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Contractor Calculator - Your Expert Guide to Contracting. For UK Contractors, Freelancers, and Consultants
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Meta descripción
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Contractor Calculator is your expert guide to contracting and freelancing. With 30+ tax calculators, guides and advice for UK's self-employed workforce. Calculate your taxes and pay.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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URL de la página
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descriptionContractor Calculator is your expert guide to contracting and freelancing. With 30+ tax calculators, guides and advice for UK's self-employed workforce. Calculate your taxes and pay.
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Hay 22 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We only send your data...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3213 palabras.
Un 39.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 36 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.35 palabras.
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
See how much you can earn contracting
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 110 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 See how much you can earn contracting
H2 Find the perfect services for your business
H2 What level of cover would you like?
H2 Over what term would you like your life insurance?
H2 What is your date of birth?
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H2 What is your date of birth? Texto duplicado
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H2 Are you a smoker? Texto duplicado
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H2 What email address would you like the quote sent to? Texto duplicado
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H2 What is your postcode? Texto duplicado
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H2 What is the price of the property and your required mortgage size?
H2 What type of Mortgage do you need?
H2 Tell us about your contract rate
H2 How long have you been contracting?
H2 Do you have an adverse credit history? (e.g. CCJ)
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H6 The UK's leading contractor site. Trusted by over 100,000 monthly visitors
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/refer.aspx?from=LOCATION_FRON...Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Business Insurance
/Sin texto
/ir35calculator.aspxIR35 calculator Calculate the impact that the original IR35 legislation has on your net income.
/offpayrollcalculator.aspxOff-payroll calculator How do the off-payroll reforms affect me?
/contractorumbrellacalculator....Contractor umbrella calculator Calculate how much pay you will take home when using an umbrella company.
/contractorcalculators.aspxMore contractor calculators
/contractorcalculator.aspxContractor calculator Calculate your annual and monthly net income from a contract.
/contractingtopermanentcalcula...Contracting to permanent calculator Calculate the permanent salary you need to match your contracting income.
/permanenttocontractingcalcula...Permanent to contracting calculator What rate earns the same as my current salary?
/permanentcalculators.aspxMore permanent employee calculators
/vatcalculator.aspxVAT calculator Calculate both net and gross VAT amounts.
/corporation_tax_calculator.aspxCorporation tax calculator Calculate corporation tax on company profits.
/dividend_tax_calculator.aspxDividend tax calculator Calculate taxes due on dividends.
/limited_company_calculator.aspxLimited company calculator Calculate company profits and taxes.
/small_business_calculators.aspxMore small business calculators
/contractor_mortgage_assessor_...Mortgage assessor calculator Calculate your contractor mortgage options, including how much you could borrow.
/contractorpensioncalculator.aspxContractor pension calculator Calculate the benefits of diverting pre-taxed income to a pension.
/calculators.aspxMore popular calculators ventana Externo Subdominio Get your free IR35 status
/contractor_life_insurance.aspxLife insurance Protect your family with a life insurance policy funded by your business.
/insurance.aspxMore essential services
/ir35.aspxIR35 is the short name used for the intermediaries legislation, which is a set of tax rules that apply to you if you work for a client through an intermediar...
/ir35.aspxRead more about IR35
/insideir35contractorcalculato...Inside IR35 calculator How does being inside IR35 affect me?
/ir35calculator.aspxTexto duplicado IR35 calculator Calculate the impact that the original IR35 legislation has on your net income.
/outsideir35contractorcalculat...Outside IR35 calculator How does being outside IR35 affect me?
/what_is_ir35.aspxOur guide to IR35 Learn the basic of the legislation and how you can avoid it.
/ir35_contract_reasons_contrac...10 reasons your contract will fail IR35 Make sure you have everything covered to protect yourself
/ir35.aspxSee all of our IR35 guides
/first_timers.aspxFirst timers guide How to make the transition into contracting.
/contracting.aspxContracting Agencies, renewals, finances, holidays.
/conduct_of_employment_regulat...Conduct Regulations What are the conduct regulations and should you opt-in or opt-out?
/articles.aspxMore contracting guides
/ir35.aspxIR35 What is IR35? How does it affect you? How do you avoid it?
/uk_tax_codes_guide.aspxUK tax codes What does your tax code mean and how does it effect how much tax you pay?
/how_close_your_company_extrac...How to close your company How to close your company and extract the profits – paying only 10% tax.
/expenses.aspxExpenses What you can claim for. Travel rules, car rules, subsistence, dispensation, etc.
/articles.aspxMore tax & IR35 guides
/contractor_life_insurance.aspxTexto duplicado Life insurance Protect your family with a life insurance policy funded by your business.
/insurance.aspxContractor insurances What you need. Products. Get instant quotes online.
/contractor_income_protection....Income protection Protect your income against illness.
/contractor_insurances.aspxMore protection & insurance guides
/tribunal_prolong_adrian_chile...A Decade of Uncertainty: Tribunal … After ten years and three tribunal hearings, the nightmare continues for the IR35 ca
A-TITLE A Decade of Uncertainty: Tribunal Errors Prolong Adrian Chiles' IR35 Nightmare
/general_election_freelancers_...2024 UK General Election: A Freela… The Freelance Manifesto for Growth has been launched, calling on political parties t
A-TITLE 2024 UK General Election: A Freelancers Manifesto for Growth
/contractor_news.aspxView all news
/contractor_life_insurance.aspxTexto duplicado Life insurance Protect your family with a life insurance policy funded by your business.
/insurance.aspxWhat cover do you need? As a contractor you don't get the benefits normally provided for you as a permanent employee. See what types of insurance you need fo...
/insurance.aspxMore contractor insurance products
/contractor_income_protection....Income protection Protect your income if you are unable to work as a result of accident or sickness.
/critical_illness_cover.aspxCritical illness cover Protect yourself from the financial impact of being diagnosed with a critical illness.
/contractor_health_insurance.aspxHealth insurance Take control of when and where you're treated, this could mean less time away from valuable contracts and income.
/insurance.aspxTexto duplicado More contractor insurance products
/contractor_accountant_service...Contractor Accountants Services Specialist contractor accounting support. No minimum contract, no set-up or leaving fees.
/pensions_contractors_overview...Pensions for contractors Invest in a pension at the start of your contracting career.
/how_pensions_work_for_contrac...How pensions work for contractors Learn everything you need to know to make a contractor pension work for you.
/contractor_pensions.aspxMore pensions & investments
/contractor_mortgage_guides.aspxMortgage guides for contractors Secure the same competitive interest rates as permanent employees using specialist brokers.
/contractor_mortgage_assessor_...Mortgage assessor calculator How much mortgage can you get as a contractor?
/contractor_mortgage.aspxGet a mortgage quote Speak to mortgage lenders who understand professional contracting.
/contractor_mortgages.aspxMore contractor mortgage advice
/refer.aspx?from=INSURANCE_GET...Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Business Insurance
/contractor_insurances.aspxWhat cover do you need? Protect yourself and your clients. Find out what type of cover suits your business.
/professional_indemnity_insura...Professional indemnity insurance Cover for liabilities that arise from professional advice or services you provide.
/office_insurance.aspxOffice insurance Expenses cover to legally defend or pursue your rights, and liability insurance which protects damage to both your own and clients property ...
/contractor_insurances.aspxMore business insurance products
/professional_indemnity_insura...Business consultants
/professional_indemnity_insura...Energy assessors
/professional_indemnity_insura...IT consultants
/professional_indemnity_insura...Marketing and media
/contractor_insurances_why.aspxWhy you need insurance cover
/professional_indemnity_insura...Guide to Professional Indemnity
/public_liability_insurance_vi...Guide to Public Liability Insurance
/business_insurance_it_videogu...Business Insurance for IT Professionals
/small_business_insurance_vide...Guide to Small Business Insurance
/contractor_accountant_service...Texto duplicado Accountants ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Get your free IR35 status
/contractorcalculators.aspxView all calculators
/relevant_life_insurance.aspxNofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Relevant Life Insurance
/contractor_accountant_service...Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Contractor Accountant
/insurance.aspxView all insurances
/articles.aspxView all guides
/contractor_news.aspxView latest news
/contractorfinancialprofilecal...Financial Profile Calculator What is my financial profile?
/ir35calculator.aspxIR35 Calculator How does IR35 affect/cost me?
/permanentfinancialprofilecalc...Texto duplicado Financial Profile Calculator What is my financial profile?
/paye_ni_net_salary_tax_calcul...PAYE/NI Calculator How much PAYE/NI do I pay?
/dividend_tax_calculator.aspxDividend Tax Calculator Calculate taxes due on dividends
/limited_company_calculator.aspxLimited Company Calculator Calculate company profits and taxes
/contractor_mortgage_assessor_...Mortgage Assessor Calculator How much mortgage can you get as a contractor?
/contractorpensioncalculator.aspxContractor Pension Calculator Calculate the benefits of diverting pre-taxed income to a pension.
/paye_ni_net_salary_tax_calcul...PAYE/NI Net Salary Tax Calculator Quickly calculate PAYE income tax, N.I and net pay.
/vatcalculator.aspxVAT Calculator Calculate VAT amounts for invoicing.
/calculators.aspxComplete calculator directory
/war_self_employed_stop_568110...The war on the self-employed must stop
/contracting_grow_government_n...Contracting will grow which neither Government nor HMRC can prevent
/tribunal_prolong_adrian_chile...IMG-ALT Article Image
/tribunal_prolong_adrian_chile...A Decade of Uncertainty: Tribunal Errors Prolong Adrian Chiles' IR35 Nightmare
/general_election_freelancers_...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Article Image
/general_election_freelancers_...2024 UK General Election: A Freelancers Manifesto for Growth
/breaking_tribunal_sends_ir35_...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Article Image
/breaking_tribunal_sends_ir35_...BREAKING: Tribunal sends IR35 case back to square one after 10 years
/IR35.aspxTexto duplicado IR35
/contractor_news.aspxTexto duplicado View all news
/contractor_insurances.aspxNofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Contractor Insurance ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio IR35/Off-payroll: Hunt says he is "happy to look at that again" ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Join the conversation
/refer.aspx?from=FRONT_PAGE_BA...Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Check your IR35 Status for FREE
/limited_companies.aspxLimited companies Company formation. Taxation...
/ir35.aspxIR35 What is it? How do you avoid it?
/umbrellas.aspxUmbrella companies What are they? How do you join one?
/expenses.aspxExpenses What you can claim...
/first_timers.aspx1st time contracting Guide to starting contracting...
/legal.aspxLegal Contract issues. Legal Rights. IR35. Disputes. Termination.
/10_tips_choosing_contractor_a...11 tips for choosing the best contractor accountant
/Limited_Companies.aspxLimited Companies
/setting_up_limited_company_co...Setting up your company - 10 easy steps
/choosing_an_accountant.aspxHow to find an accountant
/10_tips_choosing_contractor_a...10 tips for the picking the best accountant
/limited_companies.aspxRunning your company - 100+ guides
/what_is_ir35.aspxWhat is IR35?
/how_to_prepare_an_invoice.aspxHow to do invoices - templates
/articles.aspxTexto duplicado View all guides
/refer.aspx?from=FRONT_PAGE_TE...Nofollow Subdominio Texto duplicado Check your IR35 Status for FREE
/relevant_life_plans_facts_con...Nofollow Subdominio Life Insurance - paid by your limited company
/refer.aspx?from=FRONT_PAGE_TE...Nofollow Subdominio Need a mortgage?
/contractor_mvl_liquidation_se...Nofollow Subdominio Closing your company?
/HolidayPayClaims/Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Contractors for Justice ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio HMRC boss accused of making it too hard to challenge rulings ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Phil Thompson loses £300k tax battle ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Deliveroo’s sub clause keeps the wheels turning ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Domino’s Pizza drivers were employees, not contractors, Supreme Court rules – The Irish Times
/YourStory.aspxLet us know!
/othercontractingnews.aspxTexto ancla no relevante
/refer.aspx?from=INSURANCE_BUY...Nofollow Subdominio IMG-ALT Buy business insurance
/public_liability_insurance_vi...Our Guide to Public Liability Insurance
/contractor_mortgages_guide_mo...Guide to mortgage options
/contractor_mortgages.aspxFind out more
/how_pensions_work_for_contrac...How contractor pensions work
/contractor_pensions.aspxTexto duplicado Find out more
/contractor_guide_income_prote...Guide to income protection
/contractor_income_protection....Texto duplicado Find out more
/contractor_life_insurance_cov...Life cover policy options
/contractor_life_insurance.aspxTexto duplicado Find out more ventana Externo Subdominio Specialists raise concerns on applying 'exploitation' term to professional freelancers
https://www.freelanceinformer....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Could Labour wipe out the UK’s £278bn freelance economy?
https://www.contractorweekly.c...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Jeremy Vine set for tribunal over alleged IR35 non-compliance ventana Externo Subdominio BBC presenter faces court battle with HMRC over alleged ‘excessive’ unpaid tax while working at broadcaster ventana Externo Subdominio Will the election leave you better off?
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Contractor Calculator - Your Expert Guide to Contracting. For UK Co...
Contractor Calculator is your expert guide to contracting and freelancing. With 30+ tax calculators, guides and advice for UK's self-employed workforce. Calculate your taxes and pay.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Contractor calculator82%Check
Tax Calculator70%Check
Contractor pension calculator70%Check
Contractor Insurance68%Check
contractor mortgage68%Check
contract rate68%Check

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