- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.31 s
File size
50.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
100 internal / 1 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
TABAKLAGER - Pfeifentabak Zigaretten Zigarren Tabak online kaufen
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 624 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
TABAKLAGER - Dein Onlineshop f?r Tabak, Zigaretten, H?lsen, Zigarren, Cigarillos und Pfeifentabak - jetzt g?nstig Tabak online kaufen
The length of the meta description is perfect. (835 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Language defined in meta tags: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (ISO-8859-1) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
No favicon is linked in the HTML code.

Meta tags

titleTABAKLAGER - Pfeifentabak Zigaretten Zigarren Tabak online kaufen
descriptionTABAKLAGER - Dein Onlineshop f?r Tabak, Zigaretten, H?lsen, Zigarren, Cigarillos und Pfeifentabak - jetzt g?nstig Tabak online kaufen
keywordsTABAKLAGER, online, kaufen, onlineshop, Tabak, Zigaretten, H?lsen, Zigarren, Cigarillos und Pfeifentabak
revisit-after30 days
robotsNOODP, index, follow, all
og:titleTABAKLAGER - Pfeifentabak Zigaretten Zigarren Tabak online kaufen
og:descriptionTABAKLAGER - Dein Onlineshop f?r Tabak, Zigaretten, H?lsen, Zigarren, Cigarillos und Pfeifentabak - jetzt g?nstig Tabak online kaufen
og:site_nameTabaklager Online-Shop
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
The average number of words per sentence of 5.85 words is low.
This page contains 864 words. That's ok.
30.8% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
12 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=750" is provided.
This page only loads 1 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 17 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
13 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/tabaklager-logo.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/fargo-rot-online-kaufen_tabaklager.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/elixyr-online-kaufen_tabaklager_2.jpgNo alt attribute provided
.../stopfbox-online-kaufen_tabaklager_1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ducal-red-online-kaufen_tabaklager_4.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...eifen-tagak-online-kaufen_tabaklager.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...retten-taba-online-kaufen_tabaklaber.jpgNo alt attribute provided
.../zigarillos-online-kaufen_tabaklager.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/zigaretten-online-kaufen.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/zigarren-online-kaufen.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/raucher-zubehoer-online-kaufen.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...-Gold-4-x-200-Zigarettenh-lsen.2780t.jpg4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Gold + 4 x 200 Zigarett4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Gold + 4 x 200 Zigarett
...g-VOLUMENTABAK-Ducal-Red-Eimer.3064t.jpg1 x 185g VOLUMENTABAK Ducal Red - Eimer1 x 185g VOLUMENTABAK Ducal Red - Eimer
...3-x-200-DUCAL-Zigarettenh-lsen.2799t.jpg3 x Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU 178g + 3 x 200 DUCAL - Z3 x Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU 178g + 3 x 200 DUCAL - Z
...garettentabak-Elixyr-Red-Eimer.2166t.jpgZigarettentabak 275g Eimer Elixyrr RedZigarettentabak 275g Eimer Elixyrr Red
...-Zigarettentabak-Ducal-Red-Rot.2801t.jpg5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot
...l-Red-4-x-200-Zigarettenh-lsen.2778t.jpg4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten
...latt-Vanille--Stange-mit-10-P-.1198t.jpgPfeifentabakcigarillos Burton GoldPfeifentabakcigarillos Burton Gold
...50g-auch-zum-Stopfen-geeignet-.1080t.jpgPfeifentabak Brigg Regular 350gPfeifentabak Brigg Regular 350g
...n-Reduzieren-Teer-und-Nikotin-.1231t.jpgZigarettenspitzen NicobusterZigarettenspitzen Nicobuster
/pic/Dr-Perl-Pfeifenfilter-180er.1209t.jpgDr. Perl 180er PfeifenfilterDr. Perl 180er Pfeifenfilter
...lsen-Korona-250er-SLIM-Menthol.1253t.jpgZigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM MentholZigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM Menthol
...ttenh-lsen-Marlboro-red-250-er.1249t.jpgZigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 erZigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 er
...feifentabak-Germains-No-7-200g.2467t.jpg Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g
/pic/10-DAVIDOFF-Club-Zigarillos.2619t.jpg10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos
/pic/10-Dominico-Churchill.2623t.jpg10 Dominico Churchill10 Dominico Churchill
/pic/20-Buena-Vista-Toro.2647t.jpg20 Buena Vista Toro20 Buena Vista Toro
...eifenreiniger-1-Pfeifenstopfer.2314t.jpg2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger
/pic/10-Seefahrer-No-1-Sumatra.2676t.jpg10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra
/img/tagak-onlineshop-tabaklager.jpgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
TABAKLAGER - Mein Tabak-Onlineshop f?r Zigaretten, Zigarillos, Zigarren, Pfeifentabak & Raucherzubeh?r!
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 TABAKLAGER - Mein Tabak-Onlineshop f?r Zigaretten, Zigarillos, Zigarren, Pfeifentabak & Raucherzubeh?r!
H2 Zigarettentabak Fargo
H2 Elixyr Zigarettentabak
H2 Fargo Stopf-Box Zigarettentabak
H2 Zigarettentabak Ducal Red
H2 Zigaretten & Zigarettenh?lsen online kaufen - auf
H2 Tabak online kaufen? Nur hier!
H2 F?r Raucher, f?r Genie?er, f?r Sieger ? und f?r die, die es werden wollen.
H3 Zigarillos online kaufen.
H3 Pfeifentabak online kaufen.
H3 Zigarren online kaufen.
H4 TABAKLAGER - das ist Ihr Onlineshop um Tabak online zu kaufen.
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
7 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 1 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/s01_kopf.php?ist18=1Ja Subdomain Nein
/s01.php?cur=eur&sp=de&ag=1&pp...Mein Konto
/Versandinfos.htmlab 90 ? portofrei
/Tabak-Schnupftabak.htmlText duplicate Schnupftabak
/Zigaretten-Zigarettentabak.htmlText duplicate Zigarettentabak
/Zigarren-Zigarren-A-Z.htmlZigarren A - Z
/Zigarillos-Marken-Sorten.htmlMarken & Sorten
/Zigarillos-Pfeifentabak-Zigar...Pfeifentabak Zigarillos
/Pfeifen-Pfeifentabak.htmlText duplicate Pfeifentabak
/Alpenleder-Artikel-Fuer-Rauch...F?r Raucher
/Alpenleder-Artikel-Geldboerse...Geldb?rsen Damen
/Alpenleder-Artikel-Geldboerse...Geldb?rsen Herren
/Alpenleder-Artikel-Grillartik...Grillartikel / Sonstige Artikel
/Alpenleder-Artikel-Handtasche...Handtaschen / Reisetaschen / Kulturbeutel Text
/s01.php?cur=eur&sp=de&ag=1&pp...(Passwort vergessen?)
/Login.htmlIch bin neu hier und m?chte Kunde werden
/Impressum.htmlService: 02305-357290
/Produkte-von-Fargo.htmlJetzt probieren Zigarettentabak Fargo
A-TITLE Zigarettentabak Ducal
/Produkte-von-Elixyr.htmlJetzt bestellen Elixyr Zigarettentabak
A-TITLE Zigarettentabak Elixyr
/Produkte-von-Fargo.htmlJetzt probieren Fargo Stopf-Box Zigarettentabak
A-TITLE Zigarettentabak Fargo
/Produkte-von-Ducal.htmlJetzt entdecken Zigarettentabak Ducal Red
A-TITLE Zigarettentabak Ducal
/Tabak-Pfeifentabak.htmlNo Text
/Tabak-Zigarettentabak.htmlNo Text
/Zigarillos.htmlNo Text
/Zigaretten.htmlNo Text
/Zigarren.htmlNo Text
/Raucherzubehoer.htmlNo Text
/4-x-178g-Zigarettentabak-Duca...4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Gold + 4 x 200 Zigarett... 120,40 € 1 x 185g VOLUMENTABAK Ducal Red - Eimer 29,95 € 3 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU + 3 x ...
IMG-ALT 4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Gold + 4 x 200 Zigarett
/1-x-185g-VOLUMENTABAK-Ducal-R...1 x 185g VOLUMENTABAK Ducal Red - Eimer 29,95 € 3 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU + 3 x 200 DUCAL - ... 91,35 € 1 x 275g Zigarettentabak Elixyr Red Eimer 4...
IMG-ALT 1 x 185g VOLUMENTABAK Ducal Red - Eimer
/3-x-178g-Zigarettentabak-Duca...3 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU + 3 x 200 DUCAL - ... 91,35 € 1 x 275g Zigarettentabak Elixyr Red Eimer 49,95 € 5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot ...
IMG-ALT 3 x Zigarettentabak Ducal BLAU 178g + 3 x 200 DUCAL - Z
/1-x-275g-Zigarettentabak-Elix...1 x 275g Zigarettentabak Elixyr Red Eimer 49,95 € 5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot 149,75 € 4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten.....
IMG-ALT Zigarettentabak 275g Eimer Elixyrr Red
/5-x-178g-Zigarettentabak-Duca...5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot 149,75 € 4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten... 120,40 € Pfeifentabakcigarillos Burton Gold Natu...
IMG-ALT 5 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red / Rot
/4-x-178g-Zigarettentabak-Duca...4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten... 120,40 € Pfeifentabakcigarillos Burton Gold Naturdeckblatt ( Van... 27,00 € NEU Pfeifentabak Brigg...
IMG-ALT 4 x 178g Zigarettentabak Ducal Red + 4 x 200 Zigaretten
/Pfeifentabakcigarillos-Burton...Pfeifentabakcigarillos Burton Gold Naturdeckblatt ( Van... 27,00 € NEU Pfeifentabak Brigg Regular 350g ( auch zum Stopfen geei... 39,95 € Nicobuster Zigarett...
IMG-ALT Pfeifentabakcigarillos Burton Gold
/Pfeifentabak-Brigg-Regular-35...NEU Pfeifentabak Brigg Regular 350g ( auch zum Stopfen geei... 39,95 € Nicobuster Zigarettenspitzen ( Reduzieren Teer und Niko... 1,60 € Dr. Perl Pfeifenfilt...
IMG-ALT Pfeifentabak Brigg Regular 350g
/Nicobuster-Zigarettenspitzen-...Nicobuster Zigarettenspitzen ( Reduzieren Teer und Niko... 1,60 € Dr. Perl Pfeifenfilter 180er 15,00 € Zigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM Menthol 1,99 € Ziga...
IMG-ALT Zigarettenspitzen Nicobuster
/Dr-Perl-Pfeifenfilter-180er.htmlDr. Perl Pfeifenfilter 180er 15,00 € Zigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM Menthol 1,99 € Zigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 er 2,39 € NEU Pfeifentabak Germains ...
IMG-ALT Dr. Perl 180er Pfeifenfilter
/Zigarettenhuelsen-Korona-250e...Zigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM Menthol 1,99 € Zigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 er 2,39 € NEU Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g 42,50 € NEU 10 DAVIDOFF Cl...
IMG-ALT Zigarettenh?lsen Korona 250er SLIM Menthol
/Zigarettenhuelsen-Marlboro-re...Zigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 er 2,39 € NEU Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g 42,50 € NEU 10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos 11,50 € NEU 10 Dominico Churchill 39...
IMG-ALT Zigarettenh?lsen Marlboro red 250 er
/Pfeifentabak-Germains-No-7-20...NEU Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g 42,50 € NEU 10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos 11,50 € NEU 10 Dominico Churchill 39,00 € NEU 20 Buena Vista Toro 160,00 € NEU 2...
IMG-ALT Pfeifentabak Germains No. 7 200g
/10-DAVIDOFF-Club-Zigarillos.htmlNEU 10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos 11,50 € NEU 10 Dominico Churchill 39,00 € NEU 20 Buena Vista Toro 160,00 € NEU 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifen...
IMG-ALT 10 DAVIDOFF Club Zigarillos
/10-Dominico-Churchill.htmlNEU 10 Dominico Churchill 39,00 € NEU 20 Buena Vista Toro 160,00 € NEU 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger ... 81,10 € NEU 10 Seefahrer No...
IMG-ALT 10 Dominico Churchill
/20-Buena-Vista-Toro.htmlNEU 20 Buena Vista Toro 160,00 € NEU 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger ... 81,10 € NEU 10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra 13,00 € TABAKLAGER - M...
IMG-ALT 20 Buena Vista Toro
/2-x-Brigg-V-350g-Pfeifentabak...NEU 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger ... 81,10 € NEU 10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra 13,00 € TABAKLAGER - Mein Tabak-Onlineshop f?r Zigarett...
IMG-ALT 2 x Brigg V 350g Pfeifentabak, 2 x 100 Pfeifenreiniger
/10-Seefahrer-No-1-Sumatra.htmlNEU 10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra 13,00 € TABAKLAGER - Mein Tabak-Onlineshop f?r Zigaretten, Zigarillos, Zigarren, Pfeifentabak & Raucherzubeh?r! ...
IMG-ALT 10 Seefahrer No. 1 Sumatra
/s.php?az=1-1NEU IMSALE No Text
/Ueber-uns.html?ber uns
/Marken.htmlText duplicate Marken
/Datenschutz.html?Datenschutze...Nofollow Datenschutzeinstellungen
/Kontaktformular.htmlNofollow Kontaktformular
/Versandinfos.htmlNofollow Bezahlung & Versand
/Newsletter.htmlNofollow Newsletter
/Online-Streitschlichtungsplat...Nofollow Online-Streitschlichtung
/Impressum.htmlNofollow Text duplicate Impressum
/AGB.htmlNofollow Text duplicate AGB
/Datenschutz.htmlNofollow Text duplicate Datenschutz
/Widerrufsrecht.htmlNofollow Widerrufsrecht
/img/muster-widerrufsformular.pdfNew window Nofollow Widerrufsformular
/Versandinfos.htmlNo Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.31 seconds.
This page only loads 1 CSS files. That's ok.
This page only loads 1 JavaScript files. That's good!
The file size of the HTML document is fine (50 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSat, 14 Dec 2024 06:09:32 GMT
x-powergapDas Beste Shopsystem der Welt
strict-transport-securitymax-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
content-typetext/html; charset=iso-8859-1

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 14 referring domains.
This page only has 18 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 14 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /s.php
Disallow: /s01.php
Disallow: /s01_s0.php
Disallow: /s01_b.php
Disallow: /s01_pic.php
Disallow: /s01_rat.php
Disallow: /Home.html

Disallow: /*sp=fr*
Disallow: /*sp=en*
Disallow: /*sp=nl*

Disallow: /m/s01.php
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Disallow: /Login.html
Disallow: /s01.php?shopid=s01&cur=eur&sp=de&ag=3&pp=par&ueber=Unser+Partnerprogramm#

Disallow: /article/
Disallow: /banner/
Disallow: /farben/
Disallow: /font/
Disallow: /help/
Disallow: /v/


Search preview
TABAKLAGER - Pfeifentabak Zigaretten Zigarren Tabak online kaufen
TABAKLAGER - Dein Onlineshop f?r Tabak, Zigaretten, H?lsen, Zigarren, Cigarillos und Pfeifentabak - jetzt g?nstig Tabak online kaufen

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Pfeifen Tabak90%Check
Zigarren Tabak88%Check
Pfeifentabak Zigaretten Zigarren Tabak84%Check
Tabak Online83%Check
Zigarren online79%Check

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