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(Extremadamente importante)
Econlib - The Library of Economics and Liberty
En el título faltan las palabras clave: enterprise.
Se encuentra en el título: an.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Library of Economics and Liberty
No se incluyen las palabras clave: enterprise entre los primeros 120 caracteres.
La meta descripción contiene las siguientes palabras clave: an.

Contenidos HTML

Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se incluyen las palabras clave: an, enterprise en el atributo ALT de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: an, enterprise en las URL de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: an, enterprise en los títulos de las imágenes.
(Extremadamente importante)
Palabras clave bien posicionadas en el cuerpo del texto: an, enterprise (posición 305, 351).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Las palabras clave: an, enterprise no están marcadas con negritas.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: enterprise en los encabezados.
La palabra clave an está perfectamente integrada en los encabezados H.
Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Rituals Without Religion (with Michael Norton)
No se incluyen las palabras clave: an, enterprise en el encabezado H1.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Rituals Without Religion (with Michael Norton)
H2 Featured Articles
H2 Most Recent
H2 EconTalk
H2 EconLog
H2 Book Titles
H2 Book Reviews and Suggested Readings
H2 Conversations
H2 Guides
H2 Economist Biographies
H2 From the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
H2 Quotes
H3 Liberty Fund, Inc.
H3 Liberty Fund, Inc. Texto duplicado
H4 The Pre-Modern Order
H4 A Child Comes With His Own Bread
H4 Adam Smith on Capitalism and the Common Good
H4 Milei’s Message to the World
H4 “All the new jobs are going to immigrants”
H4 My Weekly Reading for April 8, 2024
H4 Rituals Without Religion (with Michael Norton) Texto duplicado
H4 An Added Perversity of the $8 Cap on Late Fees
H4 The Miners’ Strike
H4 Public Choice vs. Homo Politicus
H4 Which Price Indices are Most Useful?
H4 Biden’s War on Credit
H4 Biden’s Economists Are Pretty Decent on Free Trade
H4 From the Second Intifada to October 7th (with Daniel Gordis)
H4 James Heckman on Inequality and Economic Mobility
H4 My Weekly Reading for April 8, 2024 Texto duplicado
H4 Which Price Indices are Most Useful? Texto duplicado
H4 The Theory of Moral Sentiments
H4 Progress and Poverty
H4 Vera Smith: The Contrarian View
H4 It Was All So Unlikely: Wilfred McClay’s Land of Hope
H4 A Conversation with Milton Friedman
H4 A Conversation with Gary S. Becker
H4 Intellectual Portrait Series
H4 Reading Lists by Topic
H4 College Economics Topics
H4 High School Economics Topics
H4 U.S. Slavery and Economic Thought
H4 Sanctions
H4 Efficiency
H4 We have never designed our economic system. We were not intelligent enough for that. We have tumbled into it and it has carried us to unforeseen heights and given rise to ambitions which may yet le...
H4 The concept of capitalism is as an economic concept immutable; if it means anything, it means the market economy. One deprives oneself of the semantic tools to deal adequately with the problems of ...
H4 …unless some other doctrine is agreed for justifying its taking sides, the state ought to lean over backwards to avoid putting itself in a position where it must make choices pleasing some of its s...
H4 Econlib
H4 The Library of Economics and Liberty
H5 About
H5 Publications
H5 Resources
H5 Sign up for our newsletter

Otros elementos

(Poco importante)
Las palabras clave: an, enterprise no aparecen en el nombre del dominio.
Palabras vacías
La palabra an podría causar problemas al tratarse de una "palabra vacía" (stop word).

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