Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.91 s
File size
139.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
215 internal / 65 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Indispensable Partner of Business: Ontario Chamber of Commerce
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 597 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-ca
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en-ca
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
twitter:titleIndispensable Partner of Business: Ontario Chamber of Commerce
twitter:image:altOCC icon.
og:titleIndispensable Partner of Business: Ontario Chamber of Commerce
og:image:altOCC icon.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
There are 40 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: (Toronto, March 10, 2025) — The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s Presiden...
  • Duplicate 2: (Toronto, March 6, 2025) — The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s President...
  • Duplicate 3: (Toronto, March 6, 2025) – As Canada enters a trade war provoked by th...
  • Duplicate 4: Toronto, ON—(March 4, 2025)—Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s (...
  • Duplicate 5: (Toronto – March 2, 2025) – Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OC...
  • Duplicate 6: (TORONTO – February 28, 2025) – The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) ...
  • Duplicate 7: (TORONTO – February 20, 2025) – As Ontario faces economic shifts and m...
  • Duplicate 8: (Toronto – February 19, 2025) – Two-thirds of Ontario businesses expec...
  • Duplicate 9: (TORONTO – February 14, 2025) – Today, Daniel Tisch, President and CEO...
  • Duplicate 10: (Toronto, ON – February 13, 2025) – Ontario business confidence is imp...
  • Duplicate 11: (TORONTO – February 12, 2025) –Today, Daniel Tisch, President and CEO ...
  • Duplicate 12: (Toronto, ON and Washington, DC – February 12, 2025) – The Ontario Cha...
  • Duplicate 13: (TORONTO – February 3, 2025) – Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce ...
  • Duplicate 14: (TORONTO – January 29, 2025) – Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce ...
  • Duplicate 15: (TORONTO – January 28, 2025) – In the face of rising international pro...
  • Duplicate 16: (TORONTO – January 27, 2025) – Today, Daniel Tisch, President and CEO ...
  • Duplicate 17: (TORONTO – January 20, 2025) – Today, Daniel Tisch, President and CEO ...
  • Duplicate 18: (TORONTO – January 14, 2025) – Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’...
  • Duplicate 19: (TORONTO – January 13, 2025) – Today, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce’...
  • Duplicate 20: (TORONTO – January 6, 2024) – The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s Presid...
This page contains 1964 words. That's ok.
20.2% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
44 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 20.15 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 39 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
16 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...content/uploads/mining-photo-500x335.jpgmining photo
...ads/Our-Ontario-Hero-Image-1-500x333.jpgOntario is shown on a map.
...06240-scaled-e1732633311247-500x238.jpegInternational Border Crossing. Sunset at the Blue Water Bridge border United States and Canada crossing. The bridge connects Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia, Ontario.
...loads/AdobeStock_1207401601-500x280.jpegA red “EMERGENCY” sign is prominently displayed on a wall in a hospital corridor, indicating the entrance to the emergency department.
...tent/uploads/OBTLC-Co-Chairs-500x376.jpgOBTLC Co-Chairs, OCC
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...oads/AdobeStock_938376700-1-500x280.jpegeconomic policy impacting global trade routes
...ads/Health-Patients-First-2-500x333.jpegA female doctor holding a stethoscope.
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...ads/X6C1033_L-e1552934784209-500x283.jpgA group of people standing next to a green and white train.
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...content/uploads/mining-photo-500x335.jpgmining photo
...ads/Our-Ontario-Hero-Image-1-500x333.jpgOntario is shown on a map.
...06240-scaled-e1732633311247-500x238.jpegInternational Border Crossing. Sunset at the Blue Water Bridge border United States and Canada crossing. The bridge connects Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia, Ontario.
...loads/AdobeStock_1207401601-500x280.jpegA red “EMERGENCY” sign is prominently displayed on a wall in a hospital corridor, indicating the entrance to the emergency department.
...tent/uploads/OBTLC-Co-Chairs-500x376.jpgOBTLC Co-Chairs, OCC
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...ads/Health-Patients-First-2-500x333.jpegA female doctor holding a stethoscope.
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...oads/VIA-Rail-Support-Letter-386x500.pngA document with a pen on top of it.
...cy-primer-May-2024-Thumbnail-374x500.jpgOCC Policy primer-May 2024-Thumbnail
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...ploads/export-and-trade-icon-500x500.jpgA blue globe with arrows pointing around it.
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...ontent/uploads/Leger-Logo-1-1000x542.pngLeger 360
...ads/Level5_Logo_Screen_Dark-1000x500.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 67 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney
H1 U.S. Tariff Chaos Hurts Business On Both Sides Of The Border
H1 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Condemns U.S. Tariffs: Calls for Immediate Action to Protect Economies on Both Sides of the Border
H1 Investing in Ontario’s Critical Minerals Leadership
H1 Ontario Chamber to Premier: Protect Now, Compete for the Future
H1 Ontario Election: OCC Calls for Bold Investment in Post-Secondary Education
H1 Two-thirds of businesses bracing for negative impact of U.S. tariffs: Ontario Chamber
H1 Membership
H1 Membership Duplicate text
H3 What's New
H3 Our Latest News
H3 Our Latest Publications
H3 Programs
H3 Find a Chamber in your Community
H3 Follow Us
H3 Site Nav
H3 Receive Updates
H4 Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney Duplicate text
H4 U.S. Tariff Chaos Hurts Business On Both Sides Of The Border Duplicate text
H4 Canada’s Provincial Chambers of Commerce Recommend Agenda for Premiers
H4 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Condemns U.S. Tariffs: Calls for Immediate Action to Protect Economies on Both Sides of the Border Duplicate text
H4 Investing in Ontario’s Critical Minerals Leadership Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber to Premier: Protect Now, Compete for the Future Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Election: OCC Calls for Bold Investment in Post-Secondary Education Duplicate text
H4 Two-thirds of businesses bracing for negative impact of U.S. tariffs: Ontario Chamber Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Election: OCC Calls on All Parties to Prioritize Solutions to Substance-Use Crisis
H4 Ontario Economic Report 2025: Business confidence rises from 2024, but trade and cost pressures threaten growth
H4 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Sounds Alarm on U.S. Steel and Aluminum Tariffs: Jobs & Economy at Risk
H4 Ontario Chamber announces co-chairs of Business and Trade Leadership Coalition
H4 Canada’s Provincial Chambers Unite to Urge Premiers to Dismantle Internal Trade Barriers
H4 Competitiveness Must Be the Priority This Election: Ontario Chamber
H4 Ontario Business Leaders Unite to Counter Tariff Threat, Strengthen Competitiveness
H4 Chamber Welcomes Historic Investment in Primary Care, Calls for Focus on Integrated Health Data System
H4 Tariff Threat Remains a Wake-Up Call for Governments, Business: Ontario Chamber
H4 Ontario Chamber Applauds Action to Strengthen Ontario Mining Sector
H4 Ontario Chamber Welcomes Government Commitment to GO Transit Expansion
H4 Ontario Chamber Calls for New Economic Vision Following PM’s Resignation
H4 Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney Duplicate text
H4 U.S. Tariff Chaos Hurts Business On Both Sides Of The Border Duplicate text
H4 Canada’s Provincial Chambers of Commerce Recommend Agenda for Premiers Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Condemns U.S. Tariffs: Calls for Immediate Action to Protect Economies on Both Sides of the Border Duplicate text
H4 Investing in Ontario’s Critical Minerals Leadership Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber to Premier: Protect Now, Compete for the Future Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Election: OCC Calls for Bold Investment in Post-Secondary Education Duplicate text
H4 Two-thirds of businesses bracing for negative impact of U.S. tariffs: Ontario Chamber Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Election: OCC Calls on All Parties to Prioritize Solutions to Substance-Use Crisis Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Economic Report 2025: Business confidence rises from 2024, but trade and cost pressures threaten growth Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber of Commerce Sounds Alarm on U.S. Steel and Aluminum Tariffs: Jobs & Economy at Risk Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber announces co-chairs of Business and Trade Leadership Coalition Duplicate text
H4 Canada’s Provincial Chambers Unite to Urge Premiers to Dismantle Internal Trade Barriers Duplicate text
H4 Competitiveness Must Be the Priority This Election: Ontario Chamber Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Business Leaders Unite to Counter Tariff Threat, Strengthen Competitiveness Duplicate text
H4 Chamber Welcomes Historic Investment in Primary Care, Calls for Focus on Integrated Health Data System Duplicate text
H4 Tariff Threat Remains a Wake-Up Call for Governments, Business: Ontario Chamber Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber Applauds Action to Strengthen Ontario Mining Sector Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber Welcomes Government Commitment to GO Transit Expansion Duplicate text
H4 Ontario Chamber Calls for New Economic Vision Following PM’s Resignation Duplicate text
H6 Read the Release
H6 Read the release
H6 Read the Release Duplicate text
H6 Read the Release Duplicate text
H6 Read the Release Duplicate text
H6 Read the Release Duplicate text
H6 Read the Release.
H6 Become a member
H6 Become a member Duplicate text
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (65) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://occ.ca/Anchor Skip to content
https://www.facebook.com/ontch...New window External Subdomain Facebook
https://www.twitter.com/ontari...New window External Subdomain Twitter
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain LinkedIn
https://www.youtube.com/user/O...New window External Subdomain Youtube
https://occ.ca/IMG-ALT Ontario chamber of commerce logo.
/blueprint-to-bolster-ontarios...Blueprint To Bolster Ontario’s Prosperity
/ontarios-mining-future-2030/Ontario’s Mining Future 2030
/economic-reconciliation-initi...Economic Reconciliation Initiative
/occ-housing-initiative/Housing Affordability Initiative
https://occ.ca/policy-briefs/Policy Brief Series
/ontario-climate-action-series/Ontario Climate Action Series
https://occ.ca/oer2025/Ontario Economic Report
https://occ.ca/ontario-competes/Ontario Competes
https://occ.ca/our-publications/Our Publications
/events/2023-advocacy-day/Advocacy Day
https://occ.ca/events/2025-agm/Annual General Meeting
https://occ.ca/events/obaa2024/Ontario Business Achievement Awards
/events/ontario-business-advis...Ontario Business Advisory Council
/events/2024-ontario-economic-...Ontario Economic Summit
/events/2024-smart-growth-symp...Smart Growth Symposium
/growyourbusinessonline/Grow Your Business Online
/talent-opportunities-program/Talent Opportunities Program
https://occ.ca/discoverability/Discover Ability Network
/canada-united-small-business-...Canada United Small Business Relief Fund
https://occ.ca/export-and-trade/Export and Trade
http://occ.ca/affinity-programs/Affinity Programs
https://occ.ca/media-releases/Media Releases
/rapid-policy-updates/Policy Updates
/artificial-intelligence-hub/Artificial Intelligence Hub
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/economic-reconciliation-initi...Text duplicate Economic Reconciliation Initiative
/occ-housing-initiative/Text duplicate Housing Affordability Initiative
https://occ.ca/policy-briefs/Text duplicate Policy Brief Series
/ontario-climate-action-series/Text duplicate Ontario Climate Action Series
https://occ.ca/oer2025/Text duplicate Ontario Economic Report
https://occ.ca/ontario-competes/Text duplicate Ontario Competes
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https://occ.ca/events/2025-agm/Text duplicate Annual General Meeting
https://occ.ca/events/obaa2024/Text duplicate Ontario Business Achievement Awards
/events/ontario-business-advis...Text duplicate Ontario Business Advisory Council
/events/2024-ontario-economic-...Text duplicate Ontario Economic Summit
/events/2024-smart-growth-symp...Text duplicate Smart Growth Symposium
https://occ.ca/webinars/Text duplicate Webinars
https://occ.ca/programs/Text duplicate Programs
/growyourbusinessonline/Text duplicate Grow Your Business Online
/talent-opportunities-program/Text duplicate Talent Opportunities Program
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/canada-united-small-business-...Text duplicate Canada United Small Business Relief Fund
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/latest-news-and-media/Text duplicate News
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https://occ.ca/contact/Text duplicate Contact
https://occ.ca/governance/Text duplicate Board of Directors
https://occ.ca/staff/Text duplicate Staff
/employment-opportunities/Text duplicate Employment
/wp-content/uploads/OCC-Strate...Text duplicate Strategic Plan
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Read the Release
/mediareleases/u-s-tariff-chao...Read the release
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/mediareleases/investing-in-on...Text duplicate Read the Release
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate Read the Release
/mediareleases/ontario-electio...Text duplicate Read the Release
/mediareleases/two-thirds-of-b...Read the Release.
http://occ.ca/membership/Become a member
http://occ.ca/membership/Text duplicate Become a member
https://occ.ca/covid19COVID-19 Information
/navigating-tariffs/Navigating U.S. Tariffs
https://occ.ca/membershipBecome a Member
https://occ.ca/membershipText duplicate Become a Member
https://occ.ca/Anchor >
https://www.facebook.com/ontch...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Facebook
https://www.twitter.com/ontari...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Twitter
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate LinkedIn
https://www.youtube.com/user/O...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Youtube
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT Parliament building in ottawa, canada.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney
/mediareleases/u-s-tariff-chao...IMG-ALT Canadian and American flags flying in the wind.
/mediareleases/u-s-tariff-chao...U.S. Tariff Chaos Hurts Business On Both Sides Of The Border
/mediareleases/canadas-provinc...IMG-ALT chambers-federation-58
/mediareleases/canadas-provinc...Canada’s Provincial Chambers of Commerce Recommend Agenda for Premiers
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT Canada-US
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber of Commerce Condemns U.S. Tariffs: Calls for Immediate Action to Protect Economies on Both Sides of the Border
/mediareleases/investing-in-on...IMG-ALT mining photo
/mediareleases/investing-in-on...Investing in Ontario’s Critical Minerals Leadership
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT Ontario is shown on a map.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber to Premier: Protect Now, Compete for the Future
/mediareleases/ontario-electio...IMG-ALT AdobeStock_1059601244
/mediareleases/ontario-electio...Ontario Election: OCC Calls for Bold Investment in Post-Secondary Education
/mediareleases/two-thirds-of-b...IMG-ALT International Border Crossing. Sunset at the Blue Water Bridge border United States and Canada crossing. The bridge connects Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia,...
/mediareleases/two-thirds-of-b...Two-thirds of businesses bracing for negative impact of U.S. tariffs: Ontario Chamber
/mediareleases/ontario-electio...IMG-ALT A red “EMERGENCY” sign is prominently displayed on a wall in a hospital corridor, indicating the entrance to the emergency department.
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/mediareleases/ontario-economi...IMG-ALT OER-Web-Hero-Image
/mediareleases/ontario-economi...Ontario Economic Report 2025: Business confidence rises from 2024, but trade and cost pressures threaten growth
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/mediareleases/canadas-provinc...Canada’s Provincial Chambers Unite to Urge Premiers to Dismantle Internal Trade Barriers
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/mediareleases/obtlc/Ontario Business Leaders Unite to Counter Tariff Threat, Strengthen Competitiveness
/mediareleases/chamber-welcome...IMG-ALT A female doctor holding a stethoscope.
/mediareleases/chamber-welcome...Chamber Welcomes Historic Investment in Primary Care, Calls for Focus on Integrated Health Data System
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/mediareleases/tariff-threat-r...Tariff Threat Remains a Wake-Up Call for Governments, Business: Ontario Chamber
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT An ornate building with bushes in front of it.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber Applauds Action to Strengthen Ontario Mining Sector
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT A group of people standing next to a green and white train.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber Welcomes Government Commitment to GO Transit Expansion
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...IMG-ALT A large building with a clock tower.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Ontario Chamber Calls for New Economic Vision Following PM’s Resignation
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/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate Ontario Chamber Congratulates Prime Minister-Designate Mark Carney
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/mediareleases/ontario-electio...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A red “EMERGENCY” sign is prominently displayed on a wall in a hospital corridor, indicating the entrance to the emergency department.
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/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate IMG-ALT AdobeStock_320665036
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/mediareleases/canadas-provinc...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Industrial,Technology,Concept.,Communication,Network.,Industry,4.0.,Factory,Automation.
/mediareleases/canadas-provinc...Text duplicate Canada’s Provincial Chambers Unite to Urge Premiers to Dismantle Internal Trade Barriers
/mediareleases/ontariocompetes/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Ontario Competes – Hero Image
/mediareleases/ontariocompetes/Text duplicate Competitiveness Must Be the Priority This Election: Ontario Chamber
/mediareleases/obtlc/Text duplicate IMG-ALT economic policy impacting global trade routes
/mediareleases/obtlc/Text duplicate Ontario Business Leaders Unite to Counter Tariff Threat, Strengthen Competitiveness
/mediareleases/chamber-welcome...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A female doctor holding a stethoscope.
/mediareleases/chamber-welcome...Text duplicate Chamber Welcomes Historic Investment in Primary Care, Calls for Focus on Integrated Health Data System
/mediareleases/tariff-threat-r...Text duplicate IMG-ALT The flag of canada and the flag of the united states.
/mediareleases/tariff-threat-r...Text duplicate Tariff Threat Remains a Wake-Up Call for Governments, Business: Ontario Chamber
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate IMG-ALT An ornate building with bushes in front of it.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate Ontario Chamber Applauds Action to Strengthen Ontario Mining Sector
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A group of people standing next to a green and white train.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate Ontario Chamber Welcomes Government Commitment to GO Transit Expansion
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate IMG-ALT A large building with a clock tower.
/mediareleases/ontario-chamber...Text duplicate Ontario Chamber Calls for New Economic Vision Following PM’s Resignation
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/growyourbusinessonlineNew window IMG-ALT Canada digital adoption program logo.
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https://occ.ca/discoverabilityNew window IMG-ALT The logo for the discoverability network.
https://occ.ca/export-and-tradeNew window IMG-ALT A blue globe with arrows pointing around it.
https://occ.ca/programs/View all Programs
/chamber-network-directory/Find a Chamber in your Community
https://www.facebook.com/ontch...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Facebook
https://www.twitter.com/ontari...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Twitter
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate LinkedIn
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https://www.atkinsrealis.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Atkins reals logo on a white background.
http://www.opg.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A green logo on a black background.
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http://www.desjardins.com/ca/New window External Subdomain No Text
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http://www.mccarthy.ca/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Mccarthy tetrault logo on an orange background.
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http://www.brucepower.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Bruce power innovation at work logo.
http://www.aircanada.com/en/ho...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A red and black logo on a black background.
https://www.oma.org/Pages/defa...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The logo for the ontario medical association.
https://www.powercorporation.c...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The power corporation of canada logo.
http://www.lilly.ca/en/index.aspxNew window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The lily logo on a black background.
https://www.torontopearson.com...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A colorful logo with the word mcdonald's on it.
https://www.enbridgegas.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A black and yellow logo with a yellow arrow.
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https://www.wasteconnectionsca...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Waste Connections of Canada
https://occ.ca/www.cogeco.caNew window IMG-ALT A blue logo with the word cogeco on it.
https://omersprivatemarkets.com/New window External IMG-ALT A blue and orange logo with the number 5 on it.
http://www.ibc.ca/on/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A logo with a red and gray background.
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https://www.tln.ca/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Tln media group logo.
https://www.astrazeneca.ca/enNew window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The logo for astrezeca.
https://www.northbridgeinsuran...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Northbridge insurance logo on a black background.
https://www.tcenergy.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Tc energy logo on a white background.
https://destinationnorthernont...New window External IMG-ALT Destination northern ontario logo.
https://www.interac.ca/en/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The interac logo with a hand on it.
https://www.doordash.com/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT A thin red line on a black background.
https://www.port-montreal.com/en/New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT The logo for port montreal.
https://frpo.org/New window External IMG-ALT The federation of rental housing providers of ontario logo.
https://www.ngen.ca/New window External Subdomain No Text
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https://dyedurham.com/New window External No Text
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https://leger360.com/New window External IMG-ALT Leger 360
https://level5strategy.com/New window External No Text
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/employment-opportunitiesEmployment Opportunities

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