Ramonycajalabogados.com - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
4.72 s
File size
246.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
281 internal / 2 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Ramon y Cajal
The page title is too short. (131 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Ramón y Cajal Abogados es una Firma que ofrece asesoramiento jurídico a empresas y particulares, en sus oficinas de Madrid y Barcelona.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (865 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
The specified canonical link points to a different page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionRamón y Cajal Abogados es una Firma que ofrece asesoramiento jurídico a empresas y particulares, en sus oficinas de Madrid y Barcelona.
abstractRamón y Cajal Abogados es una Firma que ofrece asesoramiento jurídico a empresas y particulares, en sus oficinas de Madrid y Barcelona.
keywordsRamón y Cajal,Abogados, firma, asesoramiento jurídico, Madrid, Barceolna
generatorDrupal 7 (http://drupal.org)
twitter:titleRamon y Cajal
og:site_nameRamon y Cajal
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 1745 words. That's ok.
7.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 24 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
This page loads 22 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 35 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
2 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Francisco Palá
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading is too short (14 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
There are 76 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Francisco Palá
H1 Covadonga Acebal
H1 José Ignacio Vega
H1 Coral Castañé
H1 Cristina Grau
H1 Andrés Palmer
H1 Mar Alcaraz
H1 Carlos Melón
H1 Rocío Pérez-Puig
H1 Alfonso Fernández-Miranda
H1 Sofía Pérez
H1 Alberto Heras
H1 Álvaro Bertrán
H1 Antonio de Mariano
H1 Lucía García
H1 Carlos Lao
H1 Javier Gómez Bermúdez
H1 Damián Gaubeka
H1 Enrique Molina
H1 Glòria Raich de Castro
H1 Javier Beltrán
H1 Fernando Manzanedo
H1 Carmen Fdez.-Hontoria
H1 Fernando Tallón
H1 Gonzalo Molina
H1 Gonzalo Rocafort
H1 Norman Heckh
H1 Patricia Fernández
H1 Carlos Garnica
H1 Jaime Guerra
H1 Luis Briones
H1 Miguel Ferre
H1 Luis Carnicero
H1 Pedro Ramón y Cajal
H1 Joaquín Gª Bernaldo de Quirós
H1 José María Abascal
H1 María Ángeles Alcalá
H1 Eduardo Reigadas
H1 Francisco Bengoetxea
H1 Beatriz Enseñat
H1 Sebastián Sastre
H1 Manuel Muñoz
H1 Ana Fernández
H1 Pablo Rodríguez Abelenda
H1 Santiago González-Enciso
H1 Martí Roselló
H1 Miguel García Stuyck
H1 Úrsula del Moral
H1 Pablo Silván
H1 Juan Carlos Martínez
H1 Pedro Soriano
H1 Julia Vernis Prat
H1 Rafael Marco
H1 Ramón Fernández-Aceytuno
H1 Luis Rodríguez-Ramos
H1 Rafael Mateu de Ros
H1 Elena Tarragona
H1 Álvaro Bueno
H1 Ignacio Aragón Alonso
H1 Cándido Pérez
H1 Javier Salinas
H1 Norma Fernández
H1 Tomás Peña Grande
H1 Jaime Gutiérrez
H1 Alberto García
H1 Marta Santos García-Sintas
H1 Pablo Tejerizo
H1 Víctor Rodríguez de Vera
H1 José María Pérez-Prat
H1 Rocío Gaitán
H1 Francisco Mingorance
H1 Fernando de las Cuevas
H2 European Funds
H2 Greening | Green note program
H2 Memorandum on the CJEU's judgment in the Volvo and DAF Trucks case
H2 expertos en valores
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
2 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 2 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/Anchor Skip to main content
/enIMG-ALT Home
/en/etica-y-buen-gobiernoEthics and good governance
/en/areas-de-practica/administ...Public Law
/en/areas-de-practica/arte-y-p...Art and Cultural Heritage
/en/areas-de-practica/contrata...Commercial Contracts
/en/areas-de-practica/economia...Economía circular
/en/areas-de-practica/financia...Project Finance
/en/areas-de-practica/financie...Finance & Banking
/en/areas-de-practica/fusiones...Mergers and acquisitions
/en/areas-de-practica/inmobili...Real Estate
/en/areas-de-practica/juegoGaming & Gambling
/en/areas-de-practica/litigaci...Antitrust litigation
/en/areas-de-practica/mercado-...Capital Markets
/en/areas-de-practica/procesal...Civil Litigation
/en/areas-de-practica/reestruc...Restructuring and insolvency
/en/areas-de-practica/regulaci...Financial Regulation and CISs
/en/areas-de-practica/societar...Corporate and Corporate Governance
/en/areas-de-practica/tecnolog...Information Technology
/en/areas-de-practica/urbanism...Urban Planning and Environment
/en/noticias/noticiaText duplicate News
/en/noticias/sala-de-prensaPress Release
/en/blog-de-competencia-y-agro...Competition and agri-food blog
/en/blog-ramon-y-cajal-digitalRamón y cajal digital blog
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain linkedin
https://twitter.com/RamonyCaja...New window External twitter
/en/aviso-legalLegal Notice
/en/pol-tica-de-cookiesCookies Policy
/en/politica-de-privacidadPrivacy Policy
/en/politica-de-seguridad-de-l...Information security policy
/en/canal-de-denunciasWhistleblowing Channel
/en/profesional/francisco-palaFrancisco Palá
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain CV
/en/profesional/covadonga-acebalCovadonga Acebal
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/jose-ignacio-vegaJosé Ignacio Vega
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/coral-castaneCoral Castañé
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/cristina-grauCristina Grau
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/andres-palmerAndrés Palmer
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/mar-alcarazMar Alcaraz
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/carlos-melonCarlos Melón
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/rocio-perez-puigRocío Pérez-Puig
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/alfonso-fernan...Alfonso Fernández-Miranda
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/sofia-perezSofía Pérez
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/alberto-herasAlberto Heras
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/alvaro-bertranÁlvaro Bertrán
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/antonio-de-mar...Antonio de Mariano
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/lucia-garciaLucía García
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/carlos-laoCarlos Lao
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/javier-gomez-b...Javier Gómez Bermúdez
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/damian-gaubekaDamián Gaubeka
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/enrique-molinaEnrique Molina
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/gloria-raich-d...Glòria Raich de Castro
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/javier-beltranJavier Beltrán
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/fernando-manza...Fernando Manzanedo
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/carmen-fdez-ho...Carmen Fdez.-Hontoria
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/fernando-tallonFernando Tallón
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/gonzalo-molinaGonzalo Molina
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/gonzalo-rocafortGonzalo Rocafort
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/norman-heckhNorman Heckh
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/patricia-ferna...Patricia Fernández
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/carlos-garnicaCarlos Garnica
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/jaime-guerraJaime Guerra
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/luis-brionesLuis Briones
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/miguel-ferreMiguel Ferre
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/luis-carniceroLuis Carnicero
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/pedro-ramon-y-...Pedro Ramón y Cajal
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/joaqu-n-garc-b...Joaquín Gª Bernaldo de Quirós
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/jose-maria-aba...José María Abascal
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/maria-angeles-...María Ángeles Alcalá
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/eduardo-reigadasEduardo Reigadas
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/francisco-beng...Francisco Bengoetxea
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/beatriz-ensenatBeatriz Enseñat
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/sebastian-sastreSebastián Sastre
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/manuel-munozManuel Muñoz
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/ana-fernandezAna Fernández
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/pablo-rodrigue...Pablo Rodríguez Abelenda
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/santiago-gonza...Santiago González-Enciso
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/marti-roselloMartí Roselló
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/miguel-garcia-...Miguel García Stuyck
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/ursula-del-moralÚrsula del Moral
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/pablo-silvanPablo Silván
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/juan-carlos-ma...Juan Carlos Martínez
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/pedro-sorianoPedro Soriano
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/julia-vernis-pratJulia Vernis Prat
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/rafael-marcoRafael Marco
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/ramon-fernande...Ramón Fernández-Aceytuno
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/luis-rodriguez...Luis Rodríguez-Ramos
/en/profesional/rafael-mateu-d...Rafael Mateu de Ros
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/elena-tarragonaElena Tarragona
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/alvaro-buenoÁlvaro Bueno
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/ignacio-aragon...Ignacio Aragón Alonso
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/candido-perezCándido Pérez
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/javier-salinasJavier Salinas
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/norma-fernandezNorma Fernández
/en/profesional/tomas-pena-grandeTomás Peña Grande
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/jaime-gutierrezJaime Gutiérrez
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/alberto-garciaAlberto García
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/marta-santos-g...Marta Santos García-Sintas
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/pablo-tejerizoPablo Tejerizo
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/victor-rodrigu...Víctor Rodríguez de Vera
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/jose-maria-per...José María Pérez-Prat
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/rocio-gaitanRocío Gaitán
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/francisco-ming...Francisco Mingorance
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/profesional/fernando-de-la...Fernando de las Cuevas
/sites/default/files/curriculu...New window Subdomain Text duplicate CV
/en/noticias/european-fundsEuropean Funds
/en/noticias/european-fundsRead more about European Funds
A-TITLE European Funds
/en/noticias/greening-programa...Greening | Green note program
/en/noticias/greening-programa...Read more about Greening | Programa de emisión de bonos verdes
A-TITLE Greening | Programa de emisión de bonos verdes
/en/noticias/greening-programa...No Text
/en/noticias/memorandum-cjeus-...Memorandum on the CJEU's judgment in the Volvo and DAF Trucks case
/en/noticias/memorandum-cjeus-...Read more about Memorandum on the CJEU's judgment in the Volvo and DAF Trucks case
A-TITLE Memorandum on the CJEU's judgment in the Volvo and DAF Trucks case
/en/noticias/memorandum-cjeus-...No Text
/en/profesional/alba-sellesAlba Sellés
/en/profesional/alberto-garciaText duplicate Alberto García
/en/profesional/alberto-herasText duplicate Alberto Heras
/en/profesional/alfonso-fernan...Text duplicate Alfonso Fernández-Miranda
/en/profesional/alvaro-bertranText duplicate Álvaro Bertrán
/en/profesional/alvaro-buenoText duplicate Álvaro Bueno
/en/profesional/ana-fernandezText duplicate Ana Fernández
/en/profesional/andres-palmerText duplicate Andrés Palmer
/en/profesional/antonio-de-mar...Text duplicate Antonio de Mariano
/en/profesional/beatriz-ensenatText duplicate Beatriz Enseñat
/en/profesional/candido-perezText duplicate Cándido Pérez
/en/profesional/carlos-concellonCarlos Concellón
/en/profesional/carlos-garnicaText duplicate Carlos Garnica
/en/profesional/carlos-laoText duplicate Carlos Lao
/en/profesional/carlos-melonText duplicate Carlos Melón
/en/profesional/carmen-fdez-ho...Text duplicate Carmen Fdez.-Hontoria
/en/profesional/coral-castaneText duplicate Coral Castañé
/en/profesional/covadonga-acebalText duplicate Covadonga Acebal
/en/profesional/cristina-grauText duplicate Cristina Grau
/en/profesional/damian-gaubekaText duplicate Damián Gaubeka
/en/profesional/david-diazDavid Díaz
/en/profesional/eduardo-reigadasText duplicate Eduardo Reigadas
/en/profesional/elena-tarragonaText duplicate Elena Tarragona
/en/profesional/enrique-molinaText duplicate Enrique Molina
/en/profesional/ester-martinEster Martín
/en/profesional/fernando-de-la...Text duplicate Fernando de las Cuevas
/en/profesional/fernando-manza...Text duplicate Fernando Manzanedo
/en/profesional/fernando-tallonText duplicate Fernando Tallón
/en/profesional/francisco-beng...Text duplicate Francisco Bengoetxea
/en/profesional/francisco-ming...Text duplicate Francisco Mingorance
/en/profesional/francisco-palaText duplicate Francisco Palá
/en/profesional/gloria-raich-d...Text duplicate Glòria Raich de Castro
/en/profesional/gonzalo-molinaText duplicate Gonzalo Molina
/en/profesional/gonzalo-rocafortText duplicate Gonzalo Rocafort
/en/profesional/ignacio-aragon...Text duplicate Ignacio Aragón Alonso
/en/profesional/jaime-guerraText duplicate Jaime Guerra
/en/profesional/jaime-gutierrezText duplicate Jaime Gutiérrez
/en/profesional/javier-beltranText duplicate Javier Beltrán
/en/profesional/javier-fernand...Javier Fernández-Lasquetty
/en/profesional/javier-gomez-b...Text duplicate Javier Gómez Bermúdez
/en/profesional/javier-salinasText duplicate Javier Salinas
/en/profesional/joaqu-n-garc-b...Text duplicate Joaquín Gª Bernaldo de Quirós
/en/profesional/jorge-crespoJorge Crespo
/en/profesional/jose-ignacio-vegaText duplicate José Ignacio Vega
/en/profesional/jose-maria-aba...Text duplicate José María Abascal
/en/profesional/jose-maria-per...Text duplicate José María Pérez-Prat
/en/profesional/juan-carlos-ma...Text duplicate Juan Carlos Martínez
/en/profesional/julia-vernis-pratText duplicate Julia Vernis Prat
/en/profesional/lucia-garciaText duplicate Lucía García
/en/profesional/luis-brionesText duplicate Luis Briones
/en/profesional/luis-carniceroText duplicate Luis Carnicero
/en/profesional/luis-rodriguez...Text duplicate Luis Rodríguez-Ramos
/en/profesional/manuel-munozText duplicate Manuel Muñoz
/en/profesional/mar-alcarazText duplicate Mar Alcaraz
/en/profesional/maria-angeles-...Text duplicate María Ángeles Alcalá
/en/profesional/maria-luisa-go...María Luisa González
/en/profesional/marta-santos-g...Text duplicate Marta Santos García-Sintas
/en/profesional/marta-villarinoMarta Villarino
/en/profesional/marti-roselloText duplicate Martí Roselló
/en/profesional/miguel-ferreText duplicate Miguel Ferre
/en/profesional/miguel-garcia-...Text duplicate Miguel García Stuyck
/en/profesional/natalia-tamamesNatalia Tamames
/en/profesional/norma-fernandezText duplicate Norma Fernández
/en/profesional/norman-heckhText duplicate Norman Heckh
/en/profesional/pablo-rodrigue...Text duplicate Pablo Rodríguez Abelenda
/en/profesional/pablo-silvanText duplicate Pablo Silván
/en/profesional/pablo-tejerizoText duplicate Pablo Tejerizo
/en/profesional/patricia-ferna...Text duplicate Patricia Fernández
/en/profesional/patricia-porrasPatricia Porras
/en/profesional/pedro-ramon-y-...Text duplicate Pedro Ramón y Cajal
/en/profesional/pedro-sorianoText duplicate Pedro Soriano
/en/profesional/rafael-marcoText duplicate Rafael Marco
/en/profesional/rafael-mateu-d...Text duplicate Rafael Mateu de Ros
/en/profesional/ramon-fernande...Text duplicate Ramón Fernández-Aceytuno
/en/profesional/raquel-encisoRaquel Enciso
/en/profesional/rocio-gaitanText duplicate Rocío Gaitán
/en/profesional/rocio-perez-puigText duplicate Rocío Pérez-Puig
/en/profesional/santiago-gonza...Text duplicate Santiago González-Enciso
/en/profesional/sebastian-sastreText duplicate Sebastián Sastre
/en/profesional/sofia-perezText duplicate Sofía Pérez
/en/profesional/tomas-pena-grandeText duplicate Tomás Peña Grande
/en/profesional/ursula-del-moralText duplicate Úrsula del Moral
/en/profesional/victor-rodrigu...Text duplicate Víctor Rodríguez de Vera

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.ramonycajalabogados.com/"
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is very slow (4.72 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
This page loads 4 CSS files. This may affect the page load time negatively.
This page loads 22 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (246 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 12 Mar 2025 21:20:55 GMT
expiresSun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT
cache-controlno-cache, must-revalidate
x-generatorDrupal 7 (http://drupal.org)
link<https://www.ramonycajalabogados.com/en>; rel="canonical",<https://www.ramonycajalabogados.com/en>; rel="shortlink"
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 69 referring domains.
This page has 453 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 68 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# robots.txt
# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts
# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!
# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,
# you save bandwidth and server resources.
# This file will be ignored unless it is at the root of your host:
# Used:    http://example.com/robots.txt
# Ignored: http://example.com/site/robots.txt
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Ramon y Cajal
Ramón y Cajal Abogados es una Firma que ofrece asesoramiento jurídico a empresas y particulares, en sus oficinas de Madrid y Barcelona.

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