# @Bsale 2024 # Buscadores User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Googlebot-image Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Googlebot-video Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Googlenot-news Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: AdsBot-Google Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Storebot-Google Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Bingbot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Applebot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / # Redes Sociales User-agent: FacebookExternalHit Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Twitterbot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: LinkedInBot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: Pinterestbot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / # Marketing Robots User-agent: ia_archiver Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: rogerbot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / User-agent: DotBot Allow: /$ Allow: /product/* Allow: /collection/* Allow: /brand/* Allow: /sheet/* Allow: /article/* Allow: /blog Allow: /policies/* Allow: /robots.txt Allow: /sitemap.xml Disallow: / # Resto de agentes sólo el home User-agent: * Crawl-delay:120 Allow: /$ Disallow: / # Sitemap Sitemap: https://www.fold.cl/robots.txt/sitemap.xml
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