- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.71 s
File size
704.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
241 internal / 16 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe, Designer Vasen & Moosbilder | Finestgreen®
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 649 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Für Haus, Büro oder Garten: Finestgreen® ist Ihr Online Shop für hochwertige Vasen, Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe & Moosbilder. Jetzt entdecken und online bestellen!
The meta description is too long: 1014 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
Language for link pointing to page itself inaccurate
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0
descriptionFür Haus, Büro oder Garten: Finestgreen® ist Ihr Online Shop für hochwertige Vasen, Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe & Moosbilder. Jetzt entdecken und online bestellen!
twitter:titlePflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe, Designer Vasen & Moosbilder | Finestgreen®
twitter:descriptionFür Haus, Büro oder Garten: Finestgreen® ist Ihr Online Shop für hochwertige Vasen, Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe & Moosbilder. Jetzt entdecken und online bestellen!
og:titlePflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe, Designer Vasen & Moosbilder | Finestgreen®
og:descriptionFür Haus, Büro oder Garten: Finestgreen® ist Ihr Online Shop für hochwertige Vasen, Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe & Moosbilder. Jetzt entdecken und online bestellen!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1602 words. That's ok.
17.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
7 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.93 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (704.3 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 32 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
3 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (11 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 89 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Finestgreen
H2 Unsere Sets
H2 4er Patt Black Washed Set L
H2 4er Patt Grey Washed Set L
H2 4er Set Hanging Patt Grau M
H2 2er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
H2 4er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
H2 2er Set Charlie Black Washed M
H2 4er Set Charlie Black Washed M
H2 4er Set Grace Concrete M
H2 4er Set Alice Concrete M
H2 Hanging Patt Set Schwarz
H2 Hanging Patt Set Grau
H2 Patt Black Washed 3er Set
H2 Patt Grey Washed 3er Set
H2 Charlie Black Washed 3er Set
H2 Charlie Grey Washed 3er Set
H2 Hanging Wally 4er Set Schwarz / Grau
H2 Hanging Wally Grau
H2 Hanging Wally Schwarz
H2 Patt Grey Washed
H2 Patt Black Washed
H2 Hanging Patt Grau
H2 Hanging Charlie Schwarz
H2 Eileen Black Washed
H2 Eileen Grey Washed
H2 Hanging Patt Schwarz
H2 Patt Grey Washed Feet High
H2 Charlie Grey Washed
H2 Hanging Charlie Grau
H2 Hanging Wally Matt Weiß
H2 Charlie Black Washed
H2 Charlie Black Washed Feet High
H2 Patt Grey Washed Feet Low
H2 Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm
H2 Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm
H2 Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm
H2 Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm
H2 Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm
H2 Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm
H2 Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm
H2 Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm
H2 Das sagen unsere Kunden
H2 Patt Clay Washed
H2 Patt Mocha Washed
H2 Charlie Mocha Washed
H2 Charlie Clay Washed
H2 Eileen Clay Washed
H2 Eileen Mocha Washed
H2 Stelle dein Set zusammen mit unserem Konfigurator!
H2 Zimmerpflanzen
H2 Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm Duplicate text
H2 Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm Duplicate text
H2 Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm Duplicate text
H2 Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm Duplicate text
H2 Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm Duplicate text
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm Duplicate text
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm Duplicate text
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm Duplicate text
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm Duplicate text
H2 Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm Duplicate text
H2 Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm Duplicate text
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm Duplicate text
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm Duplicate text
H2 Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm Duplicate text
H2 Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm Duplicate text
H2 Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm Duplicate text
H2 Finestgreen – Hochwertige Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe, Pflanzen & Moosbilder
H2 Schnelle Lieferung Zahlreiche Zahlungsmethoden
H2 Melde dich an und erhalte 5% Rabatt!
H2 Allgemein
H2 Hilfe & Kontakt
H3 Kaufe mehr, zahle weniger
H3 Spare bis zu 40%
H3 Wähle aus über 1000 verschiedenen Kombinationen
H3 Passend zu unseren Töpfen
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
5 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 16 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Direkt zum Inhalt
/collections/alle-pflanzgefasseAlle Töpfe
/collections/outdoor-vasen-pfl...Outdoor Töpfe
/collections/indoor-vasenIndoor Töpfe
/collections/on-legsTöpfe auf Stelzen
/collections/hanging-bowlHängende Töpfe
/collections/hohe-pflanzgefasseHohe Pflanzgefäße
/collections/zimmerpflanzenAlle Pflanzen
/collections/tierfreundliche-p...Tierfreundliche Pflanzen
/collections/pflegeleichte-pfl...Pflegeleichte Pflanzen
/collections/pflanzen-fur-weni...Pflanzen für wenig Licht
/collections/kleine-pflanzenKleine Pflanzen
/collections/kunstliche-pflanzenKünstliche Pflanzen
/products/islandmoos-piktogram...A-Z Buchstaben
/products/islandmoos-piktogram...0-9 Zahlen
/collections/moosbilder-1Alle Moosbilder
/products/islandmoos-weltkarteIslandmoos Weltkarte
/collections/kork-hexagon-komb...Hexagon Moosbilder
https://finestgreen.shipping-p...External Subdomain Retoure / Umtausch
/pages/reklamationReklamation Pflanzengarantie
/pages/kontaktKontaktformularäftskunden window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/collections/indoor-vasenKostenloser Versand ab 70€ & Kostenlose Retoure | Spare 15% mit dem Code: XMAS
/collections/alle-pflanzgefasseText duplicate Alle Töpfe
/collections/outdoor-vasen-pfl...Text duplicate Outdoor Töpfe
/collections/indoor-vasenText duplicate Indoor Töpfe
/collections/on-legsText duplicate Töpfe auf Stelzen
/collections/hanging-bowlText duplicate Hängende Töpfe
/collections/hohe-pflanzgefasseText duplicate Hohe Pflanzgefäße
/collections/ovalText duplicate Schalen
/collections/kunststoffeinsatzText duplicate Kunststoffeinsätze
/collections/untersetzerText duplicate Untersetzer
/products/pflegeol-fur-pflanzg...Text duplicate Pflegeöl
/collections/pflanzenstander-h...Text duplicate Topfgestell
/collections/setsText duplicate Bundles
/collections/geschenkgutscheinText duplicate Gutscheine
/collections/geschenkgutscheinGeschenkgutscheine Zum ausdrucken oder per Post
/collections/zimmerpflanzenText duplicate Alle Pflanzen
/collections/palmenText duplicate Palmen
/collections/calatheaText duplicate Calathea
/collections/ficusText duplicate Ficus
/collections/monstera-fensterb...Text duplicate Monstera
/collections/strelitzienText duplicate Strelitzien
/collections/tierfreundliche-p...Text duplicate Tierfreundliche Pflanzen
/collections/pflegeleichte-pfl...Text duplicate Pflegeleichte Pflanzen
/collections/pflanzen-fur-weni...Text duplicate Pflanzen für wenig Licht
/collections/kleine-pflanzenText duplicate Kleine Pflanzen
/collections/kunstliche-pflanzenText duplicate Künstliche Pflanzen
/collections/buchstaben-piktog...Buchstaben & Piktogramme
/products/islandmoos-piktogram...Text duplicate A-Z Buchstaben
/products/islandmoos-piktogram...Text duplicate 0-9 Zahlen
/products/islandmoos-piktogram...Text duplicate Toilettenschilder
/collections/moosbilder-1Text duplicate Alle Moosbilder
/collections/pflanzenbilderText duplicate Pflanzenbilder
/products/islandmoos-weltkarteText duplicate Islandmoos Weltkarte
/collections/kork-hexagon-komb...Text duplicate Hexagon Moosbilder
/collections/moosbilderNo Text
/pages/bewertungenBewertungenBewertungen Finestgreen Text Text Text
/collections/allJETZT SHOPPEN
/collections/setsZU DEN BUNDLES
/products/4er-patt-black-washe...IMG-ALT 4er Patt Black Washed Set L
/products/4er-patt-black-washe...Text duplicate 4er Patt Black Washed Set L
/products/4er-patt-grey-washed...IMG-ALT 4er Patt Grey Washed Set L
/products/4er-patt-grey-washed...Text duplicate 4er Patt Grey Washed Set L
/products/4er-set-hanging-patt...IMG-ALT 4er Set Hanging Patt Grau M
/products/4er-set-hanging-patt...Text duplicate 4er Set Hanging Patt Grau M
/products/2er-charlie-grey-was...IMG-ALT 2er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
/products/2er-charlie-grey-was...Text duplicate 2er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
/products/4er-charlie-grey-was...IMG-ALT 4er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
/products/4er-charlie-grey-was...Text duplicate 4er Set Charlie Grey Washed M
/products/2er-charlie-black-wa...IMG-ALT 2er Set Charlie Black Washed M
/products/2er-charlie-black-wa...Text duplicate 2er Set Charlie Black Washed M
/products/4er-set-charlie-blac...IMG-ALT 4er Set Charlie Black Washed M
/products/4er-set-charlie-blac...Text duplicate 4er Set Charlie Black Washed M
/products/4er-set-grace-concre...IMG-ALT 4er Set Grace Concrete M
/products/4er-set-grace-concre...Text duplicate 4er Set Grace Concrete M
/products/4er-set-alice-concre...IMG-ALT 4er Set Alice Concrete M
/products/4er-set-alice-concre...Text duplicate 4er Set Alice Concrete M
/products/hanging-patt-set-sch...IMG-ALT Hanging Patt Set Schwarz
/products/hanging-patt-set-sch...Text duplicate Hanging Patt Set Schwarz
/products/hanging-patt-set-grauIMG-ALT Hanging Patt Set Grau
/products/hanging-patt-set-grauText duplicate Hanging Patt Set Grau
/products/patt-schwarz-setIMG-ALT Patt Schwarz Set Finestgreen
/products/patt-schwarz-setPatt Black Washed 3er Set
/products/patt-grau-setIMG-ALT Patt Grey Washed 3er Set
/products/patt-grau-setText duplicate Patt Grey Washed 3er Set
/products/charlie-black-washed...IMG-ALT Charlie Black Washed 3er Set
/products/charlie-black-washed...Text duplicate Charlie Black Washed 3er Set
/products/charlie-grey-washed-setIMG-ALT Charlie Grey Washed 3er Set
/products/charlie-grey-washed-setText duplicate Charlie Grey Washed 3er Set
/products/hanging-wally-4er-se...IMG-ALT Hanging Wally 4er Set Schwarz / Grau
/products/hanging-wally-4er-se...Text duplicate Hanging Wally 4er Set Schwarz / Grau
/collections/setsZu unseren Sets Betongefäße Keramik Boho Oyster Indoor Outdoor
/products/hanging-wally-grauIMG-ALT Hanging Wally Grau
/products/hanging-wally-grauText duplicate Hanging Wally Grau
/products/hanging-wally-schwarzIMG-ALT Hanging Wally Schwarz
/products/hanging-wally-schwarzText duplicate Hanging Wally Schwarz
/products/patt-grey-washedIMG-ALT Patt Grey Washed
/products/patt-grey-washedText duplicate Patt Grey Washed
/products/patt-black-washedIMG-ALT Patt Black Washed
/products/patt-black-washedText duplicate Patt Black Washed
/products/hanging-patt-grauIMG-ALT Hanging Patt Grau
/products/hanging-patt-grauText duplicate Hanging Patt Grau
/products/hanging-charlie-schwarzIMG-ALT Hanging Charlie Schwarz
/products/hanging-charlie-schwarzText duplicate Hanging Charlie Schwarz
/products/eileen-schwarzIMG-ALT Eileen Black Washed
/products/eileen-schwarzText duplicate Eileen Black Washed
/products/eileen-grauIMG-ALT Eileen Grey Washed
/products/eileen-grauText duplicate Eileen Grey Washed
/products/hanging-patt-schwarzIMG-ALT Hanging Patt Schwarz
/products/hanging-patt-schwarzText duplicate Hanging Patt Schwarz
/products/patt-grey-washed-fee...IMG-ALT Patt Grey Washed Feet High
/products/patt-grey-washed-fee...Text duplicate Patt Grey Washed Feet High
/products/charlie-grey-washedIMG-ALT Charlie Grey Washed
/products/charlie-grey-washedText duplicate Charlie Grey Washed
/products/hanging-charlie-grauIMG-ALT Hanging Charlie Grau Finestgreen
/products/hanging-charlie-grauHanging Charlie Grau
/products/hanging-wally-matt-w...IMG-ALT Hanging Wally Matt Weiß
/products/hanging-wally-matt-w...Text duplicate Hanging Wally Matt Weiß
/products/charlie-black-washedIMG-ALT Charlie Black Washed
/products/charlie-black-washedText duplicate Charlie Black Washed
/products/charlie-black-washed...IMG-ALT Charlie Black Washed Feet High
/products/charlie-black-washed...Text duplicate Charlie Black Washed Feet High
/products/patt-grey-washed-fee...IMG-ALT Patt Grey Washed Feet Low
/products/patt-grey-washed-fee...Text duplicate Patt Grey Washed Feet Low
/collections/bestsellerAlle Produkte
/products/mm-vireo64IMG-ALT Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-vireo64Text duplicate Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-fore66IMG-ALT Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-fore66Text duplicate Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-amm7IMG-ALT Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm
/products/mm-amm7Text duplicate Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm
/products/mm-ed56IMG-ALT Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm
/products/mm-ed56Text duplicate Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm
/products/mm-ed2IMG-ALT Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm
/products/mm-ed2Text duplicate Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm
/products/mm-vde3IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-vde3Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-jogr5IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm
/products/mm-jogr5Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm
/products/mm-vde4IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm
/products/mm-vde4Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm
/products/mm-fore112IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm
/products/mm-fore112Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm
/products/mm-amm164IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm
/products/mm-amm164Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm
/products/mm-hill7IMG-ALT Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm
/products/mm-hill7Text duplicate Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm
/products/mm-duij47IMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm
/products/mm-duij47Text duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm
/products/mm-fa1IMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-fa1Text duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/sansevieria-laurentiiIMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm
/products/sansevieria-laurentiiText duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm
/products/mm-gbva18IMG-ALT Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm
/products/mm-gbva18Text duplicate Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm
/products/mm-gbva13IMG-ALT Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm
/products/mm-gbva13Text duplicate Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm
/collections/zimmerpflanzenText duplicate Alle Produkte
/products/patt-clay-washedIMG-ALT Patt Clay Washed
/products/patt-clay-washedText duplicate Patt Clay Washed
/products/patt-mocha-washedIMG-ALT Patt Mocha Washed
/products/patt-mocha-washedText duplicate Patt Mocha Washed
/products/charlie-mocha-washedIMG-ALT Charlie Mocha Washed
/products/charlie-mocha-washedText duplicate Charlie Mocha Washed
/products/charlie-clay-washedIMG-ALT Charlie Clay Washed
/products/charlie-clay-washedText duplicate Charlie Clay Washed
/products/eileen-clay-washedIMG-ALT Eileen Clay Washed
/products/eileen-clay-washedText duplicate Eileen Clay Washed
/products/eileen-mocha-washedIMG-ALT Eileen Mocha Washed
/products/eileen-mocha-washedText duplicate Eileen Mocha Washed
/pages/httpsfinestgreen-depage...No Text
/collections/zimmerpflanzenJetzt Pflanzenset zusammenstellen
/products/mm-vireo64Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-vireo64Text duplicate Alocasia Cucullata Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-fore66Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-fore66Text duplicate Alocasia zebrina Ø:17 H:70 cm
/products/mm-amm7Text duplicate IMG-ALT Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm
/products/mm-amm7Text duplicate Alocasia zebrina Ø:24 H:100 cm
/products/mm-ed56Text duplicate IMG-ALT Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm
/products/mm-ed56Text duplicate Aloe Vera Ø:17 H:55 cm
/products/mm-ed2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm
/products/mm-ed2Text duplicate Aloe Vera Ø:25 H:60 cm
/products/mm-vde3Text duplicate IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-vde3Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-jogr5Text duplicate IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm
/products/mm-jogr5Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:14 H:50 cm
/products/mm-vde4Text duplicate IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm
/products/mm-vde4Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:17 H:65 cm
/products/mm-fore112Text duplicate IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm
/products/mm-fore112Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:24 H:120 cm
/products/mm-amm164Text duplicate IMG-ALT Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm
/products/mm-amm164Text duplicate Areca - Goldfruchtpalme Ø:27 H:160 cm
/products/mm-hill7Text duplicate IMG-ALT Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm
/products/mm-hill7Text duplicate Blue Star Phlebodium aureum Ø:17 H:40 cm
/products/mm-duij47Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm
/products/mm-duij47Text duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria Black Coral Ø:12 H:35 cm
/products/mm-fa1Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/mm-fa1Text duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:12 H:40 cm
/products/sansevieria-laurentiiText duplicate IMG-ALT Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm
/products/sansevieria-laurentiiText duplicate Bogenhanf - Sansevieria laurentii Ø:19 H:60 cm
/products/mm-gbva18Text duplicate IMG-ALT Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm
/products/mm-gbva18Text duplicate Calathea makoyana - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:45 cm
/products/mm-gbva13Text duplicate IMG-ALT Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm
/products/mm-gbva13Text duplicate Calathea Medallion - Korbmarante Ø:14 H:40 cm
/collections/zimmerpflanzenALLE PFLANZEN
/pages/allgemeine-geschaftsbed...Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
/pages/zahlung-und-versandZahlung und Versand
https://finestgreen.shipping-p...External Subdomain Text duplicate Retoure / Umtausch
/pages/reklamationText duplicate Reklamation Text duplicate Pflanzengarantie
/pages/kontaktText duplicate Kontaktformular duplicate FAQ duplicate Geschäftskunden window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text© Finestgreen

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.71 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (704 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateFri, 27 Dec 2024 09:42:19 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie99 Characters
link<>; rel="preconnect", <>; rel="preconnect"; crossorigin
content-security-policyblock-all-mixed-content; frame-ancestors 'none'; upgrade-insecure-requests;
server-timingprocessing;dur=514;desc="gc:136", db;dur=76, db_async;dur=1.543, render;dur=160, asn;desc="24940", edge;desc="CDG", country;desc="DE", knownbot, theme;desc="146324357384", pageType;desc="index", servedBy;desc="rtx4", requestID;desc="82b7661f-6b3a-48d3-8f28-ae5776ed1165-1735292538"
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x-xss-protection1; mode=block

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 1 referring domains.
This page only has 1 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 1 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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# Google adsbot ignores robots.txt unless specifically named!
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User-agent: Pinterest
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Pflanzkübel, Blumentöpfe, Designer Vasen & Moosbilder | Finestg...
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