# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts # of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo! # and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site, # Website Sitemap Sitemap: http://www.bungy4rent.ch/sitemap.xml # Crawlers Setup # Directories User-agent: * Disallow: /404/ Disallow: /elrada Disallow: /googleSitemapProducts.php Disallow: /googleSitemapCategories.php Disallow: /googleSitemapManufacturers.php Disallow: /includes Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /account.php Disallow: /account_edit.php Disallow: /account_history.php Disallow: /account_history_info.php Disallow: /account_password.php Disallow: /add_checkout_success.php Disallow: /address_book.php Disallow: /address_book_process.php Disallow: /advanced_search.php Disallow: /checkout_confirmation.php Disallow: /checkout_payment.php Disallow: /checkout_payment_address.php Disallow: /checkout_process.php Disallow: /checkout_shipping.php Disallow: /checkout_shipping_address.php Disallow: /checkout_success.php Disallow: /contact_bean.php Disallow: /cookie_usage.php Disallow: /create_account.php Disallow: /create_account_success.php Disallow: /login.php Disallow: /password_forgotten.php Disallow: /popup_image.php Disallow: /shopping_cart.php Disallow: /product_reviews_write.php # Paths (no clean URLs) User-agent: * Disallow: /*.js$ Disallow: /*.css$
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