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Center for American Progress
La longitud del título es óptima (268 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
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Meta descripción
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URL de la página
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 26.38 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2977 palabras.
Un 25.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 7 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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No se detecta contenido duplicado.
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Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: inprogress.
Optimización de imágenes
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...sites/2/2023/10/boldly-forward.png?w=466Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 198 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Spotlight
H2 Project 2025: Exposing the Far-Right Assault on America
H2 Economy
H2 Supreme Court Reform
H2 Climate Change
H2 Health
H3 InProgress Stay informed on the most pressing issues of our time.
H3 InProgress
H3 InProgress Stay informed on the most pressing issues of our time. Texto duplicado
H4 Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms
H4 Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight
H4 Trump v. United States: A Foundation for Authoritarian Actions an American President Can Now Commit with Impunity
H4 Most Recent
H4 CAP Comments on the CFTC’s Event Contracts Proposal
H4 Counterpoint: There’s an Equality Issue in Women’s Sports — and It’s Not About Transgender Women
H4 Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms the American People
H4 Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay
H4 Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms Texto duplicado
H4 Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms the American People Texto duplicado
H4 New Student Debt Relief Policies Fix Broken Promises and Benefit Borrowers Most in Need
H4 Preventing Wider War in the Middle East
H4 CAP Analysis Shows That Expanded Legal Pathways To Enter the U.S. Reduce Irregular Migration
H4 Sonya Massey’s Memory Should Spur Federal Action To Meaningfully Change Policing
H4 Fact Sheets: The Harmful Effects of Project 2025, by State
H4 Project 2025: The Plan To Seize Power by Gutting America’s System of Checks and Balances
H4 Project 2025’s Elimination of Title I Funding Would Hurt Students and Decimate Teaching Positions in Local Schools
H4 Project 2025 Would Increase Gun Violence, Reversing Historic Declines
H4 What Is Project 2025?
H4 Event
H4 From Open to Opaque
H4 Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay Texto duplicado
H4 The Economic Status of Single Mothers
H4 Raising the Retirement Age for Social Security Would Cut Benefits by Thousands of Dollars Each Year
H4 How States and Districts Can Close the Digital Divide To Increase College and Career Readiness
H4 Self-Employed Workers’ Access to State Paid Leave Programs in 2024
H4 Combining Ethics and Term Limits Strengthens Efforts To Rein in a Supreme Court Run Amok
H4 The Supreme Court’s Assault on Government Could Make the Far-Right’s Dreams Come True
H4 Term Limits Are Critical to Restoring Public Trust in the Supreme Court
H4 The Major SCOTUS Cases: Threats to the Rule of Law Posed by the Supreme Court’s 2023 Term
H4 How Americans Can Fight Back Against a Radical Supreme Court Majority
H4 What You Can Do
H4 Demand Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices
H4 Tell Congress: End Climate Denial
H4 Building Tomorrow: Share Your Vision for the Next 20 Years
H4 Tell Congress: Protect Dreamers and Provide a Pathway to Citizenship
H4 Climate Deniers of the 118th Congress
H4 Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans
H4 AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
H4 Organized Labor Is Uncovering the Truth About Offshore Wind in Rhode Island
H4 Cement and Concrete Companies Leading the Net-Zero Transition
H4 Featured Experts
H4 Beth Almeida
H4 Akua Amaning
H4 Shannon Baker-Branstetter
H4 David Ballard
H4 Jared C. Bass
H4 Greta Bedekovics
H4 Robert Benson
H4 Marcella Bombardieri
H4 Alan Cohen
H4 Frances Colón
H4 Adam Conner
H4 Margaret Cooney
H4 David Cutler
H4 Kevin DeGood
H4 Rudy deLeon
H4 Rachael Eisenberg
H4 Zeke Emanuel
H4 Sara Estep
H4 Lilith Fellowes-Granda
H4 Emily Gee
H4 Nicole Gentile
H4 Hailey Gibbs
H4 Daniella Gibbs Léger
H4 Anne Griffin
H4 Mark Haggerty
H4 Cody Hankerson
H4 Johan Hassel
H4 Trevor Higgins
H4 Mia Ives-Rublee
H4 Marc Jarsulic
H4 Marquisha Johns
H4 Cathleen Kelly
H4 Bobby Kogan
H4 Anna Lovejoy
H4 David Madland
H4 Rasheed Malik
H4 Hannah Malus
H4 Joel Martinez
H4 Elisa Massimino
H4 Silva Mathema
H4 Drew McConville
H4 Allison McManus
H4 Natasha Murphy
H4 Navin Nayak
H4 Ben Olinsky
H4 Jerry Parshall
H4 Allie Preston
H4 Will Ragland
H4 Nicole Rapfogel
H4 Mariam Rashid
H4 Dan Restrepo
H4 Sam Ricketts
H4 Lily Roberts
H4 William Roberts
H4 Jill Rosenthal
H4 Jenny Rowland-Shea
H4 Kat So
H4 Michael Sozan
H4 Trevor Sutton
H4 Sabrina Talukder
H4 Edwith Theogene
H4 Alexandra Thornton
H4 Angelo Villagomez
H4 Karla Walter
H4 Madison Weiss
H4 Christian E. Weller
H4 Michael Werz
H4 Molly Weston Williamson
H4 Mike Williams
H4 Nick Wilson
H4 Alan Yu
H4 Event Recap: State Policy Efforts To Avert and Alleviate Medical Debt
H4 6 Medicare Advantage Data Gaps That the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Must Fill
H4 Industrial Policy To Reduce Prescription Generic Drug Shortages
H4 Project 2025 Would Take Away Access to Free Emergency Contraception for 48 Million Women
H6 Priorities
H6 Topics
H6 States
H6 Our aging and low-income workforce needs a broader tax break
H6 Playbook for the Advancement of Women in the Economy
H6 5 Ways the EPA Can Strengthen Carbon Standards for Power Plants
H6 Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms Texto duplicado
H6 Funding for Federal Student Aid: A Defining Moment for Higher Education Programs
H6 The Far Right’s Invitation for Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
H6 Shaping NATO’s Future: 5 Key Priorities for Washington to Build on After the 75th NATO Summit
H6 House Republican Budget Threatens Public Education and Opportunity for Young People
H6 The House Republican Study Committee Budget Proposes Harsh Changes to Social Security
H6 3 International Climate Priorities for 2024
H6 Financial Regulatory Agencies
H6 Organized Labor Is Uncovering the Truth About Offshore Wind in Rhode Island Texto duplicado
H6 Project 2025 Would Increase Costs for Commuters, Defund Transit Maintenance, and Undermine Economic Growth
H6 1.3 Million Active-Duty Service Members Would Go Without Pay During a Government Shutdown
H6 Sonya Massey’s Memory Should Spur Federal Action To Meaningfully Change Policing Texto duplicado
H6 FORMER BIDEN HEALTH ADVISOR: We’re running out of time. American businesses should start requiring vaccinations for their workers.
H6 Abortion Access Mapped by Congressional District: 6-Week Abortion Ban Update
H6 Project 2025 Would Allow Financial Disaster To Bolster Wall Street’s Bottom Line
H6 CAP Changemakers: Pathway to the ACA
H6 Sustainable and Reliable: Securing Resources for the Clean Energy Future
H6 Executive Summary: Protecting Children From Extreme Heat Is Critical for Their Health, Learning, and Development
H6 Houston Dreamer Jesus Contreras on Frontline Health Care Work in the Age of the Coronavirus
H6 AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa Texto duplicado
H6 Achieving Federal Program Coordination Through a National Transition Corporation
H6 EU Elections: What the Results Mean and Why They Matter
H6 The Biden Administration Has Taken More Climate Action Than Any Other in History
H6 It’s Past Time To Address Reproductive Equity for Disabled People
H6 Industrial Policy To Reduce Prescription Generic Drug Shortages Texto duplicado
H6 Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans Texto duplicado
H6 Securing Environmental Justice for All
H6 Any Budget Deal Should Preserve Parity
H6 Fact Sheet: Using Federal Preschool Grant To Build State Early Learning Systems
H6 Sectoral Bargaining Can Support High Union Membership
H6 Examining the Powerful Impact of Investments in Early Childhood for Children, Families, and Our Nation’s Economy
H6 ‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit
H6 Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight Texto duplicado
H6 It’s time to close Guantanamo
H6 Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight Texto duplicado
H6 A Below-the-Radar Public Lands Decision With Big Implications for Alaska Native Communities
H6 Preventing Wider War in the Middle East Texto duplicado
H6 Event Recap: State Policy Efforts To Avert and Alleviate Medical Debt Texto duplicado
H6 Trust in Government in the Trump Era
H6 Combining Ethics and Term Limits Strengthens Efforts To Rein in a Supreme Court Run Amok Texto duplicado
H6 Improving Safety Through Better Accountability and Prevention: Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson
H6 The Pretrial Fairness Act: Why It Is Needed and How It Will Improve Pretrial Safety and Justice in Illinois
H6 Project 2025’s Elimination of Title I Funding Would Hurt Students and Decimate Teaching Positions in Local Schools Texto duplicado
H6 CAP Responds to Request for Information on Consolidation in Health Care Markets
H6 America’s Lead Crisis Demands a Comprehensive Solution | Opinion
H6 Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight Texto duplicado
H6 The Key Role of States in Unlocking Direct Pay for Clean Energy
H6 Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay Texto duplicado
H6 Revelations About Justice Clarence Thomas Reinforce the Need for Justices to Be Bound by an Ethics Code
H6 Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans Texto duplicado
H6 The Oil and Gas Industry Is Behind Offshore Wind Misinformation
H6 Climate Deniers of the 118th Congress Texto duplicado
H6 Despite Defying His Own Lawful Subpoena, Rep. Jim Jordan Has Issued At Least 91 Subpoenas to Others
H6 AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa Texto duplicado
H6 Supreme Court Dismisses Idaho v. United States Without Making a Decision on Emergency Abortion Care
H6 America Needs Better Data on Race and Ethnicity
H6 CAP Comments on the CFTC’s Event Contracts Proposal Texto duplicado
H6 What True Conservation Of The Pacific Remote Islands Involves
H6 Public Officials Should Use Their Bully Pulpit To Support Worker Organizing and Bargaining
H6 New Student Debt Relief Policies Fix Broken Promises and Benefit Borrowers Most in Need Texto duplicado
H6 Wealth of Younger Americans Is Historically High
H6 Erdoğan’s Reelection Illustrates the Bleak Future of Turkish Democracy
H6 Self-Employed Workers’ Access to State Paid Leave Programs in 2024 Texto duplicado
H6 AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa Texto duplicado
H6 Project 2025 Would Increase Gun Violence, Reversing Historic Declines Texto duplicado
H6 South Korea Climate Action: A Moment for Elevated Ambition
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 22 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Center for American Progress ancla Skip to navigation [n] ancla Skip to content [c] ancla Skip to footer [f]
https://donate.americanprogres...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Donate
A-TITLE Donate ancla Sin texto
/series/project-2025-exposing-...Subdominio Project 2025
/topic/public-safetySubdominio Public Safety
/series/the-growing-need-for-s...Subdominio Supreme Court Reform
/topic/electionsSubdominio Elections
/issues/building-an-economy-fo...Subdominio Economy
/issues/Subdominio Issues
/issues/building-an-economy-fo...Subdominio Building an Economy for All
/issues/restoring-social-trust...Subdominio Restoring Social Trust in Democracy
/issues/advancing-racial-equit...Subdominio Advancing Racial Equity and Justice
/issues/tackling-climate-chang...Subdominio Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice
/issues/strengthening-public-h...Subdominio Strengthening Health
/topic/abortion-rights/Subdominio Abortion Rights
/topic/biden-administration/Subdominio Biden Administration
/topic/covid-19/Subdominio COVID-19
/topic/climate-change/Subdominio Climate Change
/topic/college-affordability-a...Subdominio College Affordability and Student Debt
/topic/democracy/Subdominio Democracy
/topic/education-k-12/Subdominio Education, K-12
/topic/family-economic-security/Subdominio Family Economic Security
/topic/immigration/Subdominio Immigration
/topic/latin-america/Subdominio Latin America
/issues/Subdominio Texto ancla See all topics
/state/arizona/Subdominio Arizona
/state/colorado/Subdominio Colorado
/state/florida/Subdominio Florida
/state/maryland/Subdominio Maryland
/state/minnesota/Subdominio Minnesota
/state/nevada/Subdominio Nevada
/state/new-jersey/Subdominio New Jersey
/state/new-york/Subdominio New York
/state/oregon/Subdominio Oregon
/state/texas/Subdominio Texas
/issues/Subdominio Texto ancla See all states
/issues/Subdominio Texto ancla Texto duplicado See all topics
/experts/Subdominio Experts
/events/Subdominio Events
/press/Subdominio Press
/about-us/take-action/Subdominio Take Action
/about-us/Subdominio About Us
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/about-us/internships/Subdominio Internships
/about-us/diversity-and-inclus...Subdominio Diversity and Inclusion
/about-us/support-our-work/Subdominio Support Our Work
/about-us/c3-board/Subdominio Board of Directors
/contact-us/Subdominio Contact Us{ document.getElementById('search-form').focus(); }, 300);">
https://donate.americanprogres...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/article/project-2025-proposes...Subdominio Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms
/people/ballard-david/Subdominio David Ballard
A-TITLE David Ballard
/article/vice-president-kamala...Subdominio Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight
/people/restrepo-dan/Subdominio Dan Restrepo
A-TITLE Dan Restrepo
/people/jawetz-tom/Subdominio Tom Jawetz
A-TITLE Tom Jawetz
/people/debu-gandhi/Subdominio Debu Gandhi
A-TITLE Debu Gandhi
/people/martinez-joel/Subdominio Joel Martinez
A-TITLE Joel Martinez
/people/mathema-silva/Subdominio Silva Mathema
A-TITLE Silva Mathema
/article/trump-v-united-states...Subdominio Trump v. United States: A Foundation for Authoritarian Actions an American President Can Now Commit with Impunity
/people/jeevna-sheth/Subdominio Jeevna Sheth
A-TITLE Jeevna Sheth
/article/cap-comments-on-the-c...Subdominio CAP Comments on the CFTC’s Event Contracts Proposal
/people/thornton-alexandra/Subdominio Alexandra Thornton
A-TITLE Alexandra Thornton ventana Externo Counterpoint: There’s an Equality Issue in Women’s Sports — and It’s Not About Transgender Women
/people/cait-smith/Subdominio Cait Smith
A-TITLE Cait Smith
/article/project-2025s-plan-to...Subdominio Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms the American People
/people/seeberger-colin/Subdominio Colin Seeberger
A-TITLE Colin Seeberger
/article/project-2025-would-cu...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay
/people/roberts-lily/Subdominio Lily Roberts
A-TITLE Lily Roberts
/article/project-2025-proposes...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms
/people/ballard-david/Subdominio Texto duplicado David Ballard
A-TITLE David Ballard
/article/project-2025s-plan-to...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms the American People
/people/seeberger-colin/Subdominio Texto duplicado Colin Seeberger
A-TITLE Colin Seeberger
/article/new-student-debt-reli...Subdominio New Student Debt Relief Policies Fix Broken Promises and Benefit Borrowers Most in Need
/people/sara-partridge/Subdominio Sara Partridge
A-TITLE Sara Partridge
/people/madison-weiss/Subdominio Madison Weiss
A-TITLE Madison Weiss
/people/duke-brendan/Subdominio Brendan Duke
A-TITLE Brendan Duke
/article/preventing-wider-war-...Subdominio Preventing Wider War in the Middle East
/people/allison-mcmanus/Subdominio Allison McManus
A-TITLE Allison McManus
/article/cap-analysis-shows-th...Subdominio CAP Analysis Shows That Expanded Legal Pathways To Enter the U.S. Reduce Irregular Migration
/people/wong-tom/Subdominio Tom K. Wong
A-TITLE Tom K. Wong
/article/sonya-masseys-memory-...Subdominio Sonya Massey’s Memory Should Spur Federal Action To Meaningfully Change Policing
/people/rachael-eisenberg/Subdominio Rachael Eisenberg
A-TITLE Rachael Eisenberg
/article/fact-sheets-the-harmf...Subdominio Fact Sheets: The Harmful Effects of Project 2025, by State
/people/seeberger-colin/Subdominio Texto duplicado Colin Seeberger
A-TITLE Colin Seeberger
/article/project-2025-the-plan...Subdominio Project 2025: The Plan To Seize Power by Gutting America’s System of Checks and Balances
/people/ragland-will/Subdominio Will Ragland
A-TITLE Will Ragland
/people/joe-radosevich/Subdominio Joe Radosevich
A-TITLE Joe Radosevich
/article/project-2025s-elimina...Subdominio Project 2025’s Elimination of Title I Funding Would Hurt Students and Decimate Teaching Positions in Local Schools
/people/weade-james/Subdominio Weadé James
A-TITLE Weadé James
/people/ragland-will/Subdominio Texto duplicado Will Ragland
A-TITLE Will Ragland
/article/project-2025-would-in...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Increase Gun Violence, Reversing Historic Declines
/people/nick-wilson/Subdominio Nick Wilson
A-TITLE Nick Wilson
/article/what-is-project-2025/Subdominio What Is Project 2025?
/people/seeberger-colin/Subdominio Texto duplicado Colin Seeberger
A-TITLE Colin Seeberger
/people/phan-hai/Subdominio Hai-Lam Phan
A-TITLE Hai-Lam Phan
/people/toni-pandolfo/Subdominio Toni Pandolfo
A-TITLE Toni Pandolfo
/people/olivia-mowry/Subdominio Olivia Mowry
A-TITLE Olivia Mowry
/people/syrus-sadvandi/Subdominio Syrus Sadvandi
A-TITLE Syrus Sadvandi
/series/project-2025-exposing-...Subdominio Learn more
A-TITLE Learn more
/about-us/support-our-work/Subdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/projects/boldly-forward-20-ye...Subdominio Learn more about our 20th anniversary
A-TITLE Learn more about our 20th anniversary
/events/Subdominio More Events
/events/from-open-to-opaque/Subdominio From Open to Opaque
/events/Subdominio Texto duplicado More Events
/article/project-2025-would-cu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay
/people/roberts-lily/Subdominio Texto duplicado Lily Roberts
A-TITLE Lily Roberts
/article/the-economic-status-o...Subdominio The Economic Status of Single Mothers
/people/bela-salas-betsch/Subdominio Isabela Salas-Betsch
A-TITLE Isabela Salas-Betsch
/article/raising-the-retiremen...Subdominio Raising the Retirement Age for Social Security Would Cut Benefits by Thousands of Dollars Each Year
/people/ross-kyle/Subdominio Kyle Ross
A-TITLE Kyle Ross
/article/how-states-and-distri...Subdominio How States and Districts Can Close the Digital Divide To Increase College and Career Readiness
/people/paige-shoemaker-demio/Subdominio Paige Shoemaker DeMio
A-TITLE Paige Shoemaker DeMio
/article/self-employed-workers...Subdominio Self-Employed Workers’ Access to State Paid Leave Programs in 2024
/people/molly-weston-williamson/Subdominio Molly Weston Williamson
A-TITLE Molly Weston Williamson
/issues/building-an-economy-fo...Subdominio More on the Economy
A-TITLE More on the Economy Subdominio Privacy Policy Subdominio Terms of Service
/article/combining-ethics-and-...Subdominio Combining Ethics and Term Limits Strengthens Efforts To Rein in a Supreme Court Run Amok
/people/devon-ombres/Subdominio Devon Ombres
A-TITLE Devon Ombres
/people/jeevna-sheth/Subdominio Texto duplicado Jeevna Sheth
A-TITLE Jeevna Sheth
/people/olinsky-ben/Subdominio Ben Olinsky
A-TITLE Ben Olinsky
/article/the-supreme-courts-as...Subdominio The Supreme Court’s Assault on Government Could Make the Far-Right’s Dreams Come True
/people/devon-ombres/Subdominio Texto duplicado Devon Ombres
A-TITLE Devon Ombres
/article/term-limits-are-criti...Subdominio Term Limits Are Critical to Restoring Public Trust in the Supreme Court
/article/the-major-scotus-case...Subdominio The Major SCOTUS Cases: Threats to the Rule of Law Posed by the Supreme Court’s 2023 Term
/people/devon-ombres/Subdominio Texto duplicado Devon Ombres
A-TITLE Devon Ombres
/article/how-americans-can-fig...Subdominio How Americans Can Fight Back Against a Radical Supreme Court Majority
/people/olinsky-ben/Subdominio Texto duplicado Ben Olinsky
A-TITLE Ben Olinsky
/series/the-growing-need-for-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Learn more
A-TITLE Learn more
/about-us/take-action/Subdominio More Actions
https://act.americanprogress.o...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Demand Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices
https://act.americanprogress.o...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Tell Congress: End Climate Denial
/take-action/building-tomorrow...Subdominio Building Tomorrow: Share Your Vision for the Next 20 Years
/take-action/tell-congress-pro...Subdominio Tell Congress: Protect Dreamers and Provide a Pathway to Citizenship
/about-us/take-action/Subdominio Texto duplicado More Actions
/article/climate-deniers-of-th...Subdominio Climate Deniers of the 118th Congress
/people/so-katherine/Subdominio Kat So
/article/project-2025-would-ma...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans
/people/rosenthal-jill/Subdominio Jill Rosenthal
A-TITLE Jill Rosenthal
/people/johns-marquisha/Subdominio Marquisha Johns
A-TITLE Marquisha Johns
/people/jasia-smith/Subdominio Jasia Smith
A-TITLE Jasia Smith
/article/agoa-reauthorization-...Subdominio AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
/people/ryan-mulholland/Subdominio Ryan Mulholland
A-TITLE Ryan Mulholland
/people/doug-molof/Subdominio Doug Molof
A-TITLE Doug Molof
/people/leo-banks/Subdominio Leo Banks
A-TITLE Leo Banks
/people/anne-griffin/Subdominio Anne Griffin
A-TITLE Anne Griffin
/people/sadhana-mandala/Subdominio Sadhana Mandala
A-TITLE Sadhana Mandala
/people/sutton-trevor/Subdominio Trevor Sutton
A-TITLE Trevor Sutton
/people/williams-mike/Subdominio Mike Williams
A-TITLE Mike Williams
/people/kalina-gibson/Subdominio Kalina Gibson
A-TITLE Kalina Gibson
/article/organized-labor-is-un...Subdominio Organized Labor Is Uncovering the Truth About Offshore Wind in Rhode Island
/people/cooney-margaret/Subdominio Margaret Cooney
A-TITLE Margaret Cooney
/people/lespier-devon/Subdominio Devon Lespier
A-TITLE Devon Lespier
/people/phan-hai/Subdominio Texto duplicado Hai-Lam Phan
A-TITLE Hai-Lam Phan
/people/olivia-mowry/Subdominio Texto duplicado Olivia Mowry
A-TITLE Olivia Mowry
/article/cement-and-concrete-c...Subdominio Cement and Concrete Companies Leading the Net-Zero Transition
/people/jamie-friedman/Subdominio Jamie Friedman
A-TITLE Jamie Friedman
/issues/tackling-climate-chang...Subdominio More on Climate Change
A-TITLE More on Climate Change
/experts/Subdominio More Experts
/people/beth-almeida/Subdominio Beth Almeida Senior Fellow Our aging and low-income workforce needs a broader tax break
/people/amaning-akua/Subdominio Akua Amaning Director, Criminal Justice Reform
/article/playbook-for-the-adva...Subdominio Playbook for the Advancement of Women in the Economy
/people/baker-branstetter-shan...Subdominio Shannon Baker-Branstetter Senior Director, Domestic Climate and Energy Policy
/article/5-ways-the-epa-can-st...Subdominio 5 Ways the EPA Can Strengthen Carbon Standards for Power Plants
/people/ballard-david/Subdominio David Ballard Associate Director, Economic Policy
/article/project-2025-proposes...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Proposes Eliminating Aid for Families and Businesses Rebuilding After Storms
/people/bass-jared/Subdominio Jared C. Bass Senior Vice President, Education
/article/funding-for-federal-s...Subdominio Funding for Federal Student Aid: A Defining Moment for Higher Education Programs
/people/greta-bedekovics/Subdominio Greta Bedekovics Associate Director
/article/the-far-rights-invita...Subdominio The Far Right’s Invitation for Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections
/people/robert-benson/Subdominio Robert Benson Senior Policy Analyst
/article/shaping-natos-future-...Subdominio Shaping NATO’s Future: 5 Key Priorities for Washington to Build on After the 75th NATO Summit
/people/bombardieri-marcella/Subdominio Marcella Bombardieri Senior Fellow
/article/house-republican-budg...Subdominio House Republican Budget Threatens Public Education and Opportunity for Young People
/people/cohen-alan/Subdominio Alan Cohen Senior Fellow
/article/the-house-republican-...Subdominio The House Republican Study Committee Budget Proposes Harsh Changes to Social Security
/people/colon-frances/Subdominio Frances Colón Senior Director, International Climate Policy
/article/3-international-clima...Subdominio 3 International Climate Priorities for 2024
/people/conner-adam/Subdominio Adam Conner Vice President, Technology Policy
/article/taking-further-agency...Subdominio Financial Regulatory Agencies
/people/cooney-margaret/Subdominio Margaret Cooney Campaign Manager
/article/organized-labor-is-un...Subdominio Texto duplicado Organized Labor Is Uncovering the Truth About Offshore Wind in Rhode Island
/people/david-cutler-2/Subdominio David Cutler Senior Fellow, Health
/people/degood-kevin/Subdominio Kevin DeGood Director, Infrastructure Policy
/article/project-2025-would-in...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Increase Costs for Commuters, Defund Transit Maintenance, and Undermine Economic Growth
/people/deleon-rudy/Subdominio Rudy deLeon Senior Fellow
/article/1-3-million-active-du...Subdominio 1.3 Million Active-Duty Service Members Would Go Without Pay During a Government Shutdown
/people/rachael-eisenberg/Subdominio Rachael Eisenberg Managing Director, Rights and Justice
/article/sonya-masseys-memory-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sonya Massey’s Memory Should Spur Federal Action To Meaningfully Change Policing
/people/emanuel-zeke/Subdominio Zeke Emanuel Senior Fellow
/article/former-biden-health-a...Subdominio FORMER BIDEN HEALTH ADVISOR: We’re running out of time. American businesses should start requiring vaccinations for their workers.
/people/estep-sara/Subdominio Sara Estep Associate Director
/article/abortion-access-mappe...Subdominio Abortion Access Mapped by Congressional District: 6-Week Abortion Ban Update
/people/lilith-fellowes-granda/Subdominio Lilith Fellowes-Granda Associate Director, Financial Regulation
/article/project-2025-would-al...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Allow Financial Disaster To Bolster Wall Street’s Bottom Line
/people/gee-emily/Subdominio Emily Gee Senior Vice President, Inclusive Growth
/article/cap-changemakers-path...Subdominio CAP Changemakers: Pathway to the ACA
/people/gentile-nicole/Subdominio Nicole Gentile Senior Director, Conservation
/article/sustainable-and-relia...Subdominio Sustainable and Reliable: Securing Resources for the Clean Energy Future
/people/hailey-gibbs/Subdominio Hailey Gibbs Senior Policy Analyst
/article/executive-summary-pro...Subdominio Executive Summary: Protecting Children From Extreme Heat Is Critical for Their Health, Learning, and Development
/people/gibbs-leger-daniella/Subdominio Daniella Gibbs Léger Executive Vice President, Communications and Strategy
/article/houston-dreamer-jesus...Subdominio Houston Dreamer Jesus Contreras on Frontline Health Care Work in the Age of the Coronavirus
/people/anne-griffin/Subdominio Anne Griffin Senior Fellow
/article/agoa-reauthorization-...Subdominio Texto duplicado AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
/people/haggerty-mark/Subdominio Mark Haggerty Senior Fellow, Energy and Environment
/article/achieving-federal-pro...Subdominio Achieving Federal Program Coordination Through a National Transition Corporation
/people/cody-hankerson/Subdominio Cody Hankerson Associate Director, Energy and Environment Campaigns
/people/johan-hassel/Subdominio Johan Hassel Senior Fellow
/article/eu-elections-what-the...Subdominio EU Elections: What the Results Mean and Why They Matter
/people/higgins-trevor/Subdominio Trevor Higgins Senior Vice President, Energy and Environment
/article/the-biden-administrat...Subdominio The Biden Administration Has Taken More Climate Action Than Any Other in History
/people/ives-rublee-mia/Subdominio Mia Ives-Rublee Director, Disability Justice Initiative
/article/its-past-time-to-addr...Subdominio It’s Past Time To Address Reproductive Equity for Disabled People
/people/jarsulic-marc/Subdominio Marc Jarsulic Senior Fellow; Chief Economist
/article/industrial-policy-to-...Subdominio Industrial Policy To Reduce Prescription Generic Drug Shortages
/people/johns-marquisha/Subdominio Marquisha Johns Associate Director, Public Health
/article/project-2025-would-ma...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans
/people/kelly-cathleen/Subdominio Cathleen Kelly Senior Fellow
/article/how-the-biden-adminis...Subdominio Securing Environmental Justice for All
/people/bobby-kogan/Subdominio Bobby Kogan Senior Director, Federal Budget Policy
/article/any-budget-deal-shoul...Subdominio Any Budget Deal Should Preserve Parity
/people/anna-lovejoy/Subdominio Anna Lovejoy Director, Early Childhood Policy
/article/fact-sheet-using-fede...Subdominio Fact Sheet: Using Federal Preschool Grant To Build State Early Learning Systems
/people/madland-david/Subdominio David Madland Senior Fellow; Senior Adviser, American Worker Project
/article/sectoral-bargaining-c...Subdominio Sectoral Bargaining Can Support High Union Membership
/people/malik-rasheed/Subdominio Rasheed Malik In Memoriam
/article/examining-the-powerfu...Subdominio Examining the Powerful Impact of Investments in Early Childhood for Children, Families, and Our Nation’s Economy
/people/malus-hannah/Subdominio Hannah Malus Senior Director, Strategy and Operations
/article/clean-up-to-green-up-...Subdominio ‘Clean Up To Green Up’: Building a Clean Energy Workforce and a Brighter Future in Detroit
/people/martinez-joel/Subdominio Joel Martinez Senior Policy Analyst
/article/vice-president-kamala...Subdominio Texto duplicado Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight
/people/massimino-elisa/Subdominio Elisa Massimino Senior Fellow
/article/its-time-to-close-gua...Subdominio It’s time to close Guantanamo
/people/mathema-silva/Subdominio Silva Mathema Director, Immigration Policy
/article/vice-president-kamala...Subdominio Texto duplicado Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight
/people/drew-mcconville/Subdominio Drew McConville Senior Fellow
/article/a-below-the-radar-pub...Subdominio A Below-the-Radar Public Lands Decision With Big Implications for Alaska Native Communities
/people/allison-mcmanus/Subdominio Allison McManus Managing Director, National Security and International Policy
/article/preventing-wider-war-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Preventing Wider War in the Middle East
/people/murphy-natasha/Subdominio Natasha Murphy Director, Health Policy
/article/event-recap-state-pol...Subdominio Event Recap: State Policy Efforts To Avert and Alleviate Medical Debt
/people/nayak-navin/Subdominio Navin Nayak Counselor; President, Center for American Progress Action Fund
/article/trust-government-trum...Subdominio Trust in Government in the Trump Era
/people/olinsky-ben/Subdominio Ben Olinsky Senior Vice President, Structural Reform and Governance; Senior Fellow
/article/combining-ethics-and-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Combining Ethics and Term Limits Strengthens Efforts To Rein in a Supreme Court Run Amok
/people/parshall-jerry/Subdominio Jerry Parshall Senior Director, Safety and Justice Campaign; Director, State and Local Government Affairs
/article/improving-safety-thro...Subdominio Improving Safety Through Better Accountability and Prevention: Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson
/people/allie-preston/Subdominio Allie Preston Senior Policy Analyst, Criminal Justice Reform
/article/the-pretrial-fairness...Subdominio The Pretrial Fairness Act: Why It Is Needed and How It Will Improve Pretrial Safety and Justice in Illinois
/people/ragland-will/Subdominio Will Ragland Vice President of Research, Advocacy and Outreach
/article/project-2025s-elimina...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025’s Elimination of Title I Funding Would Hurt Students and Decimate Teaching Positions in Local Schools
/people/rapfogel-nicole/Subdominio Nicole Rapfogel Policy Analyst, Health
/article/cap-responds-to-reque...Subdominio CAP Responds to Request for Information on Consolidation in Health Care Markets
/people/mariam-rashid/Subdominio Mariam Rashid Associate Director Subdominio America’s Lead Crisis Demands a Comprehensive Solution | Opinion
/people/restrepo-dan/Subdominio Dan Restrepo Senior Fellow
/article/vice-president-kamala...Subdominio Texto duplicado Vice President Kamala Harris and Migration in the Americas: Setting the Record Straight
/people/ricketts-sam/Subdominio Sam Ricketts Senior Fellow
/article/the-key-role-of-state...Subdominio The Key Role of States in Unlocking Direct Pay for Clean Energy
/people/roberts-lily/Subdominio Lily Roberts Managing Director, Inclusive Growth
/article/project-2025-would-cu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Would Cut Access to Overtime Pay
/people/roberts-william/Subdominio William Roberts Senior Vice President, Rights and Justice
/article/revelations-about-jus...Subdominio Revelations About Justice Clarence Thomas Reinforce the Need for Justices to Be Bound by an Ethics Code
/people/rosenthal-jill/Subdominio Jill Rosenthal Director, Public Health
/article/project-2025-would-ma...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Would Make It Easier for Big Corporations To Dump Dangerous Toxins That Poison Americans
/people/rowland-shea-jenny/Subdominio Jenny Rowland-Shea Director, Public Lands
/article/the-oil-and-gas-indus...Subdominio The Oil and Gas Industry Is Behind Offshore Wind Misinformation
/people/so-katherine/Subdominio Kat So Campaign Manager, Energy and Environment Campaigns
/article/climate-deniers-of-th...Subdominio Texto duplicado Climate Deniers of the 118th Congress
/people/sozan-michael/Subdominio Michael Sozan Senior Fellow
/article/despite-defying-his-o...Subdominio Despite Defying His Own Lawful Subpoena, Rep. Jim Jordan Has Issued At Least 91 Subpoenas to Others
/people/sutton-trevor/Subdominio Trevor Sutton Senior Fellow
/article/agoa-reauthorization-...Subdominio Texto duplicado AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
/people/sabrina-talukder/Subdominio Sabrina Talukder Director, Women’s Initiative
/article/supreme-court-dismiss...Subdominio Supreme Court Dismisses Idaho v. United States Without Making a Decision on Emergency Abortion Care
/people/theogene-edwith/Subdominio Edwith Theogene Director, Racial Equity and Justice
/article/america-needs-better-...Subdominio America Needs Better Data on Race and Ethnicity
/people/thornton-alexandra/Subdominio Alexandra Thornton Senior Director, Financial Regulation
/article/cap-comments-on-the-c...Subdominio Texto duplicado CAP Comments on the CFTC’s Event Contracts Proposal
/people/angelo-villagomez/Subdominio Angelo Villagomez Senior Fellow Subdominio What True Conservation Of The Pacific Remote Islands Involves
/people/walter-karla/Subdominio Karla Walter Senior Fellow, Inclusive Economy
/article/public-officials-shou...Subdominio Public Officials Should Use Their Bully Pulpit To Support Worker Organizing and Bargaining
/people/madison-weiss/Subdominio Madison Weiss Policy Analyst
/article/new-student-debt-reli...Subdominio Texto duplicado New Student Debt Relief Policies Fix Broken Promises and Benefit Borrowers Most in Need
/people/weller-christian-e/Subdominio Christian E. Weller Senior Fellow
/article/wealth-of-younger-ame...Subdominio Wealth of Younger Americans Is Historically High
/people/werz-michael/Subdominio Michael Werz Senior Fellow
/article/erdogans-reelection-i...Subdominio Erdoğan’s Reelection Illustrates the Bleak Future of Turkish Democracy
/people/molly-weston-williamson/Subdominio Molly Weston Williamson Senior Fellow
/article/self-employed-workers...Subdominio Texto duplicado Self-Employed Workers’ Access to State Paid Leave Programs in 2024
/people/williams-mike/Subdominio Mike Williams Senior Fellow
/article/agoa-reauthorization-...Subdominio Texto duplicado AGOA Reauthorization Offers an Opportunity for Expanded Commitments to Development, Labor, and Climate in Sub-Saharan Africa
/people/nick-wilson/Subdominio Nick Wilson Senior Director, Gun Violence Prevention
/article/project-2025-would-in...Subdominio Texto duplicado Project 2025 Would Increase Gun Violence, Reversing Historic Declines
/people/yu-alan/Subdominio Alan Yu Senior Vice President, National Security and International Policy
/article/south-korea-climate-a...Subdominio South Korea Climate Action: A Moment for Elevated Ambition
/article/event-recap-state-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Event Recap: State Policy Efforts To Avert and Alleviate Medical Debt
/people/murphy-natasha/Subdominio Natasha Murphy
A-TITLE Natasha Murphy
/article/6-medicare-advantage-...Subdominio 6 Medicare Advantage Data Gaps That the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Must Fill
/people/brian-keyser/Subdominio Brian Keyser
A-TITLE Brian Keyser
/people/andrea-ducas/Subdominio Andrea Ducas
A-TITLE Andrea Ducas
/article/industrial-policy-to-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Industrial Policy To Reduce Prescription Generic Drug Shortages
/people/jarsulic-marc/Subdominio Marc Jarsulic
A-TITLE Marc Jarsulic
/article/project-2025-would-ta...Subdominio Project 2025 Would Take Away Access to Free Emergency Contraception for 48 Million Women
/people/rapfogel-nicole/Subdominio Nicole Rapfogel
A-TITLE Nicole Rapfogel
/people/kierra-jones/Subdominio Kierra B. Jones
A-TITLE Kierra B. Jones
/issues/strengthening-public-h...Subdominio More on health
A-TITLE More on health Subdominio Texto duplicado Privacy Policy Subdominio Texto duplicado Terms of Service Texto duplicado Center for American Progress ventana Externo Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio LinkedIn Subdominio Texto duplicado Privacy Policy Subdominio Texto duplicado Terms of Service
https://www.americanprogressac...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE CAP Action
https://www.americanprogressac...Externo Subdominio Center for American Progress Action Fund
/cap-terms/Terms of Use
A-TITLE Terms of Use
/cap-privacy-policy/Texto duplicado Privacy Policy
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A-TITLE Our Supporters

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