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Puntuación SEO
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0,64 s
Tamaño HTML
220,00 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
503 internos / 20 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home - World Horse Welfare
La longitud del título es óptima (260 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
El enlace canónico apunta a otro dominio.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
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og:titleHome - World Horse Welfare
og:site_nameWorld Horse Welfare

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • eurpoean => European
Hay 9 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: We are an international charity whose values are grounded in pragmatis...
  • Texto duplicado 2: World Horse Welfare’s vision is a world where every horse is treated w...
  • Texto duplicado 3: World Horse Welfare relies on your charitable donations to help the ne...
  • Texto duplicado 4: A gift in your Will is a very special way of helping improve the lives...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2501 palabras.
Un 35.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 14 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 20.59 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Esta página carga 3 archivos JavaScript, lo cual es bueno.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: 300.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/temp/campaign-img-2.jpgwoman petting a horse
...93f1d0d6-latest-appeals-tile-300x200.jpgthree horses running in a stable
/images/pages/tiles/legacy.jpgwhite horse standing in front of trees
/images/pages/tiles/our_appeals.jpghorses grazing in a field
...over-26.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
...-scaled.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
...n-image.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of Spike
...x1000-1.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
/images/temp/campaign-img-2.jpgwoman petting a horse
...93f1d0d6-latest-appeals-tile-300x200.jpgthree horses running in a stable
/images/pages/tiles/legacy.jpgwhite horse standing in front of trees
/images/pages/tiles/our_appeals.jpghorses grazing in a field
...over-26.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
...-scaled.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
...n-image.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of Spike
...x1000-1.jpg?w=261&force_format=webp,jpegimage of a horse
/images/pages/tiles/about-us-home-tile.jpgAbout us and rider looking into leading space being transported in a truck
/images/pages/equine-meat-labelling.pngEquine meat labelling
...2022/05/1166f40a-horses-in-need-tile.jpgHorses in need
...n-sport-and-leisure-horses-rectangle.jpgSport and leisure horses
...2/05/13ac4ab5-work-production-horses.jpgWork and production horses
/images/we-also-help/ico-people.svgThe people we work with
/images/we-also-help/ico-partnership.svgThe horse human relationship
/images/we-also-help/ico-core-resources.svgOur core resources
...e.jpg?w=370&h=248&force_format=webp,jpegOur work in EU policy
...t.jpg?w=370&h=248&force_format=webp,jpegWorking equines and the SDGs
...93f1d0d6-latest-appeals-tile-300x200.jpgthree horses running
/images/pages/tiles/campaign-for-us.jpgCampaign for us
/images/pages/read-our-stories.pnghorses in a stable
/images/pages/tiles/eu-contact-us.jpegContact us
/images/reports/removing-the-blinkers.jpgRemoving the Blinkers report cover
/images/reports/strategy.jpg2020-24 report cover
...ts/transport-of-quines-for-slaughter.jpgEU report on transport of equines for slaughter report cover
/images/partners/ehn.pngEurpoean Horse Network logo
/images/partners/eurogroup.pngEurogroup for Animals logo
/images/partners/fei.pngFEI logo
/images/partners/ihsc.pngIHSC logo
/images/partners/bha.pngBHA logo
/images/care.svgIcon for care
/images/research.svgIcon for research
/images/education.svgIcon for education
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 98 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Who we help
H2 Find out more about how we work
H2 How you can help
H2 Our latest reports
H2 Proud to work with
H2 Your Impact in 2022
H3 World Horse Welfare is a charity that works to improve the lives of horses and the horse-human relationship in all of its guises.
H3 World Horse Welfare is an international charity that has been influencing equine policy in the European Union and internationally for almost 100 years.
H3 Horses in need
H3 Sport and leisure horses
H3 Work and production horses
H3 We also help horses by helping people
H3 Removing the blinkers
H3 Our strategy 2020-24
H3 EU report on transport of equines for slaughter
H4 Worried about a horse? Call 08000 480 180
H4 Worried about a horse
H4 Advice Line
H4 To donate
H4 The people we work with
H4 The horse-human relationship
H4 Our core resources
H5 Our Organisation
H5 Our work
H5 Our People
H5 Your Impact
H5 Our work in EU Policy
H5 International
H5 Research
H5 Horses in need Texto duplicado
H5 Sport and leisure horses Texto duplicado
H5 Work and production horses Texto duplicado
H5 Make a Donation
H5 Sponsor a Stableyard
H5 Leave a Legacy
H5 Our latest Appeals
H5 Well-being essentials
H5 Behaviour
H5 Health
H5 Environment
H5 Nutrition
H5 General advice
H5 Worried about a Horse?
H5 Welfare Wednesday Webinars
H5 Our Organisation Texto duplicado
H5 Our work Texto duplicado
H5 Our People Texto duplicado
H5 Your Impact Texto duplicado
H5 Our work in EU Policy Texto duplicado
H5 International Texto duplicado
H5 Research Texto duplicado
H5 Horses in need Texto duplicado
H5 Sport and leisure horses Texto duplicado
H5 Work and production horses Texto duplicado
H5 Make a Donation Texto duplicado
H5 Sponsor a Stableyard Texto duplicado
H5 Leave a Legacy Texto duplicado
H5 Our latest Appeals Texto duplicado
H5 Well-being essentials Texto duplicado
H5 Behaviour Texto duplicado
H5 Health Texto duplicado
H5 Environment Texto duplicado
H5 Nutrition Texto duplicado
H5 General advice Texto duplicado
H5 Worried about a Horse? Texto duplicado
H5 Welfare Wednesday Webinars Texto duplicado
H5 About us
H5 Responsible ownership of equines
H5 Protection of equines during transport
H5 Equine meat labelling
H5 Our work in EU policy
H5 Research Texto duplicado
H5 Working animals and the SDGs
H5 Make a Donation Texto duplicado
H5 Campaign for us
H5 Read our stories
H5 Contact us
H5 85,000+
H5 98
H5 87,000+
H5 14,500
H6 Sign up for our email newsletter
H6 Follow our story on social networks
H6 About Us
H6 About Us Texto duplicado
H6 What We Do
H6 What We Do Texto duplicado
H6 Support us
H6 Support us Texto duplicado
H6 Advice
H6 Advice Texto duplicado
H6 News
H6 News Texto duplicado
H6 © World Horse Welfare
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (503) en esta página.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 7 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 20 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/contact-usSubdominio Contact Us
A-TITLE Contact Us
/donate/generalSubdominio Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/about-usSubdominio About Us
/about-usSubdominio Find out more
/about-us/our-organisationSubdominio Our Organisation
/about-us/our-organisation/vis...Subdominio Our Vision and Mission
/about-us/our-organisation/app...Subdominio Our Approach
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Your Impact
/about-us/our-organisation/fin...Subdominio Our Finances
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Our Conference
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Our past Conferences
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Our Founder
/about-us/our-organisation/his...Subdominio Our History
/about-us/our-organisation/cul...Subdominio Our Culture
/about-us/our-organisation/pro...Subdominio Our promise to supporters
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Our core resources
/about-us/our-work/our-workSubdominio Our work
/about-us/our-work/who-we-helpSubdominio Who we help
/about-us/our-work/who-we-work...Subdominio Who we work with
/about-us/our-work/how-we-helpSubdominio How we help
/about-us/our-people/our-peopleSubdominio Our People
/about-us/our-people/staffSubdominio Our Staff
/about-us/our-people/trusteesSubdominio Our Trustees
/about-us/our-people/patronsSubdominio Our Patrons
/about-us/our-people/work-with-usSubdominio Work for us
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio IMG-ALT woman petting a horse
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Your Impact
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
/what-we-doSubdominio What We Do
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Our work in EU Policy
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Protection of equines during transport
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Responsible ownership of equines
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Equine meat labelling
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio View all positions
/what-we-do/international/inte...Subdominio International
/what-we-do/international/our-...Subdominio Our work globally
/what-we-do/our-campaignsOur Campaigns
/what-we-do/international/worl...Subdominio Worldwide collaborations
/what-we-do/international/inte...Subdominio International Coalition for Working Equids
/what-we-do/international/resp...Subdominio Responsible tourism
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Working equines and the SDGs
/what-we-do/research/researchSubdominio Research
/what-we-do/research/advancing...Subdominio Advancing Equine Scientific Excellence
/what-we-do/research/grantsSubdominio Grants
/what-we-do/research/horses-in...Subdominio Horses in our hands
/what-we-do/research/our-resea...Subdominio Our research and investigations
/what-we-do/research/small-gra...Subdominio Small Grant Schemes
/what-we-do/research/successfu...Subdominio Successful bursary projects
/what-we-do/research/undergrad...Subdominio Undergraduate bursaries
/what-we-do/research/what-is-s...Subdominio What is Social Licence to Operate?
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/hor...Subdominio Horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/wha...Subdominio What is a horse in need?
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/our...Subdominio Our impact on UK horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/hor...Subdominio Horse welfare in the UK
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio View all pages
A-TITLE View all pages
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Sport and leisure horses
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Sport and leisure – our responsibilities
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Working with Regulators
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio What is a social licence to operate?
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado View all pages
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Our impact on work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Who we have helped globally
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Helping horses globally during Covid
/support-usSubdominio Support Us
/donate/generalSubdominio IMG-ALT three horses running
/donate/generalSubdominio Make a Donation
/donate/generalSubdominio Donate now
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio IMG-ALT horses in a stable
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio Sponsor a Stableyard
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio sponsor today
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio IMG-ALT white horse standing in front of trees
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Leave a Legacy
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio leave a legacy
/support-us/appealsSubdominio IMG-ALT horses grazing in a field
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Our latest Appeals
A-TITLE Our latest Appeals
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate now
A-TITLE Donate now
/support-usOther ways you can help
A-TITLE >Other ways you can help
/adviceSubdominio Advice
A-TITLE Advice
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio Well-being essentials
/advice/the-3fs-friends-forage...Subdominio The 3Fs – Friends, forage and freedom
/advice/the-5-domains-of-anima...Subdominio The 5 Domains of animal welfare
/advice/horse-health-essentialsSubdominio Horse health essentials
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio View more pages
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Behaviour
/advice/behaviour-checklist-is...Subdominio Behaviour checklist: Is your horse trying to tell you something?
/advice/separation-anxiety-tra...Subdominio Separation anxiety: training your horse to be on their own
/advice/training-how-do-horses...Subdominio Training: how do horses learn?
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Health
/advice/annual-horse-health-planSubdominio Annual Horse Health Plan
/advice/laminitis-in-horsesSubdominio Laminitis in horses
/advice/mites-how-to-treat-the...Subdominio Mites: how to treat them in horses
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Environment
/advice/rugging-horses-when-do...Subdominio Rugging horses: when does your horse need a rug?
/advice/pasture-management-for...Subdominio Pasture management for horse paddocks
/advice/ragwort-how-to-deal-wi...Subdominio Ragwort: how to deal with it in a horse paddock
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/NutritionSubdominio Nutrition
/advice/feeding-horsesSubdominio Feeding horses
/advice/horse-nutribaloneySubdominio Horse Nutribaloney
/advice/weight-is-your-horse-t...Subdominio Weight: is your horse the right weight?
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio General advice
/advice/breeding-horses-do-you...Subdominio Breeding horses: do you need to breed?
/advice/cutting-the-costs-of-h...Subdominio Cutting the costs of horse care
/advice/travelling-safely-is-y...Subdominio Travelling safely: is your horse fit to travel?
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Worried about a Horse?
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse?
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Find out how to report an emergency or a less urgent situation in the UK to us.
A-TITLE Find out how to report an emergency
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Welfare Wednesday Webinars
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse?
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Upcoming webinar
A-TITLE Upcoming webinar
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio View all previous webinars
A-TITLE View all previous webinars
/newsSubdominio News
/news/horses-being-smuggled-ou...Subdominio Featured Article
/news/horses-being-smuggled-ou...Subdominio IMG-ALT image of a horse
/news/horses-being-smuggled-ou...Subdominio Read Article
/news/latestSubdominio Latest News
/news/latestSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of a horse
/news/new-documentary-lays-bar...Subdominio Texto duplicado Read Article
/news/latestSubdominio View all Latest News
/rescue-storiesSubdominio Rescue Stories
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
/rescue-stories/life-beyond-re...Subdominio IMG-ALT image of Spike
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
/rescue-stories/life-beyond-re...Subdominio Read Story
/rescue-storiesSubdominio View all Rescue Stories
A-TITLE rescue stories
/blogSubdominio Our Blog
A-TITLE Our Blog
/blog/celebrating-our-london-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of a horse
A-TITLE Celebrating our London Marathon runners
/blog/celebrating-our-london-m...Subdominio Read Post
A-TITLE Celebrating our London Marathon runners
/blogSubdominio View all Blog Posts Texto duplicado WorldHorseWelfare
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/about-usSubdominio Texto duplicado About Us
/about-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
/about-us/our-organisationSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Organisation
/about-us/our-organisation/vis...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Vision and Mission
/about-us/our-organisation/app...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Approach
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Your Impact
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/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Conference
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our past Conferences
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Founder
/about-us/our-organisation/his...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our History
/about-us/our-organisation/cul...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Culture
/about-us/our-organisation/pro...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our promise to supporters
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our core resources
/about-us/our-work/our-workSubdominio Texto duplicado Our work
/about-us/our-work/who-we-helpSubdominio Texto duplicado Who we help
/about-us/our-work/who-we-work...Subdominio Texto duplicado Who we work with
/about-us/our-work/how-we-helpSubdominio Texto duplicado How we help
/about-us/our-people/our-peopleSubdominio Texto duplicado Our People
/about-us/our-people/staffSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Staff
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/about-us/our-people/patronsSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Patrons
/about-us/our-people/work-with-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Work for us
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT woman petting a horse
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Your Impact
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
/what-we-doSubdominio Texto duplicado What We Do
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our work in EU Policy
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Protection of equines during transport
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Responsible ownership of equines
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Equine meat labelling
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio Texto duplicado View all positions
/what-we-do/international/inte...Subdominio Texto duplicado International
/what-we-do/international/our-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our work globally
/what-we-do/our-campaignsTexto duplicado Our Campaigns
/what-we-do/international/worl...Subdominio Texto duplicado Worldwide collaborations
/what-we-do/international/inte...Subdominio Texto duplicado International Coalition for Working Equids
/what-we-do/international/resp...Subdominio Texto duplicado Responsible tourism
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Texto duplicado Working equines and the SDGs
/what-we-do/research/researchSubdominio Texto duplicado Research
/what-we-do/research/advancing...Subdominio Texto duplicado Advancing Equine Scientific Excellence
/what-we-do/research/grantsSubdominio Texto duplicado Grants
/what-we-do/research/horses-in...Subdominio Texto duplicado Horses in our hands
/what-we-do/research/our-resea...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our research and investigations
/what-we-do/research/small-gra...Subdominio Texto duplicado Small Grant Schemes
/what-we-do/research/successfu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Successful bursary projects
/what-we-do/research/undergrad...Subdominio Texto duplicado Undergraduate bursaries
/what-we-do/research/what-is-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is Social Licence to Operate?
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/hor...Subdominio Texto duplicado Horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/wha...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is a horse in need?
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our impact on UK horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/hor...Subdominio Texto duplicado Horse welfare in the UK
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Texto duplicado View all pages
A-TITLE View all pages
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sport and leisure horses
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sport and leisure – our responsibilities
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Working with Regulators
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is a social licence to operate?
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado View all pages
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our impact on work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Who we have helped globally
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Helping horses globally during Covid
/support-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Support Us
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT three horses running
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Make a Donation
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate now
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT horses in a stable
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio Texto duplicado Sponsor a Stableyard
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio Texto duplicado sponsor today
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT white horse standing in front of trees
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Texto duplicado Leave a Legacy
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Texto duplicado leave a legacy
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT horses grazing in a field
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Texto duplicado Our latest Appeals
A-TITLE Our latest Appeals
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate now
A-TITLE Donate now
/support-usTexto duplicado Other ways you can help
A-TITLE >Other ways you can help
/adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado Advice
A-TITLE Advice
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio Texto duplicado Well-being essentials
/advice/the-3fs-friends-forage...Subdominio Texto duplicado The 3Fs – Friends, forage and freedom
/advice/the-5-domains-of-anima...Subdominio Texto duplicado The 5 Domains of animal welfare
/advice/horse-health-essentialsSubdominio Texto duplicado Horse health essentials
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Texto duplicado Behaviour
/advice/behaviour-checklist-is...Subdominio Texto duplicado Behaviour checklist: Is your horse trying to tell you something?
/advice/separation-anxiety-tra...Subdominio Texto duplicado Separation anxiety: training your horse to be on their own
/advice/training-how-do-horses...Subdominio Texto duplicado Training: how do horses learn?
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Texto duplicado Health
/advice/annual-horse-health-planSubdominio Texto duplicado Annual Horse Health Plan
/advice/laminitis-in-horsesSubdominio Texto duplicado Laminitis in horses
/advice/mites-how-to-treat-the...Subdominio Texto duplicado Mites: how to treat them in horses
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Texto duplicado Environment
/advice/rugging-horses-when-do...Subdominio Texto duplicado Rugging horses: when does your horse need a rug?
/advice/pasture-management-for...Subdominio Texto duplicado Pasture management for horse paddocks
/advice/ragwort-how-to-deal-wi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Ragwort: how to deal with it in a horse paddock
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/advice/category/NutritionSubdominio Texto duplicado Nutrition
/advice/feeding-horsesSubdominio Texto duplicado Feeding horses
/advice/horse-nutribaloneySubdominio Texto duplicado Horse Nutribaloney
/advice/weight-is-your-horse-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado Weight: is your horse the right weight?
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado General advice
/advice/breeding-horses-do-you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Breeding horses: do you need to breed?
/advice/cutting-the-costs-of-h...Subdominio Texto duplicado Cutting the costs of horse care
/advice/travelling-safely-is-y...Subdominio Texto duplicado Travelling safely: is your horse fit to travel?
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado View more pages
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Worried about a Horse?
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse?
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out how to report an emergency or a less urgent situation in the UK to us.
A-TITLE Find out how to report an emergency
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Texto duplicado Welfare Wednesday Webinars
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse?
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Texto duplicado Upcoming webinar
A-TITLE Upcoming webinar
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Texto duplicado View all previous webinars
A-TITLE View all previous webinars
/newsSubdominio Texto duplicado News
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/news/horses-being-smuggled-ou...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of a horse
/news/horses-being-smuggled-ou...Subdominio Texto duplicado Read Article
/news/latestSubdominio Texto duplicado Latest News
/news/latestSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of a horse
/news/new-documentary-lays-bar...Subdominio Texto duplicado Read Article
/news/latestSubdominio Texto duplicado View all Latest News
/rescue-storiesSubdominio Texto duplicado Rescue Stories
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
/rescue-stories/life-beyond-re...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of Spike
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
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/rescue-storiesSubdominio Texto duplicado View all Rescue Stories
A-TITLE rescue stories
/blogSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Blog
A-TITLE Our Blog
/blog/celebrating-our-london-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT image of a horse
A-TITLE Celebrating our London Marathon runners
/blog/celebrating-our-london-m...Subdominio Texto duplicado Read Post
A-TITLE Celebrating our London Marathon runners
/blogSubdominio Texto duplicado View all Blog Posts
/about-usSubdominio Texto duplicado About Us
A-TITLE about us
/about-usSubdominio About Us Overview
A-TITLE about us
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/about-us/our-organisation/app...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Approach
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Your Impact
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/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our past Conferences
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Founder
/about-us/our-organisation/his...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our History
/about-us/our-organisation/cul...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Culture
/about-us/our-organisation/pro...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our promise to supporters
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our core resources
/about-us/our-work/our-workSubdominio Our work Overview
/about-us/our-work/who-we-helpSubdominio Texto duplicado Who we help
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/about-us/our-people/our-peopleSubdominio Our People Overview
/about-us/our-people/staffSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Staff
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/about-us/our-people/patronsSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Patrons
/about-us/our-people/work-with-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Work for us
/about-us/our-people/volunteer...Subdominio Volunteer with us
/about-us/our-people/work-expe...Subdominio Work experience
/what-we-doSubdominio What We Do Overview
A-TITLE what we do
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Our work in EU Policy Overview
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/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Responsible ownership of equines
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Equine meat labelling
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio Texto duplicado View all positions
/what-we-do/internationalSubdominio International Overview
/what-we-do/international/our-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our work globally
/what-we-do/international/our-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our Campaigns
/what-we-do/international/worl...Subdominio Texto duplicado Worldwide collaborations
/what-we-do/international/inte...Subdominio Texto duplicado International Coalition for Working Equids
/what-we-do/international/resp...Subdominio Texto duplicado Responsible tourism
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Texto duplicado Working equines and the SDGs
/what-we-do/researchSubdominio Research Overview
A-TITLE Research
/what-we-do/research/advancing...Subdominio Texto duplicado Advancing Equine Scientific Excellence
A-TITLE Advancing Equine Scientific Excellence
/what-we-do/research/grantsSubdominio Texto duplicado Grants
A-TITLE Grants
/what-we-do/research/horses-in...Subdominio Texto duplicado Horses in our hands
A-TITLE Horses in our hands
/what-we-do/research/our-resea...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our research and investigations
A-TITLE Our research and investigations
/what-we-do/research/small-gra...Subdominio Texto duplicado Small Grant Schemes
A-TITLE Small Grant Schemes
/what-we-do/research/successfu...Subdominio Texto duplicado Successful bursary projects
A-TITLE Successful bursary projects
/what-we-do/research/undergrad...Subdominio Texto duplicado Undergraduate bursaries
A-TITLE Undergraduate bursaries
/what-we-do/research/what-is-s...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is Social Licence to Operate?
A-TITLE What is Social Licence to Operate?
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Horses in need Overview
A-TITLE Horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/wha...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is a horse in need?
A-TITLE What is a horse in need?
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our impact on UK horses in need
A-TITLE Our impact on UK horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-need/hor...Subdominio Texto duplicado Horse welfare in the UK
A-TITLE Horse welfare in the UK
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Texto duplicado View all pages
A-TITLE View all pages
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Sport and leisure horses Overview
A-TITLE Sport and leisure horses
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sport and leisure – our responsibilities
A-TITLE Sport and leisure – our responsibilities
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Working with Regulators
A-TITLE Working with Regulators
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado What is a social licence to operate?
A-TITLE What is a social licence to operate?
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado View all pages
A-TITLE View all pages
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Work and production horses Overview
A-TITLE Work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Our impact on work and production horses
A-TITLE Our impact on work and production horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Who we have helped globally
A-TITLE Who we have helped globally
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Helping horses globally during Covid
A-TITLE Helping horses globally during Covid
/support-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Support Us
A-TITLE support us
/support-usSubdominio Support Us Overview
A-TITLE support us
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/support-us/membershipSubdominio Become a member and get insured
/support-us/sponsor-a-stableyardSubdominio Texto duplicado Sponsor a Stableyard
A-TITLE Sponsor a Stableyard
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Texto duplicado Leave a Legacy
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-usTexto duplicado Other ways you can help
A-TITLE >Other ways you can help
/adviceSubdominio Advice Overview
A-TITLE Advice
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio Well-being essentials overview
/advice/horse-health-essentialsSubdominio Texto duplicado Horse health essentials
/advice/horse-management-essen...Subdominio Horse management essentials
/advice/horse-nutrition-essent...Subdominio Horse nutrition essentials
/advice/the-3fs-friends-forage...Subdominio Texto duplicado The 3Fs – Friends, forage and freedom
/advice/the-5-domains-of-anima...Subdominio Texto duplicado The 5 Domains of animal welfare
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Health overview
/advice/annual-horse-health-planSubdominio Texto duplicado Annual Horse Health Plan
/advice/bridles-how-to-choose-...Subdominio Bridles: how to choose and fit them correctly
/advice/disease-prevention-in-...Subdominio Disease prevention in horses
/advice/equine-end-of-lifeSubdominio Equine end of life
/advice/equine-grass-sicknessSubdominio Equine grass sickness
/advice/headshaking-in-horsesSubdominio Headshaking in horses
/advice/heatstroke-in-horsesSubdominio Heatstroke in horses
/advice/laminitis-in-horsesSubdominio Texto duplicado Laminitis in horses
/advice/mites-how-to-treat-the...Subdominio Texto duplicado Mites: how to treat them in horses
/advice/mud-fever-in-horsesSubdominio Mud fever in horses
/advice/saddle-fitting-use-and...Subdominio Saddle fitting, use and maintenance
/advice/sweet-itchSubdominio Sweet itch
/advice/teethSubdominio Teeth
/advice/worms-how-to-control-t...Subdominio Worms: how to control them in horses
/advice/category/nutritionSubdominio Nutrition overview
/advice/feeding-horsesSubdominio Texto duplicado Feeding horses
/advice/horse-nutribaloneySubdominio Texto duplicado Horse Nutribaloney
/advice/weight-is-your-horse-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado Weight: is your horse the right weight?
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Behaviour overview
/advice/behaviour-checklist-is...Subdominio Texto duplicado Behaviour checklist: Is your horse trying to tell you something?
/advice/behaviour-professional...Subdominio Behaviour professionals: who can help your horse?
/advice/clipping-horsesSubdominio Clipping horses
/advice/de-worming-and-providi...Subdominio De-worming and providing oral medication stress-free
/advice/introducing-a-new-hors...Subdominio Introducing a new horse to a herd
/advice/separation-anxiety-tra...Subdominio Texto duplicado Separation anxiety: training your horse to be on their own
/advice/stereotypic-horse-beha...Subdominio Stereotypic horse behaviours
/advice/tacking-up-and-ridden-...Subdominio Tacking up and ridden behaviours
/advice/training-how-do-horses...Subdominio Texto duplicado Training: how do horses learn?
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Environment overview
/advice/arena-surfacesSubdominio Arena surfaces
/advice/hot-weather-horse-care...Subdominio Hot weather horse care tips
/advice/pasture-management-for...Subdominio Texto duplicado Pasture management for horse paddocks
/advice/ragwort-how-to-deal-wi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Ragwort: how to deal with it in a horse paddock
/advice/rugging-horses-when-do...Subdominio Texto duplicado Rugging horses: when does your horse need a rug?
/advice/stabled-horses-how-to-...Subdominio Stabled horses: how to occupy them
/advice/stabling-a-horseSubdominio Stabling a horse
/advice/winter-horse-care-tipsSubdominio Winter horse care tips
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio General advice overview
/advice/breeding-horses-do-you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Breeding horses: do you need to breed?
/advice/buying-or-selling-a-ho...Subdominio Buying or selling a horse: top tips
/advice/cutting-the-costs-of-h...Subdominio Texto duplicado Cutting the costs of horse care
/advice/fireworks-keeping-your...Subdominio Fireworks: keeping your horse safe
/advice/horse-theft-how-to-pre...Subdominio Horse theft: how to prevent it
/advice/identification-regulat...Subdominio Identification regulations: is your horse passported and microchipped?
/advice/responsible-rehoming-o...Subdominio Responsible rehoming of horses
/advice/travelling-safely-is-y...Subdominio Texto duplicado Travelling safely: is your horse fit to travel?
/advice/travelling-your-horse-...Subdominio Travelling your horse safely: horsebox and trailer requirements
/advice/working-horses-in-holi...Subdominio Working horses in holiday destinations
/advice/welfare-wednesdaysSubdominio Welfare Wednesday Webinars overview
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Well-being essentials
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Health
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Nutrition
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Behaviour
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado Environment
/advice/welfare-wednesdays?cat...Subdominio Texto duplicado General advice
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Worried about a Horse?
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse?
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A-TITLE news
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/news/latestSubdominio Texto duplicado Latest News
A-TITLE Latest News
/rescue-storiesSubdominio Texto duplicado Rescue Stories
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
/blogSubdominio Texto duplicado Our Blog
A-TITLE Our Blog
/shopSubdominio Shop
A-TITLE World Horse Welfare Shop
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Tribute Gifts
A-TITLE Tribute Gifts
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A-TITLE Virtual Gifts
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Seasonal Gifts
A-TITLE Seasonal Gifts
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Childrens Books
A-TITLE Books and Gifts
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Virtual Gifts
A-TITLE Virtual Gifts
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Jewellery and Pin Badges
A-TITLE Jewellery and Pin Badges
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Greetings Cards
A-TITLE Greetings Cards
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Books
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio World Horse Welfare Collection
A-TITLE World Horse Welfare Collection
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Stationery
A-TITLE Stationery
https://shop.worldhorsewelfare...Externo Subdominio Sophie Allport
A-TITLE Sophie Allport
/contact-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Contact Us
A-TITLE Contact Us
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
A-TITLE Worried about a Horse duplicado WorldHorseWelfare
/what-we-do/in-the-uk/worried-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
A-TITLE find out more
/adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
A-TITLE find out more
/contact-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Contact Us
A-TITLE Contact Us
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate
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/what-we-doSubdominio FIND OUT MORE
A-TITLE FIND OUT MORE ancla Scroll to
/about-usSubdominio IMG-ALT About us
A-TITLE About us
/about-usSubdominio Texto duplicado About us
A-TITLE About us
/about-usSubdominio find out more
A-TITLE About us
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A-TITLE Our work
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Responsible ownership of equines
A-TITLE Responsible ownership of equines
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Responsible ownership of equines
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio IMG-ALT horse being transported in a truck
A-TITLE Protection of equines during transpor
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Protection of equines during transport
A-TITLE Protection of equines during transport
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Protection of equines during transport
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Equine meat labelling
A-TITLE Our Campaign
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Equine meat labelling
A-TITLE Equine meat labelling
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-pol...Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Our campaigns
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Horses in need
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Texto duplicado Horses in need
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sport and leisure horses
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sport and leisure horses
A-TITLE Sport and leisure horses
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/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Work and production horses
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/the-horse-human-relationshipSubdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
A-TITLE find out more
/about-us/our-organisation/our...Subdominio Texto duplicado Find out more
A-TITLE find out more
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio IMG-ALT Our work in EU policy
A-TITLE Our work in EU policy
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio Texto duplicado Our work in EU policy
A-TITLE Our work in EU policy
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A-TITLE Our work in EU policy
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A-TITLE Research
/what-we-do/researchSubdominio Texto duplicado Research
A-TITLE Research
/what-we-do/researchSubdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Research
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Working equines and the SDGs
A-TITLE Working equines and the SDGs
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Working animals and the SDGs
A-TITLE Working equines and the SDGs
/what-we-do/international/work...Subdominio Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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A-TITLE Our campaigns
/what-we-do/international/our-...Subdominio View all work
A-TITLE Latest News
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT three horses running
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Make a Donation
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate now
A-TITLE Donate now
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/camp...Subdominio IMG-ALT Campaign for us
A-TITLE Campaign for us
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/camp...Subdominio Texto duplicado Campaign for us
A-TITLE Campaign for us
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/camp...Subdominio Texto ancla no relevante
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/newsletter-signupSubdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT horses in a stable
/newsletter-signupSubdominio Read our stories
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/newsletter-signupSubdominio Sign up now
/contact-usSubdominio IMG-ALT Contact us
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/contact-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Contact us
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/contact-usSubdominio More contact info
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/documents/eu-reports/removing...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT Removing the Blinkers report cover
/documents/eu-reports/removing...Nueva ventana Download PDF ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT 2020-24 report cover ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Download PDF
/documents/eu-reports/excutive...Nueva ventana IMG-ALT EU report on transport of equines for slaughter report cover
/documents/eu-reports/excutive...Nueva ventana Texto duplicado Download PDF
/what-we-do/eu-reportsSubdominio View all reports
/what-we-do/our-partnersSubdominio Find out more about our partners
/newsletter-signupSubdominio Texto duplicado Sign up now ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT facebook icon
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A-TITLE Our Organisation
/about-us/our-peopleSubdominio Texto duplicado Our People
A-TITLE Our People
/about-us/our-organisation/you...Subdominio Texto duplicado Your Impact
A-TITLE Your Impact
/about-us/our-people/work-with-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Work for us
A-TITLE Work for us ancla Texto duplicado What We Do ancla Texto duplicado A-TITLE Plus, indicating whether dropdown is opened
/what-we-doSubdominio Texto duplicado What We Do
A-TITLE What we do
/what-we-doSubdominio Texto duplicado What We Do Overview
A-TITLE What we do
/what-we-do/our-work-in-eu-policySubdominio Texto duplicado Our work in EU policy
A-TITLE Our work in EU policy
/what-we-do/internationalSubdominio Texto duplicado International
A-TITLE international
/what-we-do/researchSubdominio Texto duplicado Research
A-TITLE research
/what-we-do/horses-in-needSubdominio Texto duplicado Horses in need
A-TITLE Horses in need
/what-we-do/sport-and-leisure-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Sport and leisure horses
A-TITLE Sport and leisure horses
/what-we-do/work-and-productio...Subdominio Texto duplicado Work and production horses
A-TITLE Work and production horses ancla Support us ancla Texto duplicado A-TITLE Plus, indicating whether dropdown is opened
/support-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Support us
A-TITLE Support us
/support-usSubdominio Texto duplicado Support Us Overview
A-TITLE Support us
/donate/generalSubdominio Texto duplicado Donate
A-TITLE Donate
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/camp...Subdominio Texto duplicado Campaign for us
A-TITLE Campaign for us
/support-us/leave-a-legacySubdominio Texto duplicado Leave a Legacy
A-TITLE Leave a Legacy
/support-us/appealsSubdominio Our latest appeals
A-TITLE Appeals ancla Texto duplicado Advice ancla Texto duplicado A-TITLE Plus, indicating whether dropdown is opened
/adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado Advice
A-TITLE Advice
/adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado Advice Overview
A-TITLE advice"
/advice/category/well-being-es...Subdominio Texto duplicado Well-being essentials
A-TITLE Health
/advice/category/healthSubdominio Texto duplicado Health
A-TITLE Health
/advice/category/nutritionSubdominio Texto duplicado Nutrition
A-TITLE Health
/advice/category/behaviourSubdominio Texto duplicado Behaviour
A-TITLE Health
/advice/category/environmentSubdominio Texto duplicado Environment
A-TITLE Health
/advice/category/general-adviceSubdominio Texto duplicado General advice
A-TITLE Health ancla Texto duplicado News ancla Texto duplicado A-TITLE Plus, indicating whether dropdown is opened
/newsSubdominio Texto duplicado News
/newsSubdominio Texto duplicado Latest News
A-TITLE Latest News
/rescue-storiesSubdominio Texto duplicado Rescue Stories
A-TITLE Rescue Stories
/blogSubdominio Blog
/privacy-and-cookies-policySubdominio Privacy Policy
A-TITLE Privacy Policy
/fundraising-complaintsSubdominio Complaints
A-TITLE Complaints
https://www.fundraisingregulat...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Registered with FUNDRAISING REGULATOR

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home - World Horse Welfare

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
World Horse68%Check
Horse Welfare68%Check
World Horse Welfare68%Check
horse need58%Check
help horse57%Check
Horse health56%Check
Animal Welfare55%Check

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