| Texto ancla | Skip to main content | | Subdominio | IMG-ALT Alzheimer's Society | | Externo Subdominio | Shop A-TITLE Shop |
/about-us/contact-us | | Contact us |
/dementia-professionals | | Dementia professionals |
/get-support/dementia-support-... | Subdominio | Dementia Support Line |
/get-involved/donate | | Donate |
/about-dementia | | About dementia A-TITLE About dementia |
/about-dementia/worried-about-... | Subdominio | Worried about memory problems A-TITLE Worried about memory problems |
/about-dementia/worried-about-... | Subdominio | Causes of memory problems A-TITLE Causes of memory problems |
/about-dementia/worried-about-... | Subdominio | Talking to someone about their memory problems A-TITLE Talking to someone about their memory problems |
/about-dementia/worried-about-... | Subdominio | Is it getting older or dementia? A-TITLE Is it getting older or dementia? |
/about-dementia/types-dementia | | Types of dementia A-TITLE Types of dementia |
/about-dementia/types-dementia... | | What is dementia? A-TITLE What is dementia? |
/about-dementia/types-dementia... | | Alzheimer's disease A-TITLE Alzheimer's disease |
/about-dementia/types-dementia... | | Vascular dementia A-TITLE Vascular dementia |
/about-dementia/types-dementia... | | Frontotemporal dementia A-TITLE Frontotemporal dementia |
/about-dementia/types-dementia... | Subdominio | Young-onset dementia A-TITLE Young-onset dementia |
/about-dementia/symptoms-and-d... | | Symptoms and diagnosis A-TITLE Symptoms and diagnosis |
/about-dementia/dementia-symptoms | Subdominio | Dementia symptoms A-TITLE Dementia symptoms |
/about-dementia/symptoms-and-d... | Subdominio | Dementia diagnosis A-TITLE Dementia diagnosis |
/about-dementia/symptoms-and-d... | Subdominio | Stages of dementia A-TITLE Stages of dementia |
/about-dementia/symptoms-and-d... | | Later stages of dementia A-TITLE Later stages of dementia |
/about-dementia/treatments | | Treatments A-TITLE Treatments |
/about-dementia/treatments/dem... | | Dementia medication A-TITLE Dementia medication |
/about-dementia/treatments/alt... | | Alternative therapies A-TITLE Alternative therapies |
/about-dementia/treatments/per... | | Person-centred care A-TITLE Person-centred care |
/about-dementia/symptoms-and-d... | | Talking therapies A-TITLE Talking therapies |
/about-dementia/managing-the-r... | Subdominio | Managing the risk of dementia A-TITLE Managing the risk of dementia |
/about-dementia/managing-the-r... | Subdominio | Risk factors for dementia A-TITLE Risk factors for dementia |
/about-dementia/managing-the-r... | Subdominio | Reduce your risk of dementia A-TITLE Reduce your risk of dementia |
/about-dementia/managing-the-r... | Subdominio | Possible risks of dementia A-TITLE Possible risks of dementia |
/about-dementia/managing-the-r... | Subdominio | Additional treatments for dementia risk A-TITLE Additional treatments for dementia risk |
/get-support | | Get support A-TITLE Get support |
/dementia-support-services | Subdominio | Dementia support services |
/find-support-near-you | | Find support near you |
/get-support/dementia-support-... | | Dementia support line |
/get-support/dementia-support-... | | Join our online community |
/get-support/publications-fact... | | Publications and factsheets |
/get-support/publications-fact... | | Dementia information in your language A-TITLE Dementia information in non-English languages |
/get-support/daily-living | | Daily living A-TITLE Daily living |
/get-support/daily-living/eati... | | Eating and drinking A-TITLE Eating and drinking |
/get-support/daily-living/toil... | | Toilet problems and continence A-TITLE Toilet problems and continence |
/get-support/daily-living/wash... | | Washing and dressing A-TITLE Washing and dressing |
/get-support/publications-fact... | | Making your home dementia friendly A-TITLE Making your home dementia friendly |
/get-support/publications-fact... | | The dementia guide - get your copy A-TITLE The dementia guide - get your copy |
/get-support/help-dementia-care | | Help with care A-TITLE Help with care |
/get-support/help-dementia-car... | | Care homes A-TITLE Care homes |
/get-support/help-dementia-car... | | Carers - looking after yourself A-TITLE Carers - looking after yourself |
/get-support/help-dementia-car... | | Health and social care professionals A-TITLE Health and social care professionals |
/get-support/help-dementia-car... | | Supporting a person with dementia A-TITLE Supporting a person with dementia |
/get-support/publications-fact... | Subdominio | Guide for carers - get your copy A-TITLE Guide for carers - get your copy |
/get-support/staying-independent | | Staying independent A-TITLE Staying independent |
/get-support/staying-independe... | | Driving A-TITLE Driving |
/get-support/staying-independe... | | Equipment, adaptations and improvements to the home A-TITLE Equipment, adaptations and improvements to the home |
/get-support/staying-independe... | | Using technology to help with everyday life A-TITLE Using technology to help with everyday life |
/get-support/legal-financial | | Legal and financial A-TITLE Legal and financial |
/get-support/legal-financial/p... | | Paying for care A-TITLE Paying for care |
/get-support/legal-financial/b... | | Benefits for people affected by dementia A-TITLE Benefits for people affected by dementia |
/get-support/legal-financial/l... | | Lasting power of attorney A-TITLE Lasting power of attorney |
/get-support/legal-financial/d... | | Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards A-TITLE Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards |
/get-support/cost-living-suppo... | | Cost of living support A-TITLE Cost of living support |
/get-involved | | Get involved A-TITLE Get involved |
/get-involved/donate | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Donate A-TITLE Donate |
/get-involved/donate/regular-g... | Subdominio | Make a monthly donation A-TITLE Make a monthly donation |
/get-involved/make-donation/le... | Subdominio | Leave a gift in your Will A-TITLE Leave a gift in your Will |
/get-involved/donate/give-cele... | | Give in celebration A-TITLE Give in celebration |
/get-involved/make-donation/wa... | | Ways to give in memory A-TITLE Ways to give in memory |
/get-involved/make-donation/lo... | Subdominio | Play the Lottery A-TITLE Play the Lottery |
/get-involved/make-donation/ot... | | Other ways to donate A-TITLE Other ways to donate |
/get-involved/events-and-fundr... | | Events and fundraising A-TITLE Events and fundraising |
/get-involved/events-and-fundr... | | Join an event A-TITLE Join an event |
/get-involved/events-and-fundr... | | Organise your own fundraising A-TITLE Organise your own fundraising |
/about-us/our-people/our-corpo... | | Corporate partnerships A-TITLE Corporate partnerships |
/get-involved/make-donation/ph... | Subdominio | Philanthropy A-TITLE Philanthropy | | Externo | Request your fundraising pack A-TITLE Request your fundraising pack |
/get-involved/our-campaigns | | Campaign with us A-TITLE Campaign with us |
/get-involved/our-campaigns/qu... | | Quality social care A-TITLE Quality social care |
/get-involved/our-campaigns/im... | Subdominio | Improve dementia diagnosis A-TITLE Improve dementia diagnosis |
/get-involved/our-campaigns/ma... | Subdominio | Preparing for new treatments A-TITLE Preparing for new treatments |
/get-involved/volunteering | | Volunteer A-TITLE Volunteer |
/get-involved/volunteering/way... | | Ways to volunteer A-TITLE Ways to volunteer |
/get-involved/volunteering/way... | | Support our dementia services A-TITLE Support our dementia services |
/get-involved/lived-experience... | | Using your dementia experience A-TITLE Using your dementia experience |
/get-involved/dementia-friends | Subdominio | Become a Dementia Friend A-TITLE Become a Dementia Friend |
/get-involved/dementia-friends... | Subdominio | Dementia-friendly resources A-TITLE Dementia-friendly resources |
/dementia-professionals/training | Subdominio | Dementia training services A-TITLE Dementia training services |
/get-involved/dementia-friendl... | Subdominio | Dementia teaching resources A-TITLE Dementia teaching resources |
/research | | Research A-TITLE Research |
/research/our-research | | Our research A-TITLE Our research |
/research/our-research/take-pa... | | Take part in dementia research A-TITLE Take part in dementia research |
/research/our-research/why-do-... | | Why do we fund research? A-TITLE Why do we fund research? |
/research/our-research/what-re... | | Research we are funding A-TITLE Research we are funding |
/research/our-research/dementi... | Subdominio | Dementia research news A-TITLE Dementia research news |
/research/researchers | | For researchers A-TITLE For researchers |
/research/researchers/why-deme... | | Why apply to us A-TITLE Why apply to us |
/research/researchers/grants | | Our research grants A-TITLE Our research grants |
/research/researchers/manage-y... | | Manage your grant A-TITLE Manage your grant |
/research/news-for-researchers | | News for researchers A-TITLE News for researchers |
/research/our-research/dementi... | | Dementia innovation A-TITLE Dementia innovation |
/research/our-research/dementi... | Subdominio | Accelerator Programme A-TITLE Accelerator Programme |
/research/our-research/dementi... | Subdominio | Longitude Prize on Dementia A-TITLE Longitude Prize on Dementia |
/research/our-research/dementi... | Subdominio | Innovation product portfolio A-TITLE Innovation product portfolio |
/about-us | | About us A-TITLE About us |
/about-us/who-we-are | | Who we are A-TITLE Who we are |
/about-us/our-help-and-hope-st... | | Our strategy A-TITLE Our strategy |
/about-us/how-your-money-helps | | How your money helps A-TITLE How your money helps |
/about-us/working-us | | Working for us A-TITLE Working for us |
/about-us/who-we-are/alzheimer... | | Northern Ireland A-TITLE Northern Ireland |
/about-us/our-people | | Our people A-TITLE Our people |
/about-us/our-people/ambassadors | | Ambassadors A-TITLE Ambassadors |
/about-us/our-people/vice-pres... | | Vice-Presidents and Patrons A-TITLE Vice-Presidents and Patrons |
/about-us/our-people/trustees | | Trustees A-TITLE Trustees |
/about-us/policy-and-influencing | | Policy and influencing A-TITLE Policy and influencing |
/about-us/policy-and-influenci... | | Our position on key issues A-TITLE Our position on key issues |
/about-us/policy-and-influenci... | | National Influencing A-TITLE National Influencing |
/about-us/policy-and-influenci... | Subdominio | Local dementia statistics A-TITLE Local dementia statistics |
/about-us/news-and-media | | News and media A-TITLE News and media |
/blog | | Read our blog A-TITLE Read our blog |
/get-support/publications-and-... | | Dementia together magazine A-TITLE Dementia together magazine |
/about-us/news-and-media/lates... | | Latest news A-TITLE Latest news |
/about-us/news-and-media/audio... | | Video and podcast A-TITLE Video and podcast |
/about-us/contact-us | Texto duplicado | Contact us |
/get-involved/events-and-fundr... | Subdominio | Take on a challenge |
/get-support | Subdominio | Tag: . Get support If you or someone you know are affected by dementia, we're here to help you every step of the way. Read more IMG-ALT An Alzheimer's Society support adviser |
/research/our-research/take-pa... | Subdominio | Tag: . Take part in dementia research By participating in research, you'll be helping improve treatments, support, and care for people with dementia. Read more IMG-ALT A researcher holding up a petri dish and smiling in a lab | | Externo Subdominio | Tag: . Will you stand with us? We need your help to make dementia the political priority it needs to be. Find out how you can get involved and stay up to dat... IMG-ALT A woman sits patiently on her sofa, looking calmly to camera. |
/news/2025-01-29/trial-blood-t... | Subdominio | Tag: . Trial for blood tests to diagnose dementia accepts first participants A nationwide clinical trial aiming to revolutionise how dementia is diagnosed is... IMG-ALT A female researcher looking at a tube of liquid |
/news/2025-01-30/our-response-... | Subdominio | Tag: . Our response to the NHS dementia diagnosis target cuts Today the dementia diagnosis rate target (that 66.7% of people living with dementia in England ... IMG-ALT A old man in cap sits in his garden chair. |
/news/2025-01-13/record-number... | Subdominio | Tag: . Record number of calls received for dementia support Alzheimer’s Society’s expert dementia advisers have received hundreds of calls since the start of... IMG-ALT A person sitting down while talking on a phone | | Externo Subdominio | Privacy Policy | | Subdominio Texto duplicado | IMG-ALT Alzheimer's Society |
/about-us/contact-us | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Contact us A-TITLE contact |
/about-us/working-us | Texto duplicado | Working for us |
/get-support/publications-fact... | Subdominio | Information in your language |
/get-support | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Dementia support services |
/get-support/publications-fact... | Subdominio Texto duplicado | Publications and factsheets |
/about-us/news-and-media | Subdominio | Dementia news |
/legal-information | | Legal information |
/legal-information/cookies | | Cookies A-TITLE How we use cookies |
/accessibility-statement | Subdominio | Accessibility statement | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Facebook A-TITLE Facebook | | Nueva ventana Externo | X A-TITLE X | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Instagram A-TITLE Instagram | | Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio | Youtube A-TITLE Youtube |