treffen-termine...Events, Treffen & Termine
/members/alexander_hicks.19822/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alexander_Hicks
/threads/scoville-comedy-in-ma...Scoville Comedy in Mannheim
A-TITLE Scoville Comedy in Mannheim
/members/alexander_hicks.19822/Text duplicate Alexander_Hicks
/forums/mitglieder-stellen-sic...Mitglieder stellen sich vor
/members/dragon76.34258/IMG-ALT Dragon76
/threads/ich-bin-neu-hier.4459...Ich bin neu hier.
A-TITLE Ich bin neu hier.
/members/dragon76.34258/Text duplicate Dragon76
/categories/diskussionen-zu-de...Diskussionen zu den Chililinks
/forums/podcast-und-radio-zum-...Podcast und Radio zum Thema Chili
/forums/shops-anbau-zubehoer.92/Shops Anbau Zubehör
/forums/wissenschaftliche-arbe...Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zum Thema Chili
/forums/online-artikel-zum-the...Online Artikel zum Thema Chili
/forums/bezugsquellen-chili-sa...Bezugsquellen Chili Saatgut
/forums/bezugquellen-chili-pfl...Bezugquellen Chili Pflanzen
/members/crankster.18227/IMG-ALT Crankster
/threads/steuerung-fuer-lueftu...Steuerung für Lüftung und Verschattung selbst bauen/ programmieren
A-TITLE Steuerung für Lüftung und Verschattung selbst bauen/ programmieren
/members/crankster.18227/Text duplicate Crankster
/forums/chili-sorten-datenbank...Text duplicate Chili Sorten Datenbank
/forums/diskussionen-zu-den-be...Diskussionen zu den Beschreibungen
/forums/capsicum-annuum.57/Capsicum annuum
/forums/capsicum-baccatum.58/Capsicum baccatum
/forums/capsicum-chinense.59/Capsicum chinense
/forums/capsicum-frutescens.60/Capsicum frutescens
/forums/capsicum-pubescens.61/Capsicum pubescens
/forums/art-nicht-bekannt.64/Art nicht bekannt
/forums/wildarten-sorten.54/Wildarten / -sorten
/forums/arbeitsgruppe-rocoto.70/Arbeitsgruppe Rocoto
/threads/welche-chilis-dieses-...Welche Chilis dieses Jahr
A-TITLE Welche Chilis dieses Jahr
/forums/anbau-pflege.11/Anbau & Pflege
/members/lorddraven7584.20424/IMG-ALT LordDraven7584
/threads/chilis-fuer-kurze-zei...Chilis für Kurze Zeit ins Growzelt
A-TITLE Chilis für Kurze Zeit ins Growzelt
/members/lorddraven7584.20424/Text duplicate LordDraven7584
/forums/technik-zubehoer.34/Technik & Zubehör
/threads/beleuchtung-fuers-anz...Beleuchtung fürs Anzuchtregal
A-TITLE Beleuchtung fürs Anzuchtregal
/forums/duenger-pflanzenschutz...Dünger & Pflanzenschutz
/threads/wurzelduenger-organis...Wurzeldünger organisch
A-TITLE Wurzeldünger organisch
/forums/problemfaelle-schaedli...Problemfälle, Schädlinge & Krankheiten
/members/korbinian-b.28545/IMG-ALT Korbinian B.
/threads/trauermueckenlarven-o...Trauermückenlarven oder etwas Anderes?
A-TITLE Trauermückenlarven oder etwas Anderes?
/members/korbinian-b.28545/Text duplicate Korbinian B.
/members/barbarossa616.34842/IMG-ALT Barbarossa616
/threads/erste-kreuzversuche.4...Erste Kreuzversuche
A-TITLE Erste Kreuzversuche
/members/barbarossa616.34842/Text duplicate Barbarossa616
/forums/anbau-in-hydro-und-co.94/Anbau in Hydro und Co.
/members/ghost155.688/IMG-ALT ghost155
/threads/die-vorbereitungen-fu...Die Vorbereitungen für 25 laufen 😃
A-TITLE Die Vorbereitungen für 25 laufen 😃
/members/ghost155.688/Text duplicate ghost155
/forums/Wettbewerb/Anbau-Wettbewerbe, Spiele und Vergleiche
/members/korbinian-b.28545/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Korbinian B.
/threads/was-wuerdet-ihr-fuer-...Was würdet ihr für ein faires Bewertungskriterium für ein " größte Chili Pflanze " ansehen?
A-TITLE Was würdet ihr für ein faires Bewertungskriterium für ein " größte Chili Pflanze " ansehen?
/members/korbinian-b.28545/Text duplicate Korbinian B.
/forums/meine-chilis.13/Meine Chilis
/forums/meine-erste-saison.45/Meine erste Saison
/members/biobrachland.35377/Text duplicate B
/threads/das-erste-jahr.44558/...Das erste Jahr
A-TITLE Das erste Jahr
/members/biobrachland.35377/Text duplicate Biobrachland
/forums/sonstiges-zum-thema-ch...Sonstiges zum Thema Chili
/members/korbinian-b.28545/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Korbinian B.
/threads/kurze-frage-kurze-ant...Kurze Frage – kurze Antwort
A-TITLE Kurze Frage – kurze Antwort
/members/korbinian-b.28545/Text duplicate Korbinian B.
/members/koelnkraeuter.559/IMG-ALT KölnKräuter
/threads/chilis-vergaeren-die-...Chilis Vergären - die Tabascomethode
A-TITLE Chilis Vergären - die Tabascomethode
/members/koelnkraeuter.559/Text duplicate KölnKräuter
/forums/vegetarische-vegane-re...Vegetarische / Vegane Rezepte
/forums/authentische-chili-sor...Authentische Chili Sorten in der Küche
A-TITLE Topinambursalat
/members/el-loco.4056/El Loco
/forums/grillen-bbq-raeuchern.27/Grillen, BBQ & Räuchern
/members/derliebej.12581/IMG-ALT DerLiebeJ
/threads/desliebenjs-grillecke...DesLiebenJs Grillecke - Brisket
A-TITLE DesLiebenJs Grillecke - Brisket
/members/derliebej.12581/Text duplicate DerLiebeJ
/forums/scharfe-locations.40/Scharfe Locations
/members/dragon76.34258/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dragon76
/threads/best-worscht-in-mainz...Best Worscht in Mainz
A-TITLE Best Worscht in Mainz
/members/dragon76.34258/Text duplicate Dragon76
/forums/sonstiges-zum-thema-ku...Sonstiges zum Thema Kulinarisches
/members/chilissimo.18920/IMG-ALT chilissimo
/threads/der-was-gabs-zu-essen...Der was gabs zu Essen Thread....
A-TITLE Der was gabs zu Essen Thread....
/members/chilissimo.18920/Text duplicate chilissimo
/threads/kostenlos-samen-aus-a...Biete Kostenlos Samen aus Ägyptenurlaub (warscheinlich Fil Fil Baladi)
A-TITLE Kostenlos Samen aus Ägyptenurlaub (warscheinlich Fil Fil Baladi)
/forums/bezugsquellen-fuer-den...Bezugsquellen für den Anbau
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/IMG-ALT don_chili_2023
/threads/hotlinks-bezugsquelle...Hotlinks - Bezugsquellen
A-TITLE Hotlinks - Bezugsquellen
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate don_chili_2023
/members/peter-k.28538/IMG-ALT Peter-K
/threads/getrocknete-birds-eye...getrocknete Bird's Eye aus Kenia
A-TITLE getrocknete Bird's Eye aus Kenia
/members/peter-k.28538/Text duplicate Peter-K
/forums/hot-shops-kommerzielle...Hot Shops / Kommerzielle Projekte
/members/koelnkraeuter.559/Text duplicate IMG-ALT KölnKräuter
/threads/ powered by Chilivielfalt! - Es geht weiter!
A-TITLE powered by Chilivielfalt! - Es geht weiter!
/members/koelnkraeuter.559/Text duplicate KölnKräuter
/forums/garten-pflanzen-allgem...Garten & Pflanzen allgemein
/members/highscoville.18886/IMG-ALT HighScoville
/threads/gartensaison-2020-ff....Gartensaison 2020 ff.
A-TITLE Gartensaison 2020 ff.
/members/highscoville.18886/Text duplicate HighScoville
/members/feuschi.22661/IMG-ALT Feuschi
/threads/naturfotografie-tiere...Naturfotografie - Tiere - Pflanzen - Landschaften
A-TITLE Naturfotografie - Tiere - Pflanzen - Landschaften
/members/feuschi.22661/Text duplicate Feuschi
/showcase/categories/chili-sor...Subdomain No Text
/online/Text duplicate Zurzeit aktive Besucher
/members/biobrachland.35377/Text duplicate Biobrachland
/whats-new/posts/?skip=1Nofollow Neueste Beiträge
/members/biobrachland.35377/Text duplicate B
/threads/das-erste-jahr.44558/...Text duplicate Das erste Jahr
/forums/meine-erste-saison.45/Text duplicate Meine erste Saison
/members/fil440fil.36245/Text duplicate F
/threads/kostenlos-samen-aus-a...Text duplicate Biete Kostenlos Samen aus Ägyptenurlaub (warscheinlich Fil Fil Baladi)
/forums/chilitauschboerse.14/Text duplicate Chilitauschbörse
/members/biobrachland.35377/Text duplicate B
/threads/beleuchtung-fuers-anz...Text duplicate Beleuchtung fürs Anzuchtregal
/forums/technik-zubehoer.34/Text duplicate Technik & Zubehör
/members/karlinche.4216/IMG-ALT karlinche
/threads/hendriks-saison-2025....Hendrik's Saison 2025
/forums/meine-chilis.13/Text duplicate Meine Chilis
/members/flaemingchili.29984/IMG-ALT FlämingChili
/threads/2025-auf-gehts-dirk-d...2025 ....auf geht's Dirk.....die Tage werden länger
/forums/meine-chilis.13/Text duplicate Meine Chilis
/members/meteora-360.5613/IMG-ALT Meteora 360
/threads/meteora-s-bbq-verpfle...Thema 'Meteora´s BBQ: Verpflegung für den Angeltag und Zubereitung des Fanges'
/threads/liz-2025.44539/Thema 'Liz 2025'
/members/absolutebeginner.27611/IMG-ALT AbsoluteBeginner
/threads/2025-auf-gehts-dirk-d...Thema '2025 ....auf geht's Dirk.....die Tage werden länger'
/members/alexander_hicks.19822/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alexander_Hicks
/threads/daily-pic.31305/Thema 'Daily Pic'
/members/chili-max-67.4402/IMG-ALT Chili Max 67
/threads/max-2025chilifeuer.44...Thema 'Max 2025🌶️🔥'
/members/fil440fil.36245/Text duplicate Fil440Fil
/whats-new/profile-posts/?skip=1Nofollow Neueste Profilnachrichten
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate IMG-ALT don_chili_2023
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate don_chili_2023
/profile-posts/2697/Nofollow Donnerstag um 22:04
/profile-posts/2697/Nofollow •••
A-TITLE Interagieren
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate IMG-ALT don_chili_2023
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate don_chili_2023
/profile-posts/2694/Nofollow 5 Januar 2025
/profile-posts/2694/Nofollow Text duplicate •••
A-TITLE Interagieren
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate IMG-ALT don_chili_2023
/members/don_chili_2023.35173/Text duplicate don_chili_2023
/profile-posts/2693/Nofollow 22 Dezember 2024
/profile-posts/2693/Nofollow Text duplicate •••
A-TITLE Interagieren
/members/burning-haed.15783/IMG-ALT Burning Haed
/members/burning-haed.15783/Text duplicate Burning Haed
/profile-posts/2692/Nofollow 19 Dezember 2024
/profile-posts/2692/Nofollow Text duplicate •••
A-TITLE Interagieren
/members/diewalze.238/IMG-ALT DieWalze
/members/diewalze.238/Text duplicate DieWalze
/profile-posts/2690/Nofollow 11 Dezember 2024
/profile-posts/2690/Nofollow Text duplicate •••
A-TITLE Interagieren Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp E-Mail Teilen Link
/misc/styleNofollow Chiliforum
A-TITLE Style-Auswahl
/misc/languageNofollow Deutsch (Du)
A-TITLE Sprachauswahl
/help/datenschutzSubdomain Datenschutz
/help/Hilfe und Impressum
/index.phpSubdomain Start
/forums/-/index.rssNew window RSS
A-TITLE RSS window External Community platform by XenForo® © 2010-2024 XenForo Ltd. window Nofollow External Quality Add-Ons made with
A-TITLE XenForo Quality Add-Ons by WMTech window Nofollow External WMTech © 2025 WebMachine Technologies, Inc. window Nofollow External Subdomain Showcase Filter by AddonsLab
/help/cookiesErfahre mehr... Oben Unten

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
The checked page does not redirect to another URL.
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.25 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (141 kB).

HTTP Response Header

last-modifiedWed, 05 Feb 2025 14:13:30 GMT
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlprivate, no-cache, max-age=0
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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 134 referring domains.
This page has 6,040 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 114 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* 
User-agent: *
Disallow: /find-new/
Disallow: /account/
Disallow: /login/
Disallow: /admin.php
Disallow: /conversations/
Disallow: /members/
Disallow: /online/
Disallow: /recent-activity/
Disallow: /misc/
Disallow: /search/
Disallow: /lost-password/
Disallow: /help/

Search preview - Alles rund um Chilis!
Das Forum für Chilifans. Hier kann alles vom Chili Anbau, über die Pflege der Chilis, bis hin zur Ernte und Verarbeitung diskutiert werden.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

um Chilis86%Check
Chili Anbau74%Check
Thema Chili68%Check
Chili Sorten68%Check
Hot Shops62%Check

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