This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
User-agent: * Allow: /search.css Allow: /on/ Allow: /About-Us_History.html Allow: /About-Us_Careers.html Disallow: /*About-Us* Disallow: /account* Disallow: /callcenter* Disallow: /cart* Disallow: /COBilling-ResetPaymentForms Disallow: /ColumbiaMontrail_FAQ.html Disallow: /on/* Disallow: /DiscountProgram-Employee* Disallow: /email-preferences* Disallow: /Employee* Disallow: /InStockNotify-Open Disallow: /*licensee* Disallow: /*Modal.html Disallow: /orders* Disallow: /password-reset Disallow: /ph_* Disallow: /Product-AllSizeSearch* Disallow: /Product-Detail Disallow: /Product-GetAvailability Disallow: /Product-GetSetItem Disallow: /Product-Productnav Disallow: /Product-Show Disallow: /Product-Variation* Disallow: /profile Disallow: /Resources-Load Disallow: /rewards-activity Disallow: /saved-payments Disallow: /search?cgid=* Disallow: /search?q=* User-agent: Pinterestbot Disallow: /*pmin Disallow: /*pmax Disallow: /*prefn1 Disallow: /*prefn2 Disallow: /*prefn3 Disallow: /*prefn4 Disallow: /*prefv1 Disallow: /*prefv2 Disallow: /*prefv3 Disallow: /*prefv4 Disallow: /*srule Disallow: /*About-Us* Disallow: /account* Disallow: /callcenter* Disallow: /cart* Disallow: /COBilling-ResetPaymentForms Disallow: /ColumbiaMontrail_FAQ.html Disallow: /on/* Disallow: /DiscountProgram-Employee* Disallow: /email-preferences* Disallow: /Employee* Disallow: /InStockNotify-Open Disallow: /*licensee* Disallow: /*Modal.html Disallow: /orders* Disallow: /password-reset Disallow: /ph_* Disallow: /Product-AllSizeSearch* Disallow: /Product-Detail Disallow: /Product-GetAvailability Disallow: /Product-GetSetItem Disallow: /Product-Productnav Disallow: /Product-Show Disallow: /Product-Variation* Disallow: /profile Disallow: /Resources-Load Disallow: /rewards-activity Disallow: /saved-payments Disallow: /search?cgid=* Disallow: /search?q=* Crawl-delay: 0.5 User-agent: ClaudeBot Crawl-delay: 1 User-agent: Halebot Disallow: / User-agent: Alertsite Disallow: / Sitemap: # Have a nice day! :)