This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
# File: robots.txt # Site: User-agent: * Disallow: /Account-Show Disallow: /Account-EditProfile Disallow: /Address-List Disallow: /Cart-AddProduct Disallow: /Cart-Show Disallow: /COBilling-Start Disallow: /COShipping-Start Disallow: /COSummary-Start Disallow: /COSummary-Submit Disallow: /Login-Show Disallow: /wallet/ Disallow: /Checkout-Begin/ Disallow: /cart/ Disallow: /Order-Confirm/ Disallow: /Order-History Disallow: /PaymentInstruments-Add Disallow: /PaymentInstruments-List Disallow: /AurusPay-GetSession Disallow: /account* Disallow: /account/ Disallow: /Account-ProfileAndPreferences/ Disallow: /cart* Disallow: /on/* Disallow: /*/account/ Disallow: /*/checkout/ Disallow: /*/cart Disallow: /edit-password Disallow: /profile Disallow: /passwordreset Disallow: /setpassword Disallow: /confirmednewpassword Disallow: /register Disallow: /addressbook Disallow: /billing Disallow: /shipping Disallow: /wishlist Disallow: /wallet Disallow: *index=0* Disallow: *pmax* Disallow: *pmin* Disallow: *srule* Disallow: * Disallow: *Product-Variation Disallow: *Product-Detail Disallow: /all-rewards Disallow: /rewards Disallow: /orders Disallow: *search? Disallow: *?source= Disallow: *?sz= Disallow: *psortd Disallow: /search?q= Disallow: *start= Disallow: /*?catid Disallow: /*?mr:trackingCode Disallow: /*?intid Disallow: /*? *&index=0/ Disallow: */*+* Disallow: /*prefn1* Disallow: /*prefv1* Disallow: /*prefn2* Disallow: /*prefn3* Disallow: /*prefn4* Disallow: /*prefv2* Disallow: /*prefv3* Disallow: /*prefv4* Disallow: /*pmin* Disallow: /*pmax* Disallow: /*srule* Sitemap: