Tenor.com - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.15 s
File size
321.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
241 internal / 8 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Tenor GIF Keyboard - Bring Personality To Your Conversations
The length of the page title is perfect. (561 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Say more with Tenor. Find the perfect Animated GIFs and videos to convey exactly what you mean in every conversation.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (747 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
Reduce the number of Alternate Links.
A language definition is specified wrong in alternate links.
A country is specified wrong in alternate links: sr-latn
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

keywordsgifs,search gifs,share gifs,memes
descriptionSay more with Tenor. Find the perfect Animated GIFs and videos to convey exactly what you mean in every conversation.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
al:ios:app_nameGIF Keyboard
al:android:app_nameGIF Keyboard
twitter:titleTenor GIF Keyboard - Bring Personality To Your Conversations
twitter:descriptionSay more with Tenor. Find the perfect Animated GIFs and videos to convey exactly what you mean in every conversation.
twitter:app:name:iphoneGIF Keyboard
twitter:app:name:ipadGIF Keyboard
twitter:app:name:googleplayGIF Keyboard
og:titleTenor GIF Keyboard - Bring Personality To Your Conversations

Test up to 1.000 webpages of tenor.com with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Only 1 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
There are only 293 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
The average number of words per sentence of 7 words is low.
10.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 6 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
50 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
https://tenor.com/assets/img/tenor-logo.svgTenor logo
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...m/nfmM5AJrxOEAAAAM/jalen-hurts-hurts.gifa football player wearing a headband and a green jersey is smiling .
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...M/have-a-blessed-sunday-happy-sunday.gifa poster that says have a blessed sunday with blue flowers around it
...om/T0NGb5cZ4wEAAAAM/kittensleep-cute.gifa kitten is sleeping next to a teddy bear and wishing a sweet dream .
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...a.tenor.com/PG9agp6LazAAAAAM/back-to.gifa picture of a minion holding a teddy bear and a mouse with the words bye-bye underneath it
....com/xrdswoQPd_8AAAAM/barcelona-lewa.gifa soccer player wearing a jersey that says ' spotify ' on it
...r.com/9zp24n-lP1gAAAAM/hugs-big-hugs.gifa teddy bear is wearing overalls and a sweater with the words sending you a big hug good morning to brighten your day
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....tenor.com/9mUQzEnrCEgAAAAM/hug-hugs.gifa little girl is hugging a monster from monsters inc
...enor.com/oGzmKGiFvZAAAAAM/oh-you-aww.gifa woman in a yellow jacket is holding a door handle and saying oh you
...od-morning-good-morning-happy-friday.gifa woman in a red fur coat is saying `` it 's friday !! ''
.../-m5PJk4Ao_QAAAAM/time-coffee-coffee.gifa cat in a bathrobe pouring coffee into a cup with a smiley face on it .
...or.com/lSBXYvTZzP8AAAAM/man-standing.gifa man standing in a living room with his hands in his pockets .
...AAAAM/jashinchan-dropkick-evil-smile.gifa close up of a cartoon character making a funny face with her mouth open
...a.tenor.com/IN23_DUqLL0AAAAM/wow-kid.giftwo little girls in tutus are dancing on a stage and the word bossy is on the bottom of the image .
...com/dZRyl8xFsY0AAAAM/puka-nacua-rams.gifa man wearing a rams jersey and a helmet
...guKiRqkAAAAM/jameis-winston-football.gifa group of football players are standing on a field with the words `` eat a w '' written on it .
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...8PwX5sukAAAAM/oh-snap-dave-chappelle.gifa man sitting on a couch with his mouth open and the words oh snap
...or.com/to7lGunwYOMAAAAM/blush-blushy.gifa man is sitting in a red chair with his arms outstretched and a cigarette in his mouth .
...3wm044jvi2IAAAAM/lebron-james-lebron.gifa man with a beard wears a lakers jersey with the number 25 on it
...r.com/ViO7tZE4eqYAAAAM/bobitos-mimis.giftwo cats are hugging each other and one of them is saying `` it 's cuddle o clock '' .
...m/-z4J1Phnw9gAAAAM/karate-kid-daniel.gifa man with a beard and a white shirt is holding a piece of paper .
...edia.tenor.com/7YSe06ToFRkAAAAM/eyes.gifa green frog wearing a black bow tie and a white shirt
...m/53gmS2gU280AAAAM/yamal-and-raphina.gifa soccer player wearing a jersey with the word amn on it
...nor.com/Cw98bkJirH0AAAAM/spartan-msu.gifan advertisement for rocket mortgage by quicken loans shows a spartan
...uQ-8AAAAM/nebraska-nebraska-football.gifa mascot standing in front of a building that says memorial stadium
...WPJoFnJAjJIAAAAM/safa-credit-to-safa.gifa smiley face holding a flower with the words for you behind it
.../PasSyhXcryMAAAAM/ortiz-yankees-lose.gifa group of men sit at a table in front of a sign that says the long road home
...m/tbT4o_0swxwAAAAM/snoop-dogg-lakers.gifa man in a lakers jersey is watching a basketball game on a television screen .
....com/q4B5l7_JjMEAAAAM/happy-saturday.gifa greeting card that says " relax and have a fabulous saturday "
...orJsHOGoAAAAM/are-you-sure-john-cena.gifa green screen with a man 's face and the words r u sure about dat on it
...AM/brooklyn-nine-nine-terry-jeffords.gifa man in a purple sweater is talking to a man in a plaid shirt
...r.com/GHm7lfm2cr4AAAAM/dodgers-itfdb.gifa blue dodgers flag with a baseball and the words go dodgers
...com/vA48qEJbfMgAAAAM/lildurk-smurkio.gifa man with long hair is wearing a white jacket and looking at the camera while sitting in a car .
...enor.com/Scu6ExRW824AAAAM/inside-out.gifa cartoon character with a very angry face is wearing a tie and a white shirt .
...com/TOq7K9VmpKYAAAAM/love-i-love-you.gifa cartoon rabbit is blowing a heart in the air
...EX5DATtUaiIAAAAM/good-friday-morning.gifa picture of a cup of coffee and a croissant with the words good morning happy friday
...es-friyay-weekend-fun-pj-love-friyay.gifa poster that says happy fri-yay hope you have a truly wonderful day powered by petjuvenate
.../UgbablpmKekAAAAM/happydance-excited.gifa picture of garfield wearing sunglasses and giving the middle finger with the words friday good morning happy friday have a wonderful weekend
...6mGhpEAAAAM/definitely-maybe-romance.gifa man is sitting at a table with his arms crossed and looking at the camera .
.../LCwigekg89gAAAAM/friends-friends-tv.gifa woman in a red sweater is standing next to a man and making a funny face .

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Trending Tenor Searches
H2 Featured GIFs
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are 8 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://tenor.com/legal-termsNew window Terms of Service
https://policies.google.com/pr...New window External Subdomain Privacy Policy
https://tenor.com/legal-termsNew window Text duplicate Terms of Service
https://policies.google.com/pr...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Privacy Policy
https://tenor.com/IMG-ALT Tenor logo
IMG-ALT Upload icon
https://apps.apple.com/app/app...New window External Subdomain GIF Keyboard
https://play.google.com/store/...New window External Subdomain Android
https://tenor.com/contentpartnersContent Partners
https://tenor.com/reactionsReaction GIFs
https://tenor.com/exploreExplore GIFs
https://blog.tenor.com/New window External Subdomain Blog
https://support.google.com/tenorNew window External Subdomain FAQ
https://tenor.com/legal-termsTerms and Privacy
/assets/dist/licenses.txtNew window Website Licenses
https://support.google.com/ten...New window External Subdomain Contact Us
https://tenor.com/gifapiNew window Tenor GIF API
https://developers.google.com/...New window External Subdomain GIF API Documentation
/gifapi/unity-ar-gif-sdkNew window Unity AR SDK
https://tenor.com/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Tenor logo
/search/da-bears-gifsda bears
/search/jayden-daniels-gifsjayden daniels
/search/hail-mary-gifshail mary
/search/bear-down-gifsbear down
/search/chicago-bears-gifschicago bears
/search/james-cook-gifsjames cook
/search/bo-nix-gifsbo nix
/search/caleb-williams-gifscaleb williams
/search/bears-lose-gifsbears lose
/search/i-am-legend-gifsi am legend
/search/ronaldo-statue-gifsronaldo statue
/search/go-bills-gifsgo bills
/search/go-niners-gifsgo niners
/search/left-hand-up-gifsleft hand up
/search/touchdown-bears-gifstouchdown bears
/search/sad-bear-gifssad bear
/search/bears-win-gifsbears win
/search/matt-nagy-gifsmatt nagy
/search/noah-brown-gifsnoah brown
/search/josh-allen-gifsjosh allen
/search/bills-win-gifsbills win
/search/ceedee-lamb-gifsceedee lamb
/search/casey-affleck-gifscasey affleck
/search/double-doink-gifsdouble doink
/search/knock-it-down-gifsknock it down
/search/what-just-happened-gifswhat just happened
/search/lets-go-buffalo-gifslets go buffalo
/search/dalvin-cook-gifsdalvin cook
/search/eating-w-gifseating w
/search/hulk-hogan-gifshulk hogan
/view/jalen-hurts-hurts-philad...IMG-ALT a football player wearing a headband and a green jersey is smiling .
/view/josh-allen-buffalo-bills...IMG-ALT a football player with the number 17 on his jersey says let 's gooooooo
/view/cleveland-browns-gif-113...IMG-ALT a cleveland browns logo with an orange helmet
/view/secret-boss-baby-on-the-...IMG-ALT a baby from the boss baby says it 's a secret .
/view/have-a-blessed-sunday-ha...IMG-ALT a poster that says have a blessed sunday with blue flowers around it
/view/kittensleep-cute-catslee...IMG-ALT a kitten is sleeping next to a teddy bear and wishing a sweet dream .
/view/rainbow-spongebob-imagin...IMG-ALT spongebob squarepants is making a funny face with his hands in the air and says imagination .
/view/back-to-work-get-gif-264...IMG-ALT a picture of a minion holding a teddy bear and a mouse with the words bye-bye underneath it
/view/barcelona-lewa-lewandows...IMG-ALT a soccer player wearing a jersey that says ' spotify ' on it
/view/hugs-big-hugs-sending-hu...IMG-ALT a teddy bear is wearing overalls and a sweater with the words sending you a big hug good morning to brighten your day
/view/cat-computer-mad-angry-g...IMG-ALT a cat is sitting in front of a laptop keyboard
/view/cat-cat-memes-cat-images...IMG-ALT a close up of a cat with its mouth open and its teeth showing .
https://tenor.com/search/cat-gifsText duplicate #cat
/view/good-saturday-morning-gi...IMG-ALT a happy saturday good morning card with sunflowers
/view/saturday-gif-42569312831...IMG-ALT a sign that says good morning have a lovely saturday with a cup of coffee and croissants on a table
/view/kururin-kuru-kuru-herta-...IMG-ALT a cartoon drawing of a girl with purple eyes and a hat
/view/lightsaber-shohei-ohtani...IMG-ALT a baseball player with the number 17 on his back is about to swing his bat
/view/hug-hugs-cuddle-gif-1775...IMG-ALT a little girl is hugging a monster from monsters inc
/search/hugs-gifsText duplicate #hugs
/view/oh-you-aww-golden-girls-...IMG-ALT a woman in a yellow jacket is holding a door handle and saying oh you
/view/good-morning-good-mornin...IMG-ALT a woman in a red fur coat is saying `` it 's friday !! ''
/view/time-coffee-coffee-cup-c...IMG-ALT a cat in a bathrobe pouring coffee into a cup with a smiley face on it .
/view/man-standing-gif-20655812IMG-ALT a man standing in a living room with his hands in his pockets .
/view/jashinchan-dropkick-evil...IMG-ALT a close up of a cartoon character making a funny face with her mouth open
/view/wow-kid-girl-snap-dancin...IMG-ALT two little girls in tutus are dancing on a stage and the word bossy is on the bottom of the image .
/view/puka-nacua-rams-gif-8472...IMG-ALT a man wearing a rams jersey and a helmet
/view/jameis-winston-football-...IMG-ALT a group of football players are standing on a field with the words `` eat a w '' written on it .
/view/happy-celebration-goal-e...IMG-ALT a soccer player with the number 28 on his shorts is hugging another player
/view/oh-snap-dave-chappelle-s...IMG-ALT a man sitting on a couch with his mouth open and the words oh snap
/view/blush-blushy-hide-embarr...IMG-ALT a man is sitting in a red chair with his arms outstretched and a cigarette in his mouth .
/view/lebron-james-lebron-king...IMG-ALT a man with a beard wears a lakers jersey with the number 25 on it
/view/bobitos-mimis-michis-gif...IMG-ALT two cats are hugging each other and one of them is saying `` it 's cuddle o clock '' .
/view/karate-kid-daniel-mister...IMG-ALT a man with a beard and a white shirt is holding a piece of paper .
/view/eyes-gif-21821822IMG-ALT a green frog wearing a black bow tie and a white shirt
/view/yamal-and-raphina-gif-16...IMG-ALT a soccer player wearing a jersey with the word amn on it
/view/spartan-msu-go-white-go-...IMG-ALT an advertisement for rocket mortgage by quicken loans shows a spartan
/view/nebraska-nebraska-footba...IMG-ALT a mascot standing in front of a building that says memorial stadium
/view/safa-credit-to-safa-for-...IMG-ALT a smiley face holding a flower with the words for you behind it
/view/ortiz-yankees-lose-janke...IMG-ALT a group of men sit at a table in front of a sign that says the long road home
/view/snoop-dogg-lakers-dance-...IMG-ALT a man in a lakers jersey is watching a basketball game on a television screen .
/view/happy-saturday-gif-12358...IMG-ALT a greeting card that says " relax and have a fabulous saturday "
/view/are-you-sure-john-cena-r...IMG-ALT a green screen with a man 's face and the words r u sure about dat on it
/view/brooklyn-nine-nine-terry...IMG-ALT a man in a purple sweater is talking to a man in a plaid shirt
/view/dodgers-itfdb-gif-176364...IMG-ALT a blue dodgers flag with a baseball and the words go dodgers
/view/lildurk-smurkio-lil-baby...IMG-ALT a man with long hair is wearing a white jacket and looking at the camera while sitting in a car .
/view/inside-out-anger-charact...IMG-ALT a cartoon character with a very angry face is wearing a tie and a white shirt .
/view/love-i-love-you-i-love-y...IMG-ALT a cartoon rabbit is blowing a heart in the air
/view/good-friday-morning-gif-...IMG-ALT a picture of a cup of coffee and a croissant with the words good morning happy friday
/view/happy-friday-images-friy...IMG-ALT a poster that says happy fri-yay hope you have a truly wonderful day powered by petjuvenate
/view/happydance-excited-gif-5...IMG-ALT a picture of garfield wearing sunglasses and giving the middle finger with the words friday good morning happy friday have a wonderful weekend
/view/definitely-maybe-romance...IMG-ALT a man is sitting at a table with his arms crossed and looking at the camera .
/view/friends-friends-tv-tv-fr...IMG-ALT a woman in a red sweater is standing next to a man and making a funny face .

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://tenor.com/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is slow (1.15 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (321 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateMon, 28 Oct 2024 02:45:43 GMT
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