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(Extremadamente importante)
B-WEAR | Women's Graphic T-Shirts | Quality Comfort Value
La longitud del título es óptima (544 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
A family-owned graphic t-shirt brand inspiring women one tee at a time. We strive to provide quality, comfort & value with t-shirts designed & printed in Ohio.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (960 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
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URL de la página
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keywordsB Wear, B-Wear, B, Wear, Bwear, Bware, 5bs, Sportswear, Outlet, Zanesville, Ohio, T-Shirts, Tees, Hoodies, Hats, Beanies, Casual Wear
descriptionA family-owned graphic t-shirt brand inspiring women one tee at a time. We strive to provide quality, comfort & value with t-shirts designed & printed in Ohio.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1

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Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
No se detecta ningún párrafo.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 789 palabras.
Un 14.4% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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Optimización para móviles
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Con 528.1 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...MTY0MDI3NDYxOS4zNDQuMS4xNjQwMjc0ODU1LjIzPinterest Icon
...MTY0MDI3NDYxOS4zNDQuMS4xNjQwMjc0ODU1LjIzYouTube Icon
...12.10.24-main-desktop-2.jpg?t=1733838976inspirational women's graphic t-shirts and sweatshirts
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...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBe Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)Be Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBe Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)Be Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBe Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)Be Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBe Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)Be Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgGrow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)Grow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgGrow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)Grow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgLive Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)Live Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgLive Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)Live Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgIt's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)It's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgIt's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)It's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgIt's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)It's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgIt's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)It's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSee The Good Flowers Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black Heather)See The Good Flowers Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSee The Good Flowers Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black Heather)See The Good Flowers Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSee The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)See The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSee The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)See The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgChoose Joy Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Blush)Choose Joy Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Blush)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgChoose Joy Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Blush)Choose Joy Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Blush)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgChoose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)Choose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgChoose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)Choose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSmile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)Smile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgSmile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)Smile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBlessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)Blessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBlessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)Blessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBlessed Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Charcoal Heather)Blessed Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Charcoal Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgBlessed Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Charcoal Heather)Blessed Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Charcoal Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgPray Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Oxford)Pray Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Oxford)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgPray Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Oxford)Pray Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Oxford)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgPray Short Sleeve Classic Tee (Classic Pink)Pray Short Sleeve Classic Tee (Classic Pink)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgPray Short Sleeve Classic Tee (Classic Pink)Pray Short Sleeve Classic Tee (Classic Pink)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgFaith Premium Baseball Tee (White/Charcoal)Faith Premium Baseball Tee (White/Charcoal)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgFaith Premium Baseball Tee (White/Charcoal)Faith Premium Baseball Tee (White/Charcoal)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgMake Today Amazing Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)Make Today Amazing Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
...e-013d-a345-1a72ec0cfd1d/img/loading.svgMake Today Amazing Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)Make Today Amazing Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
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...2.10.24-giftcard-banner.jpg?t=1733774391Carece de atributo ALT
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...MTk1OS4zNjMuMS4xNjY5NzMyMjE2LjQwLjAuMA..Carece de atributo ALT
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover Premium Comfort at B-Wear: Elevate Your Style with Quality and Comfortable Apparel
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 27 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Discover Premium Comfort at B-Wear: Elevate Your Style with Quality and Comfortable Apparel
H2 Encabezado vacío
H4 Be Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)
H4 Be Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
H4 Grow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)
H4 Live Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)
H4 It's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
H4 It's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)
H4 See The Good Flowers Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
H4 See The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)
H4 Choose Joy Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Blush)
H4 Choose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)
H4 Smile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
H4 Blessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
H4 Blessed Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Charcoal Heather)
H4 Pray Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Oxford)
H4 Pray Short Sleeve Classic Tee (Classic Pink)
H4 Faith Premium Baseball Tee (White/Charcoal)
H4 Make Today Amazing Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
H5 Be the first to know about our new arrivals and exclusive deals
H5 Customer Support
H5 Categories
H5 Visit Our Store Locations
H5 Zanesville
H5 Store Hours:
H5 Newark
H5 Store Hours: Texto duplicado
H5 Connect With Us
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
26 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/shop-all/womens-apparel/v-nec...Subdominio NEW V-NECK TEES HAVE BEEN ADDED!
/shop-all/all-apparel/Subdominio All Apparel
/shop-all/all-apparel/Subdominio All All Apparel
/shop-all/all-short-sleeve-tees/Subdominio Short Sleeve Tees
/shop-all/womens-apparel/v-nec...Subdominio V-Neck Tees
/shop-all/all-baseball-tees/Subdominio Baseball Tees
/shop-all/long-sleeve-tees/Subdominio Long Sleeve Tees
/shop-all/all-apparel/all-crew...Subdominio Crew Neck Sweatshirts
/shop-all/all-hooded-sweatshirts/Subdominio Hooded Sweatshirts
/shop-all/mens-apparel/Subdominio Men's Apparel
/shop-all/mens-apparel/Subdominio All Men's Apparel
/shop-all/mens-apparel/short-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Short Sleeve Tees
/shop-all/mens-apparel/long-sl...Subdominio Texto duplicado Long Sleeve Tees
/shop-all/mens-apparel/hooded-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hooded Sweatshirts
/hats-beanies/Subdominio Hats
/shop/gift-cards/Subdominio Gift Cards
/be-the-light/Subdominio Be The Light Christmas Winter
/gift-giving/Subdominio Gift Giving
/gift-giving/Subdominio All Gift Giving
/gift-giving/b-wear-favorites/Subdominio B-Wear Favorites
/b-wear-cares/Subdominio B-Wear Cares
/featured/buckeye-state-apparel/Subdominio Buckeye State Apparel
/gift-giving/teachers/Subdominio Teachers
/men/new-arrivals/ram-trucks/Subdominio Ram Trucks
/gift-giving/armed-forces/Subdominio Armed Forces
/gift-giving/gift-cards/Subdominio Texto duplicado Gift Cards
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/plain-apparel/Subdominio All Plain Apparel
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/plain-apparel/all-plain-apparel/Subdominio All All Plain Apparel
/plain-apparel/all-plain-appar...Subdominio Tank Tops
/plain-apparel/all-plain-appar...Subdominio Texto duplicado Short Sleeve Tees
/plain-apparel/all-plain-appar...Subdominio Texto duplicado V-Neck Tees
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/plain-apparel/all-plain-appar...Subdominio Texto duplicado Crew Neck Sweatshirts
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/plain-apparel/all-plain-appar...Subdominio Youth Tees
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/plain-apparel/hats/cap-america/Subdominio Cap America
/plain-apparel/hats/mega-cap/Subdominio Mega Cap
/plain-apparel/hats/knits/Subdominio Knits Clearance All Clearance
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/clearance/by-size/Subdominio All By Size
/clearance/by-size/small/Subdominio Small
/clearance/by-size/medium/Subdominio Medium
/clearance/by-size/large/Subdominio Large
/clearance/by-size/xl/Subdominio XL
/clearance/by-size/2xl/Subdominio 2XL
/clearance/by-size/3xl/Subdominio 3XL
/clearance/by-size/4xl/Subdominio 4XL
/clearance/all-clearance/Subdominio Printed
/clearance/all-clearance/Subdominio All Printed
/clearance/all-clearance/tank-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Tank Tops
/clearance/all-clearance/short...Subdominio Texto duplicado Short Sleeve Tees
/clearance/printed/v-neck-tees/Subdominio Texto duplicado V-Neck Tees
/clearance/all-clearance/baseb...Subdominio Texto duplicado Baseball Tees
/clearance/all-clearance/long-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Long Sleeve Tees
/clearance/printed/crew-neck-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado Crew Neck Sweatshirts
/clearance/printed/hooded-swea...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hooded Sweatshirts
/clearance/all-clearance/sweat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sweatpants
/clearance/all-clearance/hats/Subdominio Texto duplicado Hats
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/clearance/plain/Subdominio Plain
/clearance/plain/Subdominio All Plain
/clearance/plain/short-sleeve-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Short Sleeve Tees
/clearance/plain/ladies-tees/Subdominio Ladies Tees
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/clearance/plain/hooded-sweats...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hooded Sweatshirts
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/clearance/plain/sweatpants/Subdominio Texto duplicado Sweatpants
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/clearance/categories/Subdominio All Categories
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/clearance/categories/family-l...Subdominio Family Life
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/clearance/categories/country-...Subdominio Country Life
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/clearance/mens-clearance/Subdominio Men's
/clearance/categories/ohio/Subdominio Ohio
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/clearance/seasonal/spring/Subdominio Spring
/clearance/seasonal/summer/Subdominio Summer
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/clearance/holidays/Subdominio Holidays
/clearance/holidays/Subdominio All Holidays
/christmas-clearance/Subdominio Texto duplicado Christmas
/clearance/holidays/halloween/Subdominio Halloween Easter
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/valentines-day/Subdominio Valentine's Day
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/sizing-guide/Subdominio Sizing Guide
/affiliate-program/Subdominio Affiliate Program
/afterpay-faq/Subdominio AfterPay FAQ
/privacy-policy/Subdominio Privacy Policy Careers
/returns-exchanges/Subdominio Returns & Exchanges
/christmas-collection-arrives-...Subdominio Christmas Collection | Arrives Friday, Nov. 1 in
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/be-the-light/Subdominio IMG-ALT inspirational women's graphic t-shirts and sweatshirts
/be-the-light/Subdominio Sin texto
/be-the-light/Subdominio Sin texto
/be-the-light/Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT inspirational women's graphic t-shirts and sweatshirts
/be-the-light/Subdominio Sin texto
/be-the-light/Subdominio Sin texto
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/be-the-light/?_bc_fsnf=1&Appa...Subdominio Sin texto
/be-amazing-short-sleeve-premi...Subdominio IMG-ALT Be Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)
/be-amazing-short-sleeve-premi...Subdominio Choose Options
/wishlist.php?action=add&produ...Add to My Wish List
/be-amazing-short-sleeve-premi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Be Amazing Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Navy)
/be-kind-pullover-hooded-sweat...Subdominio IMG-ALT Be Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
/be-kind-pullover-hooded-sweat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Choose Options
/wishlist.php?action=add&produ...Texto duplicado Add to My Wish List
/be-kind-pullover-hooded-sweat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Be Kind Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt (Black Heather)
/grow-positive-thoughts-pullov...Subdominio IMG-ALT Grow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)
/grow-positive-thoughts-pullov...Subdominio Texto duplicado Choose Options
/wishlist.php?action=add&produ...Texto duplicado Add to My Wish List
/grow-positive-thoughts-pullov...Subdominio Texto duplicado Grow Positive Thoughts Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Military Green Heather)
/live-your-best-life-pullover-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Live Your Best Life Pullover Crew Neck Sweatshirt (Black)
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/its-your-heart-short-sleeve-p...Subdominio Texto duplicado It's Your Heart Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
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/its-your-heart-long-sleeve-pr...Subdominio Texto duplicado It's Your Heart Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Black)
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/see-the-good-flowers-long-sle...Subdominio Texto duplicado See The Good Flowers Long Sleeve Premium Tee (Maroon Heather)
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/choose-joy-short-sleeve-premi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Choose Joy Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Blush)
/smile-short-sleeve-premium-te...Subdominio IMG-ALT Smile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
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/smile-short-sleeve-premium-te...Subdominio Texto duplicado Smile Short Sleeve Premium Tee (Indigo Heather)
/blessed-womens-short-sleeve-p...Subdominio IMG-ALT Blessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
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/blessed-womens-short-sleeve-p...Subdominio Texto duplicado Blessed Women's Short Sleeve Premium V-Neck Tee (Raspberry Heather)
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/shop-all/all-short-sleeve-tees/Subdominio IMG-ALT $12 women's graphic t-shirt sale
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/shop-all/all-apparel/all-crew...Subdominio IMG-ALT $20 women's graphic crew neck sweatshirts sale
/shop-all/all-hooded-sweatshirts/Subdominio IMG-ALT $25 women's graphic hooded sweatshirts sale
/shop-all/all-baseball-tees/Subdominio IMG-ALT women's graphic inspirational raglan baseball tees
/shop-all/womens-apparel/v-nec...Subdominio IMG-ALT $12 graphic women's fit v-neck tees sale Sin texto Sin texto Sin texto Sin texto Sin texto Sin texto IMG-ALT find cute holiday t-shirts & cozy christmas sweatshirts IMG-ALT find cute seasonal t-shirts & cozy winter sweatshirts
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
B-WEAR | Women's Graphic T-Shirts | Quality Comfort Value
A family-owned graphic t-shirt brand inspiring women one tee at a time. We strive to provide quality, comfort & value with t-shirts designed & printed in Ohio.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Quality Comfort Value56%Check
Premium Tee51%Check

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