Dipolnet.ro - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.64 s
File size
148.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
279 internal / 27 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Sisteme supraveghere, reţelistică, wireless, TV, satelit, antene, cabluri - DIPOL
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 706 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
CCTV IP, WLAN, TV SAT, TP-Link, antene, HDMI, camere, cable coaxial, elementy LAN, torsadate, switch-uri, multiswitchuri, DVR-uri, obiective, routere, adsl, convertoare SAT TV, echipamente TP-link, iluminatoare IR, switch-uri. Gamă completă de cabluri. Service profesional şi cele mai bune produse.
The meta description is too long: 1867 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: ro
Language defined in HTML: ro
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: ro
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionCCTV IP, WLAN, TV SAT, TP-Link, antene, HDMI, camere, cable coaxial, elementy LAN, torsadate, switch-uri, multiswitchuri, DVR-uri, obiective, routere, adsl, convertoare SAT TV, echipamente TP-link, iluminatoare IR, switch-uri. Gamă completă de cabluri. Service profesional şi cele mai bune produse.
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1843 words. That's ok.
18.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
20 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 19.3 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
This page loads 12 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 37 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
9 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/images/preloader.gifNo alt attribute provided
/images/preloader.gifNo alt attribute provided
...jpg/0eb2092cffbdda6e4fcc4d3eb6c638e5.jpgProtecție ploaie DS-KABV9503-RS pentru interfoane DS-KV9503-WBE1 Villa
...jpg/1f64b8614b5eca457214ef3da8089b94.jpgCameră bullet 5MP Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LPFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
...jpg/1a0b2ea8cb8a5ff77ad9d0bdeaa51392.jpgCameră bullet 5Mp Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
...jpg/273f0ac1c90d50d0243bcf4aa20425a3.jpgCameră bullet 5 Mp Hikvision DS-2CE17K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 40 m
...jpg/6e6b861e957efd4bd9736018aabcd38e.jpgLNB QUATRO Inverto HOME Pro 0.3dB
...jpg/39fe121671ce390df64345a9135b3a8e.jpgLNB QUATRO Inverto BLACK Ultra 0.2dB
...jpg/14d4d5f9d00e5d0fb6099f8166f8c248.jpgMultiswitch Signal MRP-508 (5-in/8-out)
...jpg/4e44763b9e9486311e97ff53fc6c3deb.jpgAmplificator antenă catarg: TERRA MA080T FM-VHF-UHF
...jpg/40999e481ea6d6e3ae926d753e67031e.jpgDulap RACK SIGNAL 19 inch (6U 180mm, îngust)
...l.com.pl/images/info/infor_0669_inf.webpNo alt attribute provided
...s.dipol.com.pl/pict/e1007_500+++_inf.jpgNo alt attribute provided
images.dipol.com.pl/pict/l5819_inf.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ol.com.pl/images/info/infor_0293_inf.pngNo alt attribute provided
...pol.com.pl/images/sunell_sunview_inf.pngNo alt attribute provided
...images.dipol.com.pl/pict/a741024_inf.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...rs_mini/banner_bottom_special_offers.pngSpecial offers
...rs_mini/banner_bottom_knowledge_zone.pngKnowledge zone
/images/footer-widget-logo.pngNo alt attribute provided
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 40 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Sunell
H2 Alpsat AS33-IPCX
H2 Triset 302
H2 IRIS2 – Răspunsul Europei la Starlink.
H2 Cabluri coaxiale, torsadate și fibră optică în sisteme cu curent scăzut.
H2 Cum verificăm un traseu de fibră optică?
H2 Utilizarea ieșirilor de releu pentru videointerfonul Hikvision IP DS-KH6320-WTE1.
H2 Software de management al sistemului de supraveghere Sunell.
H2 Selectarea și instalarea unei antene pentru LTE MIMO.
H2 SMART antenna family for receiving digital terrestrial television in DVB-T2 standard
H2 Sisteme Headend pentru hoteluri - echipamente, amplificare
H2 Alimentarea PoE - diferenţele dintre standardele IEEE 802.3af şi IEEE 802.3at
H2 Cum măsuram semnalele DVB-T2 și DVB-S/S2 în sistemele TV.
H2 HikCentral Professional
H2 Measurements in fiber optic systems - transmission method.
H3 Produse recomandate
H3 Protecție ploaie DS-KABV9503-RS pentru interfoane DS-KV9503-WBE1 Villa
H3 Cameră bullet 5MP Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LPFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
H3 Cameră bullet 5Mp Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
H3 Cameră bullet 5 Mp Hikvision DS-2CE17K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 40 m
H3 LNB QUATRO Inverto HOME Pro 0.3dB
H3 LNB QUATRO Inverto BLACK Ultra 0.2dB
H3 Multiswitch Signal MRP-508 (5-in/8-out)
H3 Amplificator antenă catarg: TERRA MA080T FM-VHF-UHF
H3 Dulap RACK SIGNAL 19 inch (6U 180mm, îngust)
H3 În cel mai nou Newsletter
H3 Nou în bibliotecă
H4 Suport tehnic
H4 Săptămânalul DIPOL
H4 Scrieţi-ne!
H4 Cursuri
H4 Expoziţii
H4 Newsletter
H4 Concurs foto
H4 Video
H4 Cel mai mic preț anterior: 1499zł
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are too many external links (27) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.dipolnet.ro/New window Anchor cookie-uri
https://dipol.com.pl/External Subdomain IMG-ALT Dipol
https://www.facebook.com/dipolnetNew window External Subdomain Facebook
https://www.youtube.com/dipoln...New window External Subdomain Youtube
https://www.dipol.com.pl/External Subdomain Polski
IMG-ALT Polski
https://www.dipolnet.com/External Subdomain English
IMG-ALT English
https://www.dipolnet.cz/External Subdomain Česky
https://www.dipolnet.de/External Subdomain Deutsch
IMG-ALT Deutsch
https://www.dipol.ie/External Subdomain Irish
https://www.ostelsat.hu/External Subdomain Magyar
IMG-ALT Magyar
https://www.dipol.pt/External Subdomain Português
IMG-ALT Português
https://www.dipol.sk/External Subdomain Slovenský
IMG-ALT Slovenský
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dipol
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dipol
/oferte_speciale,offers.htmSubdomain Verifică
/produse_noi,items-news.htmSubdomain Fiţi informaţi!
/cos,cart_main.htmSubdomain No Text
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/oferta-tv-satelit-receivere-d...Subdomain Receivere DVB-T/S/C
/oferta-tv-satelit-prize-tv-sa...Subdomain Prize TV satelit
/oferta-tv-satelit-antene-sate...Subdomain Antene satelit
/oferta-tv-satelit-modulatoare...Subdomain Modulatoare CATV/CCIR
/oferta-tv-satelit-conectica,5...Subdomain Conectică
/oferta-tv-satelit-lnb,4399.htmSubdomain LNB
/oferta-tv-satelit-extender-hd...Subdomain Extender HDMI/IR
/oferta-tv-satelit-mufe,4453.htmSubdomain Mufe
/oferta-tv-satelit-multiswitch...Subdomain Multiswitch satelit
/oferta-tv-satelit-hdmi,4752.htmSubdomain HDMI
/oferta-tv-satelit-aparate-mas...Subdomain Aparate măsură
/oferta-tv-satelit-amplificato...Subdomain Amplificatoare
/oferta-tv-satelit-statii-tv-h...Subdomain Staţii TV - Headend
/oferta-tv-satelit-clesti-sert...Subdomain Clești sertizare
/oferta-tv-satelit-transmisie-...Subdomain Transmisie TV optică
/oferta-tv-satelit-cabluri-coa...Subdomain Cabluri coaxiale
/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-despre-a...Subdomain Despre antene TV şi satelit
/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-pentru-a...Subdomain Pentru acasă
/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-sisteme-...Subdomain Sisteme satelit
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/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-proiecta...Subdomain Proiectare
/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-aparate-...Subdomain Text duplicate Aparate măsură
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/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-ceva-teo...Subdomain Ceva teorie
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/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-cpr,6905...Subdomain CPR
/biblioteca-tv-sat-tv-hdmi,691...Subdomain Text duplicate HDMI
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/oferta-sisteme-gsm-cabluri-co...Subdomain Cabluri, Conectori
/oferta-sisteme-gsm-accesorii,...Subdomain Accesorii
/oferta-sisteme-gsm-repeatere-...Subdomain Repeatere GSM/LTE
/oferta-sisteme-gsm-mufe-si-cu...Subdomain Mufe și cuple
/oferta-sisteme-gsm-cabluri-50...Subdomain Cabluri 50 ohmi
/biblioteca-sisteme-gsm-repeat...Subdomain Repeatere 3G/GSM
/biblioteca-sisteme-gsm-antene...Subdomain Antene şi conectică
/oferta-supraveghere,5146.htmSubdomain Supraveghere
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/oferta-supraveghere-dvr-uri,5...Subdomain DVR-uri
/oferta-supraveghere-carcase-s...Subdomain Carcase şi suporţi
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/oferta-supraveghere-naglosnie...Subdomain NAGŁOŚNIENIE
/oferta-supraveghere-monitoare...Subdomain Monitoare
/oferta-supraveghere-promotii-...Subdomain Promoții Dahua
/oferta-supraveghere-software,...Subdomain Software
/oferta-supraveghere-testery-c...Subdomain Testery CCTV/LAN
/oferta-supraveghere-promotii-...Subdomain Promoții Sunell
/oferta-supraveghere-alimentar...Subdomain Alimentare
/oferta-supraveghere-medii-de-...Subdomain Medii de stocare
/oferta-supraveghere-zestawy,7...Subdomain Zestawy
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/biblioteca-supraveghere-video...Subdomain Dahua
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/oferta-retelistica-wireless-a...Subdomain Accesorii LAN
/oferta-retelistica-wireless-k...Subdomain Kontrolery
/oferta-retelistica-wireless-c...Subdomain Text duplicate Cabluri
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/biblioteca-wlan-lan-despre-co...Subdomain Despre conectică WLAN
/biblioteca-wlan-lan-cablare,6...Subdomain Cablare
/biblioteca-wlan-lan-omada-sdn...Subdomain Omada SDN
/oferta-fibra-optica,4713.htmSubdomain Fibră optică
/oferta-fibra-optica-sudura-fi...Subdomain Sudură fibră
/oferta-fibra-optica-aparate-m...Subdomain Text duplicate Aparate măsură
/oferta-tv-satelit-transmisie-...Subdomain Transmisie pe fibră
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/oferta-fibra-optica-cabluri-f...Subdomain Cabluri fibră optică
/oferta-fibra-optica-cuple,618...Subdomain Cuple
/oferta-fibra-optica-video-con...Subdomain Video convertoare FO
/oferta-fibra-optica-cutii-dis...Subdomain Cutii distribuţie FTTH
/oferta-fibra-optica-patchord-...Subdomain Patchord/pigtail FO
/oferta-retelistica-wireless-m...Subdomain Module SFP
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/oferta-fibra-optica-accesorii...Subdomain Text duplicate Clești sertizare
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/biblioteca-fibra-optica-masur...Subdomain Măsurare nivel optic
/biblioteca-fibra-optica-ampli...Subdomain Amplificare CATV pt. bloc
/biblioteca-fibra-optica-trans...Subdomain Transmisie video optică
/biblioteca-fibra-optica-distr...Subdomain Distribuţie CATV/SAT
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Videointerfoane SMART HOME
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Hikvision IP 2 gen.
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Yale electrice
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Automatizări clădire
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Hikvision 2-Wire
/oferta-videointerfoane-smart-...Subdomain Text duplicate Cabluri
/biblioteca-smart-home-videoin...Subdomain Videointerfoane
/biblioteca-smart-home-exta-fr...Subdomain EXTA FREE
/biblioteca-smart-home-f-home-...Subdomain F&HOME Radio
/biblioteca-smart-home-exemple...Subdomain Exemple practice
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/oferta-sisteme-alarma-automat...Subdomain Automatyka
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/oferta-sisteme-alarma-module,...Subdomain Module
/oferta-sisteme-alarma-carcase...Subdomain Carcase
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/biblioteca-sisteme-alarma-stu...Subdomain Studii de caz
/oferta-control-acces,7131.htmSubdomain Control acces
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/oferta-control-acces-terminal...Subdomain Terminale
/oferta-control-acces-accesori...Subdomain Text duplicate Accesorii
/oferta-control-acces-cititoar...Subdomain Cititoare
/oferta-control-acces-yale-si-...Subdomain Yale și bolturi electrice
/biblioteca-control-acces-toat...Subdomain Toate
/biblioteca-control-acces-conf...Subdomain Configurare
/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd,...Subdomain Suporţi antenă şi LCD
/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Catarge
/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Suporţi catarg
/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Carcase şi doze
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/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Suporţi antenă/satelit
/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Pozare cablu
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/oferta-suporti-antena-si-lcd-...Subdomain Text duplicate Accesorii
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/biblioteca-sisteme-instalare-...Subdomain Sertizare mufe
/biblioteca-sisteme-instalare-...Subdomain Text duplicate Cablare
/oferta-cabinete-rack-19,5121.htmSubdomain Cabinete RACK 19"
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/oferta-cabinete-rack-19-cadru...Subdomain Cadru RACK
/oferta-cabinete-rack-19-acces...Subdomain Text duplicate Accesorii
/biblioteca-rack-19-bazele,624...Subdomain Text duplicate Bazele
/biblioteca-rack-19-rack-board...Subdomain RACK board
/biblioteca-rack-19-calculator...Subdomain Calculator componente
/oferta-cabluri,7020.htmSubdomain Text duplicate Cabluri
/oferta-cabluri-cabluri-coaxia...Subdomain Text duplicate Cabluri coaxiale
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/oferta-sisteme-alarma-cabluri...Subdomain Cabluri alarmă, interfon
/oferta-sisteme-gsm-cabluri-50...Subdomain Text duplicate Cabluri 50 ohmi
/oferta-fibra-optica-cabluri-f...Subdomain Text duplicate Cabluri fibră optică
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/biblioteca-cabluri-tv-satelit...Subdomain TV-Satelit
/biblioteca-cabluri-supraveghe...Subdomain Text duplicate Supraveghere
/biblioteca-cabluri-lan,7088.htmSubdomain LAN
/biblioteca-cabluri-wlan,7089.htmSubdomain WLAN
/biblioteca-cabluri-fibre-opti...Subdomain Fibre optice
/newsletter,newsletter.htmSubdomain Newsletter
/biblioteca,library.htmSubdomain Bibliotecă
/instructiuni,4762.htmSubdomain Tutoriale video
https://www.dipolnet.ro/kursy.htmSubdomain Cursuri
/stiri_m710.htmSubdomain NOUTĂŢI
/dipol_la_targuri_expozitii_si...Subdomain Expoziţii
/despre_dipol_m110.htmSubdomain DESPRE NOI
/adrese_numere_de_telefon_hart...Subdomain REŢEA DISTRIBUŢIE
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dipol
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dipol
/cos,cart_main.htmSubdomain 0 Coş
/logare,login.htmSubdomain Logare
/logare,login.htmSubdomain Text duplicate Logare
/cum_cumparati_m230.htmSubdomain Ajutor
/oferta-monitoring-zestawy,717...Subdomain Află mai mult
/bib544.htmSubdomain Text duplicate Află mai mult
https://www.dipolnet.ro/M3214.htmSubdomain Text duplicate Află mai mult
/triset--producer,search-7091?...Subdomain Text duplicate Află mai mult
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Anchor Produse noiProduse noi
https://www.dipolnet.ro/Anchor Preţ bunPreţ bun
/changestatus?name=like&code=G...A-TITLE Adăugaţi la Favorite
/protectie_ploaie_ds-kabv9503-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Protecție ploaie DS-KABV9503-RS pentru interfoane DS-KV9503-WBE1 Villa
/ajax-shop-item-g74385Nofollow Subdomain Vizionează
/protectie_ploaie_ds-kabv9503-...Subdomain Text duplicate Protecție ploaie DS-KABV9503-RS pentru interfoane DS-KV9503-WBE1 Villa
/changestatus?name=like&code=M...Text duplicate A-TITLE Adăugaţi la Favorite
/camera_bullet_5mp_hikvision_d...Subdomain IMG-ALT Cameră bullet 5MP Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LPFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
/ajax-shop-item-m74346Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Vizionează
/camera_bullet_5mp_hikvision_d...Subdomain Text duplicate Cameră bullet 5MP Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LPFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
/changestatus?name=like&code=M...Text duplicate A-TITLE Adăugaţi la Favorite
/camera_bullet_5mp_hikvision_d...Subdomain IMG-ALT Cameră bullet 5Mp Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
/ajax-shop-item-m74347Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Vizionează
/camera_bullet_5mp_hikvision_d...Subdomain Text duplicate Cameră bullet 5Mp Hikvision DS-2CE16K0T-LFS 4-in-1 2.8 mm, 0.01 lx, IR max. 20 m
/changestatus?name=like&code=M...Text duplicate A-TITLE Adăugaţi la Favorite
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/stiri_m710.htmSubdomain Anchor 23 septembrie 2024 - Am deschis înscrierile pentru instruirea de toamnă pentru instalatori și designeri. În această ediție, vom desfășura o serie de ateliere...
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Search preview

Sisteme supraveghere, reţelistică, wireless, TV, satelit, antene, c...
CCTV IP, WLAN, TV SAT, TP-Link, antene, HDMI, camere, cable coaxial, elementy LAN, torsadate, switch-uri, multiswitchuri, DVR-uri, obiective, routere, adsl, convertoare SAT TV, echipamente TP-link, iluminatoare IR, switch-uri. Gamă completă de cabluri. Service profesional şi cele mai bune produse.

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CCTV IP64%Check
Hikvision IP61%Check
ne permit60%Check
de supraveghere58%Check
Sisteme supraveghere54%Check

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