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Bründl Sports - Sports Shops & Rentals in Austria
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
La longitud del título es óptima (444 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Bründl Sports is your nr. 1 sports retailer in Austria. Discover current rental offers or visit one of our 31 sports shops.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (713 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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descriptionBründl Sports is your nr. 1 sports retailer in Austria. Discover current rental offers or visit one of our 31 sports shops.
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og:titleBründl Sports - Sports Shops & Rentals in Austria
og:descriptionBründl Sports is your nr. 1 sports retailer in Austria. Discover current rental offers or visit one of our 31 sports shops.
og:site_nameBründl Sports

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Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
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La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...rces/dist/bruendl/icons/logo_bruendl.svgBründl Sports
data:[...] Base64The new Bründl Sports Flagshipstore Kaprun The new Bründl Sports Flagshipstore Kaprun
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Ein Pärchen erkundet die Berge auf einer Fahrradtour.Sommer_24_Bike_2
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Das Paar beobachtet den Sonnenuntergang von ihrem Standpunkt oben auf dem Berg ausSommer_24_Wandern_5
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Unsere neue BRÜNDL +CARD Key Visual zeigt ein junges Pärchen auf dem Weg zum Gipfel:BRÜNDL +CARD
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTClick and Reserve mobile
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Bründl Sports Flagshipstore in Kaprun Flagshipstore Kaprun
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Bründl Sports Sportgeschäft direkt an der Liftstation - Schmittenhöhebahn <br/>Außenansicht Bründl Sports Schmittenhöhebahn Talstation
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSommer_24_2_Saalfelden
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Aussenansicht des Bründl Sports Shop Saalbach Life.StyleBründl Sports Shop Saalbach Life.Style
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSommer_24_3_DOC
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSommer_24_1_Mayrhofen_Zentrum
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSommer_24_1_Spieljochtal
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Schaufenster Bründl Sports Ischgl Zentrum - Tagesaufnahme im Sommer<br/>Außenansicht Bründl Sports Ischgl Zentrum Sommer
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSommer_24_1_Planai
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Ein Paar erkundet die Landschaft auf einer Radtour.Sommer_24_Bike_1
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTClick and Reserve mobile
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Bründl Sports - B GreenBründl Sports - B Green
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Bikers driving down the mountain during a sunset in zell am seesunset zell am see
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Loyalty Card of Bründl SportsBründl +Card
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Das Paar steht oben auf dem Berg und genießt die atemberaubende AussichtSommer_24_Wandern_4
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSkiservice Hofer Hans
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTWeitblick_Terrasse1_2023
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTSpargel_Abend_Event
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALTBike Specialized
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Reifendruck überprüfen bei BikepflegeBikepflege - Reifendruck
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Reifendruck überprüfen bei BikepflegeBikepflege - Reifendruck
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Bründl Sports Highlights
H2 Book your bike now!
H2 Your no. 1 sports dealer
H2 Bründl Sports Events
H2 Our happy customers
H3 Save money and time.
H3 Discover your bike adventure
H3 Highest quality is our claim
H3 And we receive more every day
H4 Magic Moments with your customer loyalty card
H4 The bike summer has begun
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 6 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip navigationündl Sports
A-TITLE Bründl Sports online
A-TITLE Rent online duplicado IMG-ALT Bründl Sports
A-TITLE Bründl Sports duplicado Bründl Sports
A-TITLE Bründl Sports duplicado Rent online
A-TITLE Rent online
A-TITLE Locations
/en/locationsFind shops near you
A-TITLE Locations
A-TITLE Kaprun
/en/locations/kaprunAll Shops in Kaprun
A-TITLE Kaprun
/en/locations/kaprun/flagships...Bründl Sports flagship store
A-TITLE Bründl Sports flagship store
/en/locations/kaprun/maiskogel...Bründl Sports Maiskogelbahn valley station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Maiskogelbahn valley station
/en/locations/kaprun/kitzstein...Bründl Sports Kitzsteinhorn Alpincenter
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Kitzsteinhorn Alpincenter
/en/locations/kaprun/bikeworldTexto duplicado Bründl Sports
A-TITLE Bründl Sports
/en/locations/kaprun/bikeworld...Bründl Sports Bikeworld Kaprun
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Bikeworld Kaprun
/en/locations/kaprun/outletBründl Sports Kaprun Outlet
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Kaprun Outlet
/en/locations/kaprun/tauern-spaBründl Sports Tauern Spa
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Tauern Spa
/en/locations/zell-am-seeZell am See
A-TITLE Zell am See
/en/locations/zell-am-seeAll shops in Zell am See
A-TITLE Zell am See
/en/locations/zell-am-see/schm...Bründl Sports Schmittenhöhebahn Valley station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Schmittenhöhebahn Valley station
A-TITLE cityxpress-talstation
/en/locations/zell-am-see/arei...Bründl Sports AreitXPress Valley Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports AreitXPress Valley Station
/en/locations/zell-am-see/arei...Bründl Sports AreitXPress Top Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports AreitXPress Top Station
/en/locations/zell-am-see/driv...Bründl Sports DriveIn Areit III Top Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports DriveIn Areit III Top Station
A-TITLE Saalfelden
/en/locations/saalfeldenAll shops in Saalfelden
A-TITLE Saalfelden
/en/locations/saalfelden/saalf...Bründl Sports Saalfelden
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Saalfelden
A-TITLE Saalbach
/en/locations/saalbachAll shops in Saalbach
A-TITLE Saalbach
/en/locations/saalbach/saalbac...Bründl Sports Saalbach Center
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Saalbach Center
/en/locations/saalbach/saalbac...Bründl Sports Saalbach Life.Style
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Saalbach Life.Style
/en/locations/saalbach/kohlmai...Bründl Sports Kohlmaisbahn
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Kohlmaisbahn
/en/locations/saalbach/skiserv...Bründl Sports Saalbach Ski Service Center
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Saalbach Ski Service Center
/en/locations/saalbach/viehhof...Bründl Sports Viehhofen Valley Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Viehhofen Valley Station
A-TITLE Salzburg
/en/locations/salzburgAll shops in Salzburg
A-TITLE Salzburg
/en/locations/salzburg/mcarthu...Bründl Sports McArthurGlen Designer Outlet
A-TITLE Bründl Sports McArthurGlen Designer Outlet
A-TITLE Mayrhofen
/en/locations/mayrhofenAll shops in Mayrhofen
A-TITLE Mayrhofen
/en/locations/mayrhofen/centerBründl Sports Mayrhofen Center
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Mayrhofen Center
/en/locations/mayrhofen/penken...Bründl Sports Penkenbahn valley station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Penkenbahn valley station
/en/locations/mayrhofen/penken...Bründl Sports Penkenbahn top station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Penkenbahn top station
/en/locations/mayrhofen/ahornb...Bründl Sports Ahornbahn valley station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Ahornbahn valley station
/en/locations/fuegenAll shops in Fügen
/en/locations/fuegen/spieljoch...Bründl Sports Spieljochbahn valley Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Spieljochbahn valley Station
/en/locations/fuegen/spieljoch...Bründl Sports Spieljochbahn Top Station
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Spieljochbahn Top Station
A-TITLE Ischgl
/en/locations/ischglAll shops in Ischgl
A-TITLE Ischgl
/en/locations/ischgl/centerBründl Sports Ischgl center
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Ischgl center
/en/locations/ischgl/lifestyleBründl Sports Ischgl Life.Style
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Ischgl Life.Style
/en/locations/ischgl/pardatsch...Bründl Sports Pardatschgratbahn
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Pardatschgratbahn
A-TITLE Schladming
/en/locations/schladmingAll shops in Schladming
A-TITLE Schladming
/en/locations/schladming/plane...Bründl Sports Planet Planai
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Planet Planai
/en/locations/schladming/bikew...Bründl Sports Bikeworld
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Bikeworld
/en/locations/schladming/charl...Bründl Sports Charly Kahr
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Charly Kahr
/en/locations/kaprun/flagships...New Flagshipstore
IMG-ALT The new Bründl Sports Flagshipstore Kaprun
/en/products-brandsProducts & Brands
A-TITLE Products & Brands
/en/products-brandsAbout products & brands
A-TITLE Products & Brands
A-TITLE Sports
/en/products-brands/sportsAll sports
A-TITLE Sports
/en/products-brands/sports/fit...Fitness, Running & Yoga
A-TITLE Fitness, Running & Yoga
A-TITLE Hiking
A-TITLE Tennis
A-TITLE Skitour
/en/products-brands/sports/cro...Cross-Country Skiing
A-TITLE Cross-Country Skiing
A-TITLE Snoweshoeing
/en/products-brands/sports/ski...Ski Alpin
A-TITLE Ski Alpin
A-TITLE Expertentipps
/en/products-brands/productsProduct highlights
A-TITLE Product highlights
/en/products-brands/brandsTop Brands
A-TITLE Top Brands
/en/products-brands/current-pr...Bründl Sports shop special offers
A-TITLE Bründl Sports shop special offers
A-TITLE Services
/en/servicesAbout our services
A-TITLE Services
/en/services/customer-loyalty-...Customer loyalty card
A-TITLE Customer loyalty card
/en/services/bringer-bonusBringer Bonus
A-TITLE Bringer Bonus
/en/services/product-servicesProduct services
A-TITLE Product services
/en/services/product-servicesAbout the product services
A-TITLE Product services
/en/services/product-services/...Ski & Snowboard service
A-TITLE Ski & Snowboard service
/en/services/product-services/...Shoe impregnation
A-TITLE Shoe impregnation
/en/services/product-services/...Ski rental
A-TITLE Ski rental
/en/services/product-services/...Ski boot fitting
A-TITLE Ski boot fitting
/en/services/product-services/...Try & buy
A-TITLE Try & buy
/en/services/product-services/...Ski racing service
A-TITLE Ski racing service
/en/services/product-services/...Bike service
A-TITLE Bike service
/en/services/product-services/...Bike rental
A-TITLE Bike rental
/en/services/product-services/...Bike fitting
A-TITLE Bike fitting
/en/services/product-services/...Bike Service-Pass
A-TITLE Bike Service-Pass
/en/services/product-services/...Running analysis
A-TITLE Running analysis
/en/services/product-services/...Restringing tennis rackets
A-TITLE Restringing tennis rackets
/en/services/product-services/...In-House Tailor’s
A-TITLE In-House Tailor’s
/en/services/product-services/...Job bike
A-TITLE Job bike
/en/services/shopping-experienceShopping experience
A-TITLE Shopping experience
/en/services/shopping-experienceAbout the shopping experience
A-TITLE Shopping experience
/en/services/shopping-experien...Bar & lounge
A-TITLE Bar & lounge
/en/services/shopping-experien...Climing wall
A-TITLE Climing wall
/en/services/shopping-experien...Ski depot
A-TITLE Ski depot
/en/services/shopping-experien...Children's play area
A-TITLE Children's play area
/en/services/shopping-experien...Giant slide
A-TITLE Giant slide
/en/services/shopping-experien...Test your hiking boots
A-TITLE Test your hiking boots
/en/services/shopping-experien...Bike parcours Salzburg
A-TITLE Bike parcours Salzburg
A-TITLE Skywalk
/en/services/gift-vouchersGift vouchers
A-TITLE Gift vouchers
/en/services/sports-clubs-spon...Sports clubs & sponsoring
A-TITLE Sports clubs & sponsoring
/en/services/sports-clubs-spon...About sports clubs & sponsoring
A-TITLE Sports clubs & sponsoring
/en/services/sports-clubs-spon...Offers for sports clubs
A-TITLE Offers for sports clubs
/en/services/sports-clubs-spon...Sponsorship opportunities
A-TITLE Sponsorship opportunities
/en/about-usAbout us
A-TITLE About us
/en/about-usTexto duplicado About us
A-TITLE About us
/en/about-us/who-we-areWho are we?
A-TITLE Who are we?
/en/about-us/what-makes-us-dif...What makes us different?
A-TITLE What makes us different?
/en/about-us/our-storyOur Story
A-TITLE Our Story
/en/about-us/our-teamOur team
A-TITLE Our team
/en/about-us/our-teamTexto duplicado Our team
A-TITLE Our team
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Success stories
A-TITLE Success stories
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Anni Egger
A-TITLE Anni Egger
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Elisabeth Rendl
A-TITLE Elisabeth Rendl
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Günter Wagenhofer
A-TITLE Günter Wagenhofer
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Manfred Rogetzer
A-TITLE Manfred Rogetzer
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Stefan Eckel
A-TITLE Stefan Eckel
/en/about-us/our-team/success-...Theresa Schernthaner
A-TITLE Theresa Schernthaner
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/about-us/sustainabilityTexto duplicado Sustainability
A-TITLE Sustainability
A-TITLE Environment
A-TITLE Governance
A-TITLE Social
/en/about-us/sustainability/b-...B-Green Logo für Marken und Liefernde
A-TITLE B-Green Logo für Marken und Liefernde
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-bookOur Bründl Sports book
A-TITLE Our Bründl Sports book
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-bookTexto duplicado Our Bründl Sports book
A-TITLE Our Bründl Sports book
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Book 1
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Book 1
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Buch 2
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Buch 2
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Book 3
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Book 3
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Book 4
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Book 4
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Book 5
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Book 5
/en/about-us/our-bruendl-book/...Bründl Sports Book 6
A-TITLE Bründl Sports Book 6
/en/about-us/bruendlfansBründlfans summer
A-TITLE Bründlfans summer
A-TITLE Career career -related
A-TITLE Career
/en/career/job-vacanciesJob vacancies
A-TITLE Job vacancies
/en/career/why-bruendlWhy Bründl?
A-TITLE Why Bründl?
/en/career/careers-shopShop careers
A-TITLE Shop careers
/en/career/careers-shopComplete information about shop careers
A-TITLE Shop careers
/en/career/careers-shop/shop-a...Shop assistant
A-TITLE Shop assistant
A-TITLE Cashier
/en/career/careers-shop/ski-re...Ski rentals
A-TITLE Ski rentals
/en/career/careers-shop/servic...Service technician
A-TITLE Service technician
A-TITLE Merchandising
/en/career/careers-shop/latera...Lateral entry
A-TITLE Lateral entry
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Apprenticeships at Bründl
A-TITLE Apprenticeships at Bründl
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Everything you need to know about apprenticeships at Bründl
A-TITLE Apprenticeships at Bründl
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Retail sales
A-TITLE Retail sales
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Operational logistics assistant
A-TITLE Operational logistics assistant
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Clerical assistant
A-TITLE Clerical assistant
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...IT technician
A-TITLE IT technician
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Texto duplicado Retail sales
A-TITLE Retail sales
/en/career/apprenticeships-at-...Texto duplicado Retail sales
A-TITLE Retail sales
/en/career/careers-in-the-serv...Careers in our service center
A-TITLE Careers in our service center
/en/career/careers-in-the-serv...The service center
A-TITLE Careers in our service center
/en/career/careers-in-the-serv...Purchasing & Distribution
A-TITLE Purchasing & Distribution
/en/career/careers-in-the-serv...Finance & Accounting
A-TITLE Finance & Accounting
A-TITLE Marketing
A-TITLE Logistics
A-TITLE Personnel
/en/career/bruendl-academyBründl Academy
A-TITLE Bründl Academy
/en/career/contact-usContact us
A-TITLE Contact us
/en/magazineMagazine & Stories
A-TITLE Magazine & Stories
A-TITLE Events
A-TITLE Podcast
/en/products-brands/sports/bikeBike Highlights
IMG-ALT Ein Pärchen erkundet die Berge auf einer Fahrradtour.
/en/products-brandsTop brands at Bründl Sports
IMG-ALT Das Paar beobachtet den Sonnenuntergang von ihrem Standpunkt oben auf dem Berg aus Bründl Sports - Sports Shops & Rentals in Austria duplicado Rent online
A-TITLE Rent online duplicado A-TITLE Bründl Sports - Sports Shops & Rentals in Austria
/en/services/customer-loyalty-...BRÜNDL +CARD Get exclusive discounts, premium services, and unforgettable experiences with the BRÜNDL +CARD Discover our BRÜNDL +CARD - Let's go!
/en/products-brands/current-pr...MAGIC MOMENTS MAGAZIN Discover the latest trends, offers, tips, and tricks for summer sports enthusiasts, along with exciting interviews & stories! Discover ...
/en/products-brands/productsCHECK NOW: Click & Reserve Reserve your desired product online in just 4 easy steps! Simple, fast, stress-free – Let's go!
/en/products-brands/current-pr...Subdominio MAGIC MOMENTS MAGAZIN
/en/products-brands/current-pr...Let yourself be inspired - discover our Magic Moment Magazine
A-TITLE Let yourself be inspired - discover our Magic Moment Magazine
/en/locationsOur shops
A-TITLE Our shops Subdominio Apply for your BRÜNDL +CARD now
/en/products-brands/products/p...Click & Reserve - try now!
A-TITLE Click & Reserve - try now!
/en/locations/kaprun7 Shops in Kaprun
/en/locations/zell-am-see5 Shops in Zell am See
/en/locations/saalfelden1 Shop in Saalfelden
/en/locations/saalbach5 Shops in Saalbach
/en/locations/salzburg1 Shop in Salzburg
/en/locations/mayrhofen4 Shops in Mayrhofen
/en/locations/fuegen2 Shops in Fügen
/en/locations/ischgl3 Shops in Ischgl
/en/locations/schladming3 Shops in Schladming
/en/products-brands/sports/bikeSummer experience The diversity of summer sports – from biking to hiking and much more
IMG-ALT Ein Paar erkundet die Landschaft auf einer Radtour.
/en/products-brands/productsClick & Reserve Easy and convenient: Reserve your desired products with Click & Reserve
A-TITLE Product highlights
/en/about-us/sustainabilitySave the Magic Sustainability at Bründl Sports
IMG-ALT Bründl Sports - B Green
A-TITLE Sustainability
/en/rent/bike-rentalFind your perfect bike
A-TITLE Find your perfect bike
/en/products-brands/current-pr...© Mathäus Gartner Current promotions Explore current promotions and offers
IMG-ALT Loyalty Card of Bründl Sports
A-TITLE Bründl Sports shop special offers
/en/products-brands/brandsBrands Top brands at a glance
IMG-ALT Das Paar steht oben auf dem Berg und genießt die atemberaubende Aussicht
A-TITLE Top Brands
/en/servicesServices Service is our passion
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Bründl Sports - Sports Shops & Rentals in Austria
Bründl Sports is your nr. 1 sports retailer in Austria. Discover current rental offers or visit one of our 31 sports shops.

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Bründl Sports76%Check
Bründl Sports Saalbach65%Check
Bründl Sports Ischgl65%Check
Bründl Sports book62%Check
Bründl Sports Bikeworld62%Check
Bründl Sports AreitXPress62%Check
Bründl Sports Penkenbahn62%Check

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