...ontent/uploads/2021/11/PA_Logo_RGB-1.png | Passenger Assistance | |
...-multilingual/assets/images/flags/ja.png | ja | Japanese |
...ads/2022/07/Copy-of-Web-banner-1-min.png | 3 images of a female and a male using the Passenger assistance app. The first image is a high angle shot of the passenger on his phone. The second image is of a female sitting on her bed using the app on her ipad. The third image is on a male on the train platform waiting for his assistance. | |
...engerassistance/dist/img/pa_bigshape.svg | No alt attribute provided | |
/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/App_store.png | Download app from app store | |
/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Google_play.png | Download app from google play | |
/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/App_store.png | Download app from app store | |
/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Google_play.png | Download app from google play | |
...sistance/dist/img/national-rail-logo.svg | National Rail | |
...engerassistance/dist/img/phone-frame.png | No alt attribute provided | |
...ontent/uploads/2021/08/appscreenshot.png | Screenshot of the Passenger Assistance app showing the New Journey tab. The welcome message at the top of the screen reads ‘Hello Helen! Where would you like to go?' Below this are ‘from and ‘to' boxes filled in with London King's Cross and Nottingham. One way has been selected and there are options to add number of and connection times as well as a 'Find Trains' button. | |
...engerassistance/dist/img/phone-frame.png | No alt attribute provided | |
/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/IMG_5911.png | Screenshot of the Passenger Assistance app giving you a choice of access considerations including, wheelchair user (manual), wheelchair user (powered), other mobility aid user, other mobility impairment, scooter user. Sensory impairments including visual impairment, speech impairment, hard of hearing/death, assistance dog. | |
...ntent/uploads/2021/08/64136c8-300x99.png | Business Traveller | |
...tent/uploads/2021/08/fbaea68-300x100.png | Forbes | |
...nt/uploads/2022/06/download-7-300x70.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...ntent/uploads/2021/08/0bfd903-300x64.png | Computer Weekly | |
...ntent/uploads/2021/08/236e7bf-300x42.png | Railway Technology | |
.../Daily-Telegraph-logo-colour-300x117.png | No alt attribute provided | |
.../11/istockphoto-1358253740-612x612-1.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...22/11/istockphoto-1407279755-170667a.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...22/11/istockphoto-1396758801-170667a.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
.../10/istockphoto-1363697721-170667a-1.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...ume-Hcfwew744z4-unsplash-min-768x512.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...022/09/istockphoto-152549607-170667a.jpg | No alt attribute provided | |
...engerassistance/dist/img/pa_bigshape.svg | No alt attribute provided | |
...ent/uploads/2021/08/5J6A5622-200x300.jpg | Image of Sarah Rennie, a white woman with short blonde hair sitting in her powerchair smiling towards the camera | |
.../uploads/2021/08/ShaniDhanda-300x240.jpg | Image of Shani Dhanda, a South Asian woman sitting on a sofa and smiling | |
...ontent/uploads/2021/11/PA_Logo_RGB-1.png | Passenger Assistance | |
.../uploads/2021/08/TR_Facebook-150x150.png | Facebook | |
...t/uploads/2021/08/TR_Twitter-150x150.png | Twitter | |
...uploads/2021/08/TR_Instagram-150x150.png | Instagram | |
...uploads/2021/11/Powered-by_TR-logo-2.svg | No alt attribute provided | |
(Nice to have)