- SEO Checker

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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,20 s
Tamaño HTML
158,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
261 internos / 15 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
EUDA home page |
La longitud del título es óptima (368 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1606 palabras.
Un 22% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 12 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.75 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Esta página carga 3 archivos JavaScript, lo cual es bueno.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 32 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 22 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/themes/custom/euda/logo.svgHome de atributo ALTbanner for Data section with different graphic motifs
...2024-07/countries.png.webp?itok=vMXvWq96Carece de atributo ALTbanner for Countries section with a world map design de atributo ALTbanner for Topics section with an abstract design
...-07/best-practice.png.webp?itok=R5ja87TPCarece de atributo ALTbanner for Best practice section with a graphic design
...024-07/activities.png.webp?itok=tCsUbdtlCarece de atributo ALTbanner for Activities section, picture with people walking through an interior space
...4-07/publications.png.webp?itok=1P2aENI0Carece de atributo ALTbanner for Publications section, close-up picture of a hand scrolling through a tablet de atributo ALTbanner for Events section, picture of a backlit person speaking in front of the public
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...d/images/hcv-main.jpg.webp?itok=jlzq9kikComputer-simulated view of a virus under a microscope
...-istock-152956846.jpg.webp?itok=vVoaVpiZLaboratory showing sample tubes being tested
...2022-GIF-clean-v4.gif.webp?itok=64zgMEp5Wastewater and drugs: a European study. Animated map of Europe with coloured bubbles over maps.
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...2-16-12-34-28-utc.jpg.webp?itok=ERbTQP4Zwhite squares of paper with black question marks
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...kets-key-insights.png.webp?itok=_1NV1B2FCarece de atributo ALT
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...021-spotlights(1).png.webp?itok=lUIT7C5WCarece de atributo ALT
...0937551_credits_0.png.webp?itok=2BX0pYoDsmoldering white sage smudge stick
...23-07/whd-english.png.webp?itok=V5GqGjUFLogo World Hepatitis Day
...1unetktg-unsplash.jpg.webp?itok=cWhtcWcWCarece de atributo ALTimage of the White House in Washington D.C.
...-launch-july-2024.jpg.webp?itok=gEhdelJsPicture of a podium with EUDA logo visible and colourful backdrop
...07/p064109-212243.jpg.webp?itok=W3mPZgbEH.E Xavier Aliaga Sancho, Ambassador and Head of the Mission of Ecuador to the European Union, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, and EUDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel at signing ceremony, 3 July 2024,Lisbon
..._symbol_rgb_color.png.webp?itok=eo7TtqtuEUDA logo
...6005226_credits_0.png.webp?itok=t5cHeNuDimage showing a human brain surrounded by colourful elements
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...2/edmr-drivers2_0.png.webp?itok=aEs8lImfA hand holding some digital cog wheels
...24-home-thumbnail.png.webp?itok=GaR-LyuMStatistical Bulletin 2024 cover
...dda_gra2023_cover.png.webp?itok=bJykgN8aCover of the 2023 General Report of ActivitiesCover of the 2023 General Report of Activities
...opments-injecting.png.webp?itok=0VQdSYNjcover of the European Drug Report 2024: Injecting drug use
...velopments-heroin.png.webp?itok=MopfhwfBcover of the European Drug Report 2024: Heroin and other opioids
...4-miniguide-dcr_0.png.webp?itok=S8CJ1llICover of the miniguide on drug consumption rooms to be published
...developments-main.png.webp?itok=KTQLX6nkcover of the European Drug Report 2024, main page
...R teaser asset A4.png.webp?itok=GrHVcYuKCarece de atributo ALT
...iniguide-bundle-1.png.webp?itok=zzEPkWjhCarece de atributo ALT
...prisons-thumbnail.jpg.webp?itok=K4ESXD-BCarece de atributo ALT
...bislaws_thumbnail.png.webp?itok=5QarDo5ICover of the publication Cannabis laws in Europe
...rugs-screenshot_0.png.webp?itok=qFq5oUWcCarece de atributo ALT
...-11-08-utc-2000px.jpg.webp?itok=mhhb0czzCards with question marks
...ges/EWSD_eye_logo.jpg.webp?itok=uJaARXfazoomed eye with european web survey on drugs logo
...ages/TDMA19001ENN.jpg.webp?itok=M5mE0susCarece de atributo ALT
...member_purple_png.png.webp?itok=mSHeaYwoInternational Overdose Awareness Day 2024 campaign: Time to remember to act
...nferenceeuda_recording.png?itok=-b-uS0uGScreenshot of the recording of the EUDA inauguration press conferenceScreenshot of the recording of the EUDA inauguration press conference from the highlights video of the EUDA inauguration and Management BoardScreenshot from the highlights video of the EUDA inauguration and Management Board
.../eudainaugurationvideo.png?itok=R-Q-prN0Screenshot of the EUDA inauguration videoScreenshot of the EUDA inauguration video
...6/webinarnpsthumbnail2.png?itok=wpJ6IhsLEMCDDA-Europol Launch webinar on EU Drug Markets: NPSEMCDDA-Europol Launch webinar on EU Drug Markets: NPS
...inarnightlifethumbnail.png?itok=WpYI2p2cScreenshot of the recording of the webinar on safe festivals and healthy nightlifeScreenshot of the recording of the webinar on safe festivals and healthy nightlife
...24_recordingscreenshot.png?itok=vSPQ69LwScreenshot of the recording of the online launch: European Drug Report 2024Screenshot of the recording of the online launch: European Drug Report 2024
...-drd-edr2024-thumbnail.png?itok=dWHSAx1MBar chart showing Age distribution (percent) of drug-induced deaths reported in the European Union, Norway and Türkiye in 2022 or the most recent year
...-drd-edr2024-thumbnail.png?itok=HZn6W40nArea graph showing number of drug-induced deaths by country in Europe from 2010 to 2022.
...ment-edr2024-thumbnail.PNG?itok=a1iBdDLhthumbnail of infographic Metamphetamine users entering treatment in Europe
...ment-edr2024-thumbnail.PNG?itok=9NsZFxC6Screenshot of users entering treatment for amphetamine infographic
...ment-edr2024-thumbnail.PNG?itok=YGCK-8CeInfographic Users entering treatment for cannabis in Europe from the European Drug Report 2024 from European Drug Report 2024: Cocaine market in Europe
...ures-edr2024-thumbnail.png?itok=iOehH1PRFigure 1.9 of the European Drug Report 2024 - Drug law offences – supply offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100)
...ures-edr2024-thumbnail.png?itok=0ZMFnTm4Figure 1.8 of the European Drug Report 2024 - Drug law offences – possession/use offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100)
...ures-edr2024-thumbnail.png?itok=RQnPVncUFigure 1.7. Drug law offences – number of offences, supply and use/possession, 2022
...s/2024-07/euda-logo-horizontal-white.svgLogo of EUDA
...efault/files/images/2022-12/eu_logo1.pngFlag of the European Union

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 40 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Quick links
H2 Select your language
H2 Main navigation
H2 Your European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
H2 Spotlight
H2 Latest news
H2 Publications
H2 Events
H2 Videos
H2 Data visualisations
H2 Explore
H2 Was this page helpful?
H2 About the EMCDDA
H2 Follow us
H2 Contact
H2 More information
H3 Data
H3 Latest data
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Countries
H3 Reporting countries
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Topics
H3 Selected topics
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Best practice
H3 In this section
H3 Quick links Texto duplicado
H3 Activities
H3 Selected areas
H3 Partners and cooperation
H3 Publications Texto duplicado
H3 In this section Texto duplicado
H3 Featured publications
H3 Recently published
H3 Events Texto duplicado
H3 Recent events
H3 News
H3 Recent news
H3 Quick links Texto duplicado
H3 About the EUDA
H3 In this section Texto duplicado
H3 Quick links Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 2 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 15 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/index_enTexto ancla Skip to main content
/index_enTexto ancla Quick links
A-TITLE Currently active EMCDDA campaigns
/topics/cannabis-policySubdominio Cannabis policy: recent developments
/node/31312_enData catalogue
/document-library_enDocument library
A-TITLE EMCDDA repository's of useful documents, mainly published by third-parties but also EMCDDA working documents etc.
/drug-profilesSubdominio Drug profiles
/publications/topic-overviews/...EU Early Warning System (EWS) on NPS Subdominio ESPAD
/publications/eu-drug-markets_enEU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis
/node/31854_enEuropean Drug Report
/publications/health-and-socia...European Responses Guide Subdominio Lisbon addictions
/media-library_enMedia library
/about/partnersSubdominio Partners
/data/stats2024_enStatistical Bulletin Subdominio Toolkits
A-TITLE Toolkits published by the EUDA Subdominio Web archive of the EMCCDA (WayBack)
A-TITLE Official archive of the EMCDDA website, archived by the Publications Office of the European Union
/index_enTexto ancla Sin texto
/index_enIMG-ALT Home
/index_enTexto ancla Toggle search form
/data_enTexto duplicado Data
/data/stats2024/gps_enPrevalence of drug use
/data/stats2024/drd_enDrug-induced deaths
/data/stats2024/drid_enInfectious diseases
/data/stats2024/pdu_enProblem drug use
/data/stats2024/tdi_enTreatment demand
/data/stats2024/szr_enSeizures of drugs
/data/stats2024/ppp_enPrice, purity and potency
/data/stats2024/dup_enDrug use and prison
/data/stats2024/dlo_enDrug law offences
/data/stats2024/hsr_enHealth and social responses
/data/stats2024/drug-checking_enDrug checking
/data/stats2024/hospital-emerg...Hospital emergencies data
/data/stats2024/syringe-residu...Syringe residues data
/publications/html/pods/waste-...Wastewater analysis
/data/data-catalogue_enTexto duplicado Data catalogue
/countries_enTexto duplicado Countries
/countriesAll countries
/topics_enTexto duplicado Topics
/content/alternatives-coercive...Alternatives to coercive sanctions
/topics/cannabis-policy_enCannabis policy
/topics/darknet-and-drugs_enDarknet markets
/topics/drug-checking_enTexto duplicado Drug checking
/topics/drug-consumption-facil...Drug consumption facilities
/topics/drug-markets_enDrug markets
/topics/drug-related-deaths_enDrug-related deaths
/topics/drug-related-infectiou...Drug-related infectious diseases
/topics/drugs-and-driving_enDrugs and driving
/topics/european-web-survey-on...European Web Survey on Drugs
/topics/gender-and-drugs_enGender and drugs
/topics/harm-reduction_enHarm reduction
/topics/hospital-emergencies_enHospital emergencies
/topics/nps_enNew psychoactive substances (NPS)
/topics/prevalence-and-pattern...Texto duplicado Prevalence of drug use
/topics/production-of-drugs_enProduction of drugs
/topics/synthetic-cannabinoids_enSynthetic cannabinoids
/topics/synthetic-cathinones_enSynthetic cathinones
/topics/escape_enSyringe analysis (ESCAPE)
/topics/treatment_enTreatment of drug use problems
/topics/wastewater_enWastewater-based epidemiology
/topics/young-people_enYoung people
/topics_enTopics (A-Z)
/best-practice_enBest practice
/best-practice_enTexto duplicado Best practice
/best-practice/evidence-summar...Evidence database
/best-practice/european-preven...European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC)
/best-practice/evaluation-inst...Evaluations Instrument Bank (EIB)
A-TITLE repository of evaluation tools such as questionnaires
/best-practice/guidelines_enStandards and guidelines
A-TITLE Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
/best-practice/xchange_enXchange prevention registry
/publications/health-and-socia...Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide Healthy Nightlife Toolkit (HNT)
/best-practice/european-preven...List of EUPC trainers Subdominio PLATO training platform (login required)
/toolkit/prevention-toolkit_enPrevention toolkit ventana Externo Subscribe to the 'Best practice' newsletter
/activities_enTexto duplicado Activities
/publications/topic-overviews/...Early Warning System on Drugs
/topics/key-indicators_enKey indicators
/publications/topic-overviews/...Drug policy evaluation
/activities/promoting-hcv-hepa...Hepatitis C elimination
/activities/european-web-surve...Texto duplicado European Web Survey on Drugs
/activities/iate-glossary_enMultilingual glossary
/about/partners/reitox_enReitox network
/about/partners/cc/ipa8_enEMCDDA-IPA 8
/activities/eu4md-iiEU4Monitoring Drugs II (EU4MD II)
/publications_enAll publications
/publications_enPublications database
/document-library_enEMCDDA Document library
/media-library_enTexto duplicado Media library
/publications/european-drug-re...Texto duplicado European Drug Report
/publications/health-and-socia...Texto duplicado European Responses Guide
A-TITLE Health and social responses to drug problems: a European guide
/publications/eu-drug-markets_enEU Drug Markets
/publications/drug-profiles_enTexto duplicado Drug profiles
/publications-database_enRecently published
/publications/frequently-asked...FAQ: therapeutic use of psychedelic...
A-TITLE Frequently asked questions (FAQ): therapeutic use of psychedelic substances
/publications/data-factsheet/v...Viral hepatitis elimination barometer...
A-TITLE Viral hepatitis elimination barometer among people who inject drugs in Europe
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...EU Drug Market: New psychoactive...
A-TITLE EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances — In-depth analysis
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators
A-TITLE EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators
/data/stats2024_enStatistical Bulletin 2024 home
A-TITLE Statistical Bulletin 2024 home — latest data and statistics on the drug situation in Europe
/publications/gra/2023_enGeneral Report of Activities 2023
A-TITLE General Report of Activities 2023 – key achievements and governance: a year in review
/publications/european-drug-re...Injecting drug use (European Drug...
A-TITLE Injecting drug use in Europe – the current situation (European Drug Report 2024)
/publications/european-drug-re...Heroin and other opioids (European Drug...
A-TITLE Heroin and other opioids – the current situation in Europe (European Drug Report 2024) duplicado Events events
/event/2024/09/15th-euspr-conf...15th EUSPR Conference
/event/2024/08/international-o...International Overdose Awareness Day 2024
/event/2024/09/isam-2024-congr...ISAM 2024 Congress
/event/2024/07/28-july-world-h...28 July: World Hepatitis Day
/event/2024/11/european-confer...European conference on drug-related violence
/event/2024/06/launch-eu-drug-...Launch: EU Drug Markets – New psychoactive substances (EMCDDA-Europol Webinar)
/events_enMore events duplicado News news
/news/2024/therapeutic-use-psy...Therapeutic use of psychedelic substances: FAQs published today
/news/2024/world-hepatitis-day...World Hepatitis Day 2024: practical resources to help European countries beat viral hepatitis
/news/2024/euda-delegation-mak...EUDA delegation makes first trip to Washington
/news/2024/2/top-officials-gat...Top officials gather in Lisbon to launch new European Union Drugs Agency
/news/2024/working-arrangement...Cooperation with Ecuador enhanced through new Working Arrangement
/news/2024/1/new-european-unio...New European Union Drugs Agency starts work with broader mandate
/news_enMore news
/news_enSearch news Subscribe newsletter for recent news Subscribe to news releases
/about_enAbout the EUDA
/about_enTexto duplicado About the EUDA
/activities_enTexto duplicado Activities
/about/partners_enTexto duplicado Partners
/about/jobsJob vacancies
/about/contact_enContact us
/about/director_enEUDA Director
/about/mb_enManagement Board
/about/sc_enScientific Committee
/about/data-protection_enData protection
/about/public-access-to-docume...Public access to documents
/about/sustainability-at-the-e...Sustainability at the EUDA
/activities/campaigns/euda-lau...Texto ancla no relevante
Read more
/activities/campaigns/euda-lau...Sin texto
/publications/european-drug-re...European Drug Report 2024
/publications/frequently-asked...FAQ: therapeutic use of psychedelic substances
IMG-ALT image showing a human brain surrounded by colourful elements
/publications/data-factsheet/v...Viral hepatitis elimination barometer among people who inject drugs
IMG-ALT Computer-simulated view of a virus under a microscope
/publications/data-factsheet/d...Drug checking data from the Trans European Drugs Information (TEDI) network
IMG-ALT Laboratory showing sample tubes being tested
/publications/pods/waste-water...Wastewater analysis and drugs — explore the latest data
IMG-ALT Wastewater and drugs: a European study. Animated map of Europe with coloured bubbles over maps.
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...EU Drug Market: Heroin and other opioids — In-depth analysis
/publications/topic-overviews/...Frequently asked questions (FAQ): drug overdose deaths in Europe
IMG-ALT white squares of paper with black question marks
/publications/faq/cannabis-law...Cannabis laws in Europe: questions and answers for policymaking
IMG-ALT A gavel and herbal cannabis
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...EU Drug Markets Analysis: Key insights for policy and practice
/publications/data-factsheet/s...European Syringe Collection and Analysis Project Enterprise (ESCAPE): data and key findings
IMG-ALT medical syringes
/publications/data-factsheet/e...European Drug Emergencies Network (Euro-DEN Plus): data and analysis
/publications/manuals/european...Texto duplicado European Responses Guide
/news/2024/therapeutic-use-psy...Therapeutic use of psychedelic substances: FAQs published today 30.07.2024
IMG-ALT smoldering white sage smudge stick
/news/2024/world-hepatitis-day...World Hepatitis Day 2024: practical resources to help European countries beat viral hepatitis 26.07.2024
IMG-ALT Logo World Hepatitis Day
/news/2024/euda-delegation-mak...EUDA delegation makes first trip to Washington 12.07.2024
/news/2024/2/top-officials-gat...Top officials gather in Lisbon to launch new European Union Drugs Agency 03.07.2024
IMG-ALT Picture of a podium with EUDA logo visible and colourful backdrop
/news/2024/working-arrangement...Working Arrangement signed with Ecuador 03.07.2024
IMG-ALT H.E Xavier Aliaga Sancho, Ambassador and Head of the Mission of Ecuador to the European Union, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, and EU...
/news/2024/1/new-european-unio...New European Union Drugs Agency starts work with broader mandate 02.07.2024
/news_enAll news
/index_enTexto ancla Most recent
/index_enTexto ancla Most popular
/publications/frequently-asked...Texto duplicado FAQ: therapeutic use of psychedelic substances
IMG-ALT image showing a human brain surrounded by colourful elements
/publications/data-factsheet/v...Viral hepatitis elimination barometer among people who inject drugs in Europe
IMG-ALT Computer simulation of a virus
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...EU Drug Market: New psychoactive substances
/publications/european-drug-re...Texto duplicado European Drug Report 2024
IMG-ALT cover of the European Drug Report 2024, main page
/publications/eu-drug-markets/...Texto duplicado EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators
IMG-ALT A hand holding some digital cog wheels
/data/stats2024_enTexto duplicado Statistical Bulletin 2024 home
IMG-ALT Statistical Bulletin 2024 cover
/publications/gra/2023_enTexto duplicado General Report of Activities 2023
IMG-ALT Cover of the 2023 General Report of Activities
/publications/european-drug-re...Injecting drug use (European Drug Report 2024)
IMG-ALT cover of the European Drug Report 2024: Injecting drug use
/publications/european-drug-re...Heroin and other opioids (European Drug Report 2024)
IMG-ALT cover of the European Drug Report 2024: Heroin and other opioids
/publications/mini-guides/heal...Responses: drug consumption rooms
IMG-ALT Cover of the miniguide on drug consumption rooms to be published
/publications_enTexto duplicado All publications
/publications/european-drug-re...Texto duplicado European Drug Report 2024
IMG-ALT cover of the European Drug Report 2024, main page
/publications/joint-publicatio...Texto duplicado EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis
/publications/manuals/european...Texto duplicado European Responses Guide
/publications/insights/prison-...Prison and drugs in Europe
/publications/faq/cannabis-law...Cannabis laws in Europe
IMG-ALT Cover of the publication Cannabis laws in Europe
/publications/pods/waste-water...Wastewater analysis and drugs — a European study
/publications/topic-overviews/...Texto duplicado Frequently asked questions (FAQ): drug overdose deaths in Europe
IMG-ALT Cards with question marks
/publications/data-factsheets/...European Web Survey on Drugs 2021: EU countries
IMG-ALT zoomed eye with european web survey on drugs logo
/publications/manuals/european...European Prevention Curriculum handbook
/publications_enTexto duplicado All publications
/event/2024/08/international-o...31 Aug 2024 International Overdose Awareness Day 2024 International day
IMG-ALT International Overdose Awareness Day 2024 campaign: Time to remember to act
/event/2024/09/isam-2024-congr...05 Sep 2024 Istanbul, Türkiye ISAM 2024 Congress Conference
/event/2024/09/15th-euspr-conf...11 Sep 2024 to 13 Sep 2024 Cremona, Italy 15th EUSPR Conference Conference
/event/2024/09/treatment-deman...17 Sep 2024 to 18 Sep 2024 Lisboa, Portugal Treatment Demand Indicator (TDI) expert meeting 2024 EMCDDA expert meeting
/events_enAll events
/media-library/press-conferenc...Press conference: Official inauguration of the EUDA
IMG-ALT Screenshot of the recording of the EUDA inauguration press conference
/media-library/euda-inaugurati...EUDA inauguration and constituent meeting of the Management Board
IMG-ALT Screenshot from the highlights video of the EUDA inauguration and Management Board
/media-library/inauguration-eu...Inauguration of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA)
IMG-ALT Screenshot of the EUDA inauguration video
/media-library/emcdda-europol-...EMCDDA-Europol Launch: EU Drug Markets – new psychoactive substances
IMG-ALT EMCDDA-Europol Launch webinar on EU Drug Markets: NPS
/media-library/emcdda-webinar-...EMCDDA webinar: Safe festivals and healthy nightlife — sharing experiences among practitioners
IMG-ALT Screenshot of the recording of the webinar on safe festivals and healthy nightlife
/media-library/recording-onlin...Recording of the online launch event of the European Drug Report 2024, 11 June 2024
IMG-ALT Screenshot of the recording of the online launch: European Drug Report 2024
/media-library_enAll videos
/media-library/edr24/age-distr...Age distribution (percent) of drug-induced deaths reported in the European Union, Norway and Türkiye in 2022 or the most recent year (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Bar chart showing Age distribution (percent) of drug-induced deaths reported in the European Union, Norway and Türkiye in 2022 or the most recent year
/media-library/edr24/trends-dr...Trends in drug-induced deaths in the European Union, Norway and Türkiye (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Area graph showing number of drug-induced deaths by country in Europe from 2010 to 2022.
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Methamphetamine users entering treatment in Europe (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT thumbnail of infographic Metamphetamine users entering treatment in Europe
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Amphetamine users entering treatment in Europe (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Screenshot of users entering treatment for amphetamine infographic
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Users entering treatment for cannabis in Europe (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Infographic Users entering treatment for cannabis in Europe from the European Drug Report 2024
/media-library/edr24/dashboard...Dashboard. Cocaine market in Europe, price, purity, seizures (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Figure from European Drug Report 2024: Cocaine market in Europe
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Drug law offences – supply offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100) (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Figure 1.9 of the European Drug Report 2024 - Drug law offences – supply offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100)
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Drug law offences – possession/use offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100) (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Figure 1.8 of the European Drug Report 2024 - Drug law offences – possession/use offences, indexed trends (2012 = 100)
/media-library/edr24/infograph...Infographic. Drug law offences — number of offences, supply and use/possession, 2022 (updated June 2024)
IMG-ALT Figure 1.7. Drug law offences – number of offences, supply and use/possession, 2022
/media-library_enSee more All of the latest data and statistics on the drug situation
/countriesCountries National and country-specific information (A-Z) Information and resources organised by topic
/activitiesOur activities Information on the EUDA's ongoing scientific work and projects
/best-practiceBest practice portal What works in different areas of drug-related interventions
/publicationsPublications All of the EUDA's publications at your fingertips and events The latest news and an overview of key events in the drugs calendar Information about the EUDA and its activities
/about_enTexto ancla no relevante
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/publications/subscribeE-mail updates
/about/contactTexto duplicado Contact us
/about/legal-noticeLegal notice
/about/data-protection_enTexto duplicado Data protection The EUDA is an agency of the European Union
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