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(Extremadamente importante)
Beer Shop HQ | Buy Craft Beer Online | World Beers | Ales & Lagers
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Stocking some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional Trappist ales and German lagers. Buy online - we ship nationwide! - Visit Beer Shop HQ to buy some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional ales.
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descriptionStocking some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional Trappist ales and German lagers. Buy online - we ship nationwide! - Visit Beer Shop HQ to buy some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional ales.
twitter:titleBeer Shop HQ | Buy Craft Beer Online | World Beers | Ales & Lagers
twitter:descriptionStocking some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional Trappist ales and German lagers. Buy online - we ship nationwide!
og:site_nameBeer Shop HQ
og:titleBeer Shop HQ | Buy Craft Beer Online | World Beers | Ales & Lagers
og:descriptionStocking some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional Trappist ales and German lagers. Buy online - we ship nationwide!

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Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: We’ll guide you through the world of beer styles, from traditional to ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1350 palabras.
Un 26.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 10 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 20 palabras.
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Redes Sociales
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Lista de medios

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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Beer Shop HQ
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 89 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Beer Shop HQ
H2 New Beer
H2 Christmas Beers
H2 Dark Nights
H2 Gluten Free
H2 Local Herts Delivery
H2 What's new
H2 Yonder Shrimps & Bananas
H2 Yonder Freak Shake Red Velvet Birthday Cake
H2 Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Mango, Pineapple, Coconut & Lime Ice Cream Cake W/ Vanilla Swirl Pastry Sour
H2 Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Raspberry, Passionfruit, Citrus Mousse Cake W/ Whipped Marshmallow Cream Pastry Sour
H2 Track x KOM Beer No Words
H2 Blackout Entropy Buffalo Trace BA
H2 Saperavi 2021
H2 Vibrant Forest Inaudible
H2 Farm Yard x Thornbridge x Fyne Ales x Siren x Fell Brewery x NoFo x Many Hands Make Light Work 3
H2 Otherworld x Indie Rabble Kilauea
H2 Gelato Xtreme: Verde
H2 Blessed State
H2 Events
H2 We also do Wine
H2 Saperavi 2021 Texto duplicado
H2 Vardisperi Rkatsiteli 2020
H2 Dóldora
H2 Chahuts Rosette
H2 Faire Terre Blanc
H2 Horus
H2 Emergence
H2 Perpetual
H2 Hot Sauce & Condiments
H2 Candied Red Jalapeno Chilli Jam
H2 x Mollis Chicken Lickin Finger Sauce Yellow Habanero & Mango Hot Sauce
H2 x Sandwich King Ranch
H2 Devils Shoestring Scorpion Ghost Chilli Hot Sauce
H2 • • •
H2 Testimonials
H2 Unbelievable selection of beers, staff very knowledgeable and extremely helpful. Highly recommend, especially if you're into great tasting beers. 🙌🍻 Cheers.
H2 This kind of little gem is exactly why I love living in Hitchin. 🍻🖤
H2 Excellent for the beer serious beer lover. Good place to buy an alternative to the standard bottle of wine for friends or work colleagues. Great choice at a range of price points and very helpful s...
H2 Fantastic range of bottled beers and cans. Varied draught or keg beers and ciders. Staff are knowledgeable. Friendly atmosphere 🍺👌🏽
H2 Curious murky fizzy yellow beers in tins... Interesting. But I was looking for proper brown beer that tastes like beer.
H2 One of my regular spots, especially on a sunny evening to grab a few growlers. Highly recommend if you enjoy selection and variety brews.
H2 Love this place - great beers, frequently changed, great people, great vibe! If you love beer you should be here!
H2 Awesome shop with an incredible range, and of course the staff know their stuff. Great place.
H2 Huge beer selection from around the world as well as local varieties. You can buy and sit inside or buy to take home. Beers on tap which change regularly. The people that work there are very knowle...
H2 We were visiting from California - wonderful selection and very knowledgeable and friendly staff at the Beer Shop.
H2 Great selection of beers, friendly staff, plus they do draft beer to take home.
H2 The Beer Shop Hitchin is an amazing place with a vast array of drinks on offer coupled with friendly and knowledgeable staff - highly recommended
H2 Delicious beer 🍺 great service and comfy outdoor seating area.
H2 A billion billion wonderful beers.
H3 What's on tap Stortford
H3 What's on tap Hitchin
H3 What's on tap St Albans
H3 Tasting Evening // The World of Beer Styles
H3 Tasting Evening // The World of Beer Styles Texto duplicado
H3 Pales
H3 Lagers
H3 Quick Sours
H3 All about us
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Continental bottles
H3 From the cellar
H3 Winter Warmers
H3 Tring Ale Preorders
H3 Nationwide delivery
H3 Local delivery
H3 Store pickup
H3 St Albans
H3 Hitchin
H3 Lewis Giddings
H3 Amy Thurstan
H3 Paul Owen
H3 Fiona Murray
H3 Brian Butterfield
H3 Thomas Kappen
H3 Barbara Robinson
H3 Chris's Beer Reviews
H3 Louise Rice
H3 Raymond Moreno
H3 Stuart Barr
H3 James Foster
H3 Helen Coulshed
H3 Brian Cox
H3 Age verification
H3 Search
H3 Added to cart
H4 Contact
H4 St Albans Texto duplicado
H4 Bishop's Stortford
H4 Join our mailing list
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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/pages/delivery-infoFREE shipping on orders over £65 (FREE over £40 for Herts postcodes) 🔔 Christmas UK shipping now closed... READ MORE Beer Shop HQ 0
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/collections/christmas-beersTexto duplicado Buy Now
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/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Yonder Shrimps & Bananas
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Yonder Shrimps & Bananas £6.45 Yonder Brewing & Blending 440ml can (ABV: 5%)
A-TITLE Yonder Shrimps & Bananas
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Yonder Freak Shake Red Velvet Birthday Cake
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Yonder Freak Shake Red Velvet Birthday Cake £6.45 Yonder Brewing & Blending 440ml can (ABV: 8.4%)
A-TITLE Yonder Freak Shake Red Velvet Birthday Cake
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Mango, Pineapple, Coconut & Lime Ice Cream Cake W/ Vanilla Swirl Pastry Sour
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Sold Out
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Mango, Pineapple, Coconut & Lime Ice Cream Cake W/ Vanilla Swirl Pastry Sour Sold Out Amundsen Bryggeri 440ml can (ABV: 6.3%)
A-TITLE Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Mango, Pineapple, Coconut & Lime Ice Cream Cake W/ Vanilla Swirl Pastry Sour
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Raspberry, Passionfruit, Citrus Mousse Cake W/ Whipped Marshmallow Cream Pastry Sour
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Raspberry, Passionfruit, Citrus Mousse Cake W/ Whipped Marshmallow Cream Pastry Sour £9.35 Amundsen Bryggeri 440ml can (ABV: 6....
A-TITLE Amundsen 11th Birthday Cake - Raspberry, Passionfruit, Citrus Mousse Cake W/ Whipped Marshmallow Cream Pastry Sour
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Track x KOM Beer No Words
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Track x KOM Beer No Words £8.35 Track Brewing Co. 440ml can (ABV: 8%)
A-TITLE Track x KOM Beer No Words
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Blackout Entropy Buffalo Trace BA
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Blackout Entropy Buffalo Trace BA £11.30 Blackout Brewing 330ml bottle (ABV: 10.5%)
A-TITLE Blackout Entropy Buffalo Trace BA
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Saperavi 2021
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Saperavi 2021 £24.00 Pheasant's Tears 750ml bottle (ABV: 13%)
A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Saperavi 2021
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Vibrant Forest Inaudible
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Vibrant Forest Inaudible £4.60 Vibrant Forest Brewery 440ml can (ABV: 5%)
A-TITLE Vibrant Forest Inaudible
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Farm Yard x Thornbridge x Fyne Ales x Siren x Fell Brewery x NoFo x Many Hands Make Light Work 3
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Farm Yard x Thornbridge x Fyne Ales x Siren x Fell Brewery x NoFo x Many Hands Make Light Work 3 £5.40 Farm Yard Brew Co. 440ml can (ABV: 6%)
A-TITLE Farm Yard x Thornbridge x Fyne Ales x Siren x Fell Brewery x NoFo x Many Hands Make Light Work 3
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Otherworld x Indie Rabble Kilauea
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Otherworld x Indie Rabble Kilauea Sold Out Otherworld Brewing 440ml can (ABV: 4%)
A-TITLE Otherworld x Indie Rabble Kilauea
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Funky Fluid Gelato Xtreme: Verde
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Texto duplicado Sold Out
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Gelato Xtreme: Verde Sold Out Funky Fluid 500ml can (ABV: 8%)
A-TITLE Funky Fluid Gelato Xtreme: Verde
/collections/new-in-with-photo...A-TITLE Burning Sky Blessed State
/collections/new-in-with-photo...Blessed State £5.10 Burning Sky 440ml can (ABV: 7.3%)
A-TITLE Burning Sky Blessed State
/collections/new-inSee all
/pages/stortford?Subdominio Texto ancla What's on tap Stortford
/pages/hitchin?Subdominio Texto ancla What's on tap Hitchin
/pages/st-albans?Subdominio Texto ancla What's on tap St Albans
/products/tasting-evening-the-...Subdominio Learn more
/products/tasting-evening-the-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Learn more
/collections/eventsView all
/collections/pale-aleSubdominio Pales Here's our range of freshest pales from the ultra hazy to the continental crisp...
/collections/lagers-kolschSubdominio Lagers Mostly from Germany, alongside some great crafty interpretations of classic styles made in the UK.
/collections/quick-soursSubdominio Quick Sours AKA kettle sours are tart, zippy and often heaped with fruit & other additions.
/pages/our-storyFind out more...
/collections/track-brewing-coIMG-ALT Track Brewing Co
/collections/arbor-alesIMG-ALT Arbor Ales
/collections/3-fonteinenIMG-ALT 3 Fonteinen
/collections/the-kernel-breweryIMG-ALT The Kernel Brewery
/collections/verdant-brewing-coIMG-ALT Verdant Brewing Co
/collections/azvex-brewingIMG-ALT Azvex Brewing
/collections/pressure-drop-bre...IMG-ALT Pressure Drop Brewing
/collections/st-bernardusIMG-ALT St. Bernardus
/collections/tegernseer-brewerySin texto
/collections/gravity-well-brew...IMG-ALT Gravity Well Brewing Company Subdominio Texto duplicado View all
/collections/better-with-ageFrom the cellar We've an appreciation for slowing things down and letting certain beers evolve and mature in the perfect environment. All our shops have refr...
/collections/winter-warmersWinter Warmers Rich, decadent, roasty or boozy. Check out our recommendations to warm your cockles this winter.
/collections/cask-ordersPreorder now
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Texto duplicado A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Saperavi 2021
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Texto duplicado Saperavi 2021 £24.00 Pheasant's Tears 750ml bottle (ABV: 13%)
A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Saperavi 2021
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Vardisperi Rkatsiteli 2020
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Vardisperi Rkatsiteli 2020 £25.00 Pheasant's Tears 750ml bottle (ABV: 12%)
A-TITLE Pheasant's Tears Vardisperi Rkatsiteli 2020
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Other World Wines Dóldora
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Dóldora £15.05 Other World Wines 750ml bottle (ABV: 14%)
A-TITLE Other World Wines Dóldora
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Château Combrillac Chahuts Rosette
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Chahuts Rosette £19.00 Château Combrillac 750ml bottle (ABV: 13%)
A-TITLE Château Combrillac Chahuts Rosette
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Château Combrillac Faire Terre Blanc
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Faire Terre Blanc £19.80 Château Combrillac 750ml bottle (ABV: 12.5%)
A-TITLE Château Combrillac Faire Terre Blanc
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Domaine Viret Horus
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Horus £27.45 Domaine Viret 750ml bottle (ABV: 14.5%)
A-TITLE Domaine Viret Horus
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Domaine Viret Emergence
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Emergence £30.00 Domaine Viret 750ml bottle (ABV: 15%)
A-TITLE Domaine Viret Emergence
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...A-TITLE Domaine Viret Perpetual
/collections/wine-new-in/produ...Perpetual £19.90 Domaine Viret 750ml bottle (ABV: 14.5%)
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/collections/hot-sauce-condime...A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce Candied Red Jalapeno Chilli Jam
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...Candied Red Jalapeno Chilli Jam £5.65 Thiccc Sauce
A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce Candied Red Jalapeno Chilli Jam
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce x Mollis Chicken Lickin Finger Sauce Yellow Habanero & Mango Hot Sauce
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...x Mollis Chicken Lickin Finger Sauce Yellow Habanero & Mango Hot Sauce £6.15 Thiccc Sauce
A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce x Mollis Chicken Lickin Finger Sauce Yellow Habanero & Mango Hot Sauce
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce x Sandwich King Ranch
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...x Sandwich King Ranch £5.90 Thiccc Sauce 250ml Bottle
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/collections/hot-sauce-condime...A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce Devils Shoestring Scorpion Ghost Chilli Hot Sauce
/collections/hot-sauce-condime...Devils Shoestring Scorpion Ghost Chilli Hot Sauce £9.40 Thiccc Sauce
A-TITLE Thiccc Sauce Devils Shoestring Scorpion Ghost Chilli Hot Sauce
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Beer Shop HQ | Buy Craft Beer Online | World Beers | Ales & Lag...
Stocking some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional Trappist ales and German lagers. Buy online - we ship nationwide! - Visit Beer Shop HQ to buy some of the best beers from the UK, USA, Belgium, Scandinavia, Germany and beyond. From modern craft beers to traditional ales.

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Beer Shop93%Check
Beer Shop HQ93%Check
Craft Beer77%Check
Craft Beers69%Check
Beer Styles68%Check
Free Beer67%Check

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