Zukunft.cl - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.31 s
File size
135.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
164 internal / 19 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Club Zukunft
The page title is too short. (116 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Home Of Good Music.
The meta description is too short. (139 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length) Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionHome Of Good Music.
og:descriptionThe Home Of Good Music.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of zukunft.cl with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
The content of this page is too large (6621 words). Maybe the content could be divided into several pages.
These Typos were found:
  • weiss => weiß
  • mass => Maß
  • gefäss => Gefäß
  • massgebend => maßgebend
  • regelmässig => regelmäßig
The average number of words per sentence of 37.78 words is high.
14.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
24 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 483 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"ozelot hat seine eigenen regeln geschrieben. und diese scheinen wiederum festzuhalten, dass ihre notwe..."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/static/img/zukunft_neg.pngNo alt attribute provided
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgOzelot im Interview
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAcid Pauli: Eine Kultfigur
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgBill Brewster: Lebemann und Tausendsassa
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngZukunft.fm by ZHdK's Design Department
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngÜber das Loslassen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngÂme's Frank Wiedemann
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngSoli-Party Wasser Für Wasser (WFW)
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgBE RIGHT BACK (1)
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgBE RIGHT BACK (2)
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgSupport für Rojava
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgBudino: Blick nach vorne
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAndere Szenen: Bristol
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZeremonie Giegling
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgGerd Janson: Lausbube und Tastemaker
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgUnsere Hypekultur
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgScratchen ist seine Erfindung
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAsha Puthli: Die Disco Queen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgPionier der Neunzigerjahre
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAusnahmslos Avantgarde
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgKatalysator für einzigartige DJ-Sets
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZürcher Plattenläden, Part III: Hum Records
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgOptimo: Ohne Scheuklappen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgWir feiern: 14 Jahre Zukunft
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo...Luca Durán
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMount Kimbie: Frei von Konventionen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgSonidos – Mexikanische Soundsysteme
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgPlattengespräch mit Luciùs
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDan Snaith: Eine Frage der Energie
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgEssay: Sommerclub
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgOzelot Ltd. – Label+ Plus
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgFöllakzoid - Gitarrentrance
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZürcher Plattenläden, Part II: Jamarico Music
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo...Jamira Estrada
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgKirsty P. - Vom Sammeln und Teilen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgRoi Perez: Together We Dance
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDMX Krew: Rave Nostalgia
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDamiano von Erckert: Ohne Grenzen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgNicola Kazimir: Raving Bodies
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgJustin Strauss: Like Nothing Else
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZürcher Plattenläden, Part I: Sihl Records
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgLuke Hess: Detroit, Michigan
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgBruno Spoerri im Gespräch
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgUnter uns: Jenny Kamer
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgIvan Smagghe im Gespräch
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgSaint Luke: Linking Two Spaces
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgWaajeed: Von Repetition durchdrungen
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgCourtesy: Der Sound Kopenhagens
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgEva Geist: Zugang zum Kosmos
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHenri Chopin: In einer neuen Dimension
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgThe Holydrug Couple: Hyper Super Mega
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMichael Mayer: Wie man offen bleibt
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngProsumer: Mehr Spass ohne Putzlicht
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, Hallo...John Player
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpg10 Years Bar3000
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgCooper Saver im Gespräch
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgK.atou - Griechischer House
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngPavel Plastikk: Brighter Days
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgJohn Daly: Musik, sonst nichts
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngJennifer Cardini: Integrieren!
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAll that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part I
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngAll that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part II
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgKrossfingers: ein Netzwerk für Musik
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo...Eli Verveine
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMolly Nilsson versteht dich
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgOrpheu The Radio-Wizard
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgSchallplattengespräche mit Princess P.
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgFünf Platten: Jan Schulte
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngOliver Hafenbauer im Gespräch
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngPerel: In sich selbst
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZip, du ewiger Spannungskünstler
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDer totale Fan: Young Marco
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngMatthew Herbert: Taking Risks
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDas blanke Glatteis: Barbara Morgenstern
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZwei Tracks: Maurice Fulton
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZwei Tracks: Michal Turtle
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgEfdemin im Gespräch
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo...Headman
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAcid Pauli: Der Grenzgänger
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDon Williams: Der Reisende
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngEin Track: Basic Track
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgManuel Fischer: Wahlverwandtschaften
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgÜber Residencies und Allnighter
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo Jimi Jules...
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMarcel Dettmann: Der Neugierige
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMuallem: Die Münchner Zukunft
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDaniel Wang über David Mancuso
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgInterview: Autarkic
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgEin Track: Spacer Woman
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin Juli/August 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgLolina - Live in Paris
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin Juni 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgGerd Janson: Das Chamäleon
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin Mai 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin April 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin März 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgMonatsmagazin Februar 16
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgUnter uns: Alex Dallas
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngInterview: Mano Le Tough
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgDrei Stücke: Kejeblos
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgInterview: The Legendary Lightness
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, Hallo ... Peak!
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgJack - eine Ode
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.pngHallo Resident, hallo... Leo Gretener
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgRoman Flügel: Der Inspirator
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgUnter uns: Cio
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpg21 Grams
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgRumpeltagebuch N° 3
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgAndrew Weatherall: Loaded
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgNicola Kazimir: Als die Repetition siegte
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgKejeblos: Drei Stücke
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHallo Resident, hallo... Lexx
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgJeremy Underground Paris rennt
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgRumpeltagebuch N° 2
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgJohn Talabot: Der Melancholiker
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgRumpeltagebuch N°1
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgTheo Parrish, the list
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgKejeblos' summer songs
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgNicola Kazimir: Mit dem Geiste hören
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgEin Track: Love Is The Message
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgUnterwegs nach Noisy-le-Grand
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgHelvetische Helden
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgZürcher Clublandschaften
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgManuel Göttsching, die Liste
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgErinnerungen an die Zukunft
...400x275_q85_crop-smart_subsampling-2.jpgLöschen. Ein Gedicht

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H3 Awareness
H3 Contact
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
The number of internal links is ok.
Every linktext is unique.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 19 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/asset/5/Club_Zukunft_Manifest...New window Subdomain Club Zukunft; Manifest.pdf
/asset/4/Club_Zukunft_Awarenes...New window Subdomain Club Zukunft; Awareness-Konzept.pdf
/asset/6/Datenschutzerklaerung...New window Subdomain Datenschutzerklärung.pdf
https://www.google.ch/maps/pla...New window External Subdomain Dienerstrasse 33
https://waxybar.ch/New window External No Text
http://shop.zukunft.cl/External Subdomain Shop
https://www.zukunft.cl/Anchor Artists
https://www.zukunft.cl/No Text
https://soundcloud.com/zukunftNew window External No Text
http://www.residentadvisor.net...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/zuku...New window External Subdomain No Text
http://www.facebook.com/clubzu...New window External Subdomain No Text
http://www.bar3000.ch/New window External Subdomain No Text
http://shop.zukunft.cl/External Subdomain SHOP
https://www.google.ch/maps/pla...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate Dienerstrasse 33
https://soundcloud.com/zukunftNew window External No Text
http://www.residentadvisor.net...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/zuku...New window External Subdomain No Text
http://www.facebook.com/clubzu...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://waxybar.ch/New window External No Text
http://www.bar3000.ch/New window External Subdomain No Text
http://www.soundcloud.com/gurayppNew window External Subdomain www.soundcloud.com/guraypp
/club/2024-12-4_guraypp/04 12 24 guraypp MI 04 12 24 SOCIAL in der Bar3000: guraypp
/club/2024-12-5_suad-djs/05 12 24 SUAD DJ's DO 05 12 24 SHUT UP AND DANCE: SUAD DJ's
/club/2024-12-5_softlander-liv...05 12 24 Softlander (Live-Show), [Smooth Sailing] DO 05 12 24 WAXY BAR: Softlander (Live-Show), [Smooth Sailing] DJ Shwipps – Ronny Hunger
/club/2024-12-5_dj-salsi-pablo...05 12 24 DJ Salsi, Pablo Beltran, Sojandri DO 05 12 24 DOSCI: DJ Salsi, Pablo Beltran, Sojandri, Jasia Rabiej, Nixe, Pasci, Glamur, Coutur, Ayshat Campbell
/club/2024-12-6_romeu-mumbi-ka...06 12 24 Romeu – Mumbi Kameri FR 06 12 24 [Early Waxy Dance]: Romeu – Mumbi Kameri
/club/2024-12-6_kayyak-okvsho/06 12 24 KAYYAK, Okvsho FR 06 12 24 FUTURA: KAYYAK, Okvsho, DJ Renault, DJ Ité
/club/2024-12-7_twilight-zone-...07 12 24 [Twilight Zone Inn] Moon Lagoon SA 07 12 24 WAXY BAR: [Twilight Zone Inn] Moon Lagoon
/club/2024-12-7_mord-fuzztang-...07 12 24 Mord Fuzztang (Live-Show), Cocon Javel ( SA 07 12 24 Mord Fuzztang Record Release Show: Mord Fuzztang (Live-Show), Cocon Javel (Live-Show)
/club/2024-12-7_bss-cumhur-jay...07 12 24 BSS, Cumhur Jay, Manuel Fischer, 2M SA 07 12 24 RESONICA RELEASE PARTY: BSS, Cumhur Jay, Manuel Fischer, 2M, Hiver, Dariush, Benjamin Amaru, Kalabre...
/club/2024-12-11_mercer-grand-...11 12 24 Mercer Grand (DJ Motorola) MI 11 12 24 SOCIAL in der Bar3000: Mercer Grand (DJ Motorola)
/club/2024-12-12_kreidler-duss...12 12 24 Kreidler (Düsseldorf DE) (Live-Show), [R DO 12 12 24 WAXY BAR: Kreidler (Düsseldorf DE) (Live-Show), [Rolling Donuts] Cio
/club/2024-12-12_andreas-ramos...12 12 24 Andreas Ramos, Juli Lee DO 12 12 24 DOSCI: Andreas Ramos, Juli Lee, Hollabackshroom B2B The DJ B2B Melanchelia
/club/2024-12-13_livelifelike-...13 12 24 Mantifa FR 13 12 24 LIVELIFELIKE x ZUKUNFT: Mantifa
/club/2024-12-13_schoolbell-fr...13 12 24 Schoolbell – Frank FR 13 12 24 [Early Waxy Dance]: Schoolbell – Frank
/club/2024-12-13_tsepo-amsterd...13 12 24 Tsepo (Amsterdam), Jenny Cara, Bonnie Ok FR 13 12 24 CARA: Tsepo (Amsterdam), Jenny Cara, Bonnie Ok, Coco Fresco (All Night Long)
/club/2024-12-14_blue-method-s...14 12 24 Blue Method, Stallone Anderson, Yen Yasu SA 14 12 24 OBATALA: Blue Method, Stallone Anderson, Yen Yasuke, Ethimm B2B Schacke99 , [Cosmic Country] Bu...
/club/2024-12-18_dj-fleischchas/18 12 24 DJ Fleischchääs MI 18 12 24 SOCIAL in der Bar3000: DJ Fleischchääs
/club/2024-12-19_suad-djs/19 12 24 SUAD DJ's DO 19 12 24 SHUT UP AND DANCE: SUAD DJ's
/club/2024-12-19_velvet-underw...19 12 24 The Velvet Underwear (Live-Show), [Oh! S DO 19 12 24 WAXY BAR: The Velvet Underwear (Live-Show), [Oh! Sweet Nuthin’] Peter Shard – Sterling Morrizon
/club/2024-12-19_aann-alay/19 12 24 AANN, ALAY DO 19 12 24 DOSCI X-MAS SPEZIAL: AANN, ALAY, Kalaspatz
/club/2024-12-20_jackets/20 12 24 The Jackets FR 20 12 24 The Jackets (Live-Show at Club Zukunft): The Jackets (Live-Show)
/club/2024-12-20_tina-marie-mu...20 12 24 Tina Marie – Mumbi Kameri FR 20 12 24 [Early Waxy Dance]: Tina Marie – Mumbi Kameri
/club/2024-12-20_tal-fussman-i...20 12 24 Tal Fussman (Innervisions, Survival Tact FR 20 12 24 FUTURA: Tal Fussman (Innervisions, Survival Tactics, Berlin), Alex Dallas, Kejeblos (Phantom Is...
/club/2024-12-21_dj-gonno-japa...21 12 24 DJ Gonno (Japan), Abdel Hady, Manuel Fis SA 21 12 24 OZELOT INVITES: DJ GONNO (TOKYO / JAPAN): DJ Gonno (Japan), Abdel Hady, Manuel Fischer, Priolea...
/club/2024-12-25_die-bar3000-b...25 12 24 Die Bar3000 bleibt geschlossen MI 25 12 24 Merry Christmas: Die Bar3000 bleibt geschlossen
/club/2024-12-26_jamira-estrad...26 12 24 Jamira Estrada, Ju Dallas DO 26 12 24 DOSCI: Jamira Estrada, Ju Dallas, Céline, Verycozi
/club/2024-12-27_das-scherben-...27 12 24 [Das Scherben Sterben] The vinyl auction FR 27 12 24 WAXY BAR: [Das Scherben Sterben] The vinyl auction of a special kind with DJ Moritz
/club/2024-12-27_vertigo-yoshi...27 12 24 Vertigo, Yoshi San, DJ Breezy Hendrix, R FR 27 12 24 SYNCCITY: Vertigo, Yoshi San, DJ Breezy Hendrix, Richie Chan, Ruben Cassiano (Mannequine), Spar...
/club/2024-12-28_les-deux-all-...28 12 24 Les Deux (All Night Long) SA 28 12 24 ZUKUNFT: Les Deux (All Night Long), Cevincia, Lessing 13 , [Discover Soulfood] DJ Sookie – Peach – Etienne
/club/2024-12-29_hallygallyfik...29 12 24 HALLYGALLYFIKATION SO 29 12 24 Mit Hallygally in die Zukunft.: Los Vinyl Brothers / HG All-Star DJs, HG All-Star DJs
/club/2024-12-31_evangelos-gal...31 12 24 Evangelos, Gallo, Kalabrese DI 31 12 24 PIFF PAFF PUFF: Evangelos, Gallo, Kalabrese, DJ Highstapler (Bunny), John Player
/club/2025-1-1_101-pure-love-a...01 01 25 101% PURE LOVE Artist's MI 01 01 25 100% PURE LOVE - FOR SUNSHINE PEOPLE ONLY: 101% PURE LOVE Artist's, 101% PURE LOVE Artists
/zine/2024-1-23_ozelot-im-inte...Ozelot im Interview
IMG-ALT Ozelot im Interview
/zine/2023-8-9_acid-pauli-eine...Acid Pauli: Eine Kultfigur
IMG-ALT Acid Pauli: Eine Kultfigur
/zine/2023-8-1_bill-brewster-l...Bill Brewster: Lebemann und Tausendsassa
IMG-ALT Bill Brewster: Lebemann und Tausendsassa
/zine/2023-3-7_zukunftfm-zhdks...Zukunft.fm by ZHdK's Design Department
IMG-ALT Zukunft.fm by ZHdK's Design Department
/zine/2022-12-20_uber-das-losl...Über das Loslassen
IMG-ALT Über das Loslassen
/zine/2022-11-10_ame/Âme's Frank Wiedemann
IMG-ALT Âme's Frank Wiedemann
/zine/2022-6-9_soli-party-wass...Soli-Party Wasser Für Wasser (WFW)
IMG-ALT Soli-Party Wasser Für Wasser (WFW)
/zine/2020-8-5_be-right-back-1/BE RIGHT BACK (1)
/zine/2020-8-5_be-right-back-2/BE RIGHT BACK (2)
/zine/2020-4-30_support-fur-ro...Support für Rojava
IMG-ALT Support für Rojava
/zine/2020-3-26_budino-blick-n...Budino: Blick nach vorne
IMG-ALT Budino: Blick nach vorne
/zine/2020-3-10_andere-szenen-...Andere Szenen: Bristol
IMG-ALT Andere Szenen: Bristol
/zine/2020-3-9_zeremonie-giegl...Zeremonie Giegling
IMG-ALT Zeremonie Giegling
/zine/2020-3-2_lausbube-und-ta...Gerd Janson: Lausbube und Tastemaker
IMG-ALT Gerd Janson: Lausbube und Tastemaker
/zine/2020-2-17_unsere-hypekul...Unsere Hypekultur
IMG-ALT Unsere Hypekultur
/zine/2020-2-4_scratchen-ist-s...Scratchen ist seine Erfindung
IMG-ALT Scratchen ist seine Erfindung
/zine/2020-1-30_die-disco-queen/Asha Puthli: Die Disco Queen
IMG-ALT Asha Puthli: Die Disco Queen
/zine/2020-1-14_pionier-der-ne...Pionier der Neunzigerjahre
IMG-ALT Pionier der Neunzigerjahre
/zine/2020-1-8_ausnahmslos-ava...Ausnahmslos Avantgarde
IMG-ALT Ausnahmslos Avantgarde
/zine/2019-12-24_katalysator-f...Katalysator für einzigartige DJ-Sets
IMG-ALT Katalysator für einzigartige DJ-Sets
/zine/2019-11-21_zurcher-platt...Zürcher Plattenläden, Part III: Hum Records
IMG-ALT Zürcher Plattenläden, Part III: Hum Records
/zine/2019-11-14_optimo-ohne-s...Optimo: Ohne Scheuklappen
IMG-ALT Optimo: Ohne Scheuklappen
/zine/2019-10-16_wir-feiern-14...Wir feiern: 14 Jahre Zukunft
IMG-ALT Wir feiern: 14 Jahre Zukunft
/zine/2019-10-7_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, hallo...Luca Durán
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo...Luca Durán
/zine/2019-9-23_mount-kimbie-f...Mount Kimbie: Frei von Konventionen
IMG-ALT Mount Kimbie: Frei von Konventionen
/zine/2019-9-2_sonidos-mexikan...Sonidos – Mexikanische Soundsysteme
IMG-ALT Sonidos – Mexikanische Soundsysteme
/zine/2019-7-30_plattengesprac...Plattengespräch mit Luciùs
IMG-ALT Plattengespräch mit Luciùs
/zine/2019-7-23_eine-frage-der...Dan Snaith: Eine Frage der Energie
IMG-ALT Dan Snaith: Eine Frage der Energie
/zine/2019-7-9_essay-sommerclub/Essay: Sommerclub
IMG-ALT Essay: Sommerclub
/zine/2019-6-24_ozelot-ltd-lab...Ozelot Ltd. – Label+ Plus
IMG-ALT Ozelot Ltd. – Label+ Plus
/zine/2019-6-18_follakzoid-git...Föllakzoid - Gitarrentrance
IMG-ALT Föllakzoid - Gitarrentrance
/zine/2019-6-18_zurcher-platte...Zürcher Plattenläden, Part II: Jamarico Music
IMG-ALT Zürcher Plattenläden, Part II: Jamarico Music
/zine/2019-6-11_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, hallo...Jamira Estrada
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo...Jamira Estrada
/zine/2019-5-21_kirsty-p-vom-s...Kirsty P. - Vom Sammeln und Teilen
IMG-ALT Kirsty P. - Vom Sammeln und Teilen
/zine/2019-5-15_roi-perez-toge...Roi Perez: Together We Dance
IMG-ALT Roi Perez: Together We Dance
/zine/2019-5-13_dmx-krew-rave-...DMX Krew: Rave Nostalgia
IMG-ALT DMX Krew: Rave Nostalgia
/zine/2019-5-2_damiano-von-erc...Damiano von Erckert: Ohne Grenzen
IMG-ALT Damiano von Erckert: Ohne Grenzen
/zine/2019-4-30_its-all-your-m...Nicola Kazimir: Raving Bodies
IMG-ALT Nicola Kazimir: Raving Bodies
/zine/2019-4-17_justin-strauss...Justin Strauss: Like Nothing Else
IMG-ALT Justin Strauss: Like Nothing Else
/zine/2019-4-11_zurcher-platte...Zürcher Plattenläden, Part I: Sihl Records
IMG-ALT Zürcher Plattenläden, Part I: Sihl Records
/zine/2019-4-1_luke-hess-detro...Luke Hess: Detroit, Michigan
IMG-ALT Luke Hess: Detroit, Michigan
/zine/2019-3-26_bruno-spoerri-...Bruno Spoerri im Gespräch
IMG-ALT Bruno Spoerri im Gespräch
/zine/2019-3-21_unter-uns-jenn...Unter uns: Jenny Kamer
IMG-ALT Unter uns: Jenny Kamer
/zine/2019-2-27_ivan-smagghe-i...Ivan Smagghe im Gespräch
IMG-ALT Ivan Smagghe im Gespräch
/zine/2019-2-26_saint-luke-lin...Saint Luke: Linking Two Spaces
IMG-ALT Saint Luke: Linking Two Spaces
/zine/2019-1-29_waajeed-von-re...Waajeed: Von Repetition durchdrungen
IMG-ALT Waajeed: Von Repetition durchdrungen
/zine/2018-12-24_courtesy-der-...Courtesy: Der Sound Kopenhagens
IMG-ALT Courtesy: Der Sound Kopenhagens
/zine/2018-12-19_eva-geist-zug...Eva Geist: Zugang zum Kosmos
IMG-ALT Eva Geist: Zugang zum Kosmos
/zine/2018-12-18_henri-chopin-...Henri Chopin: In einer neuen Dimension
IMG-ALT Henri Chopin: In einer neuen Dimension
/zine/2018-11-13_holydrug-coup...The Holydrug Couple: Hyper Super Mega
IMG-ALT The Holydrug Couple: Hyper Super Mega
/zine/2018-11-1_michael-mayer-...Michael Mayer: Wie man offen bleibt
IMG-ALT Michael Mayer: Wie man offen bleibt
/zine/2018-9-27_prosumer-mehr-...Prosumer: Mehr Spass ohne Putzlicht
IMG-ALT Prosumer: Mehr Spass ohne Putzlicht
/zine/2018-9-26_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, Hallo...John Player
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, Hallo...John Player
/zine/2018-9-3_10-years-bar3000/10 Years Bar3000
IMG-ALT 10 Years Bar3000
/zine/2018-7-25_cooper-saver-i...Cooper Saver im Gespräch
IMG-ALT Cooper Saver im Gespräch
/zine/2018-7-16_katou-griechis...K.atou - Griechischer House
IMG-ALT K.atou - Griechischer House
/zine/2018-6-21_pavel-plastikk...Pavel Plastikk: Brighter Days
IMG-ALT Pavel Plastikk: Brighter Days
/zine/2018-6-7_john-daly-musik...John Daly: Musik, sonst nichts
IMG-ALT John Daly: Musik, sonst nichts
/zine/2018-5-30_jennifer-cardi...Jennifer Cardini: Integrieren!
IMG-ALT Jennifer Cardini: Integrieren!
/zine/2018-5-24_all-jazz-juju-...All that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part I
IMG-ALT All that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part I
/zine/2018-5-24_all-jazz-juju-...All that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part II
IMG-ALT All that Jazz: Juju & Jordash, Part II
/zine/2018-5-16_krossfingers-e...Krossfingers: ein Netzwerk für Musik
IMG-ALT Krossfingers: ein Netzwerk für Musik
/zine/2018-5-9_hallo-resident-...Hallo Resident, hallo...Eli Verveine
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo...Eli Verveine
/zine/2018-4-24_molly-nilsson-...Molly Nilsson versteht dich
IMG-ALT Molly Nilsson versteht dich
/zine/2018-4-4_orpheu-radio-wi...Orpheu The Radio-Wizard
IMG-ALT Orpheu The Radio-Wizard
/zine/2018-3-21_schallplatteng...Schallplattengespräche mit Princess P.
IMG-ALT Schallplattengespräche mit Princess P.
/zine/2018-3-9_funf-platten-ja...Fünf Platten: Jan Schulte
IMG-ALT Fünf Platten: Jan Schulte
/zine/2018-3-8_oliver-hafenbau...Oliver Hafenbauer im Gespräch
IMG-ALT Oliver Hafenbauer im Gespräch
/zine/2018-2-15_perel-sich-sel...Perel: In sich selbst
IMG-ALT Perel: In sich selbst
/zine/2018-1-23_zip-ewiger-spa...Zip, du ewiger Spannungskünstler
IMG-ALT Zip, du ewiger Spannungskünstler
/zine/2018-1-10_der-totale-fan...Der totale Fan: Young Marco
IMG-ALT Der totale Fan: Young Marco
/zine/2017-12-14_matthew-herbe...Matthew Herbert: Taking Risks
IMG-ALT Matthew Herbert: Taking Risks
/zine/2017-11-30_das-blanke-gl...Das blanke Glatteis: Barbara Morgenstern
IMG-ALT Das blanke Glatteis: Barbara Morgenstern
/zine/2017-11-9_zwei-tracks-ma...Zwei Tracks: Maurice Fulton
IMG-ALT Zwei Tracks: Maurice Fulton
/zine/2017-9-14_ein-track-mich...Zwei Tracks: Michal Turtle
IMG-ALT Zwei Tracks: Michal Turtle
/zine/2017-9-7_efdemin-im-gesp...Efdemin im Gespräch
IMG-ALT Efdemin im Gespräch
/zine/2017-6-15_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, hallo...Headman
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo...Headman
/zine/2017-5-24_acid-pauli-der...Acid Pauli: Der Grenzgänger
IMG-ALT Acid Pauli: Der Grenzgänger
/zine/2017-3-30_don-williams-d...Don Williams: Der Reisende
IMG-ALT Don Williams: Der Reisende
/zine/2017-3-8_ein-track-basic...Ein Track: Basic Track
IMG-ALT Ein Track: Basic Track
/zine/2017-2-16_manuel-fischer...Manuel Fischer: Wahlverwandtschaften
IMG-ALT Manuel Fischer: Wahlverwandtschaften
/zine/2017-2-7_finn-johannsen-...Über Residencies und Allnighter
IMG-ALT Über Residencies und Allnighter
/zine/2016-12-21_hallo-residen...Hallo Resident, hallo Jimi Jules...
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo Jimi Jules...
/zine/2016-12-7_marcel-dettman...Marcel Dettmann: Der Neugierige
IMG-ALT Marcel Dettmann: Der Neugierige
/zine/2016-11-18_muallem-die-m...Muallem: Die Münchner Zukunft
IMG-ALT Muallem: Die Münchner Zukunft
/zine/2016-11-16_daniel-wang-u...Daniel Wang über David Mancuso
IMG-ALT Daniel Wang über David Mancuso
/zine/2016-9-28_interview-auta...Interview: Autarkic
IMG-ALT Interview: Autarkic
/zine/2016-9-8_ein-track-space...Ein Track: Spacer Woman
IMG-ALT Ein Track: Spacer Woman
/zine/2016-7-14_monatsmagazin-...Monatsmagazin Juli/August 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin Juli/August 16
/zine/2016-6-23_deliriender-mo...Lolina - Live in Paris
IMG-ALT Lolina - Live in Paris
/zine/2016-6-1_monatsmagazin-j...Monatsmagazin Juni 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin Juni 16
/zine/2016-5-25_gerd-janson-da...Gerd Janson: Das Chamäleon
IMG-ALT Gerd Janson: Das Chamäleon
/zine/2016-5-4_monatsmagazin-m...Monatsmagazin Mai 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin Mai 16
/zine/2016-4-7_monatsmagazin-a...Monatsmagazin April 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin April 16
/zine/2016-3-14_zukunft-monats...Monatsmagazin März 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin März 16
/zine/2016-2-4_zukunft-monatsm...Monatsmagazin Februar 16
IMG-ALT Monatsmagazin Februar 16
/zine/2015-12-16_unter-uns-ale...Unter uns: Alex Dallas
IMG-ALT Unter uns: Alex Dallas
/zine/2015-11-5_interview-mano...Interview: Mano Le Tough
IMG-ALT Interview: Mano Le Tough
/zine/2015-9-2_drei-stucke-kej...Drei Stücke: Kejeblos
IMG-ALT Drei Stücke: Kejeblos
/zine/2015-5-1_interview-legen...Interview: The Legendary Lightness
IMG-ALT Interview: The Legendary Lightness
/zine/2015-4-30_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, Hallo ... Peak!
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, Hallo ... Peak!
/zine/2015-4-2_jack-eine-ode/Jack - eine Ode
IMG-ALT Jack - eine Ode
/zine/2015-3-25_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, hallo... Leo Gretener
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo... Leo Gretener
/zine/2015-2-25_roman-flugel-d...Roman Flügel: Der Inspirator
IMG-ALT Roman Flügel: Der Inspirator
/zine/2015-2-2_unter-uns-cio/Unter uns: Cio
IMG-ALT Unter uns: Cio
/zine/2015-1-11_21-grams/21 Grams
IMG-ALT 21 Grams
/zine/2015-1-8_rumpeltagebuch-...Rumpeltagebuch N° 3
IMG-ALT Rumpeltagebuch N° 3
/zine/2014-11-24_andrew-weathe...Andrew Weatherall: Loaded
IMG-ALT Andrew Weatherall: Loaded
/zine/2014-11-5_nicola-kazimir...Nicola Kazimir: Als die Repetition siegte
IMG-ALT Nicola Kazimir: Als die Repetition siegte
/zine/2014-10-25_kejeblos-drei...Kejeblos: Drei Stücke
IMG-ALT Kejeblos: Drei Stücke
/zine/2014-9-27_hallo-resident...Hallo Resident, hallo... Lexx
IMG-ALT Hallo Resident, hallo... Lexx
/zine/2014-9-20_jeremy-undergr...Jeremy Underground Paris rennt
IMG-ALT Jeremy Underground Paris rennt
/zine/2014-9-9_rumpeltagebuch-...Rumpeltagebuch N° 2
IMG-ALT Rumpeltagebuch N° 2
/zine/2014-8-29_interview-mit-...John Talabot: Der Melancholiker
IMG-ALT John Talabot: Der Melancholiker
/zine/2014-7-31_rumpeltagebuch-1/Rumpeltagebuch N°1
IMG-ALT Rumpeltagebuch N°1
/zine/2014-7-30_theo-parrish/Theo Parrish, the list
IMG-ALT Theo Parrish, the list
/zine/2014-7-30_kejeblos-summe...Kejeblos' summer songs
IMG-ALT Kejeblos' summer songs
/zine/2014-7-29_its-all-your-m...Nicola Kazimir: Mit dem Geiste hören
IMG-ALT Nicola Kazimir: Mit dem Geiste hören
/zine/2014-7-19_die-mutter-all...Ein Track: Love Is The Message
IMG-ALT Ein Track: Love Is The Message
/zine/2014-7-16_noisy-le-grand/Unterwegs nach Noisy-le-Grand
IMG-ALT Unterwegs nach Noisy-le-Grand
/zine/2014-7-4_helvetische-hel...Helvetische Helden
IMG-ALT Helvetische Helden
/zine/2014-7-3_von-grossenverh...Zürcher Clublandschaften
IMG-ALT Zürcher Clublandschaften
/zine/2014-7-3_manuel-gottschi...Manuel Göttsching, die Liste
IMG-ALT Manuel Göttsching, die Liste
/zine/2014-7-2_am-liebsten-eri...Erinnerungen an die Zukunft
IMG-ALT Erinnerungen an die Zukunft
/zine/2014-7-1_loschen/Löschen. Ein Gedicht
IMG-ALT Löschen. Ein Gedicht
http://www.ozelot.ltd/External Subdomain www.ozelot.ltd
http://shop.zukunft.cl/External Subdomain Text duplicate SHOP

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