- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.23 s
File size
278.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
45 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
MadeFor Film
The page title is too short. (122 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
MadeFor Film
The meta description is too short. (122 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length) Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionMadeFor Film
twitter:titleMadeFor Film
twitter:descriptionMadeFor Film
og:site_nameMadeFor Film
og:descriptionMadeFor Film
og:titleMadeFor Film

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Page quality

(Critically important)
The content of this page is too large (9646 words). Maybe the content could be divided into several pages.
These Typos were found:
  • klink => Klinik
There are 2 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate: Eine MadeFor Music-Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit der Podcastbande. ...
35.1% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
122 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 16.72 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 193 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
74 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...2021/03/About-C-03-2021-20x20.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...ploads/2020/02/BBB7514x-20x30.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...ploads/2020/02/BBB7514x-20x30.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
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...egen-Merz-–-Geheimnisse-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...s/2024/07/Alles-gelogen-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
.../Vorubergehen-glucklich-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
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...2/2023-01-Tatort-Berlin-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...4/02/2023-03-Dunentod-2-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...loads/2023/02/Duenentod-20x10.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
.../WORK-Tatort-Totes-Herz-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...t/uploads/2022/08/Diana-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
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...stellt-gleich-Staffel-2-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...uploads/2021/04/WORK-08-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...-Tatort-Dresden-Generic-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...t-Dresden-Rettun-so-nah-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
...tort-Dresden-Parasomnia-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
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.../01/07-Retter-der-Meere-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
.../02-Lehrerin-auf-Entzug-20x11.jpg?x82865No alt attribute provided
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..._3_Manuela-Freitag-frei-20x13.png?x82865No alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
MadeFor Film
The H1 heading is too short (12 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 350 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 MadeFor Film
H2 Team
H2 Work
H2 Tatort Dresden
H2 Marie fängt Feuer
H2 Merz gegen Merz – Geheimnisse
H2 Alles Gelogen
H2 Vorrübergehend Glücklich
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Großstadtförsterin
H2 Then You Run
H2 Merz gegen Merz – Hochzeiten
H2 Loving Her
H2 Tatort Berlin
H2 Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller
H2 Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller Duplicate text
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Dianas letzte Nacht
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Frau Jordan stellt gleich
H2 Loving Her Duplicate text
H2 Marie fängt Feuer Duplicate text
H2 Frau Jordan stellt gleich Duplicate text
H2 Mirella Schulze rettet die Welt
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H2 Marie fängt Feuer Duplicate text
H2 Tatort Weimar
H2 Retter der Meere: Tödliche Strandung
H2 Lehrerin auf Entzug
H2 Music
H2 MARIE BRENNT – Der Feuerwehr-Podcast – Ab 03. Oktober – überall, wo es Podcasts gibt!
H2 Presse & News
H2 STROMBERG – DER NEUE FILM im Kino, bei Prime Video und im Free-TV auf ProSieben
H2 OPEN CALL – Unsere Favoriten stehen fest!
H2 Drehstart HERBERTSTRASSE – Dreiteilige Dokuserie der MadeFor Film in Koproduktion mit dem ZDF
H2 Contact
H2 Über MadeFor
H3 Nanni Erben
H3 Gunnar Juncken
H3 Tasja Abel
H3 Hanna Gartenschläger
H3 Ralf Husmann
H3 Sirkka Kluge
H3 Tilman Kolb
H3 Lena Kopsch
H3 Annika Kratz
H3 Oona Malinowski
H3 Yannick Posse
H3 Lisa Schmidt
H3 Rima Schmidt
H3 Adrienne Selmke
H3 Emina Smajić
H3 Henning Wagner
H3 Zoé Williams
H3 Philine Zebralla
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Marie fängt Feuer Duplicate text
H3 Merz gegen Merz – Geheimnisse Duplicate text
H3 Alles Gelogen Duplicate text
H3 Vorrübergehend Glücklich Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Großstadtförsterin Duplicate text
H3 Then You Run Duplicate text
H3 Merz gegen Merz – Hochzeiten Duplicate text
H3 Loving Her Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Berlin Duplicate text
H3 Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller Duplicate text
H3 Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Dianas letzte Nacht Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Frau Jordan stellt gleich Duplicate text
H3 Loving Her Duplicate text
H3 Marie fängt Feuer Duplicate text
H3 Frau Jordan stellt gleich Duplicate text
H3 Mirella Schulze rettet die Welt Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Dresden Duplicate text
H3 Marie fängt Feuer Duplicate text
H3 Tatort Weimar Duplicate text
H3 Retter der Meere: Tödliche Strandung Duplicate text
H3 Lehrerin auf Entzug Duplicate text
H3 MARIE BRENNT – Der Feuerwehr-Podcast – Ab 03. Oktober – überall, wo es Podcasts gibt! Duplicate text
H4 Cast
H4 Buch
H4 Regie
H4 Kamera
H4 Produzent:innen
H4 Ausführende Produzentin
H4 Sender
H4 Redaktion
H4 Start
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentinnen
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzenten
H4 Producer
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Drehbuch
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Junior Producerin
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Drehbuch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Ausführende Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Preise
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentin
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Showrunner
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:Innen
H4 Sender/Plattform
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzenten Duplicate text
H4 Producer Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Ausführende Produzent:innen
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Producerin
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Junior-Producerin
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentinnen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Junior Producer
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Preise Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Showrunner Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Produzent
H4 Producer Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Showrunner / Headautor
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzenti:in
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Showrunner / Headautor Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:in
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Ausführende Produzentin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Drehbuch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Preise Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Drehbuch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Drehbuch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Kamera Duplicate text
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Cast Duplicate text
H4 Buch Duplicate text
H4 Regie Duplicate text
H4 Produzentinnen Duplicate text
H4 Producerin Duplicate text
H4 Sender Duplicate text
H4 Redaktion Duplicate text
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Produktion
H4 Produzent:innen Duplicate text
H4 Idee und Redaktion
H4 Projektleitung Podcastbande
H4 Audioproduktion und Sound
H4 Start Duplicate text
H4 Office
H4 Contact Duplicate text
H4 Press & Public Relations
H4 Social Media
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
The number of internal links is ok.
Every linktext is unique.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Music & News
/work/tatort-dresden-unter-feuer/Tatort Dresden „Unter Feuer“ More Info
/work/marie-faengt-feuer-staff...Marie fängt Feuer Staffel 8, Folgen 19-22 More Info
/work/merz-gegen-merz-geheimni...Merz gegen Merz – Geheimnisse More Info
/work/alles-gelogen/Alles Gelogen More Info
/work/vorubergehend-glucklich/Vorrübergehend Glücklich Vredenhorst & Opimaral More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-totes-her...Tatort Dresden „Was ihr nicht seht“ More Info
/work/grosstadtforsterin/Großstadtförsterin More Info
/work/then-you-run/Then You Run Achtteilige Thrillerserie More Info
/work/merz-gegen-merz-hochzeiten/Merz gegen Merz – Hochzeiten More Info
/work/loving-her-staffel-2/Loving Her Staffel 2 More Info
/work/tatort-berlin-nichts-als...Tatort Berlin „Nichts als die Wahrheit“ – Doppelfolge More Info
/work/dunentod-das-grab-am-str...Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller Folgen 3-5 More Info
/work/dunentod-das-grab-am-str...Dünentod – Ein Nordsee-Thriller Folgen 1-2 More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-totes-herz/Tatort Dresden „Totes Herz“ More Info
/work/dianas-letzte-nacht/Dianas letzte Nacht More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-katz-und-...Tatort Dresden „Katz und Maus“ More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-das-kalte...Tatort Dresden „Das kalte Haus“ More Info
/work/frau-jordan-stellt-gleic...Frau Jordan stellt gleich Staffel 3, 10-teilige Comedy-Serie More Info
/work/mirella-schulze-rettet-d...Loving Her Staffel 1 More Info
/work/marie-fangt-feuer/Marie fängt Feuer Staffel 6, Folgen 13 – 14 More Info
/work/frau-jordan-stellt-gleic...Frau Jordan stellt gleich Staffel 2, 10-teilige Comedy-Serie More Info
/work/mirella-schulze-rettet-d...Mirella Schulze rettet die Welt Comedy-Serie, 8 Folgen More Info
/work/production-c/Tatort Dresden „Unsichtbar“ More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-rettung-s...Tatort Dresden „Rettung so nah“ More Info
/work/tatort-dresden-parasomnia/Tatort Dresden „Parasomnia“ More Info
/work/production-a/Marie fängt Feuer Staffel 5, Folgen 11-12 More Info
/work/tatort-weimar-der-feine-...Tatort Weimar „Der feine Geist“ More Info
/work/retter-der-meere/Retter der Meere: Tödliche Strandung More Info
/work/lehrerin-auf-entzug/Lehrerin auf Entzug 6-teilige Comedy-Serie More Info
/work/podcast-marie-brennt/MARIE BRENNT – Der Feuerwehr-Podcast – Ab 03. Oktober – überall, wo es Podcasts gibt! Eine MadeFor Music-Produktion in Zusammenarbeit mit der Podcastbande. H...
/press/archive/stromberg-der-n...STROMBERG – DER NEUE FILM im Kino, bei Prime Video und im Free-TV auf ProSieben DER Papa kommt zurück! Das große Wiedersehen mit Deutschlands Lieblingsbüro-B...
/press/archive/open-call-unser...OPEN CALL – Unsere Favoriten stehen fest! Divina Kuan (Comedy), Vladimir Ederle mit Co-Autor Michael Glasauer (New Adult), Schiar Simo und Lia Zebra (Crime/T...
/press/archive/drehstart-herbe...Drehstart HERBERTSTRASSE – Dreiteilige Dokuserie der MadeFor Film in Koproduktion mit dem ZDF Im Mittelpunkt steht die Lebensgeschichte der Domina Manuela Fr...
/press/archiveAlle Pressemitteilungen Subdomain Instagram Subdomain Facebook Subdomain YouTube Subdomain LinkedIn Navigation überspringen
A-TITLE Navigation überspringen

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.23 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (279 kB).

HTTP Response Header

content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateWed, 22 Jan 2025 04:26:15 GMT
last-modifiedWed, 22 Jan 2025 04:26:15 GMT

External factors

This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 27 referring domains.
This page has 63 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 16 different ip addresses.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

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User-agent: *
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MadeFor Film
MadeFor Film

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MadeFor Film93%Check
MadeFor Music68%Check
de Pascalis66%Check
Film GmbH64%Check

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