Icons8.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.69 s
File size
212.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
100 internal / 72 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Kostenlose Icons, Clipart-Grafiken, Fotos und Musik
The length of the page title is perfect. (467 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Lade Designelemente kostenlos herunter: Icons, Fotos, Vektorgrafiken und Musik für deine Videos. Alle Assets von Designern → einheitliche Qualität ⚡️
The length of the meta description is perfect. (946 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionLade Designelemente kostenlos herunter: Icons, Fotos, Vektorgrafiken und Musik für deine Videos. Alle Assets von Designern → einheitliche Qualität ⚡️
og:titleKostenlose Icons, Clipart-Grafiken, Fotos und Musik
og:descriptionLade Designelemente kostenlos herunter: Icons, Fotos, Vektorgrafiken und Musik für deine Videos. Alle Assets von Designern → einheitliche Qualität ⚡️
twitter:titleKostenlose Icons, Clipart-Grafiken, Fotos und Musik
twitter:descriptionLade Designelemente kostenlos herunter: Icons, Fotos, Vektorgrafiken und Musik für deine Videos. Alle Assets von Designern → einheitliche Qualität ⚡️
X-UA-CompatibleIE=edge, chrome=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 739 words. That's ok.
23.7% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 11 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 15 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...header/animated-illlustrations-cover.gifAnimierte Grafiken
...s/page-index/hero/hero-bg-768w.webp 748wgradient background
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ue-static/landings/page-index/search.svgmagnifying glass
...ge-index/hero/hero-products/icons2x.webpIcons preview
.../hero/hero-products/illustrations2x.webpGrafiken preview
...ero/hero-products/3dIllustrations2x.webp3D-Grafiken preview
...ex/hero/hero-products/faceSwapper2x.webpGesichtertausch preview
...index/hero/hero-products/upscaler2x.webpBildverbesserer preview
...page-index/hero/hero-products/api2x.webpAPI preview
...hero/hero-products/humanGenerator2x.webpKI-Menschengenerator preview
...ero/hero-products/generatedPhotos2x.webpKI-Fotogenerator preview
...s/2024/11/GenYOU_AI_Photo_Generator.webpGenYOU – KI-Fotogenerator
...ontent/uploads/2023/10/Face_Swapper.webpNeuer Face Swapper
...b/landings/promo/promo-mega-creator.webpErstelle 2D- und 3D-Grafiken wie ein Profi
...ge-index/upgrade-tools/tabs/tools2x.webpUpgrade für deinen Workflow preview
...e-index/upgrade-tools/tabs/assets2x.webpEntdecke Assets preview
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/bg/lunacy.webplunacy background
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/arrowRight.svgarrow right
...age-index/upgrade-tools/lunacy1x.webp 1xlunacy preview
...-index/upgrade-tools/bg/megaCreator.webpmegaCreator background
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/arrowRight.svgarrow right
...ndex/upgrade-tools/megaCreator1x.webp 1xmegaCreator preview
...s/page-index/upgrade-tools/bg/figma.webpfigma background
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/arrowRight.svgarrow right
...page-index/upgrade-tools/figma1x.webp 1xfigma preview
...-index/upgrade-tools/bg/faceSwapper.webpfaceSwapper background
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/arrowRight.svgarrow right
...ndex/upgrade-tools/faceSwapper1x.webp 1xfaceSwapper preview
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/bg/pichon.webppichon background
.../page-index/upgrade-tools/arrowRight.svgarrow right
...age-index/upgrade-tools/pichon1x.webp 1xpichon preview
.../page-index/ai-products/bgRemover2x.webpbgRemover preview
...s/page-index/ai-products/upscaler2x.webpupscaler preview
...ngs/page-index/ai-products/pichon2x.webppichon preview
...index/ai-products/generatedPhotos2x.webpgeneratedPhotos preview
...s/page-index/ai-products/heyPhoto2x.webpheyPhoto preview
...ings/page-index/ai-products/music2x.webpmusic preview
...x/exclusive-tools/bg/humanGenerator.webphumanGenerator background
...ex/exclusive-tools/humanGenerator2x.webphumanGenerator preview
...index/exclusive-tools/bg/figmaSteez.webpfigmaSteez background
...-index/exclusive-tools/figmaSteez2x.webpfigmaSteez preview
...age-index/exclusive-tools/bg/omgImg.webpomgImg background
...page-index/exclusive-tools/omgImg2x.webpomgImg preview
...clusive-tools/bg/heyPhotoAnonymizer.webpheyPhotoAnonymizer background
...xclusive-tools/heyPhotoAnonymizer2x.webpheyPhotoAnonymizer preview
.../page-index/tutorials/arrowRightGrey.svgarrow right
...gs/page-index/tutorials/brickGame2x.webpvideo preview
...andings/page-index/tutorials/playBtn.svgplay button
...x/tutorials/instagramIllustration2x.webpvideo preview
...andings/page-index/tutorials/playBtn.svgplay button
.../page-index/tutorials/figmaImport2x.webpvideo preview
...andings/page-index/tutorials/playBtn.svgplay button
...s/page-index/link-section/dev/api2x.webpapi preview
...page-index/link-section/dev/emoji2x.webpemoji preview
...-index/link-section/dev/sfSymbols2x.webpsfSymbols preview
...age-index/link-section/dev/omgImg2x.webpomgImg preview
...ndex/link-section/dev/lineAwesome2x.webplineAwesome preview
...ex/link-section/community/request2x.webprequest preview
...index/link-section/community/sell2x.webpsell preview
...ndex/link-section/community/forum2x.webpforum preview
...nk-section/community/sponsorships2x.webpsponsorships preview
...index/link-section/community/chat2x.webpchat preview
...ons8.com/web/common/social/instagram.svgIcons8 Instagram
...cons8.com/web/common/social/dribbble.svgIcons8 Dribbble
...cons8.com/web/common/social/twitterX.svgIcons8 Twitter
...cons8.com/web/common/social/facebook.svgIcons8 Facebook
....icons8.com/web/common/social/tiktok.svgIcons8 TikTok
...icons8.com/web/common/social/youtube.svgIcons8 Youtube
...cons8.com/web/common/social/linkedIn.svgIcons8 Linkedin
....icons8.com/web/common/social/medium.svgIcons8 Medium
...ons8.com/web/common/social/pinterest.svgIcons8 Pinterest
...s8.com/web/common/social/productHunt.svgIcons8 ProductHunt

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Originale Stock-Grafiken von unserem Team, Design-Apps und KI-Tools
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Originale Stock-Grafiken von unserem Team, Design-Apps und KI-Tools
H2 Starte dein nächstes Projekt hier
H2 Schluss mit Routine
H2 Must-haves für Design-Nerds
H2 Tutorials
H2 Entwickler
H2 Community
H3 Menschen mit KI erzeugen
H3 KI-Icon-Ersatz
H3 Hackbare Icon-URLs
H3 Verberge deine Identität mit KI
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are too many external links (72) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
IMG-ALT Icons8
A-TITLE Icons8
https://icons8.de/iconsIcons PNG und SVG Icons in 47 verschiedenen Stilen
/app/windows-pichonMac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
/app/macos-pichonText duplicate Mac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
https://icons8.de/appPlugins Ziehe Icons per Drag & Drop in andere Apps
IMG-ALT Plugins
https://icons8.de/iconizerIconizerneu Bearbeite SVG-Icons völlig ohne Tech-Skills
IMG-ALT Iconizer
/icons/family-animated--animatedAnimierte Iconsneu
https://icons8.de/line-awesomeLine Awesome
/icon/set/emoji/emojiEmoji Icons
https://icons8.de/icons/fluencyWindows 11 Color Iconsneu
/icons/glyph-neueGlyph Neueneu
/icons/ios-glyphsiOS Glyph Iconsbeliebt
https://icons8.de/illustrationsOuch!neu Vektorgrafiken von Top-Dribble-Grafikern
https://icons8.de/mega-creatorMega Creator Erstelle Designs mit hochwertigen Grafiken aus der Drag & Drop-Bibliothek
IMG-ALT Mega Creator
https://icons8.de/l/animations/Animierte Grafiken Bewegte Bilder, um deine Designs aufzupeppen
IMG-ALT Animierte Grafiken
/illustration-generatorIllustration Generatorneu Erstelle einheitliche Grafiken in einzigartigen Stilen
IMG-ALT Illustration Generator
/app/windows-pichonText duplicate Mac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
/app/macos-pichonText duplicate Mac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
https://icons8.de/appPlugins Ziehe Grafiken per Drag & Drop in andere Apps
IMG-ALT Plugins
/illustrations/stylesAlle Stile
/illustrations/styles/universal-1Universelle Grafiken
/illustrations/styles/trendyTrendige Grafikenbeliebt
https://generated.photos/genyouExternal GenYOUneu Erstelle Fotos derselben Person mit Hunderten Variationen
https://generated.photos/human...External Human Generatorneu Der fortschrittlichste Generator für Ganzkörperfotos von Menschen
IMG-ALT Human Generator
https://generated.photos/face-...External Face Generator Einzigartige, expressive KI-generierte Gesichter in Echtzeit erstellen
IMG-ALT Face Generator
/illustration-generatorText duplicate Illustration Generatorneu Erstelle einheitliche Grafiken in einzigartigen Stilen
IMG-ALT Illustration Generator
https://icons8.de/swapperFace Swapperneu Tausche Gesichter in höchster Qualität
IMG-ALT Face Swapper
https://icons8.de/upscalerSmart Upscaler Nutze KI für bessere Bildauflösung
IMG-ALT Smart Upscaler
https://generated.photos/facesExternal Generierte Gesichterbeliebt
https://generated.photos/humansExternal Körper in voller Größeneu
https://generated.photos/anony...External AI Anonymizerbeliebt
https://icons8.de/bgremoverBackground Remover
https://generated.photos/datasetsExternal Datensätze
https://generated.photos/apiExternal Generated Photos API
https://developers.icons8.com/...External Subdomain Smart Upscaler API
https://developers.icons8.com/...External Subdomain Background Remover API
https://icons8.de/photosMoose Studio-Stockfotos
/app/macos-pichonText duplicate Mac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
/app/windows-pichonText duplicate Mac- und Windows-Apps Schnelle native Apps mit Icons, Grafiken und Fotos
IMG-ALT Mac- und Windows-Apps
https://icons8.de/appPluginsneu Ziehe Fotos per Drag & Drop in andere Apps
IMG-ALT Plugins
https://icons8.de/swapperText duplicate Face Swapperneu Tausche Gesichter in höchster Qualität
IMG-ALT Face Swapper
https://icons8.de/upscalerSmart Upscaler Verbesserte Bildauflösung mit KI
IMG-ALT Smart Upscaler
https://icons8.de/bgremoverBackground Remover Entferne den Hintergrund von jedem Foto
IMG-ALT Background Remover
https://generated.photos/human...External Human Generatorneu
https://generated.photos/face-...External Face Generatorbeliebt
https://generated.photos/External KI Generated Photos
https://generated.photos/anony...External AI Anonymizer
/photos/transparentTransparentes PNGbeliebt
https://icons8.de/mega-creatorMega Creator
A-TITLE Lunacy
https://blog.icons8.com/New window External Subdomain Blog
A-TITLE Preise
https://icons8.com/External English
IMG-ALT flag
https://igoutu.cn/External 简体中文
IMG-ALT flag
https://icones8.fr/External Français
IMG-ALT flag
IMG-ALT flag
https://icons8.it/External Italiano
IMG-ALT flag
https://icons8.jp/External 日本語
IMG-ALT flag
https://icons8.com.br/External Português
IMG-ALT flag
https://icons8.ru/External Русский
IMG-ALT flag
https://iconos8.es/External Español
IMG-ALT flag
https://icons8.kr/External 한국어
IMG-ALT flag
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
/icons/set/social-mediaSocial Media
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT magnifying glass
IMG-ALT Icons preview
IMG-ALT Grafiken preview
IMG-ALT 3D-Grafiken preview
IMG-ALT Gesichtertausch preview
IMG-ALT Bildverbesserer preview
https://developers.icons8.com/External Subdomain API
IMG-ALT API preview
https://generated.photos/human...External KI-Menschengenerator Neu
IMG-ALT KI-Menschengenerator preview
https://generated.photos/External KI-Fotogenerator
IMG-ALT KI-Fotogenerator preview
https://generated.photos/genyo...External GenYOU – KI-Fotogenerator Neu Erstellen Sie Fotos, die wie Sie aussehen und nicht wie Ihr seltsamer Cousin
IMG-ALT GenYOU – KI-Fotogenerator
/swapper?utm_source=main_page&...Neuer Face Swapper Superrealistischer Gesichtsaustausch zum Ausprobieren neuer Looks
IMG-ALT Neuer Face Swapper
/mega-creator?utm_source=main_...Erstelle 2D- und 3D-Grafiken wie ein Profi Mit vorgefertigten Elementen kreierst du völlig neue Bilder
IMG-ALT Erstelle 2D- und 3D-Grafiken wie ein Profi
https://icons8.de/lunacySchnellere Designs mit integrierten Grafik- und KI-Tools Hol dir eine kostenlose, professionelle Design-App voller zeitsparender Tools. Inklusive Figma-Import
IMG-ALT lunacy background
https://icons8.de/mega-creatorErstelle individuelle Grafiken und Fotos Erzähle deine Geschichte indem du aus vorgefertigten Elementen individuelle Bilder erstellst
IMG-ALT megaCreator background
/app/figma-icons8Booste Figma mit Icons8-Grafiken
IMG-ALT figma background
https://icons8.de/swapperGesichter in Fotos automatisch mit KI ersetzen
IMG-ALT faceSwapper background
/app/macos-pichonOrganisiere deine Grafiksammlungen mit KI
IMG-ALT pichon background
https://icons8.de/bgremoverHintergründe entfernen Vereinfachte Fotobearbeitung mit unserem Background Remover Holen
IMG-ALT bgRemover preview
https://icons8.de/upscalerBilder hochskalieren Vergrößere Bilder und verbessere ihre Auflösung mit KI Holen
IMG-ALT upscaler preview
/app/macos-pichonAlle Grafiken auf einen Klick Umfangreiche Grafikbibliothek immer zur Hand Holen
IMG-ALT pichon preview
https://generated.photos/External KI-generierte Profilbilder holen Erstelle mühelos einzigartige Profilbilder Holen
IMG-ALT generatedPhotos preview
https://hey-photo.com/External Gesichter mit KI bearbeiten Verleihe Selfies und Gruppenfotos mit KI den letzten Schliff Holen
IMG-ALT heyPhoto preview
https://icons8.de/musicMusik für Videos holen Komplettiere Videodesigns mit perfekten Soundtracks Holen
IMG-ALT music preview
https://generated.photos/human...External Menschen mit KI erzeugen
IMG-ALT humanGenerator background
IMG-ALT figmaSteez background
https://img.icons8.com/External Subdomain Hackbare Icon-URLs
IMG-ALT omgImg background
https://hey-photo.com/tools/an...External Verberge deine Identität mit KI
IMG-ALT heyPhotoAnonymizer background
https://www.youtube.com/playli...New window External Subdomain Alle anzeigen
IMG-ALT arrow right
https://developers.icons8.com/External Subdomain Icons8 API Integriere unsere Design-Assets und Tools in deine Apps
IMG-ALT api preview
https://icons8.de/emojiEmoji Hübsche Emojis, ohne das Copyright von Apple zu verletzen
IMG-ALT emoji preview
/icons/family-sf-symbolsSF Symbols Fehlende Apple-Icons
IMG-ALT sfSymbols preview
https://img.icons8.com/External Subdomain OMG IMG Erstelle Icons mit einer URL.
IMG-ALT omgImg preview
https://icons8.com/line-awesomeExternal Line Awesome Wie Font Awesome, aber im Skizzen-Stil
IMG-ALT lineAwesome preview
/icons/request-iconRequest icons Du kannst ein benötigtes Icon nicht finden? Wir zeichnen es kostenlos
IMG-ALT request preview
https://icons8.de/l/affiliate/Partner Geld verdienen mit Werbung für unsere Produkte
IMG-ALT sell preview
https://community.icons8.com/c...External Subdomain Forum Fehler melden, Funktionen anfragen, mit dem Team chatten
IMG-ALT forum preview
https://opencollective.com/ico...External Sponsoren Liste unserer Spenden an Open Source
IMG-ALT sponsorships preview
https://icons8.de/contactKontakt Support und Unternehmensverkäufe.
IMG-ALT chat preview
https://www.instagram.com/icons8External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 Instagram
A-TITLE Icons8 Instagram
https://dribbble.com/icons8External IMG-ALT Icons8 Dribbble
A-TITLE Icons8 Dribbble
https://twitter.com/icons_8External IMG-ALT Icons8 Twitter
A-TITLE Icons8 Twitter
https://www.facebook.com/Icons8External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 Facebook
A-TITLE Icons8 Facebook
https://www.tiktok.com/@icons8...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 TikTok
A-TITLE Icons8 TikTok
https://www.youtube.com/channe...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 Youtube
A-TITLE Icons8 Youtube
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 Linkedin
A-TITLE Icons8 Linkedin
https://uxplanet.org/@icons8External IMG-ALT Icons8 Medium
A-TITLE Icons8 Medium
https://www.pinterest.ru/visua...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 Pinterest
A-TITLE Icons8 Pinterest
https://www.producthunt.com/pr...External Subdomain IMG-ALT Icons8 ProductHunt
A-TITLE Icons8 ProductHunt
https://icons8.com/New window External Startseite
https://icons8.de/l/media-kitNew window Werbung
https://icons8.com/l/affiliate/New window External Affiliate-Programm
https://policies.google.com/pr...External Subdomain Datenschutzrichtlinie
https://policies.google.com/termsExternal Subdomain Nutzungsbedingungen
https://icons8.de/iconsNew window Text duplicate Icons
https://icons8.de/illustrationsNew window Text duplicate Grafiken
https://icons8.de/photosNew window Stockfotos
https://icons8.de/musicNew window Lizenzfreie Musik
https://icons8.de/threedioNew window 3D-Modelle
https://generated.photos/New window External KI-generierte Gesichter
https://icons8.de/lunacyNew window Text duplicate Lunacy
/app/macos-pichonNew window Pichon
/app/windows-pichonNew window Text duplicate Pichon
https://icons8.de/goprodNew window GoProd
https://icons8.de/app/figmaNew window Plugins
/icons/request-iconNew window Icon
/illustrations/request-illustr...New window Grafik
https://lunatics.icons8.com/New window External Subdomain Lunacy-Funktion
https://icons8.de/aboutNew window Über uns
/our-business-modelNew window Geschäftsmodell
https://icons8.com/blogNew window External Text duplicate Blog
https://icons8.de/impressumNew window Impressum
https://icons8.de/mega-creatorNew window Text duplicate Mega Creator
https://icons8.de/upscalerNew window Smart Upscaler
https://icons8.de/bgremoverNew window Text duplicate Background Remover
https://icons8.de/swapperNew window Face Swapper
https://generated.photos/face-...New window External Face Generator
https://generated.photos/human...New window External Human Generator
https://hey-photo.com/New window External HeyPhoto
https://icons8.de/iconizerNew window Iconizer
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Icons
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Grafiken
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Fotos
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Musik
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Smart Upscaler
https://developers.icons8.com/...New window External Subdomain API für Background Remover
https://img.icons8.com/New window External Subdomain Omg-Img
https://icons8.de/line-awesomeNew window Text duplicate Line Awesome
https://community.icons8.com/New window External Subdomain Forum
https://intercom.help/icons8-7...New window External FAQ
https://icons8.de/docsNew window Benutzerdokumentation
https://icons8.de/contactNew window Kontakt
https://icons8.de/licenseNew window Kostenlose Lizenz
https://intercom.help/icons8-7...New window External Kostenpflichtige Lizenz
https://icons8.de/pricingNew window Text duplicate Preise
https://policies.google.com/pr...External Subdomain Text duplicate Datenschutzrichtlinie
https://policies.google.com/termsExternal Subdomain Text duplicate Nutzungsbedingungen
https://icons8.de/privacy-policyText duplicate Datenschutzrichtlinie
/terms-and-conditionsAllgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
https://www.cdn77.com/New window External Subdomain CDN77

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://icons8.de/"
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.69 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (212 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateTue, 18 Feb 2025 22:16:30 GMT
cache-controlpublic, max-age=1800
strict-transport-securitymax-age=15724800; includeSubDomains
access-control-allow-methodsGET, OPTIONS

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 1,685 referring domains.
This page has 1,066,178 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 843 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# _ _|   __|   _ \   \ |   __|   _ )      __|   _ \   \  |
#   |   (     (   | .  | \__ \   _ \     (     (   | |\/ |
# ___| \___| \___/ _|\_| ____/ \___/ _) \___| \___/ _|  _|
# We are looking for good SEO ideas.
# Please email us links_at_icons8.com

User-agent: *

Disallow: /icons/set/*.com
Disallow: /icons/set/*.cc
Disallow: /icons/set/*t.me
Disallow: /icons/set/*tg:
Disallow: /icons/set/*.vip
Disallow: /icons/set/*.cn
Disallow: /icons/set/*.net
Disallow: /icons/set/*.xyz
Disallow: /icons/set/*.CC
Disallow: /icons/set/*.net
Disallow: /icons/set/*.tv
Disallow: /icons/set/*.org
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