Tantedampf.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.19 s
File size
502.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
459 internal / 2 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Tante Dampf - Elektronische Zigaretten & Liquidatelier
The length of the page title is perfect. (485 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Elektronische E-Zigaretten und Liquidatelier
The length of the meta description is perfect. (271 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionElektronische E-Zigaretten und Liquidatelier
og:titleTante Dampf - Elektronische Zigaretten & Liquidatelier
og:descriptionElektronische E-Zigaretten und Liquidatelier

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
These Typos were found:
  • edtion => Edition
This page contains 3460 words. That's ok.
31.1% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
41 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12.95 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (502.8 kB).
A viewport "initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no,maximum-scale=1,width=device-width" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 69 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
15 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/icons/tantedampf-topbar-icon.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/icons/tantedampf-topbar-icon.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Menu/TanteDampf-Banner-3_1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Menu/Bald Erhältlich (1).pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Menu/TanteDampf-Banner-2_1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...lle highend artikel durchstöbern (1).jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Menu/Modder%20und%20Co.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../Ladengeschäft/tante-dampf-geschaeft.jpgNo alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen
data:[...] Base64Elf Liquid Granatapfel Basilikum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Elf Liquid Blutorange Kaktus Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Elf Liquid Kokos Ananas Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Elf Liquid Waldbeere Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Antimatter Intense Stardust Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Antimatter Intense Nova Luna Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Antimatter Intense Gamma Velorum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Antimatter Intense Celestia Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Antimatter Intense Alpha Centauri Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64SIC! Salts Green Tea Ice Nikotinsalzliquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Golisi Medo Q Pod Kit
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA designed and manufactured by SmokerStore
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA Top Cap
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA...
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA Service Set
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA Ersatzglas
data:[...] Base64Machina Prima RTA DIY...
data:[...] Base64The Taste Cotton
data:[...] Base64Arcana Mods Muted RTA
data:[...] Base64Arcana Mods Muted RTA Airpin Kit
/img/cms/Startseite/bg-tante-dampf.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Startseite/bg-tante-dampf.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Startseite/bg-tante-dampf.svgNo alt attribute provided
...Kreuzberg-Tante-Dampf-Ladengeschaeft.jpgNo alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Bunte Tüte
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Fruchtig & Frisch
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Tabak
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Bunte Tüte Nikotinsalz
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Fruchtig & Frisch Nikotinsalz
data:[...] Base64Tante Dampf Probierpaket Tabak Nikotinsalz
data:[...] Base64OXVA Xlim Pro 2 Pod Kit
data:[...] Base64VooPoo Drag 5 Mod
data:[...] Base64GeekVape Z Fli Tank
data:[...] Base64Vaporesso XROS 4 Pod Kit
data:[...] Base64Yeti Overdosed Kiwi Passionfruit Ice Nikotinsalzliquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Revoltage Magic Mint Hybrid Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
data:[...] Base64Vaperz Cloud Tech Coil (4er-Pack)
data:[...] Base64VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen
data:[...] Base64Barehead Pistacchio Cream Cinnaroll - Limited Edition 10ml
data:[...] Base64Barehead Apple Pie Cinnaroll - Limited Edtion 10ml
data:[...] Base64Barehead Pumpkin Spice Cinnaroll - Limited Edition 10ml
data:[...] Base64Joyetech eRoll Nano Pod Kit
/img/cms/Startseite/tante-dampf-stars.svgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Startseite/Tante-Dampf-News.pngNo alt attribute provided
...img/cms/Footer/Rechnungslogo DIY (2).png2560px-Giropay-svg.png
...img/cms/Footer/Logos neuer Webshop_2.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Tante Dampf
The H1 heading is too short (11 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 73 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Tante Dampf
H1 Dein Shop für E-Zigaretten & Co. seit 2014
H2 Schnäppchen-Tipp
H2 VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen
H2 Neue Aromen & Liquids
H2 Elf Liquid Granatapfel Basilikum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Elf Liquid Blutorange Kaktus Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Elf Liquid Kokos Ananas Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Elf Liquid Waldbeere Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Antimatter Intense Stardust Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Antimatter Intense Nova Luna Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Antimatter Intense Gamma Velorum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Antimatter Intense Celestia Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Antimatter Intense Alpha Centauri Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 SIC! Salts Green Tea Ice Nikotinsalzliquid 10ml
H2 Ratzfatz verschickt.
H2 Service mit herz.
H2 neue Hardware
H2 Golisi Medo Q Pod Kit
H2 Machina Prima RTA designed and manufactured by SmokerStore
H2 Machina Prima RTA Top Cap
H2 Machina Prima RTA Ersatzdochte (4er-Pack)
H2 Machina Prima RTA Service Set
H2 Machina Prima RTA Ersatzglas
H2 Machina Prima RTA DIY Wickelhilfe
H2 The Taste Cotton
H2 Arcana Mods Muted RTA
H2 Arcana Mods Muted RTA Airpin Kit
H2 Liquids & Nicsalts
H2 Basen & Aromen
H2 Pod Kits & Sets
H2 Küsschen aus Kreuzberg
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpakete
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Bunte Tüte
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Fruchtig & Frisch
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Tabak
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Bunte Tüte Nikotinsalz
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Fruchtig & Frisch Nikotinsalz
H2 Tante Dampf Probierpaket Tabak Nikotinsalz
H2 Schnäppchen
H2 OXVA Xlim Pro 2 Pod Kit
H2 VooPoo Drag 5 Mod
H2 GeekVape Z Fli Tank
H2 Vaporesso XROS 4 Pod Kit
H2 Yeti Overdosed Kiwi Passionfruit Ice Nikotinsalzliquid 10ml
H2 Revoltage Magic Mint Hybrid Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
H2 Vaperz Cloud Tech Coil (4er-Pack)
H2 VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen Duplicate text
H2 Bald erhältlich
H2 Barehead Pistacchio Cream Cinnaroll - Limited Edition 10ml
H2 Barehead Apple Pie Cinnaroll - Limited Edtion 10ml
H2 Barehead Pumpkin Spice Cinnaroll - Limited Edition 10ml
H2 Joyetech eRoll Nano Pod Kit
H2 Echte Menschen Echte Bewertungen
H3 kostenfreier Versand ab 49,95 €
H3 echte Menschen - echte Antworten.
H3 tante dampf vor ort
H3 Unser fantastisches Team!
H3 Aromen für den Winter
H3 Die beliebtesten Pod Kits 2024
H3 Overdosed oder well-dosed - was ist deine perfekte Dosis an Aroma?
H3 Tantes Tests: Unsere aktuellen Liquid- und Aromenempfehlungen aus dem Team
H3 Wie Tante Dampf lernte, die XROS zu lieben
H3 So klappt der Umstieg: Tantes Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zur ersten E-Zigarette
H3 Wie jedes Jahr schließen wir auch dieses Jahr für unsere traditionellen Ferien und gönnen dem ganzen Team einige Tage Ruhe und Entspannung.
H3 Versandpause: alle Bestellungen, die uns ab dem 23.12.2024 (16:00 Uhr) erreichen, werden erst wieder am 02.01.2025 versendet. Im Gegenzug erhalten Bestellende während unserer Versandpause 10% Rabat...
H3 *ausgenommen: Highend-Artikel, Basen und Artikel, für welche bereits ein Sonder- oder Staffelpreis gilt
H5 Rechtliches & Hinweise
H5 Katalog
H5 Information
H5 Kontaktiere uns
There are too many internal links (457) on this page.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
5 links don't have an anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 2 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/module/iqitwishlist/viewSubdomain Wunschliste ()
/content/versand-und-zahlung.htmlSubdomain DEUTSCHLANDWEITER DHL VERSAND - AB 49,95 € KOSTENFREI
/content/versand-und-zahlung.htmlSubdomain ALLE ARTIKEL AUCH IM LADENGESCHÄFT ERHÄTLICH
/content/versand-und-zahlung.htmlSubdomain ABHOLUNG (CLICK & COLLECT)
/module/iqitwishlist/viewSubdomain Meine Wunschliste
A-TITLE Meine Wunschliste
https://www.tantedampf.de/Subdomain IMG-ALT tantedampf.de
/mein-KontoNofollow Subdomain Anmelden
A-TITLE Anmelden zu Ihrem Kundenbereich
/liquids/tante-dampf-liquids/Tante Dampf Liquids
/liquids/?liquid-typ=liquidText duplicate Liquids
/liquids/nikotinsalz-liquids/Nikotinsalz Liquids
/liquids/Alle Liquids
/basen-aromen/Aromen & Basen
/basen-aromen/aromen/?aroma-ty...Longfill Aromen
/basen-aromen/aromen/?aroma-ty...Klassische Aromen
/basen-aromen/aromen/Alle Aromen
/basen-aromen/basen/Basen & Shots
/neuheiten/neue-aromen-liquids/Neue Aromen & Liquids
/dampfgeraete/sets/Pod Kits & Sets
/dampfgeraete/boro-coBoro & Co
/dampfgeraete/Alle Dampfgeräte
/high-end/High End
/neuheiten/neue-hardware/Neue Hardware
/zubehoer/coils/Pods & Coils
/zubehoer/ersatzteile-zubehoer/Ersatzteile & Zubehör
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Handmade Coils
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Watte & Co
/bald-erhaltlich/Bald erhältlich
/neuheiten/No Text
/bald-erhaltlich/No Text
/schnaeppchenNo Text
/high-end/Subdomain Text duplicate High End
/high-end/arcana-mods/Arcana Mods
/high-end/bell-vape-by-chris-m...Bell Vape by Munoz
/high-end/ennequadro-mods/Ennequadro Mods
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...HANDMADE COILS
/aenigma-handmade-coils.htmlAenigma Coils
/coils-corner-handmade-coils-2...Coils Corner
/high-end/khw-mods/KHW Mods
/high-end/kluster-mods/Kluster Mods
/custom-coils-by-ziko-2-stk.htmlCustom Coils by Ziko
/franktastische-coils.htmlFranktastische Coils
/haufi-handmade-coils-2-stk.htmlHaufi Coils
/high-end/steam-tuners/Steam Tuners
/high-end/the-vaping-gentlemen...The Vaping Gentlemen Club
/high-end/vape-systems/Vape Systems
/high-end/vapor-giant/Vapor Giant
/high-end/Alle Highend-Produkte
/stattqualm-squape-a-rise-coil...PC Coils
/handmade-coils/psycho-coils-2...Psycho Coils
/underground-coilz-handmade-co...Underground Coilz
/high-end/No Text
/high-end/?hersteller=bell-vap...No Text
/content/ladengeschaeft.htmlSubdomain Ladengeschäft
/content/team.htmlSubdomain Team
/schnaeppchen/Subdomain SCHNÄPPCHEN
/bald-erhaltlich/Subdomain Text duplicate Bald erhältlich
/neuheiten/Subdomain Neuheiten
/neuheiten/neue-hardware/Subdomain Text duplicate Neue Hardware
/neuheiten/neue-aromen-liquids/Subdomain Text duplicate Neue Aromen & Liquids
/liquids/Subdomain Text duplicate Liquids
/liquids/tante-dampf-liquids/Subdomain Tante Dampf
/liquids/antimatter/Subdomain Antimatter
/liquids/big-tasty/Subdomain Big Tasty
/liquids/dash-one/Subdomain Dash One
/liquids/dinner-lady/Subdomain Dinner Lady
/liquids/dr-frost/Subdomain Dr. Frost
/liquids/elfliq-by-elfbar/Subdomain Elfliq by Elfbar
/liquids/elf-liquid/Subdomain Elf Liquid
/liquids/flavorist/Subdomain Flavorist
/liquids/kapka-s/Subdomain Kapka's
/liquids/k-boom/Subdomain K-Boom
/liquids/maryliq-by-lost-mary/Subdomain Maryliq by Lost Mary
/liquids/pod-salt/Subdomain Pod Salt
/liquids/revoltage/Subdomain Revoltage
/liquids/riot-squad/Subdomain Riot Squad
/liquids/sc-liquids/Subdomain SC Liquids
/liquids/sic-salts/Subdomain SIC! Salts
/liquids/tom-klark-s/Subdomain Tom Klark's
/liquids/vampire-vape/Subdomain Vampire Vape
/liquids/yeti-overdosed/Subdomain Yeti Overdosed
/liquids/wanted-overdosed/Subdomain Wanted Overdosed
/liquids/nikotinsalz-liquids/Subdomain Text duplicate Nikotinsalz Liquids
/basen-aromen/Subdomain Basen & Aromen
/basen-aromen/basen/Subdomain Text duplicate Basen & Shots
/basen-aromen/aromen/Subdomain Aromen
/basen-aromen/mischzubehoer/Subdomain Text duplicate Mischzubehör
/dampfgeraete/Subdomain Text duplicate Dampfgeräte
/dampfgeraete/sets/Subdomain Text duplicate Pod Kits & Sets
/dampfgeraete/akkutraeger-komb...Subdomain Text duplicate Akkuträger
/dampfgeraete/verdampfer/Subdomain Verdampfer
/dampfgeraete/selbstwickel-ver...Subdomain Selbstwickel-Verdampfer
/dampfgeraete/selbstwickel-ver...Subdomain Text duplicate Tröpfler
/dampfgeraete/selbstwickel-ver...Subdomain Text duplicate Selbstwickel-Tanks
/dampfgeraete/boro-co/Subdomain Text duplicate Boro & Co
/high-end/Subdomain Text duplicate High End
/high-end/arcana-mods/Subdomain Text duplicate Arcana Mods
/high-end/atmizoo/Subdomain Text duplicate Atmizoo
/high-end/bell-vape-by-chris-m...Subdomain Bell Vape by Chris & Michel Munoz
/high-end/bks/Subdomain Text duplicate BKS
/high-end/dicodes/Subdomain Text duplicate dicodes
/high-end/ennequadro-mods/Subdomain Text duplicate Ennequadro Mods
/high-end/flash-e-vapor/Subdomain Text duplicate Flash-e-Vapor
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/high-end/khw-mods/Subdomain Text duplicate KHW Mods
/high-end/kluster-mods/Subdomain Text duplicate Kluster Mods
/high-end/sightpic/Subdomain Text duplicate SightPic
/high-end/sirmod/Subdomain Text duplicate SIRMOD
/high-end/smokerstore/Subdomain Text duplicate SmokerStore
/high-end/stattqualm/Subdomain Text duplicate StattQualm
/high-end/steampipes/Subdomain Text duplicate Steampipes
/high-end/steam-tuners/Subdomain Text duplicate Steam Tuners
/high-end/stutt-art/Subdomain Text duplicate Stutt-Art
/high-end/svoemesto/Subdomain Text duplicate SvoëMesto
/high-end/the-vaping-gentlemen...Subdomain Text duplicate The Vaping Gentlemen Club
/high-end/vape-systems/Subdomain Text duplicate Vape Systems
/high-end/vapor-giant/Subdomain Text duplicate Vapor Giant
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Handmade Coils
/zubehoer/Subdomain Text duplicate Zubehör
/zubehoer/coils/Subdomain Text duplicate Pods & Coils
/zubehoer/akkuzellen/Subdomain Text duplicate Akkuzellen
/zubehoer/ladegerate/Subdomain Text duplicate Ladegeräte
/zubehoer/driptips/Subdomain Drip Tips
/zubehoer/ersatzteile-zubehoer/Subdomain Text duplicate Ersatzteile & Zubehör
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoer/Subdomain Selbstwickel-Zubehör
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Draht
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Fertigwicklungen
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Handmade Coils
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Watte & Co
/zubehoer/selbstwickel-zubehoe...Subdomain Text duplicate Werkzeug
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/content/tantes-blog.htmlSubdomain Tantes Blog
https://www.tantedampf.de/Subdomain Startseite
https://www.tantedampf.de/Subdomain No Text
/mein-KontoSubdomain Text duplicate Anmelden
/liquids/tante-dampf-liquids/Subdomain Hausmarke entdecken
/content/ladengeschaeft.htmlUnser Ladengeschäft
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain IMG-ALT VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain Text duplicate VooPoo Doric Galaxy Pen
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain VooPoo
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain 12,95 €
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain Einfacher Vape Pen - simpel und handlich
/sets/voopoo-doric-galaxy-pen....Subdomain View
/neuheiten/neue-aromen-liquids/Text duplicate Neue Aromen & Liquids
/neuheiten/neue-aromen-liquids/Alle neuen Flüssigkeiten
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain IMG-ALT Elf Liquid Granatapfel Basilikum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquid Granatapfel Basilikum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Elf Liquids
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Edle Granatäpfel serviert mit frischem Basilikum
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain IMG-ALT Elf Liquid Blutorange Kaktus Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquid Blutorange Kaktus Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquids
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Saftige Blutorange im verwegenen Mix mit samtigem Kaktus
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain IMG-ALT Elf Liquid Kokos Ananas Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquid Kokos Ananas Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquids
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Exotische Kokosnuss trifft aromatische Ananas
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain IMG-ALT Elf Liquid Waldbeere Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquid Waldbeere Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate Elf Liquids
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Waldbeerenmix prall gefüllt mit Erdbeeren, Blaubeeren und Brombeeren
/nikotinsalz-liquids/elf-liqui...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain IMG-ALT Antimatter Intense Stardust Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter Intense Stardust Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Erfrischendes Minz-Kaubonbon trifft dunkle Waldfrüchte mit extra-intensivem Geschmack
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain IMG-ALT Antimatter Intense Nova Luna Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter Intense Nova Luna Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Geschmacksintensives tropisches Duo: exotische Mango trifft süße Orange
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain IMG-ALT Antimatter Intense Gamma Velorum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter Intense Gamma Velorum Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Spritzige Waldmeisterbrause mit sehr intensivem Geschmack
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain IMG-ALT Antimatter Intense Celestia Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter Intense Celestia Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate Antimatter
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate 8,06 €
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Geröstete Haselnüsse verschmelzen mit dunklem Kaffee mit hochdosiertem Aroma
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain Text duplicate View
/nikotinsalz-liquids/antimatte...Subdomain IMG-ALT Antimatter Intense Alpha Centauri Nikotinsalz Liquid 10ml
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A-TITLE Allgemein
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A-TITLE Allgemein
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A-TITLE Allgemein
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A-TITLE Allgemein
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A-TITLE Hier findest du dein Dampfzubehör: Coils, Selbstwickelzubehör (Draht & Watte), Akkus, Ladegeräte, Ersatzteile oder DripTips.
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Host: https://www.tantedampf.de

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Tante Dampf - Elektronische Zigaretten & Liquidatelier
Elektronische E-Zigaretten und Liquidatelier

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