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Stainmore 150 Celebrations
En el título faltan las palabras clave: East, England.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
A complete guide to the 150th anniversary celebrations organised by the Stainmore Railway Company at Kirkby Stephen East
No se incluyen las palabras clave: england entre los primeros 120 caracteres.
La meta descripción contiene las siguientes palabras clave: east.

Contenidos HTML

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No se incluyen las palabras clave: East, England en el atributo ALT de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: East, England en las URL de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: East, England en los títulos de las imágenes.
(Extremadamente importante)
La palabra clave se utiliza 1 veces en 1388 palabras.
La palabra clave england aparece demasiado tarde en el texto: 615 posición.
Las palabras clave aparecen muy poco en el texto.
La frase aparece tarde en el texto
Palabras clave bien posicionadas en el cuerpo del texto: east (posición 42).
La frase de búsqueda aparece en el cuerpo del texto.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Las palabras clave: East, England no están marcadas con negritas.
La palabras clave east aparece demasiadas veces en los encabezados: 5 veces.
La palabra clave england está perfectamente integrada en los encabezados H.
Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se incluyen las palabras clave: East, England en el encabezado H1.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 What you can find here
H2 Please join us ...
H5 Latest Updates!
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 This is the official web site for visitors to Kirkby Stephen East Heritage Railway Centre and includes full details of the programme of events we will be hosting this summer as a part of the "Stain...
H6 This summer marks the sesquicentennial anniversary of the opening of one of England's most notable and interesting railways. In just over three years Victorian entrepreneurs, engineers and 'navvies...
H6 The 'Stainmore Line' was built as the final link in a plan to make a railway from coast to coast. The tracks ran westwards from Darlington and West Auckland through Barnard Castle and Kirkby Stephe...
H6 The Stainmore Line was closed as a through route in 1962 and the famous wrought iron viaducts were demolished soon afterwards. But many other structures still survive and especially in the landscap...
H6 In 1997 a group was formed to work to restore Kirkby Stephen East as an important railway heritage centre. In 2011 - forty nine years after a steam locomotive last hauled a passenger train out of t...
H6 This web site consists of five main sections. In Stainmore Story you can several pages offering a readable introduction to the history of the railway and to the generations of locomotives and train...
H6 The section 'Born Again' describes the project now under way at Kirkby Stephen East to restore the site and how we hope that this will bring benefit the town and area in the future. SDLUR seal
H6 The following section on '2011 Events' provides will provide full details of the the programme of events and exhibitions planned for the summer which will culminate in the 'Stainmore 150' weekend f...
H6 The pages on 'Participants' provide information on the many public and private organisations and groups that are coming together as part of the 'Stainmore 150' programme. Finally, in the section 'H...

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