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H2 CNN Article Errs and Misleads on Gaza Humanitarian Aid
H2 Tuvia Grossman Redux: Reuters’ Miscoverage and the Attack on Yoseph Haddad at Columbia University
H2 With Additional WSJ Distortions, List of Manipulated Statistics Grows
H2 CNN’s Latest Wild Accusation: Israel Imposing a “Blockade on Aid”
H2 Tucker Carlson’s assault on American Christian support for Israel
H2 ABC’s This Week Amplifies Virulently Antisemitic Slur, Rolling Stone Piles On
H2 Unparalleled Intelligence: UPI Claims To Know More Than U.S. on Damascus Strike
H2 After Charging That Israel Launched War, Reuters ‘Adds Context’ of Hamas’ Oct. 7 Invasion
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Hamas Uses Hospitals and the Washington Post
H2 Reuters Clarifies: Israel Wasn’t Alone in Blaming Iran For Bombing of Argentine Jewish Center
H2 AFP Corrects: Abraham Accords Didn’t Permit Israel Annexation of West Bank Land
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: What the Damascus Strike Tells Us
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: CAMERA Highlights Evacuation of Israeli Civilians
H2 The Rape Deniers
H2 CAMERA Letter in the Washington Times: US Action at UN Breaks Tradition
H2 ‘Lebanese Sunni Muslim Group’: AP Captions Extend PR First Aid To Jema’a Islamiya Terrorists
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Gaza, the Day After
H2 Washington Post Contributor Celebrates Oct. 7 Massacre
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The UN Vote to Save Hamas
H2 Buckle Up: NPR Takes Listeners For A Ride 30,000 Trucks Long
H2 UPI Lies About U.N. Data, Promotes Blood Libel That Jewish Settlers Killed Nearly 200
H2 AP Loses Way in Shifa Tunnels: Drops U.S. Intelligence Findings Confirming Hamas Command Center
H2 CAMERA Education Institute Statement on Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Webinar
H2 PRESS ADVISORY: Questions about U.S. Draft U.N. Resolution for Gaza Ceasefire
H2 Politico Punch-Card Cartoon Absurdly Suggests Israel Gets a “Free Pass”
H2 True and False Media Coverage of the Gaza War
H2 AP Casts Bigoted Demand That American Jew Remove Kippa As Saudi ‘Sensitivity’
H2 October Rockets: Reuters Makes Hezbollah Attacks A Thing of the Past
H2 The Media Aids Hamas
H2 Camera prompts correction on Gaza casualties from Daily Mail
H2 ‘The Latest’? AP’s Fealty Vs. Footdragging Reporting Fatality Stats from Hamas, Israel
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Hezbollah’s Control of Lebanon
H2 20 McClatchy Sites Delete False Story About NJ Synagogue ‘Sale’ of ‘Palestinian Land’
H2 Dissecting CNN’s Allegation of an Atrocity by Israel
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Uses Palestinian Babies as Anti-Israel Props, Again
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Linking Israel’s 2014 War Against Hamas to Today
H2 CBS’ Imtiaz Tyab Reports As Fact Disputed Hamas Claims on Aid Distribution Deaths
H2 Foreign Affairs Gets Lost in the Middle East
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Israel Helps America’s Defense Industrial Base
H2 At NY Times, Subtle Skew Hides Amid the Big Blunders
H2 NPR’s Jane Arraf Blames ‘Israeli Attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque’ For Iraqi Militia Violence
H2 LA Times Refuses To Substantiate, Retract Toxic Charge that IDF Snipers Targeted Kids
H2 CNN Reporting: Conflicts of Interest, A Missing Terrorist Organization, And an Inability to Verify
H2 Reinstated US Position on Settlements Revives Long-Standing Misreporting on Decades-Old Policy
H2 Tracing the Dubious Allegations of Sexual Violence Made Against Israeli Forces
H2 Once Again, CNN Gives an Antisemite a Propaganda Platform
H2 At UPI, Hang Glider Journalist Adam Schrader Shills For Hamas
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Covers for UNRWA, Again
H2 Another CNN Report on Gaza Based on Little Evidence, No Context, But Lots of Insinuation
H2 NY Times Entombs Criticism of UNRWA
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Isn’t Sure Hamas Engaged in Mass Rape
H2 CBS Falsely Reports U.S. Warned Israel Not To Attack Rafah
H2 The State of Palestinians: AP Errs on Oslo Accords, Strips Palestinians Of Agency
H2 Reuters Reporting Goes South, Falsely Claims Israel Ordered Palestinians in Rafah to Evacuate Southward
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: UNRWA’s Problematic History
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Does UNRWA Deserve a Role in Rebuilding Gaza?
H2 NPR Covers Up U.S. Intelligence on Hamas Command Center at Shifa Hospital
H2 Khaled Gharabli’s Apparent Departure Is A Step in the Right Direction For France24 Arabic
H2 AFP Corrects On 1948 Palestinian Refugees
H2 The Hill Declining: Rising’s Jessica Burbank & The Peace-Loving Houthis
H2 CAMERA’s Impact Upsets The Intercept
H2 Tabloid Journalism at CNN: “Palestinians are eating grass”
H2 CAMERA Letter in the Washington Times: Iran is Driving Instability
H2 CNN Errs on UNRWA’s Refugee Definition, Downplays Scandals
H2 MSNBC: Four Months of Disinformation
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Gives a Pass to Antisemitic Institutions
H2 Haaretz Clarifies: Gunmen Who Killed East Jerusalem Arabs Were Palestinians
H2 Media Outlets Correct Yoav Gallant Misquote on Eliminating Hamas
H2 Brown University’s Middle East Studies Faculty: Profiles in Extremist Anti-Israel Bias
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Parrots Hamas
H2 New York Times Erases Hostages From Soccer Player’s Gesture, Calls It a War Message
H2 NBC Report on Escalating West Bank Violence Conceals Palestinian Violence
H2 Bloomberg Deletes Incendiary ‘Israel Genocide’ Headline
H2 Lawfare Blog Won’t Correct Garlasco’s Gaza Errors
H2 Snip, Snip: AP Cleans Up Slain Hamas Member Osaid Rimawi
H2 CNN’s Investigations: Biased Expert Analysis
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Messages Behind Israel’s Beirut Strike
H2 Haaretz Corrects False Report Claiming Netanyahu Weighing Deportation of Gaza Residents
H2 Are protests on college campuses “independent of the Hamas party line”?
H2 CNN’s Investigations: Glossing Over Questions of Credibility
H2 The Washington Post Reprints Antisemitic Blood Libel
H2 CNN’s Investigations: Omitting Exculpatory Information
H2 AFP Posthumously Demotes Hamas Commanders to Bodyguards
H2 Reuters’ Rough Reporting on Gaza Aid, Philadelphi Route, ‘Palestine’ Statehood
H2 CAMERA’s 2023 Highlights: A Year of Impact and Advocacy
H2 More Hamas Advocacy on PBS NewsHour
H2 How the AP (and WaPo and NY Times) Lie with Statistics
H2 CNN Weekend Roundup, 12/22-12/25: Misinformation for Christmas
H2 Hillary Clinton Sets the Israel-Gaza Record Straight on The View
H2 NPR Complicit in UNRWA Underreporting of Aid Trucks
H2 Vice Arabia: Hamas’ Oct. 7 Massacre Legitimate Under International Law
H2 CAMERA’s Alex Safian appears on Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin
H2 CAMERA Report: Brown University’s Choices Curriculum is a Platform for Anti-Zionist Narrative
H2 Jewish Students Were Besieged. The NY Times Casts the Besiegers as Victims.
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Harvard excludes rather than includes the Jews
H2 A CNN Article Tries to Explain Away Palestinian Support for Hamas’s Atrocities
H2 Hamas Propaganda by Doctors Without Borders, Courtesy of PBS Newshour
H2 CAMERA Challenges Washington Post’s Pro-Hamas Bias with Mobile Billboard Campaign
H2 New York Times Reporters Act as Hamas Stenographers, Forget to Omit ‘Israeli Occupation Forces’
H2 To See Or Not To See: AFP and Hezbollah’s ‘Visible Presence’ On Israel’s Border
H2 CNN Weekend Review, 12/15-12/17: Is Reality Just an Israeli Allegation?
H2 Doppelganger: Real AP News Report on Black Americans, Palestinians Mimics Fake News
H2 Reuters’ Error, Double Standard and Omissions
H2 Cynthia Nixon Pushes False Claims and Holocaust Inversion on The View
H2 The Washington Post Covers for CAIR, Again
H2 CAMERA Report: Anti-Israel Extremism and Corrupt Scholarship at Brown University
H2 Following Contact from CAMERA, Washington Post Corrects on Disproportionate Bombing Claim
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Anti-Israel Crybullies and the Free Speech Inversion
H2 Errors and Distortions Slant NY Times Gaza Casualties Piece
H2 CNN Stood by a False Claim. CAMERA Has the Proof.
H2 John Oliver on danger that Hamas will repeat 10/7 Attack: Oh well!
H2 They Spew Hatred & Glorify Terrorism. But a CNN Article Depicts Them As “The Voice of All These Victims.”
H2 After false hate-crime story, President Biden apologizes to Muslim-American Advocates
H2 AFP Improves Coverage After Understating Number of Hostages As ‘Dozens’
H2 Excessive Force and the Israel-Hamas War
H2 CAMERA Prompts NY Times Correction on State Dept Casualties Comment
H2 Dream Scenario: AFP Corrects After Alleging Sinwar’s Dream Is State in Gaza, West Bank & East Jerusalem
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Dear Media, Hamas Couldn’t Do it Without You
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Voice of America Helps Hamas
H2 CNN’s Elbagir Misleads on Released Palestinian Terrorists
H2 The Press Is Falling For Hamas’s Strategy of Placing Palestinian Arab Civilians in Harm’s Way
H2 CNN’s Tara John Delivers Another Slanted Piece
H2 Mothers Separated From Children: Media’s Double Standard On Alleged Truce Violations
H2 ABC Corrects False Suggestion Israel Violated Ceasefire
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Palestinian Authority is Ill-Prepared to Govern Gaza
H2 Who Verifies NPR’s Reporting on the Hamas War?
H2 Bothsides-ism reaches new and ridiculous heights at The Orange County Register
H2 ‘Who Can Count the Bodies?’ Asks Hamas’ Health Ministry As Another Hamas Office Issues Stats
H2 France 24 Arabic Corrects: Israel’s Gaza Area Communities Are Not “Settlements”
H2 Ehud Barak Misleads about the Shifa Tunnels
H2 DPA Fixes Captions Which Cited Hamas’ Fatality Claims as Fact
H2 Damn the Evidence: AP’s Hushed Tones On Hamas
H2 CNN Grasps at Straws to Imply an IDF Conspiracy
H2 Reuters Legitimizes Wild Conspiracy Theory With Credulous Headline
H2 The LA Times Editorial Board Fails to Call for Hamas to Surrender, Release Hostages
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post’s Blood Libel
H2 CAMERA’s New Billboard Deplores Biased New York Times Depiction of Hostage Poster Vandalism
H2 CNN is Still Laundering Hamas Propaganda
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: “Glorifying Atrocities: The Case of Brown University”
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Israeli Innovation and War
H2 Committee to Protect Journalists Protects Hamas Murderers of Israeli Journalists
H2 After Mea Culpa, NY Times Coverage of Gaza Hospitals Only Gets Worse
H2 CNN Launders Hamas Propaganda
H2 Using Journalists’ Lives as Currency: Another Cynical Hamas Ruse
H2 ABC Significantly Improves Timeline on Israel-Hamas War
H2 The Day Reuters Took a Memo from Hamas
H2 With Falsehoods and Bias, NYT Reporter Slurs Israel as Akin to Assad
H2 CNN Continues Erasing Palestinian Terrorism in Judea & Samaria
H2 AP Freelancer Celebrates 10/7 Massacre, Despite CAMERA’s 5-Year Advance Warning of Extremism to AP Editors
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Wants You to Trust Hamas
H2 Taking a Stand: A Compilation of Letters to American Universities on Anti-Israel Bias
H2 Update: Poynter, PolitiFact ‘Fact Check’ Retracted After CAMERA Intervention
H2 Los Angeles Times: Israelis Died, Palestinians Killed
H2 No Power in Gaza, Hospitals Shutting Down? Watch this Video
H2 CNN: Reporting Palestinian Grief, Omitting Palestinian Celebration of Murder
H2 AP’s Selective Inability to Verify Information
H2 A Dictionary of Hamas Supporters’ Chants and Slogans
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Hamas’ Strategy? Human Sacrifice
H2 A CNN “Analysis” Explains Antisemitism By Engaging In It
H2 NY Times: Maybe the ‘Kidnapped’ Posters Are the Problem?
H2 TIME Author Gaslights Readers With Claim Hamas Is Not Like ISIS
H2 Open letter to Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan
H2 Is Israel’s “Siege” Denying Water and Food to Gaza? Just the Facts
H2 CNN Leaves ICC Prosecutor’s Questionable Claims Unchallenged
H2 UPDATED: “Jewish Voice for Peace” (JVP): What the Media is Concealing
H2 When Bad Journalists Find “Good” Jews: CNN Runs PR for Far-Left Jewish Groups
H2 NPR Runs Interference for Palestinian Terrorist Regime
H2 TIME Misleads Readers About Cause of Al Ahli Hospital Blast
H2 WaPo Columnist: Oct. 7 Massacre a ‘Bad Thing’ That Doesn’t Justify Other ‘Bad Things’
H2 The Hamas-UN-LA Times Echo Chamber
H2 CNN Deceptively Attributes Hamas Casualty Figures to “Aid Group”
H2 AP ‘Fact Check’ Pushes Debunked ‘We Just Don’t Know’ Narrative on Hamas’ Al Ahli Hospital Lie
H2 Gaza Casualties: Journalists Must Exercise Care and Be Honest with Audience
H2 LA Times’ Unfulfilled Promises: Accuracy, Fairness, Journalistic Rigor, Compassion
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post Echoes Hamas
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: Looking Back at the Yom Kippur War
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: The Long History of Palestinian Terrorists Murdering Babies
H2 USA Today’s Historically Illiterate Timeline of the Israel-Islamist Conflict
H2 Sky News’s Shameful Coverage of Gaza Hospital Blast
H2 CNN’s Mea Culpa on Al-Ahli Hospital Coverage Isn’t Enough
H2 On X, LA Times Managing Editor Sara Yasin Embraces Hamas Narrative
H2 NBC Errs on Rafah Crossing, U.S. Message to Israel on Civilians
H2 Updated: What happened at the Gaza Hospital and do Palestinian rockets “occasionally” misfire?
H2 CAIR Spokesman Falsely Implies Jewish Responsibility for Murder in U.S.
H2 Why this Israel-Hamas War Is Not Like the Others: A Brief Primer
H2 Hamas: We Are Targeting The Airport. Wall Street Journal: Hamas Unlikely To Target Passengers
H2 U Penn “Palestine Writes” Organizer Susan Abulhawa Cheers Gaza Massacre
H2 Human Rights Watch on MSNBC: Urging Civilians to Evacuate is Terrorism
H2 BBC Investigates Journalists Following CAMERA Exposé
H2 BBC and CBC Refuse to Call Hamas “Terrorists” or Refer to Their Actions as “Terrorism”
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: In the Middle East, a Time for Choosing
H2 LA Times: Israel Has Controlled Gaza For Decades. We Ask: Who’s Controlling LAT News Coverage?
H2 ESPN Erases Evil
H2 How Many Errors Can USA Today Fit in One Article?
H2 Don’t Look Away, Media: Hamas Roadblocks Reflect An Old Story
H2 The Shocking Historical Illiteracy of Harper’s Magazine on Gaza
H2 Joy Reid and Her Guests Blame Israel for Hamas’s Massacre
H2 CNBC Sanitizes Hamas
H2 UPDATED: Brookline Schools Encouraged to Promote Moral Ambiguity About Antisemitic Terrorism
H2 CAMERA Op-Ed: No Safe Haven for Hamas
H2 Testimony: Family and Witnesses Speak of Oct. 7 Horrors
H2 As Israelis are Slaughtered, MSNBC Says Palestinians in Chicago Also In “Pain”
H2 Reuters Partially Amends Flawed Reporting on Israeli Airstrikes
H2 Christiane Amanpour Guest Compared Saturday’s Barbaric Attack to Israeli Defense
H2 Israelis massacred while BBC World Service radio amplifies Hamas propaganda
H2 Policing Scholarly Debate: Anti-Israel Activist Scholars Try to Intimidate Academic Journal
H2 CAMERA Investigates Brown University
H2 Two New Reports
H2 CAMERA Departments
H2 CAMERA Education Institute
H2 UK Media Watch
H2 ReVista
H2 CAMERA on Campus
H2 The Six-Day War
H2 CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews
H2 CAMERA Arabic
H2 Presspectiva
H2 BBC Watch
H2 "Israel Apartheid Week"
H2 Eyes on Israel Curriculum
H3 Anti-Israel Extremism and Corrupt Scholarship at Brown University
H3 Brown University's Choices Curriculum: Platform for an Anti-Zionist Narrative
H3 Middle East Issues
H3 Social Followers
H4 Encabezado vacío

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