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Home – Prague Guide
En el título faltan las palabras clave: news.
Meta descripción
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No se incluyen las palabras clave: news entre los primeros 120 caracteres.

Contenidos HTML

Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se incluyen las palabras clave: news en el atributo ALT de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: news en las URL de las imágenes.
No se incluyen las palabras clave: news en los títulos de las imágenes.
(Extremadamente importante)
La palabra clave se utiliza 17 veces en 1417 palabras.
Palabras clave bien posicionadas en el cuerpo del texto: news (posición 84).
La palabra clave aparece con suficiente frecuencia en el texto.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Las palabras clave: news no están marcadas con negritas.
La(s) palabra(s) clave: news solo se incluyen una vez en los encabezados.
Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se incluyen las palabras clave: news en el encabezado H1.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 DISCOVER PRAGUE! Prague Guide Texto duplicado
H1 DISCOVER PRAGUE! Prague Guide Texto duplicado
H1 PRAGUE GUIDENews, blogs and articles about Prague posted by independent travellers Prague Guide
H2 Travel Restriction for Foreigners Entering the Czech Republic
H2 Lifting of Travel Restrictions to the Czech Republic for Citizens of Selected EU Countries and Foreigners With the Status of Long-Term Resident From 15...
H2 New Rules for Entering and Exiting the Czech Republic From From 5th June 2020
H3 Prague Castle Tickets
H3 Krizikova Fountain
H3 Old Jewish Quarter Josefov
H3 Story About Golem
H3 Prague Castle
H3 Adult Clubs
H3 Adult Nightclubs in Prague
H3 Prague Strip Clubs
H3 Club Roxy
H3 Rock Clubs in Prague
H3 Prague Nightlife
H3 Massage
H3 Tipsport Arena (Tesla Arena)
H3 Climbing Centres in Prague
H3 Prague Christmas Markets, Where You Won’t Be in Crowd With the Mulled Wine
H3 The Prague Street NA Příkopě Is the 23rd Most Luxurious Street in the World; Fifth Avenue Is on Top
H3 Traditional Czech Products
H3 The City Will Tighten the Noose in the Fight Against Dishonest Taxi Drivers and Not Allow Them on Pařížská Street
H3 Prague Department Stores and Shopping Malls
H3 Prague Main Train Station
H3 Inspectors of Prague Public Transport Scares Foreign Travellers
H3 Parking in Prague
H3 Public Transport Tickets
H3 Travel Restriction for Foreigners Entering the Czech Republic Texto duplicado
H3 Lifting of Travel Restrictions to the Czech Republic for Citizens of Selected EU Countries and Foreigners With the Status of Long-Term Resident From 15... Texto duplicado
H3 New Rules for Entering and Exiting the Czech Republic From From 5th June 2020 Texto duplicado
H3 History of Hluboka Castle
H3 Karlovy Vary
H3 Lidice
H3 Karlstejn Castle
H3 Konopiste Chateau
H3 Travel Restriction for Foreigners Entering the Czech Republic Texto duplicado
H3 Wenceslas Square Offers Brothels and Drugs on Every Corner
H3 How Much Do Narcotics in Prague Cost?
H3 Czech Drug Laws
H3 Cocaine Is Popular in Prague. However, Young People Are More Careful With Drugs
H3 Prague Nightlife Texto duplicado
H3 Cinema in Prague
H3 Play in Prague Casino
H3 Banco Casino
H3 St Matthew’s Fair
H3 Bobsleigh Track
H3 Prague Zoo
H3 Detsky ostrov
H3 Prague Historical Quarters
H3 Prague Old Town
H3 Old Prague and Old Town Square
H3 Travel Restriction for Foreigners Entering the Czech Republic Texto duplicado
H3 Lifting of Travel Restrictions to the Czech Republic for Citizens of Selected EU Countries and Foreigners With the Status of Long-Term Resident From 15... Texto duplicado
H3 New Rules for Entering and Exiting the Czech Republic From From 5th June 2020 Texto duplicado
H3 The Czech Republic Closed the Border. Czechs Are Not Allowed to Travel; Foreigners Are Not Allowed to Come
H3 Coronavirus in Prague Also Seriously Affects Tourism
H3 Coronavirus: Government of Czech Republic Announced a State of Emergency
H3 The Number of Tourists in Prague Continues to Grow, Albeit at a Slower Pace
H3 Prague Sets Out to Fight Airbnb and a Flood of Tourists Writes the Guardian
H3 The Christmas Markets Began as the Christmas Tree in Prague Was Lit up, Accompanied by the Fairy Tales of Krkonoše
H3 One-Fifth of Prague’s Grocery Stores Are Cheating on Foreigners, a Recent Study Showed
H3 Price of Sexual Services in Prague
H3 Prostitutes
H3 Adult Clubs Texto duplicado
H3 Adult Nightclubs in Prague Texto duplicado
H4 Don't Miss
H4 Lifestyle Activities
H4 Latest Reviews
H4 Excursions
H4 Exchange Rates
H4 Holiday Recipes
H4 Safety
H4 Entertainment
H4 Activities For Kids
H4 Most Popular
H4 Recent Comments
H4 About Us
H4 Popular Category
H4 COVID-19 Info
H4 Download PDF Guide

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