Raiffeisen-immobilien.at - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.39 s
File size
107.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
111 internal / 11 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Raiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
The length of the page title is perfect. (293 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Raiffeisen Immobilien – Österreichs stärkster Immobilienmakler. Kaufen, verkaufen, mieten und vermieten Sie Ihr Haus oder Ihre Wohnung mit Raiffeisen Immobilien. Jetzt entdecken!
The meta description is too long: 1124 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
No favicon is linked in the HTML code.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
authorRaiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
keywordsImmobilienmakler, Haus kaufen, Wohnung kaufen, Haus verkaufen, Wohnung mieten, Wohnung vermieten
descriptionRaiffeisen Immobilien – Österreichs stärkster Immobilienmakler. Kaufen, verkaufen, mieten und vermieten Sie Ihr Haus oder Ihre Wohnung mit Raiffeisen Immobilien. Jetzt entdecken!
og:titleRaiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
og:site_nameRaiffeisen Immobilien Österreich

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 3 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate: Whether you are looking for a new dream home for your family, a fancy ...
This page contains 1358 words. That's ok.
35.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
19 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 16.14 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 73 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"dr. alexander lindermaier, käufer einer gewerbeimmobilie im großraum linz"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/logo_small.pngRaiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
...h=192&s=fae01126d9279a74a368b7ac079e398cValeri - der Bewertungscheck von Raiffeisen Immobilien
...h=192&s=b360a73dac243b0dbafef200ea10a1c9Karriere bei Raiffeisen Immobilien
...h=192&s=61c4eee26518c615d7da2c5d29c6a6f5Events von Raiffeisen Immobilien
...8,126&s=0adb3ffe2ba43f63c9eeec870f8243cdAgent search
...0,351&s=0b6ba9940730266a50a8893170f5adcaQuick and easy to your new home
...6,0,0&s=d6cdf6a6b8300686662e817b8e514305Valeri - the online real estate valuation
...5,121&s=b0a70e5a69ed6070ad481f8d7e5981eaJetzt neu!
/build/assets/newsletter.6013a1ce.jpegSubscribe to Newsletter

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Raiffeisen Immobilien Austria
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 33 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Raiffeisen Immobilien Austria
H2 Agent search
H2 Quick and easy to your new home
H2 Valeri - the online real estate valuation
H2 Neues Wohnen in Hohenweiler
H2 Karriere bei Raiffeisen Immobilien
H2 VIO Plaza Living Viel Wohngefühl mit höchstem Komfort
H2 Jetzt neu!
H2 What our clients say
H3 Do you know Valeri?
H3 career
H3 Events
H3 Your key to the Real Estate Market
H3 Your key to the Real Estate Market Duplicate text
H3 Your key to the Real Estate Market Duplicate text
H3 Raiffeisen Immobilien Austria - close to you
H3 Real estate valuation & Investment
H3 Visit properties virtually
H3 Discover commercial properties from all over Austria.
H3 Exclusive Properties
H3 Projects
H3 Austria's most successful Real Estate Agents
H3 Do you know Valeri? Duplicate text
H3 Niederösterreich
H3 Vorarlberg
H3 Niederösterreich Duplicate text
H3 Wien
H3 Niederösterreich Duplicate text
H3 Wien Duplicate text
H3 Oberösterreich
H3 Tirol
H3 Stay up to date
H3 We care about your privacy!
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 11 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/en/services/our-servicesText duplicate Services
/en/services/our-services/sellText duplicate Sell
/en/services/our-services/rent...Rent out
/en/services/our-services/real...Real estate valuation
/en/services/our-services/inte...International Clients
/en/services/raiffeisen-group/...Financing & Investments
/en/services/raiffeisen-group/...Building & Living
https://www.ganzbeiihnen.at/External Subdomain Blog: Completly yours
/en/services/the-world-of-raif...Living In your Prime
/en/services/our-services/prop...Property Developers
/en/about-usAbout us
/en/employeesRaiffeisen Immobilien Austria
/en/employeesAgent Finder
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Vermittlung
/en/about-us/waldviertel-immob...Waldviertel Immobilien Vermittlung
/en/about-us/real-treuhand-imm...Raiffeisen Immobilien Oberösterreich
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Salzburg
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Vorarlberg
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Tirol
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Steiermark
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Raiffeisen Immobilien Kärnten
/en/news-and-events/newsNews & Events
/en/news-and-events/press-areaMedia room
/en/news-and-events/press-areaPress releases
/en/news-and-events/press-areaMedia contacts
/en/data-protectionData protection
/en/customer-portalSubdomain Customer-Portal
/deZu Deutsch wechseln
/en/loginSubdomain Login
/enIMG-ALT Raiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
/enAnchor No Text
/en/customer-portalSubdomain Text duplicate Customer-Portal
/en/propertiesText duplicate Properties
A-TITLE Properties
/en/services/our-services/sellText duplicate Sell
/en/projectsText duplicate Projects
A-TITLE Projects
/en/exclusiveText duplicate Exclusive
A-TITLE Exclusive
/en/servicesText duplicate Services
A-TITLE Services
/en/services/our-servicesText duplicate Services
A-TITLE Services
/en/services/our-services/sellText duplicate Sell
/en/services/our-services/rent...Text duplicate Rent out
A-TITLE Rent out
/en/services/our-services/buy-...Text duplicate Buy
/en/services/our-services/rentText duplicate Rent
/en/services/our-services/inve...Text duplicate Investment
A-TITLE Investment
/en/services/our-services/real...Text duplicate Real estate valuation
A-TITLE Real estate valuation
/en/services/our-services/inte...Text duplicate International Clients
A-TITLE International Clients
/en/services/raiffeisen-group/...Financing & Investment
A-TITLE Financing & Investment
/en/services/raiffeisen-group/...Text duplicate Building & Living
A-TITLE Building & Living
https://www.ganzbeiihnen.at/External Subdomain Text duplicate Blog: Completly yours
A-TITLE Blog: Completly yours
/en/services/the-world-of-raif...Text duplicate Living In your Prime
A-TITLE Living In your Prime
/en/services/our-services/prop...Text duplicate Property Developers
A-TITLE Property Developers
/en/property-value-checkValuate now for free
/en/about-usText duplicate About us
A-TITLE About us
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Vermittlung
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Vermittlung
/en/about-us/waldviertel-immob...Text duplicate Waldviertel Immobilien Vermittlung
A-TITLE Waldviertel Immobilien Vermittlung
/en/about-us/real-treuhand-imm...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Oberösterreich
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Oberösterreich
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Salzburg
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Salzburg
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Vorarlberg
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Vorarlberg
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Tirol
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Tirol
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Steiermark
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Steiermark
/en/about-us/raiffeisen-immobi...Text duplicate Raiffeisen Immobilien Kärnten
A-TITLE Raiffeisen Immobilien Kärnten
/en/employeesText duplicate Agent Finder
A-TITLE Agent Finder
/en/jobsText duplicate Jobs
/en/jobsText duplicate Jobs
/en/news-and-events/newsText duplicate News & Events
A-TITLE News & Events
/en/news-and-events/press-areaText duplicate Media room
A-TITLE Media room
/en/news-and-events/press-areaText duplicate Press releases
A-TITLE Press releases
/en/news-and-events/press-areaText duplicate Media contacts
A-TITLE Media contacts
/en/news-and-events/newsText duplicate News
/en/news-and-events/news/press...Pressefrühstück: Traumimmobilie der Österreicher:innen
/en/news-and-events/news/preis...Preisgünstigste Landeshauptstädte 2024
/en/news-and-events/news/salzb...Salzburger Immobilienmagazin - 2. Ausgabe
/en/news-and-events/news/1-imm...1. Immobilienforum Salzburg - Baukonjunktur-Paket ist wichtiger Schritt zur Eigentumsbildung: Chancen jetzt nutzen
/en/news-and-events/news/raiff...Raiffeisen Immobilien erneut größter Makler-Verbund
/en/news-and-events/news/oeste...Österreich hat Nachholbedarf bei Wohneigentum
/en/news-and-events/events/rai...Raiffeisen ImmoDay 2024 03.10.2024
/en/news-and-events/eventsText duplicate Events
/en/employeesCalculate value
/en/propertiesYour dream property
/en/property-value-checkCheck value now
https://www.raiffeisen.at/vora...External Subdomain Zum Projekt
/en/jobsJobs entdecken
https://www.vioplaza.at/living/External Subdomain Text duplicate Zum Projekt
https://riv.1kcloud.com/ep165f...External Subdomain Anchor Zum Magazin
/en/services/our-servicesDiscover services
/en/services/our-services/real...Real estate Valuation
/en/properties?properties[]=th...Show 360° Properties
/en/properties?category[]=comm...Show commercial properties
/en/exclusiveExclusive porperties
/en/projectsText duplicate Projects
/en/employeesFind an agent
/en/property-value-checkRate now
https://www.facebook.com/raiff...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/raif...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.youtube.com/channe...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain No Text
/en/employeesThere for you throughout Austria
/en/about-usText duplicate About us
A-TITLE About us
/en/propertiesText duplicate Properties
A-TITLE Properties
/en/employeesAgent finder
A-TITLE Agent finder
/en/jobsText duplicate Jobs
/en/news-and-events/eventsText duplicate Events
A-TITLE Events
https://rioe.at/newsletter-sub...External IMG-ALT Subscribe to Newsletter
https://rioe.at/newsletter-sub...External Text duplicate Subscribe to Newsletter
/en/data-protectionData Protection
A-TITLE Data Protection
/en/imprintText duplicate Imprint
A-TITLE Imprint
/en/whistleblowerWhistle Blower Platform
A-TITLE Whistle Blower Platform
/en/data-protectionPrivacy Information

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.raiffeisen-immobilien.at/en"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.39 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (108 kB).

HTTP Response Header

cache-controlno-cache, private
dateWed, 11 Sep 2024 09:59:58 GMT
set-cookie436 Characters
expiresWed, 11 Sep 2024 10:59:58 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

External factors

(Nice to have)
This website is not classified "for adult only".
This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 15 referring domains.
This page only has 45 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 11 different ip addresses.
Facebook popularity
(Somewhat important)
The page has 0 shares and comments on Facebook.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

Raiffeisen Immobilien Österreich
Raiffeisen Immobilien – Österreichs stärkster Immobilienmakler. Kaufen, verkaufen, mieten und vermieten Sie Ihr Haus oder Ihre Wohnung mit Raiffeisen Immobilien. Jetzt entdecken!

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Raiffeisen Immobilien89%Check
Raiffeisen Immobilien Österreich82%Check
Raiffeisen Immobilien Vermittlung73%Check
Immobilien Vermittlung65%Check

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

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