This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
User-Agent: bingbot User-Agent: msnbot User-Agent: BingPreview User-Agent: Googlebot Disallow: /websiteapi/* Disallow: /changepassword/* Disallow: /addbusiness/* Disallow: /ffinvitation/* Disallow: /appleclip/* Disallow: /trainingsalon Disallow: /trainingsalon/* Disallow: */cl/* Disallow: *.aspx?enc Disallow: */myaccount Disallow: /on/* Disallow: /r/* Disallow: /t/* Disallow: /n/* Disallow: /e/* Disallow: /u/* Disallow: /c/* Disallow: */o/* Disallow: /l/* Disallow: /s/* Disallow: /a/* Disallow: /i/* Disallow: /al/* Disallow: /p/* Disallow: /is/* Disallow: /sitemapindex-salon-coupons.xml Disallow: /sitemapindex-salon-appointment.xml Disallow: */book-now Disallow: /g/* Disallow: /y/* Disallow: /salons/ Disallow: /salon-appointment/ Disallow: */online-scheduling Disallow: /salon-stylist/ Disallow: /salon-coupons/ Disallow: /_next/image Disallow: /_Incapsula_Resource Disallow: /invoicewarning Disallow: /vagaroinc1 Disallow: /us02/vagaroinc1 Disallow: /ns/* Disallow: /sa/* Disallow: /ty/* Disallow: /yl/* User-Agent: AdsBot-Google User-Agent: Applebot User-Agent: BingPreview User-Agent: DeepCrawl User-Agent: Googlebot User-Agent: Googlebot-Image User-Agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-Agent: Mediapartners-Google User-Agent: STC-bot User-Agent: ScoutJet User-Agent: SearchmetricsBot User-Agent: SeznamBot User-Agent: TelegramBot User-Agent: Twitterbot User-Agent: Yahoo! Slurp User-Agent: Yandex User-Agent: archive.org_bot User-Agent: bingbot User-Agent: ia_archiver User-Agent: msnbot User-agent: rogerbot User-agent: AhrefsSiteAudit User-agent: Sitebulb User-agent: Screaming Frog SEO Spider User-agent: SemrushBot User-agent: SemrushBot-SA User-agent: SemrushBot-BA User-agent: SemrushBot-SI User-agent: SemrushBot-SWA User-agent: SemrushBot-CT User-agent: SemrushBot-BM User-agent: AhrefsBot User-agent: facebookexternalhit Disallow: User-Agent: * Disallow: /