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Blackmagic Design
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality products for the feature film, post and broadcast industries including URSA cameras, DaVinci Resolve and ATEM switchers.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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authorBlackmagic Design
descriptionBlackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality products for the feature film, post and broadcast industries including URSA cameras, DaVinci Resolve and ATEM switchers.
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Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: All items on this website are copyright Blackmagic Design Pty. Ltd. 20...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1628 palabras.
Un 21.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 7 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 12.32 palabras.
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Redes Sociales
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...magic-ursa-cine-12k-lg.jpg?_v=1712804590New Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K
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...e-micro-color-panel-lg.jpg?_v=1712808399New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel
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...ic-media-player-10g-lg.jpg?_v=1712914728New Blackmagic Media Player 10G
...-2110-ip-converters-lg.jpg?_v=1728258957Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters 4K G3
...udio-monitor-12g-g3-lg.jpg?_v=1712806355New Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3 ATEM Constellation 4K
...m-micro-panel/nab-smartview-4k-g3-lg.jpgATEM ATEM Micro Panel
...ideohub-120x120-12g-lg.jpg?_v=1712810763Videohub 120x120 12G
...ackmagic-media-dock-lg.jpg?_v=1712814245New Blackmagic Media Dock Pocket Cinema Camera
...agic-cloud-features-lg.jpg?_v=1734587138New Features for Blackmagic Cloud!
...oud-price-reduction-lg.jpg?_v=1733113402Blackmagic Cloud Price Reduction
...mera-app-android-en-lg.jpg?_v=1718951713New Blackmagic Camera for Android
...nitor/pyxis-monitor-lg.jpg?_v=1726097962Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor
...blackmagic-pyxis-6k-lg.jpg?_v=1712876456Blackmagic PYXIS 6k
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...thernet-switch-360p-lg.jpg?_v=1712565508New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch 360P
...e-micro-color-panel-lg.jpg?_v=1712563604New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel
...gic-cloud-store-max-lg.jpg?_v=1712564734New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max
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...-g3/smartview-4k-g3-lg.jpg?_v=1712213079 SmartView 4K G3
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...60/shark-attack-360-md.jpg?_v=1733371982Ultimatte Transforms Visual Effects for Shark Attack 360
...2024/blockbusters-2024.jpg?_v=1728355037Blackmagic Design Used on 2024 Oscar® Nominated Films
...24/guardians/guardians.jpg?_v=1724393852“Guardians” Captured with Blackmagic Cameras.
.../oscar-2024/oscar-2024.jpg?_v=1710907983Blackmagic Design Used on 2024 Oscar® Nominated Films
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The Latest Stories from Splice
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 131 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The Latest Stories from Splice
H1 Products Expand Icon
H1 Support Expand Icon
H1 Community Expand Icon
H1 Company Expand Icon
H2 New Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor
H2 New Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K
H2 New Blackmagic PYXIS 6K
H2 DaVinci Resolve 19
H2 New DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor
H2 New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel
H2 New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch
H2 New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max
H2 New Blackmagic Media Player 10G
H2 New Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters
H2 New SmartView 4K G3
H2 New Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3
H2 New ATEM Constellation 4K
H2 New ATEM Micro Panel
H2 New Videohub 120x120 12G
H2 New Blackmagic Media Dock
H2 New Low Price for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K
H2 New Features for Blackmagic Cloud!
H2 New Lower Blackmagic Cloud Price
H2 Blackmagic Camera now on Android!
H2 New Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic PYXIS 6K Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K Texto duplicado
H2 Introducing DaVinci Resolve 19
H2 New DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch Texto duplicado
H2 New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters Texto duplicado
H2 New SmartView 4K G3 Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3 Texto duplicado
H2 New ATEM Constellation 4K Texto duplicado
H2 New ATEM Micro Panel Texto duplicado
H2 New Videohub 120x120 12G Texto duplicado
H2 New Blackmagic Media Dock Texto duplicado
H2 Come and see us in Anaheim!
H2 Latest Videos
H2 What's New in Blackmagic Camera for iOS 2.1
H2 Blackmagic PYXIS Update
H2 NAB 2024 Update!
H2 IBC 2023 Update!
H2 Customer Stories
H2 Ultimatte Transforms Visual Effects for Shark Attack 360
H2 Blackmagic Design used on 2024 Blockbuster Films!
H2 Guardians Captured with Blackmagic Cameras.
H2 Blackmagic Design Used on 2024 Oscar® Nominated Films
H3 New cinematic monitoring solution for Blackmagic PYXIS with bright 5″ HDR touchscreen, camera control and multiple mounts!
H3 Revolutionary large format digital film camera with RGBW 36 x 24mm sensor, 16 stops of dynamic range and Blackmagic RAW syncing to DaVinci Resolve!
H3 Advanced digital film camera with full frame 6K sensor in EF, PL or L-Mount models, Blackmagic RAW and global media sync with Blackmagic Cloud!
H3 Adds new AI tools and over 100 upgrades including IntelliTrack AI, ColorSlice grading, plus multi-source editing, live replay and more!
H3 New editor panel for multi-cam editing for news cutting and live sports replay. Combines replay and fast editing in the same panel!
H3 Powerful color panel gives you all the control you need to create cinematic images!
H3 World’s first Ethernet switch for the film and television industry with 10G Ethernet for SMPTE-2110 IP video and front panel routing!
H3 High performance flash storage designed for the television industry, with up to 48TB capacity, fast 100G Ethernet, 4 x 10G Ethernet and Blackmagic Cloud sync!
H3 New Thunderbolt capture and playback solution for live production with fill and key video, extended desktop, 10G Ethernet and monitoring!
H3 New family of affordable 2110-IP video converters for broadcast and live production. Models for monitoring, cameras and presentations.
H3 The world’s first Ultra HD broadcast monitor with both 12G-SDI and SMPTE-2110 IP video inputs!
H3 Get powerful audio monitoring in an incredibly compact 1 rack unit size! Includes accurate audio meters, 12G‑SDI and SMPTE 2110 IP video!
H3 Advanced Ultra HD live production switchers with up to 20 inputs, 12 aux outputs, 6 DVEs, 8 chroma keyers, 2 multiviews and more!
H3 Extremely portable and affordable control surface for use with ATEM Software Control works with all models of ATEM switchers!
H3 New massive 120x120 model zero latency 12G‑SDI video router supports any combination of SD, HD and Ultra HD on the router at the same time!
H3 Mount and share over your network media modules from Blackmagic URSA Cine cameras. Includes Blackmagic Cloud sync.
H3 Now it’s even easier to shoot with digital film quality or set up live broadcasts with ATEM Mini!
H3 Now with a thumbnail icon view, clip metadata inspector and the ability to invite anyone to join a presentation using a link for easy collaboration!
H3 Now global creative cloud workflows with DaVinci Resolve are even more affordable!
H3 Now you can shoot with high end digital film camera features on Android Samsung and Google phones!
H3 New cinematic monitoring solution for Blackmagic PYXIS with bright 5″ HDR touchscreen, camera control and multiple mounts! Texto duplicado
H3 Advanced digital film camera with full frame 6K sensor in EF, PL or L-Mount models, Blackmagic RAW and global media sync to Blackmagic Cloud!
H3 Revolutionary large format digital film camera with RGBW 36x24mm sensor, 16 stops of dynamic range and Blackmagic RAW syncing to DaVinci Resolve!
H3 Adds new AI tools and over 100 upgrades including IntelliTrack AI, ColorSlice grading, plus multi-source editing, live replay and more! Texto duplicado
H3 New editor panel for multi-cam editing for news cutting and live sports replay. Combines replay and fast editing in the same panel! Texto duplicado
H3 World’s first Ethernet switch for the film and television industry with 10G Ethernet for SMPTE-2110 IP video and front panel routing! Texto duplicado
H3 Powerful color panel gives you all the control you need to create cinematic images! Texto duplicado
H3 High performance flash storage for the television industry, up to 48TB capacity, fast 100G Ethernet, 4 x 10G Ethernet and Blackmagic Cloud sync!
H3 New family of affordable 2110-IP video converters for broadcast and live production. Models for monitoring, cameras and presentations. Texto duplicado
H3 The world’s first Ultra HD broadcast monitor with both 12G-SDI and SMPTE-2110 IP video inputs! Texto duplicado
H3 Get powerful audio monitoring in an incredibly compact 1 rack unit size! Includes accurate audio meters, 12G‑SDI and SMPTE 2110 IP video! Texto duplicado
H3 Advanced Ultra HD live production switchers with up to 20 inputs, 12 aux outputs, 6 DVEs, 8 chroma keyers, 2 multiviews and more! Texto duplicado
H3 Extremely portable and affordable control surface for use with ATEM Software Control works with all models of ATEM switchers! Texto duplicado
H3 New massive 120x120 model zero latency 12G‑SDI video router supports any combination of SD, HD and Ultra HD on the router at the same time! Texto duplicado
H3 Mount and share over your network media modules from Blackmagic URSA Cine cameras. Includes Blackmagic Cloud sync. Texto duplicado
H3 23-25 January, 2025 Anaheim Convention Center, Booth 401
H3 Discover how Little Shadow built a virtual studio set with 3D VFX and graphics to create interactive sharks for the Disney+ docuseries using Ultimatte and DaVinci Resolve Studio.
H4 From $295
H4 From $14,995
H4 From $2,995
H4 Download Free
H4 $495
H4 Only $509
H4 $2,895
H4 From $6,495
H4 $995
H4 From $295 Texto duplicado
H4 $1,265
H4 Only $1,295
H4 From $1,795
H4 $695
H4 $12,995
H4 $1,995
H4 Only $995
H4 Learn More!
H4 Learn More! Texto duplicado
H4 Free Download
H4 From $295 Texto duplicado
H4 From $2,995 Texto duplicado
H4 From $14,995 Texto duplicado
H4 Download Free Texto duplicado
H4 $495 Texto duplicado
H4 $2,895 Texto duplicado
H4 $509
H4 From $6,495 Texto duplicado
H4 From $295 Texto duplicado
H4 $1,265 Texto duplicado
H4 $1,295
H4 From $1,795 Texto duplicado
H4 $695 Texto duplicado
H4 $12,995 Texto duplicado
H4 $1,995 Texto duplicado
H4 Register Here!
H4 October 14, 2024
H4 Products
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Support
H4 Community
H4 Company
H4 Please select your Country or Territory
H4 Please select your Country or Territory Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
61 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (31) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/mediaMedia Subdominio Splice
https://forum.blackmagicdesign...Externo Subdominio Forum Blackmagic Design logo
https://cloud.blackmagicdesign...Externo Subdominio Log In
/hkHong Kong SAR, China
/nzNew Zealand
/saSouth Africa
/twChinese Taipei
/ukUnited Kingdom States
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/products/blackmagicpyxisNew Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor New cinematic monitoring solution for Blackmagic PYXIS with bright 5″ HDR touchscreen, camera control and multiple mounts! From ...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor
/products/blackmagicpyxisNew Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor New cinematic monitoring solution for Blackmagic PYXIS with bright 5″ HDR touchscreen, camera control and multiple mounts!
/products/blackmagicpyxisSin texto
/products/blackmagicursacineNew Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K Revolutionary large format digital film camera with RGBW 36 x 24mm sensor, 16 stops of dynamic range and Blackmagic RAW syncing ...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K
/products/blackmagicpyxisNew Blackmagic PYXIS 6K Advanced digital film camera with full frame 6K sensor in EF, PL or L-Mount models, Blackmagic RAW and global media sync with Blackma...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic PYXIS 6K
/products/davinciresolveDaVinci Resolve 19 Adds new AI tools and over 100 upgrades including IntelliTrack AI, ColorSlice grading, plus multi-source editing, live replay and more! Do...
IMG-ALT DaVinci Resolve 19
/products/davinciresolvereplayNew DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor New editor panel for multi-cam editing for news cutting and live sports replay. Combines replay and fast editing in the sam...
IMG-ALT DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor
/products/davinciresolve/panelsNew DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel Powerful color panel gives you all the control you need to create cinematic images! Only $509
IMG-ALT New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel
/products/blackmagicethernetsw...New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch World’s first Ethernet switch for the film and television industry with 10G Ethernet for SMPTE-2110 IP video and front panel r...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic Ethernet Switch 360P
/products/blackmagiccloudstore...New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max High performance flash storage designed for the television industry, with up to 48TB capacity, fast 100G Ethernet, 4 x 10G Eth...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic Cloud Store Max
/products/blackmagicmediaplayerNew Blackmagic Media Player 10G New Thunderbolt capture and playback solution for live production with fill and key video, extended desktop, 10G Ethernet and...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Media Player 10G
/products/blackmagic2110ipconv...New Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters New family of affordable 2110-IP video converters for broadcast and live production. Models for monitoring, cameras and pre...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters
/products/smartview4kNew SmartView 4K G3 The world’s first Ultra HD broadcast monitor with both 12G-SDI and SMPTE-2110 IP video inputs! $1,265
IMG-ALT SmartView 4K G3
/products/blackmagicaudiomonitorNew Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3 Get powerful audio monitoring in an incredibly compact 1 rack unit size! Includes accurate audio meters, 12G‑SDI and SMPT...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3
/products/atemconstellationNew ATEM Constellation 4K Advanced Ultra HD live production switchers with up to 20 inputs, 12 aux outputs, 6 DVEs, 8 chroma keyers, 2 multiviews and more! F...
IMG-ALT New ATEM Constellation 4K
/products/atemconstellation/ad...New ATEM Micro Panel Extremely portable and affordable control surface for use with ATEM Software Control works with all models of ATEM switchers! $695
/products/blackmagicvideohubNew Videohub 120x120 12G New massive 120x120 model zero latency 12G‑SDI video router supports any combination of SD, HD and Ultra HD on the router at the sam...
IMG-ALT Videohub 120x120 12G
/products/blackmagicursacineNew Blackmagic Media Dock Mount and share over your network media modules from Blackmagic URSA Cine cameras. Includes Blackmagic Cloud sync. $1,995
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Media Dock
/products/blackmagicpocketcine...New Low Price for Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K Now it’s even easier to shoot with digital film quality or set up live broadcasts with ATEM Mini! Only $...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera
/media/release/20241218-01Nueva ventana New Features for Blackmagic Cloud! Now with a thumbnail icon view, clip metadata inspector and the ability to invite anyone to join a presentation using a li...
IMG-ALT New Features for Blackmagic Cloud! ventana Externo Subdominio New Lower Blackmagic Cloud Price Now global creative cloud workflows with DaVinci Resolve are even more affordable! Learn More!
IMG-ALT Blackmagic Cloud Price Reduction
/products/blackmagiccameraBlackmagic Camera now on Android! Now you can shoot with high end digital film camera features on Android Samsung and Google phones! Free Download
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Camera for Android
/products/blackmagicpyxisNew Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor New cinematic monitoring solution for Blackmagic PYXIS with bright 5″ HDR touchscreen, camera control and multiple mounts! From ...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic PYXIS Monitor
/products/blackmagicpyxisNew Blackmagic PYXIS 6K Advanced digital film camera with full frame 6K sensor in EF, PL or L-Mount models, Blackmagic RAW and global media sync to Blackmagi...
IMG-ALT Blackmagic PYXIS 6k
/products/blackmagicursacineNew Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K Revolutionary large format digital film camera with RGBW 36x24mm sensor, 16 stops of dynamic range and Blackmagic RAW syncing to...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K
/products/davinciresolveIntroducing DaVinci Resolve 19 Adds new AI tools and over 100 upgrades including IntelliTrack AI, ColorSlice grading, plus multi-source editing, live replay ...
IMG-ALT DaVinci Resolve 19
/products/davinciresolvereplayTexto duplicado New DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor New editor panel for multi-cam editing for news cutting and live sports replay. Combines replay and fast editing in the sam...
IMG-ALT DaVinci Resolve Replay Editor
/products/blackmagicethernetsw...Texto duplicado New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch World’s first Ethernet switch for the film and television industry with 10G Ethernet for SMPTE-2110 IP video and front panel r...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Ethernet Switch 360P
/products/davinciresolve/panelsNew DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel Powerful color panel gives you all the control you need to create cinematic images! $509
IMG-ALT New DaVinci Resolve Micro Color Panel
/products/blackmagiccloudstore...New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max High performance flash storage for the television industry, up to 48TB capacity, fast 100G Ethernet, 4 x 10G Ethernet and Blac...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Cloud Store Max
/products/blackmagic2110ipconv...Texto duplicado New Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters New family of affordable 2110-IP video converters for broadcast and live production. Models for monitoring, cameras and pre...
IMG-ALT New Blackmagic 2110 IP Converters
/products/smartview4kTexto duplicado New SmartView 4K G3 The world’s first Ultra HD broadcast monitor with both 12G-SDI and SMPTE-2110 IP video inputs! $1,265
IMG-ALT SmartView 4K G3
/products/blackmagicaudiomonitorNew Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G G3 Get powerful audio monitoring in an incredibly compact 1 rack unit size! Includes accurate audio meters, 12G‑SDI and SMPT...
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/products/atemconstellationTexto duplicado New ATEM Constellation 4K Advanced Ultra HD live production switchers with up to 20 inputs, 12 aux outputs, 6 DVEs, 8 chroma keyers, 2 multiviews and more! F...
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IMG-ALT New Blackmagic Media Dock ventana Externo Come and see us in Anaheim! 23-25 January, 2025 Anaheim Convention Center, Booth 401 Register Here!
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/media/release/20240321-01March 21, 2024 Blackmagic Design Used on 2024 Oscar® Nominated Films Oscar® nominated films, such as “Maestro” and “Oppenheimer”, used a variety of Blackmagi...
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/productsATEM Production Switchers
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/productsTexto duplicado Professional Cameras
/productsTexto duplicado DaVinci Resolve and Fusion Software
/productsTexto duplicado ATEM Production Switchers
/productsTexto duplicado Ultimatte
/productsTexto duplicado Disk Recorders
/productsTexto duplicado Capture and Playback
/productsTexto duplicado Cintel Scanner
/productsTexto duplicado Standards Conversion
/productsTexto duplicado Broadcast Converters
/productsTexto duplicado Monitoring
/productsTexto duplicado Network Storage
/productsTexto duplicado MultiView
/productsTexto duplicado Routing and Distribution
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Blackmagic Design
Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality products for the feature film, post and broadcast industries including URSA cameras, DaVinci Resolve and ATEM switchers.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Blackmagic Design81%Check
Blackmagic Camera70%Check
Blackmagic URSA70%Check
Blackmagic PYXIS64%Check
Blackmagic Cloud64%Check
Blackmagic RAW62%Check

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