- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.48 s
File size
85.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
120 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Luftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner -
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 666 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Grösstes Sortiment hochwertiger Luftentfeuchter, Wäschetrockner und Bautrockner | Herstellerunabhängige Beratung | Lieferung auf Rechnung in die ganze Schweiz.
The meta description is too long: 1022 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
Language for link pointing to page itself inaccurate
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionGrösstes Sortiment hochwertiger Luftentfeuchter, Wäschetrockner und Bautrockner | Herstellerunabhängige Beratung | Lieferung auf Rechnung in die ganze Schweiz.
viewportwidth=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6, initial-scale=1.0
twitter:titleLuftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner -
twitter:descriptionGrösstes Sortiment hochwertiger Luftentfeuchter, Wäschetrockner und Bautrockner | Herstellerunabhängige Beratung | Lieferung auf Rechnung in die ganze Schweiz.
twitter:image:altLuftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner -
og:titleLuftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner -
og:descriptionGrösstes Sortiment hochwertiger Luftentfeuchter, Wäschetrockner und Bautrockner | Herstellerunabhängige Beratung | Lieferung auf Rechnung in die ganze Schweiz.
og:image:altLuftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner -

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 631 words. That's ok.
17.1% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
4 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.33 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, minimum-scale=0.25, maximum-scale=1.6, initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 13 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
8 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle alt attribute provided
...igital/img/somebodyDigital/emptycart.pngNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
/img/ecofort-header.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/home/icon-truck-les.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/home/icon-search.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/home/icon-repair-les.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/home/icon-service.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ter_luftentfeuchter-shop_de_1170x200.pngKeller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster
...ster_luftentfeuchter-shop_de_800x640.jpgKeller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster
/img/cms/les/start/lufty-les1.pngLuftentfeuchter Shop
...default/ecoq-dryair-13l-energy-saver.jpgecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saverecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saver
...default/ecoq-dryair-20l-energy-saver.jpgecofort ecoQ 20L Energy Saverecofort ecoQ 20L Energy Saver
...ome_default/ecoq-dryair-25l-complete.jpgecoQ DryAir 25L CompleteecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
...default/ecoq-dryair-35l-energy-saver.jpgecoQ 35L Energy SaverecoQ 35L Energy Saver
/8256-home_default/meaco-arete-one-20l.jpgMeaco Arete® One 20LMeaco Arete® One 20L
/9353-home_default/ecodry-cavemaster.jpgecodry CaveMasterecodry CaveMaster
...p-2_luftentfeuchter-shop_de_1170x200.pngKeller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster XP
...xp-2_luftentfeuchter-shop_de_800x640.jpgKeller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster XP
/6979-home_default/ecoq-minidry.jpgecofort ecoQ MiniDryecofort ecoQ MiniDry
/8516-home_default/veab-kx-2-2kw.jpgVeab KX 2Veab KX 2
...me_default/ecoq-dryair-12l-essential.jpgecoQ DryAir 12L EssentialecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
/6088-home_default/ecoq-dry-air-12l.jpgecofort ecoQ 12L Luftentfeuchterecofort ecoQ 12L Luftentfeuchter
...default/ecoq-dryair-13l-energy-saver.jpgecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saverecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saver
/9850-home_default/ecoq-20l-essential.jpgecoQ 20L EssentialecoQ 20L Essential
...ome_default/ecoq-dryair-25l-complete.jpgecoQ DryAir 25L CompleteecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
/8264-home_default/meaco-arete-one-25l.jpgMeaco Arete One 25LMeaco Arete One 25L
/8862-home_default/ecodry-neptun.jpgecodry Neptunecodry Neptun
/9108-home_default/bora-408.jpgBora 408 / 408HBora 408 / 408H
/9820-home_default/kruger-secomat-2.jpgKrüger secomat 2Krüger secomat 2
/7355-home_default/meaco-powerdry.jpgMeaco PowerDry 53L / 72L / 103LMeaco PowerDry 53L / 72L / 103L
...ooter/ecofort_secure_checkout_245x35.pngsicher einkaufen
...ooter/ecofort_lehrbetrieb_de_120x117.pngecofort Lehrbetriebecofort Lehrbetrieb

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Luftentfeuchter Shop
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 32 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Luftentfeuchter Shop
H2 Produkt wurde in den Korb gelegt
H2 Sie haben 0 Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb. Es gibt 1 Artikel in Ihrem Warenkorb.
H4 Sparsame Entfeuchter mit tiefen Betriebskosten
H4 Aktionen
H4 Effiziente Wäschetrockner
H4 Einfach bezahlen
H4 Wir versenden mit
H4 Sicher einkaufen
H4 Kontakt
H4 Kundendienst
H4 Über uns
H5 ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
H5 ecoQ DryAir 20L Energy Saver
H5 ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
H5 ecoQ DryAir 35L Energy Saver
H5 Meaco Arete® One 20L
H5 ecodry CaveMaster
H5 ecoQ MiniDry
H5 Veab KX 2
H5 ecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
H5 ecoQ DryAir 12L
H5 ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver Duplicate text
H5 ecoQ DryAir 20L Essential
H5 ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete Duplicate text
H5 Meaco Arete® One 25L
H5 ecodry Neptun
H5 Bora 408 / 408H
H5 Krüger secomat 2
H5 Meaco PowerDry
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/bestellenNofollow Subdomain 0 Zum Warenkorb
A-TITLE Zum Warenkorb
/bestellenNofollow Subdomain 0 Artikel Artikel Warenkorb
A-TITLE Zum Warenkorb
/bestellenNofollow Subdomain Zur Kasse
A-TITLE Zur Kasse
/bestellenNofollow Subdomain Zur Kasse gehen
A-TITLE Zur Kasse gehen
/kundenkontoNofollow Subdomain Anmelden
A-TITLE Anmelden
/kundenkontoNofollow Subdomain Registrieren
A-TITLE Konto erstellen
/index.php?id_cms=65&controlle...No Text
/Subdomain IMG-ALT
/192-produkteSubdomain Produkte
A-TITLE Produkte
/224-luftentfeuchterSubdomain Luftentfeuchter
IMG-ALT Luftentfeuchter
A-TITLE Luftentfeuchter
/259-keller-entfeuchterSubdomain Keller-Entfeuchter
A-TITLE Keller-Entfeuchter
/260-garage-entfeuchterSubdomain Garage-Entfeuchter
A-TITLE Garage-Entfeuchter
/256-wohnraumentfeuchterSubdomain Wohnraumentfeuchter
A-TITLE Wohnraumentfeuchter
/257-badezimmer-entfeuchterSubdomain Badezimmer-Entfeuchter
A-TITLE Badezimmer-Entfeuchter
/258-schlafzimmer-entfeuchterSubdomain Schlafzimmer-Entfeuchter
A-TITLE Schlafzimmer-Entfeuchter
/251-waschetrocknungSubdomain Wäschetrocknung
IMG-ALT Wäschetrocknung
A-TITLE Wäschetrocknung
/252-mobile-waschetrocknerMobile Wäschetrockner
A-TITLE Mobile Wäschetrockner
/253-waschetrockner-secomatWand Wäschetrockner
A-TITLE Wand Wäschetrockner
/261-bautrocknungSubdomain Bautrocknung
IMG-ALT Bautrocknung
A-TITLE Bautrocknung
/262-bautrocknerSubdomain Bautrockner
A-TITLE Bautrockner
/264-bauheizungenSubdomain Bauheizungen
A-TITLE Bauheizungen
/234-zubehorSubdomain Zubehör
IMG-ALT Zubehör
A-TITLE Zubehör
/237-hygrometerSubdomain Hygrometer
A-TITLE Hygrometer
/235-hygrostateSubdomain Hygrostate
A-TITLE Hygrostate
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A-TITLE Kondensatpumpen
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A-TITLE Wandhalterungen
/266-wasserschlaucheSubdomain Wasserschläuche
A-TITLE Wasserschläuche
/225-schimmelentfernungSubdomain Schimmelentfernung
A-TITLE Schimmelentfernung
/670-aktionenSubdomain Aktionen
A-TITLE Aktionen
/671-sonderaktionenSubdomain Sonderaktionen
IMG-ALT Sonderaktionen
A-TITLE Sonderaktionen
/673-ausstellungsmodelleSubdomain Ausstellungs-modelle
IMG-ALT Ausstellungs-modelle
A-TITLE Ausstellungs-modelle
A-TITLE Wissen
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A-TITLE Bautrocknung
/content/31-luftentfeuchtungSubdomain Luftentfeuchtung
A-TITLE Luftentfeuchtung
/content/34-schimmelpilzbekamp...Subdomain Schimmelbekämpfung
A-TITLE Schimmelbekämpfung
/content/32-waeschetrocknungSubdomain Text duplicate Wäschetrocknung
A-TITLE Wäschetrocknung
/content/35-wasserschadensanie...Subdomain Wasserschadentrocknung
A-TITLE Wasserschadentrocknung
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A-TITLE Versand
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A-TITLE Zahlung
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A-TITLE Garantie
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A-TITLE Rückgabe
/content/37-bautrockner-mietenSubdomain Miete
/content/81-showroomSubdomain Showroom
A-TITLE Showroom
A-TITLE Kontakt
/luftentfeuchter/3226-ecodry-c...IMG-ALT Keller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster
/192-produkteLuftentfeuchter Shop
/224-luftentfeuchterText duplicate Luftentfeuchter
/content/31-luftentfeuchtungText duplicate Luftentfeuchtung
IMG-ALT Luftentfeuchtung
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IMG-ALT Wäschetrocknung
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IMG-ALT Bautrocknung
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Subdomain -30 CHF
IMG-ALT ecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/2915-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate -30 CHF
IMG-ALT ecofort ecoQ 20L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 20L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2915-ecoq-dry...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 20L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 20L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2915-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Subdomain -50 CHF
IMG-ALT ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/wohnraumentfeuchter/2340-ecoq...Subdomain Text duplicate -50 CHF
IMG-ALT ecoQ 35L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 35L Energy Saver
/wohnraumentfeuchter/2340-ecoq...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 35L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 35L Energy Saver
/wohnraumentfeuchter/2340-ecoq...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/2788-meaco-ar...Subdomain IMG-ALT Meaco Arete® One 20L
A-TITLE Meaco Arete® One 20L
/luftentfeuchter/2788-meaco-ar...Subdomain Text duplicate Meaco Arete® One 20L
A-TITLE Meaco Arete® One 20L
/luftentfeuchter/2788-meaco-ar...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/3226-ecodry-c...Subdomain Anchor -200 CHF
IMG-ALT ecodry CaveMaster
A-TITLE ecodry CaveMaster
/luftentfeuchter/3226-ecodry-c...Subdomain Anchor ecodry CaveMaster
A-TITLE ecodry CaveMaster
/luftentfeuchter/3226-ecodry-c...Nofollow Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/keller-entfeuchter/3293-ecodr...IMG-ALT Keller Entfeuchter ecodry CaveMaster XP
/luftentfeuchter/2346-ecoq-min...Subdomain -10 CHF
IMG-ALT ecofort ecoQ MiniDry
A-TITLE ecoQ MiniDry
/luftentfeuchter/2346-ecoq-min...Subdomain ecoQ MiniDry
A-TITLE ecoQ MiniDry
/luftentfeuchter/2346-ecoq-min...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/heizluefter/357-veab-kx-2-2kw...Subdomain Text duplicate -30 CHF
/heizluefter/357-veab-kx-2-2kw...Subdomain Veab KX 2
/heizluefter/357-veab-kx-2-2kw...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/3283-ecoq-dry...Subdomain -20 CHF
IMG-ALT ecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
/luftentfeuchter/3283-ecoq-dry...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 12L Essential
/luftentfeuchter/3283-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/1974-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate -20 CHF
IMG-ALT ecofort ecoQ 12L Luftentfeuchter
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 12L
/luftentfeuchter/1974-ecoq-dry...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 12L
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 12L
/luftentfeuchter/1974-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate -30 CHF
IMG-ALT ecofort ecoQ 13L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 13L Energy Saver
/luftentfeuchter/2566-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/3288-ecoq-20l...Subdomain Text duplicate -20 CHF
IMG-ALT ecoQ 20L Essential
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 20L Essential
/luftentfeuchter/3288-ecoq-20l...Subdomain ecoQ DryAir 20L Essential
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 20L Essential
/luftentfeuchter/3288-ecoq-20l...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate -50 CHF
IMG-ALT ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Subdomain Text duplicate ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
A-TITLE ecoQ DryAir 25L Complete
/luftentfeuchter/3213-ecoq-dry...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/2790-meaco-ar...Subdomain IMG-ALT Meaco Arete One 25L
A-TITLE Meaco Arete® One 25L
/luftentfeuchter/2790-meaco-ar...Subdomain Meaco Arete® One 25L
A-TITLE Meaco Arete® One 25L
/luftentfeuchter/2790-meaco-ar...Nofollow Subdomain Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/luftentfeuchter/2988-ecodry-n...Subdomain Anchor -300 CHF
IMG-ALT ecodry Neptun
A-TITLE ecodry Neptun
/luftentfeuchter/2988-ecodry-n...Subdomain Anchor ecodry Neptun
A-TITLE ecodry Neptun
/luftentfeuchter/2988-ecodry-n...Nofollow Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/waschetrockner-secomat/3222-b...Subdomain Anchor -854 CHF
IMG-ALT Bora 408 / 408H
A-TITLE Bora 408 / 408H
/waschetrockner-secomat/3222-b...Subdomain Anchor Bora 408 / 408H
A-TITLE Bora 408 / 408H
/waschetrockner-secomat/3222-b...Nofollow Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/waschetrockner-secomat/3281-k...Subdomain Anchor -634 CHF
IMG-ALT Krüger secomat 2
A-TITLE Krüger secomat 2
/waschetrockner-secomat/3281-k...Subdomain Anchor Krüger secomat 2
A-TITLE Krüger secomat 2
/waschetrockner-secomat/3281-k...Nofollow Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/waschetrockner-secomat/2089-m...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Meaco PowerDry 53L / 72L / 103L
A-TITLE Meaco PowerDry
/waschetrockner-secomat/2089-m...Subdomain Anchor Meaco PowerDry
A-TITLE Meaco PowerDry
/waschetrockner-secomat/2089-m...Nofollow Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate Ansehen
A-TITLE Ansehen
/kontaktSubdomain Kontaktformular / Öffnungszeiten
A-TITLE Kontaktformular / Öffnungszeiten
/index.php?id_cms=25&controlle...Luftentfeuchter Shop / ecofort ag, Ipsachstrasse 16, 2560 Nidau
A-TITLE Adresse
/autenticationSubdomain Kundenkonto
/content/72-versandSubdomain Text duplicate Versand
/content/83-zahlungSubdomain Text duplicate Zahlung
/content/85-garantieSubdomain Text duplicate Garantie
/content/84-rueckgabeSubdomain Text duplicate Rückgabe
https://support.luftentfeuchte...External Subdomain Support Center
/content/73-bautrockner-mietenSubdomain Text duplicate Miete
/content/81-ecofort-showroomText duplicate Showroom
/content/2-agbSubdomain AGB
/content/74-datenschutzSubdomain Datenschutz window External Subdomain Facebook window External Twitter window External Subdomain YouTube

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.48 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (85 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 12 Feb 2025 16:15:28 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 14 referring domains.
This page only has 3,031 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 14 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# robots.txt automaticaly generated by PrestaShop e-commerce open-source solution
# -
# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts
# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!
# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,
# you save bandwidth and server resources.
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
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Luftentfeuchter Shop | Entfeuchter und Trockner - Luftentfeuchter-S...
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