Dafilms.com - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
1,01 s
Tamaño HTML
466,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
672 internos / 21 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
El título es demasiado corto (109 píxeles de un máximo de 580 píxeles).Optimizar ahora
El nombre del dominio aparece en el título de la página.
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Your Online Documentary Cinema – Fresh Festival Films Every Week
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (432 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionYour Online Documentary Cinema – Fresh Festival Films Every Week
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1
og:descriptionYour Online Documentary Cinema – Fresh Festival Films Every Week

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (4565 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
Hay 14 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Investigating the history of her great-grandfather, Romani director Ve...
  • Texto duplicado 2: From Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, the documentary tak...
  • Texto duplicado 3: A portrait of a woman that comes close to the Neorealists’ dream of fi...
  • Texto duplicado 4: In April 2018, Armenia's Velvet Revolution saw thousands take to the s...
  • Texto duplicado 5: Inese and Karlis live on the outskirts of Riga in a hut, surviving on ...
  • Texto duplicado 6: The main characters of Chekhov’s The Seagull, today, here, on three lo...
  • Texto duplicado 7: Under the burning sun, a solitary bull awaits tireless, whilst a man j...
Un 36.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 125 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.83 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Esta página carga 7 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: top of the page ▲.
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 126 caracteres:
"ostrovní 126/30, 110 00 praha 1, czech republic ičo: 10981241, vat: cz10981241 tel.: +420 777 613 094 ...".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 32 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...ve/big/gallery/2024/11/01/1300x775-5.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
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https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Loli Kali Shuba
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https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Rosy Dreams
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film How I Became a Partisan
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https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Ji.hlava IDFF Presents: Masterclass - Claire Atherton
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngWoman with her legs on a baloon in the film Beatrix.
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https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Adaptation
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film About Revolution
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Dancing With Maria
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film 21 x New York
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film A Thousand Fires
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Balcony Movie
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...llery/2024/09/20/menkes_hp_image_com.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
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https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film About Revolution
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Oroslan
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Buzz of the Earth
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Solar System
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Städtebewohner
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Condition
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Children. As Time Flies.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Lucky (Niggers)
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Mein Bruder. We'll Meet Again
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Fatherland
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film #UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Scenes with My Father
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Song of Souls
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Kachalka
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Chimney Swift
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Theodore
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Dream Land
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Worm
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Our Daily Bread
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Jobs for All!
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Kata's Motherhood
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film My Uncle Tudor
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Stockholm, 1982
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Flores del otro Patio
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Valley
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film En La Boca
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Masterclass with Alice Diop
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Places of Absence
...llery/2023/11/30/palestine_hp_banner.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Chronicles of That Time
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film In the Billowing Night
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Orpheus
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngWoman with her legs on a baloon in the film Beatrix.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Los Fundadores
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Heliconia
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film MS Slavic 7
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Everything That Is Forgotten in an Instant
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Point and Line to Plane
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Hurry
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Bibi Must Go
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Voin
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Dolce
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Sweat
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Río Turbio
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Marseille
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Afternoon
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Lovely Yellow Color
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Homelands
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Far Away
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Timeless Havana
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Attack the Sun
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Rights of Man
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film How glorious it is to be a human being
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Mittelmeer
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Silence of the Mole
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Charm Circle
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Self-Portrait
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Extinction
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Asterión
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Blunder of Love
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Aleph
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Worm
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Masterclass with Alice Diop
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Climate Diary
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Ar-rhytmic
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Now, For Every Class
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film My Grandfather - A Desk For Each Pupil
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Enchantress
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Saudade
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Prey
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Please Pick Up
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film In Search of Beauty
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Mi abuela
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Belarusian Psycho
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Nikita Lavretski
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Drama
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Cinemagic
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Sasha's Hell
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Love & Partnership
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Bear's Lair
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Life For a Dog
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Joke
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film When I See the Ball I Throw
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Unbreakable Nightrunners
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Tibor
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Phantom Love
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Dissolution
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Apple Game
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Asterión
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Prime of Life
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Alexandra
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Wild Lilies
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Celebration in the Botanical Garden
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film George the Dog, Refugee
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Herzsprung
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Blindfold
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Marseille
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Afternoon
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Passing Summer
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Friendly Sport Meeting
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Year Before the War
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film I Love, You Love
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Rosy Dreams
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film 322
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Quiet Happiness
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Loli Paradicka
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film On the Origin of Fear
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Maryam
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film On Short Leash
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film A Woman's Revenge
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Portuguese Woman
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film L'Idiot
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film Deux Rémi, deux
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngScene from the film The Sun in a Net
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngDiagonale film festival in Austria.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngA woman in yellow suit drinks an alcoholic beverage.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngTrieste film festival visual 2022
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngFestival visitors gathered at the cinema at CPH:DOX.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngVisions du Réel party. Fans gathered after the screening.
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
https://dafilms.com/img/empty.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...allery/2024/01/16/rouch_hp_banner_en.pngCarece de atributo ALT
/img/alliance_members/mdag_2024.pngMillennium Docs Against Gravity
...ance_members/DOK_Leipzig_2024.jpg?201809DOK Leipzig
/img/alliance_members/ji.hlava_2024.jpgJi.hlava IDFF
...iance_members/vision_du_reel_2024.png?v1Visions du Réel
/img/layout/dafilms_docalliance_en.pngCarece de atributo ALT
/img/layout/watch_anywhere.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
/img/layout/dafilms_docalliance_en.pngCarece de atributo ALT
/img/layout/financial_partners_cem.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...layout/financial_partners_sfk_en.png?v=2Carece de atributo ALT
/img/layout/financial_partners_mkcr.en.pngCarece de atributo ALT
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 335 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Embrace the World Through Documentary
H2 Month of European Film: Watch for Free
H2 In partnership with the European Film Academy
H2 Month of European Film 2024
H2 Programs
H2 Programs Texto duplicado
H2 Recently added
H2 FIDMarseille
H2 Recommended
H2 Watch for Free
H2 Fiction
H2 Collections
H3 How I Became a Partisan
H3 Month of European Film 2024 Texto duplicado
H3 The Free University
H3 Hungary 2018 - Behind the Scenes of Democracy
H3 Judgement in Hungary
H3 The Fidesz Jew, The mother with no sense of nation, and Mediation
H3 Loli Kali Shuba
H3 Cambridge
H3 Rosy Dreams
H3 How I Became a Partisan Texto duplicado
H3 I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
H3 Ji.hlava IDFF Presents: Masterclass - Claire Atherton
H3 Beatrix
H3 Dear Chantal
H3 Adaptation
H3 About Revolution
H3 Dancing With Maria
H3 21 x New York
H3 A Thousand Fires
H3 The Balcony Movie
H3 Pierre Creton: To Travel Without Moving
H3 The Burning Gaze of Nina Menkes
H3 Taming the Garden
H3 About Revolution Texto duplicado
H3 Oroslan
H3 Buzz of the Earth
H3 Solar System
H3 Städtebewohner
H3 Condition
H3 Children. As Time Flies.
H3 Lucky (Niggers)
H3 Mein Bruder. We'll Meet Again
H3 Fatherland
H3 #UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
H3 Scenes with My Father
H3 Song of Souls
H3 Kachalka
H3 The Chimney Swift
H3 Theodore
H3 Dream Land
H3 The Worm
H3 Our Daily Bread
H3 Jobs for All!
H3 Kata's Motherhood
H3 My Uncle Tudor
H3 Stockholm, 1982
H3 Flores del otro Patio
H3 The Valley
H3 En La Boca
H3 Masterclass with Alice Diop
H3 Places of Absence
H3 Chronicles of That Time
H3 In the Billowing Night
H3 Orpheus
H3 Beatrix Texto duplicado
H3 Los Fundadores
H3 Heliconia
H3 MS Slavic 7
H3 Everything That Is Forgotten in an Instant
H3 Point and Line to Plane
H3 Hurry
H3 Bibi Must Go
H3 Voin
H3 Dolce
H3 Sweat
H3 Río Turbio
H3 Marseille
H3 Afternoon
H3 Lovely Yellow Color
H3 Homelands
H3 Far Away
H3 Timeless Havana
H3 Attack the Sun
H3 Rights of Man
H3 How glorious it is to be a human being
H3 Mittelmeer
H3 The Silence of the Mole
H3 Charm Circle
H3 I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman Texto duplicado
H3 Self-Portrait
H3 Extinction
H3 Asterión
H3 Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
H3 The Blunder of Love
H3 Aleph
H3 The Worm Texto duplicado
H3 Masterclass with Alice Diop Texto duplicado
H3 Climate Diary
H3 Ar-rhytmic
H3 Now, For Every Class
H3 My Grandfather - A Desk For Each Pupil
H3 The Enchantress
H3 Saudade
H3 Prey
H3 Please Pick Up
H3 In Search of Beauty
H3 Mi abuela
H3 The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
H3 Belarusian Psycho
H3 Nikita Lavretski
H3 Drama
H3 Cinemagic
H3 Sasha's Hell
H3 Love & Partnership
H3 The Bear's Lair
H3 Life For a Dog
H3 The Joke
H3 When I See the Ball I Throw
H3 Unbreakable Nightrunners
H3 Tibor
H3 Phantom Love
H3 Dissolution
H3 The Apple Game
H3 Asterión Texto duplicado
H3 The Prime of Life
H3 Alexandra
H3 Wild Lilies
H3 Celebration in the Botanical Garden
H3 George the Dog, Refugee
H3 Herzsprung
H3 Blindfold
H3 Marseille Texto duplicado
H3 Afternoon Texto duplicado
H3 Passing Summer
H3 Friendly Sport Meeting
H3 The Year Before the War
H3 I Love, You Love
H3 Rosy Dreams Texto duplicado
H3 322
H3 Quiet Happiness
H3 Loli Paradicka
H3 On the Origin of Fear
H3 Maryam
H3 On Short Leash
H3 A Woman's Revenge
H3 The Portuguese Woman
H3 L'Idiot
H3 Deux Rémi, deux
H3 The Sun in a Net
H3 Doclisboa
H3 Películas en Español
H3 Portraits
H3 FIDMarseille Texto duplicado
H3 Taiwan International Documentary Festival
H3 Female Filmmakers
H3 Doc Alliance Award
H3 Short Films
H3 Diagonale
H3 Trending
H3 Watch for Free Texto duplicado
H3 Icons
H3 CinéDOC-Tbilisi
H3 Philosophical
H3 Justice
H3 DOK Leipzig
H3 Fiction Texto duplicado
H3 Hybrid
H3 Ji.hlava IDFF
H3 Trieste Film Festival
H3 Masterclasses
H3 Work
H3 Visions du Réel
H3 Sheffield DocFest
H3 Month of European Film 2024 Texto duplicado
H3 dafilms.com
H3 Films
H3 For Users
H3 For Kids
H3 Doc-Air Distribution s.r.o.
H3 Watch Anywhere
H3 Financial Partners
H3 Registration
H3 Login
H3 Reset password
H3 Subscription
H3 Poslat svému Junioru
H4 Vera Lacková
H4 Jonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová
H4 Eszter Hajdú
H4 Eszter Hajdú Texto duplicado
H4 Eszter Hajdú Texto duplicado
H4 Aleksandr Balagura
H4 Eldora Traykova
H4 Dušan Hanák
H4 Vera Lacková Texto duplicado
H4 Marianne Lambert
H4 Claire Atherton
H4 Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner
H4 Nicolás Pereda
H4 Mane Baghdasaryan
H4 Vahan Khachatryan
H4 Ivan Gergolet
H4 Piotr Stasik
H4 Saeed Taji Farouky
H4 Paweł Łoziński
H4 Salome Jashi
H4 Vahan Khachatryan Texto duplicado
H4 Matjaž Ivanišin
H4 Greta Stocklassa
H4 Thomas Heise
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Thomas Heise Texto duplicado
H4 Dan Partland
H4 Biserka Šuran
H4 Sai Naw Kham
H4 Gar O’Rourke
H4 Frédéric Schuld
H4 Laila Pakalniņa
H4 Laila Pakalniņa Texto duplicado
H4 Andis Mizišs
H4 Șerban Georgescu
H4 Maximilien Van Aertryck, Axel Danielson
H4 Santwana Bayaskar
H4 Olga Lucovnicova
H4 Palmer Lydebrant
H4 Jorge Cadena
H4 Nuno Escudeiro
H4 Matteo Gariglio
H4 Melanie Pereira
H4 Raphaël Cuomo, Maria Iorio
H4 Erika Etangsalé
H4 Vadim Kostrov
H4 Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner Texto duplicado
H4 Diego Hernández
H4 Paula Rodríguez Polanco
H4 Sofia Bohdanowicz, Deragh Campbell
H4 Richard Shpuntoff
H4 Sofia Bohdanowicz
H4 Camille de Chenay
H4 Johanna Seggelke, Marie Zrenner
H4 Gaëlle Boucand
H4 Lucie Pannetrat
H4 Elsa Brès
H4 Tatiana Mazú González
H4 Angela Schanelec
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Jelena Maksimović
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Jeissy Trompiz
H4 Gwendal Sartre, Fabien Zocco
H4 Juan Rodrigáñez
H4 Mili Pecherer
H4 Jean-Marc Chapoulie
H4 Anaïs Taracena
H4 Nira Burstein
H4 Marianne Lambert Texto duplicado
H4 Joële Walinga
H4 Salomé Lamas
H4 Francesco Montagner
H4 Gabe Klinger
H4 Rocco Di Mento
H4 Iva Radivojević
H4 Andis Mizišs Texto duplicado
H4 Alekos Alexiadis
H4 Albina Konjuhi, Jona Pireva
H4 Albulena Caka
H4 Hena Krasniqi
H4 Olt Kastrati
H4 Rrita Dani, Ruena Rogova
H4 Lea Zekir
H4 Nea Zeka
H4 Hana Salihu
H4 Karolína Šrámková
H4 Lynne Sachs
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Nikita Lavretski, Yuliya Shatun, Alexey Svirsky
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Nikita Lavretski Texto duplicado
H4 Radek Holík
H4 Arseniy Aleinik, Georgy Mezuev
H4 Daniela Peterová
H4 Jaroslav Kaláb
H4 Lucie Ingrová
H4 Nina Menkes
H4 Nina Menkes Texto duplicado
H4 Věra Chytilová
H4 Francesco Montagner Texto duplicado
H4 Juraj Jakubisko
H4 Radu Jude
H4 Elo Havetta
H4 Elo Havetta Texto duplicado
H4 Tomasz Wiński
H4 Helke Misselwitz
H4 Taras Dron
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Angela Schanelec Texto duplicado
H4 Adam Koloman Rybanský
H4 Dāvis Sīmanis
H4 Dušan Hanák Texto duplicado
H4 Dušan Hanák Texto duplicado
H4 Dušan Hanák Texto duplicado
H4 Dušan Hanák Texto duplicado
H4 Víťo Staviarsky, Richard Staviarsky
H4 Bayu Prihantoro Filemon
H4 Sidi Saleh
H4 Jakub Šmíd
H4 Rita Azevedo Gomes
H4 Rita Azevedo Gomes Texto duplicado
H4 Pierre Léon
H4 Pierre Léon Texto duplicado
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/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...IMG-ALT Scene from the film How I Became a Partisan
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Investigating the history of her great-grandfather, Romani director Vera Lacková uncovers the fates of five Roma partisans from World War II.
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Vera Lacková
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...How I Became a Partisan
https://dafilms.com/programIn partnership with the European Film Academy
/program/1590-month-of-europea...Month of European Film 2024
/collection/153-month-of-europ...Texto duplicado Month of European Film 2024
/film/10787-the-free-universityIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Free University
/film/10787-the-free-universityImagine waking up as an “enemy of the people.” This was the reality waiting for students and staff of Central European University (CEU)...
/film/10787-the-free-universityJonathan Hunter, Lucie Janotová
/film/10787-the-free-universityThe Free University
/film/10814-hungary-2018-behin...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Hungary 2018 - Behind the Scenes of Democracy
/film/10814-hungary-2018-behin...Hungary 2018 is a political observational documentary about the main stream right-wing extremism and rising populism in Hungary on the government level...
/film/10814-hungary-2018-behin...Eszter Hajdú
/film/10814-hungary-2018-behin...Hungary 2018 - Behind the Scenes of Democracy
/film/10819-judgement-in-hungaryIMG-ALT Scene from the film Judgement in Hungary
/film/10819-judgement-in-hungaryIn 2008 and 2009, a group of Hungarian right-wing extremists committed a series of attacks on random members of the Roma community. Six people were killed, i...
/film/10819-judgement-in-hungaryTexto duplicado Eszter Hajdú
/film/10819-judgement-in-hungaryJudgement in Hungary
/film/10820-the-fidesz-jew-the...IMG-ALT Scene from the film The Fidesz Jew, The mother with no sense of nation, and Mediation
/film/10820-the-fidesz-jew-the...The film depicts society in Hungary after the 1989 change of regime, in which a polarized political atmosphere has caused major rifts between friends and eve...
/film/10820-the-fidesz-jew-the...Texto duplicado Eszter Hajdú
/film/10820-the-fidesz-jew-the...The Fidesz Jew, The mother with no sense of nation, and Mediation
/film/8931-loli-kali-shubaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Loli Kali Shuba
/film/8931-loli-kali-shuba"Loli Kali Shuba" is a Romani nursery rhyme about the ladybird. Twenty years on Ukrainian filmmaker Aleksandr Balagura returns to the Romani settlement where...
/film/8931-loli-kali-shubaAleksandr Balagura
/film/8931-loli-kali-shubaLoli Kali Shuba
/film/10703-cambridgeIMG-ALT Scene from the film Cambridge
/film/10703-cambridgeDolni Tsibar is a big village in the north-western Bulgaria, statistically one of the most impoverished area of the European Union. Ninety-nine percent of th...
/film/10703-cambridgeEldora Traykova
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsIMG-ALT Scene from the film Rosy Dreams
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsA lyrical tragicomedy about a village postman Jakub and Jolanka, a Roma girl.
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsDušan Hanák
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsRosy Dreams
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film How I Became a Partisan
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Texto duplicado Investigating the history of her great-grandfather, Romani director Vera Lacková uncovers the fates of five Roma partisans from World War II.
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Texto duplicado Vera Lacková
/film/14205-how-i-became-a-par...Texto duplicado How I Became a Partisan
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...IMG-ALT Scene from the film I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...From Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, the documentary takes us to all of the places Chantal Akerman visited on her travels. An experimental film...
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...Marianne Lambert
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
/film/11468-ji-hlava-idff-pres...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Ji.hlava IDFF Presents: Masterclass - Claire Atherton
/film/11468-ji-hlava-idff-pres...Claire Atherton's masterclass on editing during Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2016.
/film/11468-ji-hlava-idff-pres...Claire Atherton
/film/11468-ji-hlava-idff-pres...Ji.hlava IDFF Presents: Masterclass - Claire Atherton
/film/14657-beatrixIMG-ALT Woman with her legs on a baloon in the film Beatrix.
/film/14657-beatrixA portrait of a woman that comes close to the Neorealists’ dream of filming 24 hours in the life of a person while nothing special happens.
/film/14657-beatrixMilena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner
/film/14727-dear-chantalIMG-ALT Scene from the film Dear Chantal
/film/14727-dear-chantalA miniature homage to Chantal Akerman, conceived as a series of playfully impossible letters addressed to the deceased director...
/film/14727-dear-chantalNicolás Pereda
/film/14727-dear-chantalDear Chantal
/film/11058-adaptationIMG-ALT Scene from the film Adaptation
/film/11058-adaptationThis experimental film portrays real life on screen, and shows different groups of people living in Yerevan today... The director’s impression of the city is...
/film/11058-adaptationMane Baghdasaryan
/film/17772-about-revolutionIMG-ALT Scene from the film About Revolution
/film/17772-about-revolutionIn April 2018, Armenia's Velvet Revolution saw thousands take to the streets across the nation, united in hope and determination for a better future.
/film/17772-about-revolutionVahan Khachatryan
/film/17772-about-revolutionAbout Revolution
/film/10001-dancing-with-mariaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Dancing With Maria
/film/10001-dancing-with-mariaMaria Fux is a 90 years old Argentinian dancer. In her studio in the heart of Buenos Aires she is still dancing, teaching and conserving the elegance and the...
/film/10001-dancing-with-mariaIvan Gergolet
/film/10001-dancing-with-mariaDancing With Maria
/film/10452-21-x-new-yorkIMG-ALT Scene from the film 21 x New York
/film/10452-21-x-new-yorkA film essay about the human condition in the 21st century told through personal stories of 21 people on the subway in New York.
/film/10452-21-x-new-yorkPiotr Stasik
/film/10452-21-x-new-york21 x New York
/film/15696-a-thousand-firesIMG-ALT Scene from the film A Thousand Fires
/film/15696-a-thousand-firesUsing their bare hands, married couple Htwe Tin and Thein Shwe draw oil from a pit they drilled themselves on the land next to their house.
/film/15696-a-thousand-firesSaeed Taji Farouky
/film/15696-a-thousand-firesA Thousand Fires
/film/17113-the-balcony-movieIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Balcony Movie
/film/17113-the-balcony-movieDirector Paweł Łoziński sets up a camera on his balcony and talks to passers-by. When listening to them carefully he is rewarded with most confessions.
/film/17113-the-balcony-moviePaweł Łoziński
/film/17113-the-balcony-movieThe Balcony Movie
https://dafilms.com/programTexto duplicado Programs
/program/1543-pierre-creton-to...Pierre Creton: To Travel Without Moving
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/program/1576-the-burning-gaze...The Burning Gaze of Nina Menkes
/collection/20-recently-addedRecently added
/film/13215-taming-the-gardenIMG-ALT Scene from the film Taming the Garden
/film/13215-taming-the-gardenDocumentary follows trees that are transported, at great expense and inconvenience, from the coast of the Republic of Georgia to the private garden of that c...
/film/13215-taming-the-gardenSalome Jashi
/film/13215-taming-the-gardenTaming the Garden
/film/17772-about-revolutionTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film About Revolution
/film/17772-about-revolutionTexto duplicado In April 2018, Armenia's Velvet Revolution saw thousands take to the streets across the nation, united in hope and determination for a better future.
/film/17772-about-revolutionTexto duplicado Vahan Khachatryan
/film/17772-about-revolutionTexto duplicado About Revolution
/film/15162-oroslanIMG-ALT Scene from the film Oroslan
/film/15162-oroslanWhen a man known as Oroslan dies, the news quickly spreads through a little village, causing grief and emotion.
/film/15162-oroslanMatjaž Ivanišin
/film/17770-buzz-of-the-earthIMG-ALT Scene from the film Buzz of the Earth
/film/17770-buzz-of-the-earthA mockumentary where a team of scientists at ESA struggles to craft the perfect message to alien civilizations, tackling humanity's quirks and challenges.
/film/17770-buzz-of-the-earthGreta Stocklassa
/film/17770-buzz-of-the-earthBuzz of the Earth
/film/8365-solar-systemIMG-ALT Scene from the film Solar System
/film/8365-solar-systemSOLAR SYSTEM is a film about disappearance, about some people of the indigenous community of the Kollas of Tinkunaku, a region in the North of the province S...
/film/8365-solar-systemThomas Heise
/film/8365-solar-systemSolar System
/film/17290-stadtebewohnerIMG-ALT Scene from the film Städtebewohner
/film/17290-stadtebewohnerA jail for juvenile offenders in Mexico. Thomas Heise films carefully and precisely, in a wonderful black and white, the power structures of the place
/film/17290-stadtebewohnerTexto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/17289-conditionIMG-ALT Scene from the film Condition
/film/17289-conditionIn 2011, Pope Benedict XVI visited Germany. If the press was to be believed, the whole country was gripped by Pope mania. One of his stops was Erfurt.
/film/17289-conditionTexto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/17288-children-as-time-f...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Children. As Time Flies.
/film/17288-children-as-time-f...he third part of Thomas Heise's time-lapse observation, in which he accompanies the people of Saxony-Anhalt.
/film/17288-children-as-time-f...Texto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/17288-children-as-time-f...Children. As Time Flies.
/film/17287-lucky-niggersIMG-ALT Scene from the film Lucky (Niggers)
/film/17287-lucky-niggersBerlin 1999 – 2005. They‘re only just out of their childhood. They‘re vulnerable. Sven, Lena, Thomas, Stephan and Daniela. This is about their lives.
/film/17287-lucky-niggersTexto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/17287-lucky-niggersLucky (Niggers)
/film/17286-mein-bruder-we-ll-...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Mein Bruder. We'll Meet Again
/film/17286-mein-bruder-we-ll-...Thomas Heise, a filmmaker from the former East Germany, takes a trip to France to visit his brother Andreas, who lives there in a rather unusual situation.
/film/17286-mein-bruder-we-ll-...Texto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/17286-mein-bruder-we-ll-...Mein Bruder. We'll Meet Again
/film/17285-fatherlandIMG-ALT Scene from the film Fatherland
/film/17285-fatherlandIn Saxon-Anhalt, away from busy roads, next to a deserted military landing strip, is the village of Straguth. An unimportant place. Lost in time.
/film/17285-fatherlandTexto duplicado Thomas Heise
/film/11629-unfit-the-psycholo...IMG-ALT Scene from the film #UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
/film/11629-unfit-the-psycholo...Mental health professionals and medical doctors discuss the behaviour, psyche, and stability of Donald Trump, as well as his effect on American culture.
/film/11629-unfit-the-psycholo...Dan Partland
/film/11629-unfit-the-psycholo...#UNFIT: The Psychology of Donald Trump
/film/17341-scenes-with-my-fatherIMG-ALT Scene from the film Scenes with My Father
/film/17341-scenes-with-my-fatherFilmmaker Biserka Šuran, takes her father on a trip down memory lane in which she revives scenes from their country of birth, former Yugoslavia.
/film/17341-scenes-with-my-fatherBiserka Šuran
/film/17341-scenes-with-my-fatherScenes with My Father
/film/17344-song-of-soulsIMG-ALT Scene from the film Song of Souls
/film/17344-song-of-soulsIn Shan State, Myanmar, ancient culture clashes with six decades of civil war. Once a folk singer, Nan Mya Han now channels loss through metaphorical verses.
/film/17344-song-of-soulsSai Naw Kham
/film/17344-song-of-soulsSong of Souls
/film/17300-kachalkaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Kachalka
/film/17300-kachalkaKachalka brings you into the heart of what is widely considered the world’s most hardcore gym - Kiev’s enormous open-air Kachalka gym.
/film/17300-kachalkaGar O’Rourke
/film/17299-the-chimney-swiftIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Chimney Swift
/film/17299-the-chimney-swiftA British chimney sweeper describes his everyday routine of forcing young kids to become workers.
/film/17299-the-chimney-swiftFrédéric Schuld
/film/17299-the-chimney-swiftThe Chimney Swift
/film/7333-theodoreIMG-ALT Scene from the film Theodore
/film/7333-theodoreWhat is there left in life, when you are old, poor and lonely?
/film/7333-theodoreLaila Pakalniņa
/film/1704-dream-landIMG-ALT Scene from the film Dream Land
/film/1704-dream-landThere are places that we don’t want to know anything about, places that we would rather pretend don’t exist at all. One such place is a dumpsite. From the hu...
/film/1704-dream-landTexto duplicado Laila Pakalniņa
/film/1704-dream-landDream Land
/film/1705-the-wormIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Worm
/film/1705-the-wormInese and Karlis live on the outskirts of Riga in a hut, surviving on scraps and a pension. After 15 years together, they're now expecting their first child.
/film/1705-the-wormAndis Mizišs
/film/1705-the-wormThe Worm
/film/17274-our-daily-breadIMG-ALT Scene from the film Our Daily Bread
/film/17274-our-daily-breadMamaPan is an artisan bakery practicing social economy. A story about all the unseen heroines that form the backbone of our society.
/film/17274-our-daily-breadȘerban Georgescu
/film/17274-our-daily-breadOur Daily Bread
/film/17296-jobs-for-allIMG-ALT Scene from the film Jobs for All!
/film/17296-jobs-for-allHighly choreographed review of the Industrial Age as we know it today – a playful roller coaster ride that demands the viewer confronts how “work works.”
/film/17296-jobs-for-allMaximilien Van Aertryck, Axel Danielson
/film/17296-jobs-for-allJobs for All!
/film/16118-kata-s-motherhoodIMG-ALT Scene from the film Kata's Motherhood
/film/16118-kata-s-motherhoodCan someone become a mother without giving birth to a child? Filmmaker Santwana and doula Kata are searching for the answer to this question together.
/film/16118-kata-s-motherhoodSantwana Bayaskar
/film/16118-kata-s-motherhoodKata's Motherhood
/film/17295-my-uncle-tudorIMG-ALT Scene from the film My Uncle Tudor
/film/17295-my-uncle-tudorAfter 20 years of silence, Olga travels back to the house of her great-grandparents and confront her uncle, who hid his double personality for decades.
/film/17295-my-uncle-tudorOlga Lucovnicova
/film/17295-my-uncle-tudorMy Uncle Tudor
/film/17294-stockholm-1982IMG-ALT Scene from the film Stockholm, 1982
/film/17294-stockholm-1982In 1982 the first case of HIV was discovered in Sweden.We meet three men who tell the story of love, community, lust, shame and grief in the 80's in Sweden.
/film/17294-stockholm-1982Palmer Lydebrant
/film/17294-stockholm-1982Stockholm, 1982
/film/17283-flores-del-otro-patioIMG-ALT Scene from the film Flores del otro Patio
/film/17283-flores-del-otro-patioIn the north of Colombia, a group of queer activists use extravagant performative actions to denounce the disastrous exploitation by the country’s largest co...
/film/17283-flores-del-otro-patioJorge Cadena
/film/17283-flores-del-otro-patioFlores del otro Patio
/film/17268-the-valleyIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Valley
/film/17268-the-valleyWitnessing the increasing influx of refugees, the local communities in the Roya Valley offer shelter, food, and legal counselling in an act of solidarity.
/film/17268-the-valleyNuno Escudeiro
/film/17268-the-valleyThe Valley
/film/17284-en-la-bocaIMG-ALT Scene from the film En La Boca
/film/17284-en-la-bocaIn Buenos Aires, the Molina family lives and works in the shadows of the legendary Boca Juniors stadium, selling fake tickets games...
/film/17284-en-la-bocaMatteo Gariglio
/film/17284-en-la-bocaEn La Boca
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Masterclass with Alice Diop
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...Masterclass at Visions du Réel 2024
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...Masterclass with Alice Diop
/film/17247-places-of-absenceIMG-ALT Scene from the film Places of Absence
/film/17247-places-of-absenceA reflection on houses constructed by emigrants, back in their homeland.
/film/17247-places-of-absenceMelanie Pereira
/film/17247-places-of-absencePlaces of Absence
/program/1446-concerning-pales...Sin texto
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/film/14308-chronicles-of-that...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Chronicles of That Time
/film/14308-chronicles-of-that...What has happened between the moment when a friend shared a melody with the filmmakers 15 years ago and the moment when it is taken up again today?
/film/14308-chronicles-of-that...Raphaël Cuomo, Maria Iorio
/film/14308-chronicles-of-that...Chronicles of That Time
/film/14521-in-the-billowing-n...IMG-ALT Scene from the film In the Billowing Night
/film/14521-in-the-billowing-n...Jean-René is a retired workman who has lived in Mâcon, France, since emigrating from Reunion Island at the age of 17. Today, for the first time ever, the qui...
/film/14521-in-the-billowing-n...Erika Etangsalé
/film/14521-in-the-billowing-n...In the Billowing Night
/film/14564-orpheusIMG-ALT Scene from the film Orpheus
/film/14564-orpheusIn the last days of the summer of 2019, young filmmaker Vadim returns to his hometown to say goodbye to his first love Anya.
/film/14564-orpheusVadim Kostrov
/film/14657-beatrixTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Woman with her legs on a baloon in the film Beatrix.
/film/14657-beatrixTexto duplicado A portrait of a woman that comes close to the Neorealists’ dream of filming 24 hours in the life of a person while nothing special happens.
/film/14657-beatrixTexto duplicado Milena Czernovsky, Lilith Kraxner
/film/14657-beatrixTexto duplicado Beatrix
/film/14662-los-fundadoresIMG-ALT Scene from the film Los Fundadores
/film/14662-los-fundadoresThe professional development of university students Renee, Andrés, and Diego is affected after the authorities divert some resources.
/film/14662-los-fundadoresDiego Hernández
/film/14662-los-fundadoresLos Fundadores
/film/11700-heliconiaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Heliconia
/film/11700-heliconiaFourteen-year-old Maria spends her time in the extensive tropical garden of her family house. When she meets her brother and his friend Adrian on motorcycles...
/film/11700-heliconiaPaula Rodríguez Polanco
/film/12929-ms-slavic-7IMG-ALT Scene from the film MS Slavic 7
/film/12929-ms-slavic-7After being appointed literary executor, Audrey Benac uncovers a series of letters that her great-grandmother had written to a fellow poet. Both displaced fr...
/film/12929-ms-slavic-7Sofia Bohdanowicz, Deragh Campbell
/film/12929-ms-slavic-7MS Slavic 7
/film/13056-everything-that-is...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Everything That Is Forgotten in an Instant
/film/13056-everything-that-is...A documentary essay about the construction of the in which the filmmaker – a New Yorker who has made his life in Buenos Aires – wonders how can he give to hi...
/film/13056-everything-that-is...Richard Shpuntoff
/film/13056-everything-that-is...Everything That Is Forgotten in an Instant
/film/13066-point-and-line-to-...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Point and Line to Plane
/film/13066-point-and-line-to-...Devastated after the death of a friend, a young woman (Deragh Campbell) attempts to extract meaning from this intense loss as she discovers signs in her dail...
/film/13066-point-and-line-to-...Sofia Bohdanowicz
/film/13066-point-and-line-to-...Point and Line to Plane
/film/13113-hurryIMG-ALT Scene from the film Hurry
/film/13113-hurryOn the western-most point of brittany, in the lighthouse, at night, Damien is busily building a mysterious something out of pieces of mirror.
/film/13113-hurryCamille de Chenay
/film/13118-bibi-must-goIMG-ALT Scene from the film Bibi Must Go
/film/13118-bibi-must-goThe biography of Bibi, a wild caught female elephant from Zimbabwe, who was imported to the Zoo of East Berlin in 1989.
/film/13118-bibi-must-goJohanna Seggelke, Marie Zrenner
/film/13118-bibi-must-goBibi Must Go
/film/13148-voinIMG-ALT Scene from the film Voin
/film/13148-voinVoin grew up in communist Bulgaria. After twenty years in Western Europe, he returns to those places in Sofia where he spent his childhood and adolescent yea...
/film/13148-voinGaëlle Boucand
/film/13149-dolceIMG-ALT Scene from the film Dolce
/film/13149-dolceTwo women and a dog live next to each other in a house during one summer and fill up this peaceful time.
/film/13149-dolceLucie Pannetrat
/film/13155-sweatIMG-ALT Scene from the film Sweat
/film/13155-sweatCounting, walking, getting lost, then dissolving into the landscape. Such is the movement in which Elsa Brès involves us in Sweat, a film shot in the Mississ...
/film/13155-sweatElsa Brès
/film/13156-rio-turbioIMG-ALT Scene from the film Río Turbio
/film/13156-rio-turbioHow to film what we are forbidden to experience? How to state what we cannot say? How to record the sound of what does not sound? What place do women occupy ...
/film/13156-rio-turbioTatiana Mazú González
/film/13156-rio-turbioRío Turbio
/film/14003-marseilleIMG-ALT Scene from the film Marseille
/film/14003-marseilleA slice of life – in 75 shots.
/film/14003-marseilleAngela Schanelec
/film/14004-afternoonIMG-ALT Scene from the film Afternoon
/film/14004-afternoonThe main characters of Chekhov’s The Seagull, today, here, on three lovely, hopeless summer afternoons.
/film/14004-afternoonTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14014-lovely-yellow-colorIMG-ALT Scene from the film Lovely Yellow Color
/film/14014-lovely-yellow-colorThis early, Godard-inspired structuralist sketch analyzes an empty apartment by way of a continuous pan as Schanelec's voice-over narration recounts her unea...
/film/14014-lovely-yellow-colorTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14014-lovely-yellow-colorLovely Yellow Color
/film/14021-homelandsIMG-ALT Scene from the film Homelands
/film/14021-homelandsA young woman discovers her grandmother's mountain village, which she fled during the Greek Civil War. There, she faces ruins and oblivion. The summer brings...
/film/14021-homelandsJelena Maksimović
/film/14031-far-awayIMG-ALT Scene from the film Far Away
/film/14031-far-awayFar Away depicts in black and white a telephone conversation between two women, one of whom states that apart from the people she loves, she only wishes to m...
/film/14031-far-awayTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14031-far-awayFar Away
/film/11386-timeless-havanaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Timeless Havana
/film/11386-timeless-havanaShot through the eyes of Felipe (35), a tortured film director who tries in vain to create an authentic portrayal of love that his grandfather could so easil...
/film/11386-timeless-havanaJeissy Trompiz
/film/11386-timeless-havanaTimeless Havana
/film/11387-attack-the-sunIMG-ALT Scene from the film Attack the Sun
/film/11387-attack-the-sunSteven Moran, twenty five years old. He lives in Los Angeles, California. He spend all his nights and days on his own, filming himself, driving his car.
/film/11387-attack-the-sunGwendal Sartre, Fabien Zocco
/film/11387-attack-the-sunAttack the Sun
/film/11388-rights-of-manIMG-ALT Scene from the film Rights of Man
/film/11388-rights-of-manA circus troupe has raised its tent outside a small town to finish the last touches to its new and great show The Rights of Man.
/film/11388-rights-of-manJuan Rodrigáñez
/film/11388-rights-of-manRights of Man
/film/11389-how-glorious-it-is...IMG-ALT Scene from the film How glorious it is to be a human being
/film/11389-how-glorious-it-is...On the vast and empty roads along the Pyrenees, Two women are marching on a blind pilgrimage. The one is carrying an unborn child in her belly, The other a h...
/film/11389-how-glorious-it-is...Mili Pecherer
/film/11389-how-glorious-it-is...How glorious it is to be a human being
/film/11390-mittelmeerIMG-ALT Scene from the film Mittelmeer
/film/11390-mittelmeerA poetic documentary about the Mediterranean brings together a mosaic of images of the southern and the northern coast that the director, writer and poet Nat...
/film/11390-mittelmeerJean-Marc Chapoulie
/collection/51-recommendedTexto duplicado Recommended
/film/17185-the-silence-of-the...IMG-ALT Scene from the film The Silence of the Mole
/film/17185-the-silence-of-the...The search for a journalist who infiltrated one of the most repressive governments in Guatemala delves into the memory of a country forced to silence.
/film/17185-the-silence-of-the...Anaïs Taracena
/film/17185-the-silence-of-the...The Silence of the Mole
/film/17054-charm-circleIMG-ALT Scene from the film Charm Circle
/film/17054-charm-circleA portrait of an eccentric New York family. The announcement of a polyamorous wedding threatens to sever what's left of a family bond.
/film/17054-charm-circleNira Burstein
/film/17054-charm-circleCharm Circle
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...Texto duplicado From Brussels to Tel Aviv, from Paris to New York, the documentary takes us to all of the places Chantal Akerman visited on her travels. An experimental film...
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...Texto duplicado Marianne Lambert
/film/11402-i-don-t-belong-any...Texto duplicado I Don't Belong Anywhere: The Cinema of Chantal Akerman
/film/16015-self-portraitIMG-ALT Scene from the film Self-Portrait
/film/16015-self-portraitSelf-Portrait is an abstract look at ourselves through the things we’ve chosen to point our cameras at.
/film/16015-self-portraitJoële Walinga
/film/12891-extinctionIMG-ALT Scene from the film Extinction
/film/12891-extinctionExtinction is an eclectic patchwork of materials (fiction and nonfiction) drawing the viewer to the collective imaginary of the Soviet Union.
/film/12891-extinctionSalomé Lamas
/film/15587-asterionIMG-ALT Scene from the film Asterión
/film/15587-asterionUnder the burning sun, a solitary bull awaits tireless, whilst a man jumps deep into the darkest waters of his persona, in their common attempt to defeat dea...
/film/15587-asterionFrancesco Montagner
/film/15964-double-play-james-...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
/film/15964-double-play-james-...A documentary portrait of the unique friendship between the renowned filmmakers James Benning and Richard Linklater.
/film/15964-double-play-james-...Gabe Klinger
/film/15964-double-play-james-...Double Play: James Benning and Richard Linklater
/film/13124-the-blunder-of-loveIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Blunder of Love
/film/13124-the-blunder-of-loveThe epic search of a romantic hero turns out to be a painful discovery of unfulfilled love, unhealed wounds and missed opportunities among three family gener...
/film/13124-the-blunder-of-loveRocco Di Mento
/film/13124-the-blunder-of-loveThe Blunder of Love
/film/17026-alephIMG-ALT Scene from the film Aleph
/film/17026-alephThe thoughts, ideas and dreams of protagonists in ten countries spanning five continents are revealed through conversation, activity and contemplation.
/film/17026-alephIva Radivojević
/collection/72-watch-freeTexto duplicado Watch for Free
/film/1705-the-wormTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film The Worm
/film/1705-the-wormTexto duplicado Inese and Karlis live on the outskirts of Riga in a hut, surviving on scraps and a pension. After 15 years together, they're now expecting their first child.
/film/1705-the-wormTexto duplicado Andis Mizišs
/film/1705-the-wormTexto duplicado The Worm
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film Masterclass with Alice Diop
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...Texto duplicado Masterclass at Visions du Réel 2024
/film/17281-masterclass-with-a...Texto duplicado Masterclass with Alice Diop
/film/16111-climate-diaryIMG-ALT Scene from the film Climate Diary
/film/16111-climate-diaryThe static view of the sea bay and the urban skyline is the same every day during the coronavirus pandemic.
/film/16111-climate-diaryAlekos Alexiadis
/film/16111-climate-diaryClimate Diary
/film/15995-ar-rhytmicIMG-ALT Scene from the film Ar-rhytmic
/film/15995-ar-rhytmicTwo different schools, a building and a common life, one in a foreign building and the other in its shared home.
/film/15995-ar-rhytmicAlbina Konjuhi, Jona Pireva
/film/15998-now-for-every-classIMG-ALT Scene from the film Now, For Every Class
/film/15998-now-for-every-classThis documentary shows high school students in the place where they poof their problems away, the place where they enjoy breaking the school rules.
/film/15998-now-for-every-classAlbulena Caka
/film/15998-now-for-every-classNow, For Every Class
/film/15997-my-grandfather-a-d...IMG-ALT Scene from the film My Grandfather - A Desk For Each Pupil
/film/15997-my-grandfather-a-d...When the Serbian government in the 90's forcibly removed the students from the schools, volunteers built new desks, ensuring education in Kosovo.
/film/15997-my-grandfather-a-d...Hena Krasniqi
/film/15997-my-grandfather-a-d...My Grandfather - A Desk For Each Pupil
/film/16002-the-enchantressIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Enchantress
/film/16002-the-enchantressWhen real life and spirituality meet it creates a magical reality, just like this documentary.
/film/16002-the-enchantressOlt Kastrati
/film/16002-the-enchantressThe Enchantress
/film/16001-saudadeIMG-ALT Scene from the film Saudade
/film/16001-saudadeA short visit to dad...
/film/16001-saudadeRrita Dani, Ruena Rogova
/film/16000-preyIMG-ALT Scene from the film Prey
/film/16000-preyStruggling with temptation, the character questions the motive behind her initial allure to vicious circles.
/film/16000-preyLea Zekir
/film/15999-please-pick-upIMG-ALT Scene from the film Please Pick Up
/film/15999-please-pick-upA girl shares her struggles with her drug-addicted friend, desperate to help, but met with resistance at every turn.
/film/15999-please-pick-upNea Zeka
/film/15999-please-pick-upPlease Pick Up
/film/15996-in-search-of-beautyIMG-ALT Scene from the film In Search of Beauty
/film/15996-in-search-of-beautyThree different women talk about their relationship with makeup, its mundaneness, what it reflects, and how it affects them.
/film/15996-in-search-of-beautyHana Salihu
/film/15996-in-search-of-beautyIn Search of Beauty
/film/14569-mi-abuelaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Mi abuela
/film/14569-mi-abuela"Mi abuela" is a short film dedicated to director's grandmother, architect Alena Šrámková, who was often described as the first lady of Czech architecture.
/film/14569-mi-abuelaKarolína Šrámková
/film/14569-mi-abuelaMi abuela
/film/14345-the-house-of-scien...IMG-ALT Scene from the film The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
/film/14345-the-house-of-scien...A defiant feminist mosaic on the ways that science enters our culture and defines what it is to be a woman.
/film/14345-the-house-of-scien...Lynne Sachs
/film/14345-the-house-of-scien...The House of Science: A Museum of False Facts
/film/14172-belarusian-psychoIMG-ALT Scene from the film Belarusian Psycho
/film/14172-belarusian-psychoA self-proclaimed videography artist decides to lose his virginity as a birthday present to himself. His twisted sense of entitlement immediately leads him t...
/film/14172-belarusian-psychoNikita Lavretski
/film/14172-belarusian-psychoBelarusian Psycho
/film/14174-nikita-lavretskiIMG-ALT Scene from the film Nikita Lavretski
/film/14174-nikita-lavretskiA cycle of mundane violence, lust for art, and existential dread—all chronicled in an unconventional self-titled docu-horror by Nikita Lavretski.
/film/14174-nikita-lavretskiTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14174-nikita-lavretskiTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14176-dramaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Drama
/film/14176-dramaThree directors make a movie about the events of their past week. Relationships, work, and day-to-day personal struggle are shown with unseen crystal clarity.
/film/14176-dramaNikita Lavretski, Yuliya Shatun, Alexey Svirsky
/film/14175-cinemagicIMG-ALT Scene from the film Cinemagic
/film/14175-cinemagicAspiring directors Lev Zaretski and Ruslan Romanov gather the cast and the crew for their misguided amateur film shoot.
/film/14175-cinemagicTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14178-sasha-s-hellIMG-ALT Scene from the film Sasha's Hell
/film/14178-sasha-s-hellWhen rising rapper Oli finally meets his online collaborator Sasha, their weekend of hanging out turns from sweet to painfully awkward to terrifying.
/film/14178-sasha-s-hellTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14178-sasha-s-hellSasha's Hell
/film/14173-love-partnershipIMG-ALT Scene from the film Love & Partnership
/film/14173-love-partnershipIgor and Sveta are in selfie mode recording a vlog about Igor's hometown for his channel of 50,000 subscribers. Will their relationship survive this?
/film/14173-love-partnershipTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14173-love-partnershipLove & Partnership
/film/14179-the-bear-s-lairIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Bear's Lair
/film/14179-the-bear-s-lairA self-portrait in winter. The director is taking a short rest among the key locations of his life. He reminisces about places forgotten, years gone by, and ...
/film/14179-the-bear-s-lairTexto duplicado Nikita Lavretski
/film/14179-the-bear-s-lairThe Bear's Lair
/film/15380-life-for-a-dogIMG-ALT Scene from the film Life For a Dog
/film/15380-life-for-a-dogDocumentary film about the loss of the beloved dog Alfonz.
/film/15380-life-for-a-dogRadek Holík
/film/15380-life-for-a-dogLife For a Dog
/film/15379-the-jokeIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Joke
/film/15379-the-jokeWar is no joke. But does that mean you can't joke about war? Stand-up comedian Mariana Shama fled from Kiev to Prague.
/film/15379-the-jokeArseniy Aleinik, Georgy Mezuev
/film/15379-the-jokeThe Joke
/film/15378-when-i-see-the-bal...IMG-ALT Scene from the film When I See the Ball I Throw
/film/15378-when-i-see-the-bal...We all need juggling. Training attention, increasing speed, improving physical condition, connecting brain hemispheres. Enjoying community. At any age.
/film/15378-when-i-see-the-bal...Daniela Peterová
/film/15378-when-i-see-the-bal...When I See the Ball I Throw
/film/15376-unbreakable-nightr...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Unbreakable Nightrunners
/film/15376-unbreakable-nightr...The documentary follows a group of amateur car and tuning enthusiasts in the Rousínov region.
/film/15376-unbreakable-nightr...Jaroslav Kaláb
/film/15376-unbreakable-nightr...Unbreakable Nightrunners
/film/15375-tiborIMG-ALT Scene from the film Tibor
/film/15375-tiborTibor has been suffering from depression for more than 30 years. Standard treatment, however, does not help.
/film/15375-tiborLucie Ingrová
/collection/22-fictionTexto duplicado Fiction
/film/17122-phantom-loveIMG-ALT Scene from the film Phantom Love
/film/17122-phantom-loveA surreal drama about an enmeshed family, in which violence and trauma are steadily percolating, just beneath the surface.
/film/17122-phantom-loveNina Menkes
/film/17122-phantom-lovePhantom Love
/film/17123-dissolutionIMG-ALT Scene from the film Dissolution
/film/17123-dissolutionLoosely inspired by Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, the movie follows the moral collapse and possible redemption of a young, morose Israeli Jew.
/film/17123-dissolutionTexto duplicado Nina Menkes
/film/16690-the-apple-gameIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Apple Game
/film/16690-the-apple-gameCzech New Wave filmmaker Věra Chytilová applies her distinctive feminist and anarchic sensibilities to screwball comedy in this spirited battle-of-the-sexes ...
/film/16690-the-apple-gameVěra Chytilová
/film/16690-the-apple-gameThe Apple Game
/film/15587-asterionTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film Asterión
/film/15587-asterionTexto duplicado Under the burning sun, a solitary bull awaits tireless, whilst a man jumps deep into the darkest waters of his persona, in their common attempt to defeat dea...
/film/15587-asterionTexto duplicado Francesco Montagner
/film/15587-asterionTexto duplicado Asterión
/film/15640-the-prime-of-lifeIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Prime of Life
/film/15640-the-prime-of-lifeA film about the urgent need to make final decisions when a man comes to a crossroad in his life.
/film/15640-the-prime-of-lifeJuraj Jakubisko
/film/15640-the-prime-of-lifeThe Prime of Life
/film/12868-alexandraIMG-ALT Scene from the film Alexandra
/film/12868-alexandraTavi, a man in his late thirties, discovers that Alexandra, his 4 years old daughter, is not calling him “Dad” anymore.
/film/12868-alexandraRadu Jude
/film/15541-wild-liliesIMG-ALT Scene from the film Wild Lilies
/film/15541-wild-liliesA story of the search for home, happiness and the necessity of finding one's place in society. The plot is set in a Slovak village after the end of the WW I.
/film/15541-wild-liliesElo Havetta
/film/15541-wild-liliesWild Lilies
/film/15552-celebration-in-the...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Celebration in the Botanical Garden
/film/15552-celebration-in-the...Lost classic of East European cinema by the Slovak Jean Vigo, Elo Havetta. A wild orgy of the senses, this will be unlike anything else you've seen.
/film/15552-celebration-in-the...Texto duplicado Elo Havetta
/film/15552-celebration-in-the...Celebration in the Botanical Garden
/film/12753-george-the-dog-ref...IMG-ALT Scene from the film George the Dog, Refugee
/film/12753-george-the-dog-ref...Anna and Lizzie share a flat with George - a tax consultant who thinks he is a dog.
/film/12753-george-the-dog-ref...Tomasz Wiński
/film/12753-george-the-dog-ref...George the Dog, Refugee
/film/14496-herzsprungIMG-ALT Scene from the film Herzsprung
/film/14496-herzsprungThe little East German town of Herzsprung, in the middle of nowhere, shortly after German unification in 1990. Johanna, a young mother who becomes a widow an...
/film/14496-herzsprungHelke Misselwitz
/film/14334-blindfoldIMG-ALT Scene from the film Blindfold
/film/14334-blindfoldThe war in Eastern Ukraine has ended, and the country is trying to return to regular life. Yulia, a 25-year-old professional MMA fighter, has been waiting fo...
/film/14334-blindfoldTaras Dron
/film/14003-marseilleTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film Marseille
/film/14003-marseilleTexto duplicado A slice of life – in 75 shots.
/film/14003-marseilleTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14003-marseilleTexto duplicado Marseille
/film/14004-afternoonTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film Afternoon
/film/14004-afternoonTexto duplicado The main characters of Chekhov’s The Seagull, today, here, on three lovely, hopeless summer afternoons.
/film/14004-afternoonTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14004-afternoonTexto duplicado Afternoon
/film/14008-passing-summerIMG-ALT Scene from the film Passing Summer
/film/14008-passing-summerTwo young women sitting in a café on a summer day. Situations found everyday a thousand times over. But what happens when you try to depict this normality?
/film/14008-passing-summerTexto duplicado Angela Schanelec
/film/14008-passing-summerPassing Summer
/film/13236-friendly-sport-mee...IMG-ALT Scene from the film Friendly Sport Meeting
/film/13236-friendly-sport-mee...Futnet is a typical Czech sport. Almost every village hosts amateur futnet tournament from time to time. Monday is still far away so no one has to worry abou...
/film/13236-friendly-sport-mee...Adam Koloman Rybanský
/film/13236-friendly-sport-mee...Friendly Sport Meeting
/film/13379-the-year-before-th...IMG-ALT Scene from the film The Year Before the War
/film/13379-the-year-before-th...Stylized as silent cinema, the film connects political and philosophical extremes of 1913 in a story of a young man participating at the creation of a new wo...
/film/13379-the-year-before-th...Dāvis Sīmanis
/film/13379-the-year-before-th...The Year Before the War
/film/12625-i-love-you-loveIMG-ALT Scene from the film I Love, You Love
/film/12625-i-love-you-loveA tragicomedy about a bachelor, emotionally presenting the life of people living on the periphery of society.
/film/12625-i-love-you-loveTexto duplicado Dušan Hanák
/film/12625-i-love-you-loveI Love, You Love
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Scene from the film Rosy Dreams
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsTexto duplicado A lyrical tragicomedy about a village postman Jakub and Jolanka, a Roma girl.
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsTexto duplicado Dušan Hanák
/film/12624-rosy-dreamsTexto duplicado Rosy Dreams
/film/12622-322IMG-ALT Scene from the film 322
/film/12622-322A psychological drama of the illness of an individual and the illness of the society. A film immediately banned after its premiere in 1969 for its apparent n...
/film/12622-322Texto duplicado Dušan Hanák
/film/12626-quiet-happinessIMG-ALT Scene from the film Quiet Happiness
/film/12626-quiet-happinessA psychological study of a nurse who chooses solitude as an escape from the duplicity and emotional barrenness of the men around her.
/film/12626-quiet-happinessTexto duplicado Dušan Hanák
/film/12626-quiet-happinessQuiet Happiness
/film/11645-loli-paradickaIMG-ALT Scene from the film Loli Paradicka
/film/11645-loli-paradickaA fairground salesman discovers that a young girl has stolen his caramel cakes; he takes pity on her and buys her lunch. A bitter-sweet love story.
/film/11645-loli-paradickaVíťo Staviarsky, Richard Staviarsky
/film/11645-loli-paradickaLoli Paradicka
/film/13348-on-the-origin-of-fearIMG-ALT Scene from the film On the Origin of Fear
/film/13348-on-the-origin-of-fearDarto, a film dubber, working in the most critical Indonesian film during the second cold war.
/film/13348-on-the-origin-of-fearBayu Prihantoro Filemon
/film/13348-on-the-origin-of-fearOn the Origin of Fear
/film/13342-maryamIMG-ALT Scene from the film Maryam
/film/13342-maryamMaryam is a Muslim working as a housekeeper for a Catholic family. On Christmas Eve she is faced with a dilemma when she is forced to escort her autistic emp...
/film/13342-maryamSidi Saleh
/film/10722-on-short-leashIMG-ALT Scene from the film On Short Leash
/film/10722-on-short-leashA drama about a young man Jakub. He finds out that his entire life was a lie.
/film/10722-on-short-leashJakub Šmíd
/film/10722-on-short-leashOn Short Leash
/film/13102-a-woman-s-revengeIMG-ALT Scene from the film A Woman's Revenge
/film/13102-a-woman-s-revengeRoberto is a handsome, wealthy man, arrogant and easily bored. Yet one evening his attention is attracted by a prostitute who turns out to be a missing noble...
/film/13102-a-woman-s-revengeRita Azevedo Gomes
/film/13102-a-woman-s-revengeA Woman's Revenge
/film/13101-the-portuguese-womanIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Portuguese Woman
/film/13101-the-portuguese-womanWhen Lord von Ketten sets off to battle, staying away for eleven long years, his newly married wife carves out a life for herself—reading, singing, dancing, ...
/film/13101-the-portuguese-womanTexto duplicado Rita Azevedo Gomes
/film/13101-the-portuguese-womanThe Portuguese Woman
/film/13107-l-idiotIMG-ALT Scene from the film L'Idiot
/film/13107-l-idiotPrince Myshkin (“the idiot”), who has just returned to Russia, suddenly bursts into a soirée where nobody is expecting him...
/film/13107-l-idiotPierre Léon
/film/13011-deux-remi-deuxIMG-ALT Scene from the film Deux Rémi, deux
/film/13011-deux-remi-deuxAt 30, with not much of a job, and too timid in love, Rémi is a little lost in life until the day he has to share it with his doppelgänger, another him, who ...
/film/13011-deux-remi-deuxTexto duplicado Pierre Léon
/film/13011-deux-remi-deuxDeux Rémi, deux
/film/12512-the-sun-in-a-netIMG-ALT Scene from the film The Sun in a Net
/film/12512-the-sun-in-a-netLyrical story about the emotions arising among two young people who pretend cynicism and rejection towards society in an attempt to hide their insecurities.
/film/12512-the-sun-in-a-netŠtefan Uher
/film/12512-the-sun-in-a-netThe Sun in a Net
/collection/85-doclisboaSin texto
/collection/67-peliculas-en-es...Sin texto
/collection/67-peliculas-en-es...Texto duplicado Películas en Español
/collection/40-biographiesSin texto
/collection/111-fid-marseilleSin texto
/collection/111-fid-marseilleTexto duplicado FIDMarseille
/collection/112-taiwan-idffSin texto
/collection/112-taiwan-idffTaiwan International Documentary Festival
/collection/58-female-filmmakersSin texto
/collection/58-female-filmmakersFemale Filmmakers
/collection/150-doc-alliance-a...Sin texto
/collection/150-doc-alliance-a...Doc Alliance Award
/collection/17-waiting-for-the...Sin texto
/collection/17-waiting-for-the...Short Films
/collection/91-diagonaleIMG-ALT Diagonale film festival in Austria.
/collection/57-most-popularIMG-ALT A woman in yellow suit drinks an alcoholic beverage.
/collection/57-most-popularTexto duplicado Trending
/collection/72-watch-freeSin texto
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