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BÜCHI Labortechnik |
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Meta descripción
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No se encuentra la meta descripción.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
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URL de la página
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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: We are pleased to announce a new and exciting partnership between BÜCH...
  • Texto duplicado 2: BUCHI will start selling the handheld NIR solution NeoSpectra from Si-...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2488 palabras.
Un 30.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 54 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.41 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 77 caracteres:
"introducing the lyovapor™ l-250: the green & effective freeze drying solution".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 5 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ustom/hv_buchi/assets/img/BUCHI-logo.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...eze Dryer/Lyovapor L-250/L-250_main.tiffLyovapor™ L-250
...Chromatography/Pure/Pure_main_image.tiffPure Chromatography Systems
...746/Applications/Food_Pasta_Fusilli.tiffCarece de atributo ALT
...ations/Chemistry_Liquids_Petri_Dish.tiffCarece de atributo ALT
...1/Applications/Materials_Water_Drop.tiffCarece de atributo ALT
...te/Technology/BUCHI_SprayDrying_comp.mp4Carece de atributo ALT
...te/Technology/BUCHI_Kjeldahl_2K_H264.mp4Steam Distillation
... Dryer S-300/S-300_Basic_220_C_main.tiffS-300_Basic_220_C_main.tiff
... Essential/NIRMaster_Essential_main.tiffNIRMaster_Essential_main.tiff
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Quality in your hands
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 77 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Quality in your hands
H2 Solutions Overview
H2 Highlights
H2 Industries
H2 News
H2 Upcoming Courses & Trainings
H3 Laboratory Evaporation
H3 Chromatography
H3 Spray Drying
H3 Freeze Drying
H3 Extraction
H3 Near Infrared
H3 Digestion
H3 Steam Distillation
H3 Parallel Evaporation
H3 Encapsulation
H3 Industrial Evaporation
H3 Melting Point
H3 NIR-Online
H3 Poster: Time For Science: Lyovapor™ L-250
H3 Poster: Time for Science: Rotavapor® R-80
H3 Making the Switch from Open Column to Flash Chromatography?
H3 Guidebook: Analyzing Profits: Understanding the ROI of NIR Analysis
H3 Poster: Parallel Evaporation Solutions with SyncorePlus
H3 Multiply your Rotavapor® with the Multivapor™
H3 Comprehensive guide: HPLC and SFC Solutions Compared
H3 Reference Methods Guide: Using proximate analysis as the basis for NIR calibrations
H3 Chromapedia Volume V
H3 Poster: The art of spray drying
H3 Guidebook: Key methods and parameters in food analytics
H3 Poster: Quality Control in Meat Production
H3 Poster: Quality Control in Dairy Processing
H3 Poster: Quality Control during Milling & Baking
H3 Poster: Quality Control in Seed Oil Production
H3 Quality Checked: Plant-Based Food
H3 Quality Checked Poster Series: Food production
H3 Guidebook: Polymers processing and quality control
H3 Poster: "Your GPS to avoiding 8 roadblocks in vitamin research"
H3 The next-generation spray dryer has arrived!
H3 Food Guide: How to optimize your processes in 5 Steps
H3 "Curiosity" - The latest advancements in medicinal chemistry
H3 22 Cue Cards with Methods for Steam Volatile Analytes
H3 BUCHI NIR-Online® X-Sential™ - are you ready to control in real-time?
H3 Time for Science: Industrial Evaporation Poster
H3 18 Steam Distillation Challenges Solved
H3 19 Cue Cards You Need to Master the Kjeldahl Method
H3 Evaporation guide: matching your system to your needs
H3 Optimizing workflows in the environmental lab
H3 Pharma and Chemical
H3 Food and Feed
H3 Environmental
H3 BUCHI extends NIR offering with NeoSpectra handhelds
H3 Announcement of Strategic Cooperation in the Australian Market
H3 Introducing the Lyovapor™ L-250: The Green & Effective Freeze Drying Solution
H3 Rotavapor® R-80 System: Evaporation on the smallest footprint
H3 BUCHI Unveils Branding for the Digital Age
H3 ILMAC Basel
H3 Pure Essential Chromatography System: First steps to fast separations
H3 BUCHI exhibits at ICBC 2023 in Berlin
H3 Sepiatec SFC Systems - The Green Standard for Fast Compound Isolation
H3 BUCHI Ibérica to serve Spain and Portugal
H3 SFC Pioneer Sepiatec acquired by BUCHI
H3 Automation and innovative design of BUCHI’s new Spray Dryer markedly improve spray drying performance
H3 BUCHI wins Swiss Export Award 2022
H3 Swiss Export Award 2022: BUCHI in the finals
H3 Save the date(s) - Trade fair dates
H3 BUCHI opens Taiwan branch
H3 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
H3 BUCHI’s new steam distillation units offer tailor-made solutions
H3 BUCHI NIR-Online® launches a new sensor for essential process control
H3 BUCHI expands direct distribution and support in Spain
H3 Advanced User Training Spray Drying & Encapsulation November 2024
H3 NIRCal Calibration Training October 2024
H4 Europe
H4 America
H4 Asia
H4 Most used services
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content texto
/en/products/parts-accessoriesParts & Accessories
/en/products/servicesServices Overview
/en/products/instruments/lyova...Lyovapor™ L-250 Introducing the Lyovapor™ L-250, featuring our groundbreaking EcoStream™ technology: the most eco-friendly freeze-drying solution for your la...
IMG-ALT Lyovapor™ L-250
/en/products/instruments/pure-...Pure Chromatography Systems Perform any flash or prep HPLC application easily and safely with our extremely compact Pure Chromatography Systems. The Pure pla...
IMG-ALT Pure Chromatography Systems
/en/products/instruments/proxi...ProxiMate™ ProxiMate, a NIR instrument for the harshest environments, is designed for the food and feed industry. The compact system can be operated anywhere...
IMG-ALT ProxiMate™
/en/knowledge/courses-trainingsCourses & Trainings
/en/knowledgeKnowledge Overview
/en/knowledge/applications/nit...Nitrogen and protein determination in pasta Nitrogen and protein determination in pasta according to the Kjeldahl method (back titration)
/en/knowledge/applications/sub...Sub-micron Bovine Serum Albumin particles Innovative method for spray drying proteins with high yields.
/en/knowledge/applications/tkn...TKN determination in water using 500 mL sample tubes Comparison of different Kjeldahl tablets for the determination of TKN in water using 500 mL sample tubes
/en/buchi-worldBUCHI World
/en/buchi-world/news-eventsNews & Events
/en/buchi-worldBUCHI World Overview
/en/buchi-world/news-events/an...Announcement of Strategic Cooperation in the Australian Market 2024 Jul. 2 We are pleased to announce a new and exciting partnership between BÜCHI Labortechn...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI extends NIR offering with NeoSpectra handhelds 2024 Jul. 2 BUCHI will start selling the handheld NIR solution NeoSpectra from Si-Ware Systems in select...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/in...Introducing the Lyovapor™ L-250: The Green & Effective Freeze Drying Solution 2024 Apr. 16 June 04, 2024, Flawil, Switzerland – BUCHI Labortechnik is continu...
/en/support/buchi-worldwideBUCHI Worldwide
/en/support/downloadsDownloads Overview
/en/support/contactSubdominio Contact FormñolçaisРусскийês日本語中文简体한국어 Indonesiaไทย
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...United Kingdom
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...Other Europe
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...United States
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...Other America
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...South Korea
/en/aos/locale/country-catch?c...Other Asia more about our products
/en/buchi-worldDiscover the BUCHI World
/en/knowledge/courses-trainingsJoin our courses & trainings
/en/products/instrumentsLearn more about Instruments
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Laboratory Evaporation BUCHI Rotavapors are a household name in laboratories all around the world. As you can expect from the market leader, our modular evap...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Chromatography Our chromatography systems offer a space-saving and very flexible solution to your separation needs, from flash up to preparative scale.
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Spray Drying As market leader in lab spray drying, we have many years of experience and can offer comprehensive support for lab-scale particle formation in p...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Freeze Drying Our freeze dryers bring innovation to freeze drying, for example with the option of continuous 24/7 sublimation with alternately working conden...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Extraction BUCHI has been a leader in extraction solutions for many years. Apart from offering true Soxhlet extraction, our focus is on highest throughput wh...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Near Infrared The BUCHI NIR (Near Infrared) solutions offer highest performance for the lab as well as simple and ruggedized solutions for near production ap...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Digestion Our digestion solutions are optimized for Kjeldahl and other many other applications. They offer high automation as well as maximum protection of t...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Steam Distillation BUCHI steam distillation systems completely automate the process and are tightly integrated with volumetric our colorimetric titration sol...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Parallel Evaporation Our parallel evaporation solutions maximize the throughput with up to 96 parallel samples. They are used for a wide array of application...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Encapsulation Micro-encapsulation is a unique technique for the formulation of APIs, food and even living cells. Our systems provide a well-controlled produc...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Industrial Evaporation BUCHIs industrial evaporation solutions cover sample sizes of up to 50 liters and are known for highest applicative flexibility as wel...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...Melting Point BUCHIs melting point analyzers fully automate the rather time-consuming process of melting point and boiling point determination and provide hi...
/en/products/instruments?keywo...NIR-Online BUCHI NIR-Online® real-time process control enables optimizing all stages of your production - from incoming goods inspection to releasing finishe...
/en/poster-time-for-science-ly...Poster: Time For Science: Lyovapor™ L-250 Enhance your efficiency with this informative poster covering all areas of freeze drying and how to optimize the pr...
/en/poster-time-for-science-ro...Poster: Time for Science: Rotavapor® R-80 Master the art of rotary evaporation with this poster covering all areas of evaporation and how to optimize the pro...
/en/making-the-switch-open-col...Making the Switch from Open Column to Flash Chromatography? Simplify Your Switch: Download our Guide for a Painless Transition!
/en/analyzing-profits-understa...Guidebook: Analyzing Profits: Understanding the ROI of NIR Analysis Contemplating NIR? Discover the factors that influence the potential profitability of NIR...
/en/poster-synchronized-sample...Poster: Parallel Evaporation Solutions with SyncorePlus Increase your efficiency and learn how to optimize your output with our SyncorePlus parallel evaporat...
/en/multiply-your-rotavapor-wi...Multiply your Rotavapor® with the Multivapor™ Learn how the Multivapor™ can help you expand the efficiency of your Rotavapor®
/en/comprehensive-guide-prepar...Comprehensive guide: HPLC and SFC Solutions Compared Discover which technology benefits you the most regarding cost-efficiency, speed, ecological footprint, ...
/en/reference-methods-guide-us...Reference Methods Guide: Using proximate analysis as the basis for NIR calibrations Essential information on fat and protein determination according to proxi...
/en/chromapedia-volume-v-perfo...Chromapedia Volume V Optimally separate a range of compounds with this in depth guide to flash & prep HPLC chromatography applications
/en/the-art-of-spray-dryingPoster: The art of spray drying With the right tools, anyone can achieve a formulation masterpiece. Use our poster on spray drying essentials to access these...
/en/key-methods-and-parameters...Guidebook: Key methods and parameters in food analytics Valuable insights and tips on techniques used for quality control of food.
/en/quality-checked-meat-produ...Poster: Quality Control in Meat Production Overview of essential methods and parameters for quality assurance of meat products.
/en/quality-checked-dairy-prod...Poster: Quality Control in Dairy Processing Overview of methods and parameters for quality control of milk, butter, cheese, creams, powders.
/en/quality-checked-milling-an...Poster: Quality Control during Milling & Baking Overview of methods and parameters for quality control of flour and baked goods.
/en/quality-checked-oilseeds-a...Poster: Quality Control in Seed Oil Production Key methods and parameters for quality control during seed oil production.
/en/quality-checked-plant-base...Quality Checked: Plant-Based Food Essential info on methods and parameters for achieving quick quality control of plant-based food.
/en/poster-series-quality-cont...Quality Checked Poster Series: Food production Essential info on methods and parameters for achieving quick and compliant quality control of meat, dairy, oil...
/en/guide-polymer-processing-a...Guidebook: Polymers processing and quality control How to save resources with NIR and extraction methods for polymer quality control.
/en/your-gps-to-avoiding-8-roa...Poster: "Your GPS to avoiding 8 roadblocks in vitamin research" Clever solutions to challenges in vitamin purification and preservation.
/en/mini-spray-dryer-s-300The next-generation spray dryer has arrived! Experience spray drying like never before with the revolutionary Mini Spray Dryer S-300.
/en/real-time-process-control-...Food Guide: How to optimize your processes in 5 Steps and why the new NIR-Online X-Sential™ can play an essential role.
/en/curiosity-the-latest-advan..."Curiosity" - The latest advancements in medicinal chemistry Free magazine dedicated to drug discovery and pharmaceutical R&D
/en/kjel-line-dist-line-cue-ca...22 Cue Cards with Methods for Steam Volatile Analytes How to determine nitrogen, protein, alcohol and more in food, feed, pharmaceutical, and environmental s...
/en/get-ready-to-control-in-re...Subdominio BUCHI NIR-Online® X-Sential™ - are you ready to control in real-time? Discover how we can help you optimize your process in a cost-efficient way!
/en/time-for-science-industria...Time for Science: Industrial Evaporation Poster Little hints with big impact on your industrial evaporation
/en/kjel-line-dist-line-cue-ca...18 Steam Distillation Challenges Solved Pocket cards with 18 tips on how to optimize the steam distillation process.
/en/19-cue-cards-you-need-to-m...19 Cue Cards You Need to Master the Kjeldahl Method Practical Pocket Cards With Essential Kjeldahl Knowledge
/en/evaporation-guide-matching...Evaporation guide: matching your system to your needs How to choose the ideal evaporation family member to adopt into your lab
/en/optimizing-workflows-in-th...Optimizing workflows in the environmental lab Free guide: Reliable determination of environmental pollutants.
/en/knowledge/industriesLearn more about Industries
/en/knowledge/industries/pharm...Pharma and Chemical BUCHI offers a wide array of solutions for Pharma and Chemical R&D, with a focus on the synthesis work-up, natural products extraction, a...
IMG-ALT Chemistry_Testtubes_Blue.tiff
/en/knowledge/industries/food-...Food and Feed Our Food, Beverage & Feed solutions focus on the determination of proximates such as protein, fat and many other parameters in the quality cont...
IMG-ALT Feed_Corn.tiff
/en/knowledge/industries/envir...Environmental Our environmental solutions accelerate and automate the workup and analysis of many samples such as soil or air.
IMG-ALT Environmental_Young_Sprout.tiff
/en/buchi-world/news-eventsSee more News & Events
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...Texto duplicado BUCHI extends NIR offering with NeoSpectra handhelds 2024 Jul. 2 BUCHI will start selling the handheld NIR solution NeoSpectra from Si-Ware Systems in select...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/an...Announcement of Strategic Cooperation in the Australian Market 2024 Jul. 1 We are pleased to announce a new and exciting partnership between BÜCHI Labortechn...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/in...Introducing the Lyovapor™ L-250: The Green & Effective Freeze Drying Solution 2024 Jun. 4 June 04, 2024, Flawil, Switzerland – BUCHI Labortechnik is continui...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/ro...Rotavapor® R-80 System: Evaporation on the smallest footprint 2024 Apr. 11 April 2024, Flawil, Switzerland - BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, a leading provider of lab...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI Unveils Branding for the Digital Age 2023 Nov. 14 We are excited to announce our refreshed branding, tailored to meet the demands of today's digital la...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/il...ILMAC Basel 2023 Sep. 4 Visit us from 26. - 28. September at ILMAC in Basel. We are at stand E173 and we are looking forward to see you!
/en/buchi-world/news-events/pu...Pure Essential Chromatography System: First steps to fast separations 2023 Jun. 6 June 2023, Flawil, Switzerland - BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, a leading provider ...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI exhibits at ICBC 2023 in Berlin 2023 Jan. 23 Visit us on the International Cannabis Business Conference 2023 in Berlin on June 29th- 30th.
/en/sepiatec-sfc-systems-the-g...Sepiatec SFC Systems - The Green Standard for Fast Compound Isolation 2023 Jan. 17 January 2023, Flawil, Switzerland - BÜCHI Labortechnik AG, a leading provi...
/en/buchi-iberica-atende-espan...BUCHI Ibérica to serve Spain and Portugal 2022 Dec. 5 As of January 2023, Barcelona-based BUCHI Ibérica will take over the Portuguese market. The entire Iber...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/sf...SFC Pioneer Sepiatec acquired by BUCHI 2022 Aug. 31 Sepiatec, an innovative pioneer in Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Systems, headquartered in Berlin, h...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/au...Automation and innovative design of BUCHI’s new Spray Dryer markedly improve spray drying performance 2022 Jun. 27 June 2022, Flawil, Switzerland - BUCHI Lab...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI wins Swiss Export Award 2022 2022 Apr. 7 Today at the Swiss International Trade Forum at KKL Lucerne, Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) presented th...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/sw...Swiss Export Award 2022: BUCHI in the finals 2022 Mar. 17 Flawil, March 2022. The Export Award conferred annually by Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) hon...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/sa...Save the date(s) - Trade fair dates 2022 Jan. 14 In the last two years, we have adapted our participation in trade fairs to the pandemic. With new concepts a...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI opens Taiwan branch 2022 Jan. 3 Flawil/Taipei, 01.03.2022. With the establishment of a market organization in Taipei, BÜCHI Labortechnik AG is further ...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/me...Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2021 Dec. 16 BUCHI wishes you happy holidays and a pleasant new year
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI’s new steam distillation units offer tailor-made solutions 2021 Jul. 22 July. 2021, Flawil, Switzerland - BÜCHI Labortechnik AG has launched two new pr...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI NIR-Online® launches a new sensor for essential process control 2021 Jul. 12 Flawil, Switzerland, July 12, 2021 – With the launch of the NIR-Online X-S...
/en/buchi-world/news-events/bu...BUCHI expands direct distribution and support in Spain 2021 Jan. 10 BUCHI expands direct distribution and support by establishing BUCHI Ibérica S.L.
/en/knowledge/courses-trainingsLearn more about Courses & Trainings
/en/knowledge/courses-training...Advanced User Training Spray Drying & Encapsulation November 2024 The advanced spray drying & encapsulation training is designed to give you a theoretical an...
IMG-ALT S-300_Basic_220_C_main.tiff
/en/knowledge/courses-training...NIRCal Calibration Training October 2024 Take a deep dive into the world of NIR spectra modelling and calibration. The course is designed for NIRFlex N-500/ ...
IMG-ALT NIRMaster_Essential_main.tiff duplicado Products
/en/knowledgeTexto duplicado Knowledge
/en/buchi-worldTexto duplicado BUCHI World duplicado Support
/en/support/buchi-worldwideTexto duplicado BUCHI Worldwide
/en/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy duplicado Blogs ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio Linkedin
A-TITLE Linkedin ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram ventana Externo Twitter
A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Youtube
A-TITLE Youtube

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Disallow: /index.php/user/password/
Disallow: /index.php/user/register/
Disallow: /index.php/user/login/
Disallow: /index.php/user/logout/

Disallow: /*?product=
Disallow: /*?how_can_we_help_you=
Disallow: /*field_supportchat
Disallow: /user/password
Disallow: /user/login

Disallow: */node/

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
BUCHI Labortechnik59%Check
BUCHI NIR-Online57%Check
BUCHI World55%Check
BUCHI expands55%Check

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