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Design Education Forum of SA | design + education
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
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URL de la página
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2031 palabras.
Un 18.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 25 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 23.09 palabras.
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 86 caracteres:
"design educators interrogating the future of design knowledge, research and education.".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 44 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Design Education Forum of SA
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 31 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Design Education Forum of SA
H1 2023 DEFSA Conference
H1 2021 DEFSA Conference
H1 2019 DEFSA Conference
H1 2017 DEFSA Conference
H1 2015 DEFSA Conference
H1 2013 DEFSA Conference
H1 2011 DEFSA Conference
H1 2009 DEFSA Conference
H1 2007 DEFSA Conference
H1 2006 DEFSA Conference
H1 2005 DEFSA Conference
H1 2004 DEFSA Conference
H1 2001 DEFSA Conference
H2 Latest News & Events
H2 DEFSA conferences
H2 Critical skills endorsement
H3 Vulindlela: making new pathways
H3 Designed Futures
H3 #Decolonise!
H3 Ethics & Accountability in Design: do they matter?
H3 Design Cultures: Encultured Design
H3 20/20 Design Vision
H3 Opening gates, between and beyond design disciplines
H3 FLUX: Design Education in a Changing World
H3 Redesigning Design Education
H3 Design Education in a creative economy
H3 Design, Research and Development
H3 Mapping new Territories in Design Education
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (434) en esta página.
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 2 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content Education Forum of SA
A-TITLE Home page Welcome Conferences Academic Papers
A-TITLE DEFSA Conferences
/defsa-researchersResearchers A-Z
/2023-defsa-conference2023 DEFSA Conference
/2021-defsa-conference2021 DEFSA Conference
/2019-defsa-conference2019 DEFSA Conference
/2017-defsa-conference2017 DEFSA Conference
/2015-defsa-conference2015 DEFSA Conference
/2013-defsa-conference2013 DEFSA Conference
/2011-defsa-conference2011 DEFSA Conference
/2009-defsa-conference2009 DEFSA Conference
/2007-defsa-conference2007 DEFSA Conference
/2006-defsa-conference2006 DEFSA Conference
/2005-defsa-conference2005 DEFSA Conference
/2004-defsa-conference2004 DEFSA Conference
/2001-defsa-conference2001 DEFSA Conference
/2000-defsa-conference2000 DEFSA Conference DEFSA About Membership DEFSA
/management-committeeManagement Committee
/defsa-membershipAbout DEFSA membership
/benefits-membershipBenefits of Membership Meet our Members
A-TITLE Members Members
A-TITLE Institutional Members
/individual-membersIndividual Professional Members
/applyrenew-membershipApply/Renew Membership Subdominio Member Zone
A-TITLE Member Zone Publishing The Peer Review Process
A-TITLE Academic Publishing
/provisional-peer-reviewPeer Review Process 2021
/what-academic-paperWhat is an Academic Paper?
/professional-associationsProfessional Associations
/articles/defsa-2023-workshopsDEFSA 2023 Workshops Education Opinions and Blogs
A-TITLE Design Education
/2023-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2023 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/Defsa 20...Subdominio 2023 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE Defsa 2023 proceedings V3b.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA202...Subdominio 2023 Conference Programme
A-TITLE DEFSA2023_Provisional_Programme.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/17th DEF...Subdominio Call for Papers
A-TITLE 17th DEFSA Conference September 2023.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/defsa_20...Subdominio Word Abstract Template
A-TITLE defsa_2023_abstract_template.docx
/2021-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2021 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA fr...Subdominio 2021 Conference Proceedings Overview
A-TITLE DEFSA front pages.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA 20...Subdominio 2021 Full Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA 2021 Proceedings 2022-02B.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA 20...Subdominio 2021 Organising Committee
A-TITLE DEFSA 2021 Conference Organising Committee.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2021conf...Subdominio 2021 Call for Papers
A-TITLE DEFSA 2021 Conference Call for papers.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA DH...Subdominio DHeT Compliance certificate
A-TITLE DEFSA DHeT Confirmation of compliance.pdf
/2019-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2019 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA 20...Subdominio 2019 Conference Proceedings Overview
A-TITLE DEFSA 2019 Proceedings_overview.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA 20...Subdominio 2019 Conference - Full Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA 2019 Proceedings LowRes.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/Defsa 20...Subdominio 2019 Conference - Call for abstracts
A-TITLE Defsa 2019 Conference Call for papers.pdf
/2017-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2017 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/DEFSA 20...Subdominio 2017 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA 2017 Proceedings 15-12-2017.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2017conf...Subdominio 2017 Conference Programme
A-TITLE DEFSA 2017 Programme FIN.pdf
/2015-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2015 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2015conf...Subdominio 2015 Conference Proceedings: Overview
A-TITLE DEFSA Introduction 2015.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2015conf...Subdominio 2015 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA2015_Conference_Proceedings1.pdf
/2013-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2013 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2013conf...Subdominio 2013 Conference Proceedings: Overview
A-TITLE DEFSA 2013 conference proceeding intro.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2013conf...Subdominio 2013 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA 2013 Conference Proceedings.pdf
/2011-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2011 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2011conf...Subdominio 2011 Conference Proceedings Overview
A-TITLE 2011 DEFSA Introduction pages.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2011conf...Subdominio 2011 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA Conference Proceedings 2011.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2011conf...Subdominio 2011 Conference Programme
A-TITLE DEFSA 2011 Programme.pdf
/2009-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2009 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2009conf...Subdominio 2009 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE DEFSA Conference Proceedings 2009.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2009conf...Subdominio 2009 Conference Programme
A-TITLE DEFSAConferenceProgram.pdf
/2007-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2007 DEFSA Conference
/2006-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2006 DEFSA Conference
/2005-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2005 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Stassen: FET Design Curriculum 2006
A-TITLE FET_Stassen.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Hagen: Developing the Western Cape - by design
A-TITLE whereto_Hagen.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Ratsatsi: The Development of a National Industrial Design Strategy
A-TITLE strategy_Ratsatsi.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Heinrichsen: Latin Amercian Design Experiences
A-TITLE LatinAmerica_Heinrichsen.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Thomson: Strategy for Design Education
A-TITLE strategies_Thomson.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2005conf...Subdominio Vermaak: Making the Difference through Design
A-TITLE difference_Vermaak.pdf
/2004-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2004 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio Opening Address: Naledi Pandor
A-TITLE NalediPandor.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio Strategic Advancement in Korean Design Promotion
A-TITLE KoreanDesignPromotion.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio Korean Design Strategy and the role Design Education
A-TITLE Korea_design_education.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio Strategic benefits of design for African Development
A-TITLE Joe_Kieser.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio Sustainable Design: An essential tool in the process of development Education
A-TITLE ICIS_Blincoe.pps
/system/tdf/downloads/2004conf...Subdominio How Design links with NEPAD strategies
/2001-defsa-conferenceTexto duplicado 2001 DEFSA Conference
/system/tdf/downloads/2001conf...Subdominio 2001 Conference Proceedings
A-TITLE Conference Abstracts 2001.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2001conf...Subdominio Keynote: Prof Pamela Allara
A-TITLE Keynote Allara 2001.pdf
/system/tdf/downloads/2001conf...Subdominio Keynote: Prof Jackie Guille
A-TITLE Guill 2001.pdf
/articles/defsa-2023-workshopsTexto duplicado DEFSA 2023 Workshops
/articles/politics-designThe Politics of Design
/articles/inscape’s-receives-s...Inscape’s receives SACAP unconditional continued validation
/articles/importance-handoutsThe importance of handouts
/articles/book-modernizing-lea...Book Modernizing Learning free to DEFSA Members Texto ancla URL
/homepage?feed=atom&qt-tags=0Search by Discipline
/homepage?feed=atom&qt-tags=1Search by Keyword
/homepage?feed=atom&qt-tags=2Search by Institution
/homepage?feed=atom&qt-tags=3Search by Author
/category/interior-furniture-d...Interior & Furniture Design
/category/product-industrial-d...Product & Industrial Design
/category/fashion-jewellery-te...Fashion, Jewellery & Textile Design
/category/learning-interaction...Learning & Interaction Design
/category/media-communications...Media & Communications Design
/category/graphic-design-visua...Graphic Design & Visual Art
/category/architecture-built-e...Architecture & Built Environment
/category/photography-film-mul...Photography, Film & Multimedia
/category/design-education-res...Design Education Research
/category/design-education-str...Design Education Strategy
/category/software-ux-game-designSoftware, UX & Game Design
/keyword/visual-communicationvisual communication
/keyword/business-skillsbusiness skills
/keyword/cultural-influencecultural influence
/keyword/good-citizenshipgood citizenship
/keyword/human-centred-designhuman-centred design
/keyword/teaching-approachesteaching approaches
/keyword/learning-approacheslearning approaches
/keyword/design-educationdesign education
/keyword/design-philosophiesdesign philosophies
/keyword/design-processdesign process
/keyword/multi-disciplinary-ed...multi-disciplinary education
/keyword/indigenous-designindigenous design
/tagclouds/chunk/1Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE more tags
/edu/vega-schoolVega School
A-TITLE Vega is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), SA’s leading provider. Qualifications ranging from higher certificates to m...
/edu/durban-university-technologyDurban University of Technology
A-TITLE With approximately 23 000 students, the Durban University of Technology (DUT) is the first choice for higher education in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). It is located ...
/edu/university-johannesburgUniversity of Johannesburg
A-TITLE UJ is a vibrant and cosmopolitan university, anchored in Africa and driven by a powerful strategy focused on attaining global excellence and stature. With an...
/edu/university-pretoriaUniversity of Pretoria
A-TITLE At STADIO, we believe in the future of our nation. We want to make a difference by offering greater access to higher education, so that every South African h...
/edu/tshwane-university-techno...Tshwane University of Technology
A-TITLE The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is truly an institution in service of the Southern African community. It also aims at making a significant contrib...
/edu/cape-peninsula-universityCape Peninsula University of Technology
A-TITLE The Cape Peninsula University of Technology is at the heart of technology education and innovation in Africa. An internationally acclaimed institution, it is...
/edu/nelson-mandela-universityNelson Mandela University
A-TITLE The Department of Visual Arts is part of the School of Visual and Performing Arts in the Faculty of Humanities at Nelson Mandela University. As the oldest ar...
/edu/vaal-university-technologyVaal University of Technology
A-TITLE Based in southern Gauteng, Vaal University of Technology draws students from all regions of the country as well as 25 other countries. It is one of the large...
/edu/inscape-education-groupInscape Education Group
A-TITLE Established in 1981 by Harry Edmonds and Cherry Whitehead, Inscape Education Group is still the oldest privately owned multi-disciplinary creative institutio...
/edu/university-south-africa-0University of South Africa
/edu/central-university-techno...Central University of Technology
/tagclouds/chunk/6Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
A-TITLE more tags
/papers/ogilvyearth-what-futureSchaefer, Carmen
/papers/ Medeiros, Ligia
/papers/i-think-sustainably-th...Haupt, Diandra
/author/blair-bernadetteBlair, Bernadette
/papers/team-mentoring-–-vehicleLe Cornu, Bianca
/papers/exploration-co-creatin...Sabre, Sally
/author/potgieter-teresePotgieter, Terese
A-TITLE A love for knowledge and problem-solving has driven me to work in fashion education for the past 10 years. Currently, I lecture at the STADIO School of fashi...
/papers/bim-alternative-archit...Basson, Jean-Pierre
A-TITLE JP is a passionate and animated Architecture lecturer. His teaching methodology goes beyond just achieving basic learning outcomes and is more learner-centre...
/author/van-staden-hanlievan Staden, Hanlie
/papers/exploration-co-creatin...Burger, Yolandi
/papers/developing-products-se...Diehl, Jan Carel
/papers/ethics-and-packaging-d...Swana, Cwayita
/papers/interdisciplinary-theoryvon Veh, Karen
/papers/ la Harpe, Retha
/papers/evaluation-interpretedSlegtenhorst, Lisa
/papers/preparing-fashion-stud...Mchunu, Khaya
/papers/transformation-issues-...Janse van Rensburg, Ariane
/papers/unknowable-future-sign...Mbanga, Tando Sisanda
/papers/design-studio-faculty-...Selva, Serena
/author/smal-desireeSmal, Desiree
A-TITLE Educator in design, researcher of environmental sustainability in fashion design praxis
/papers/using-sloc-co-design-i...Snaddon, Bruce
/papers/designing-person-–-loc...Corkery, Prof Linda
/papers/teaching-production-te...Pilot, Prof A
/papers/holistic-approachDi Monte-Milner, Giovanna
/papers/research-sleeping-dogs...Mbatha, Sipho
/author/deminey-emmerencia-pet...Deminey, Emmerencia Petronella Marisca
/papers/design-and-constructionBothma, Cobus
/author/moseley-ashton-margareteMoseley, Ashton Margarete
/papers/why-design-students-ne...Singh, Gurpreet
/author/tselepis-theoTselepis, Theo
/papers/assessment-postgraduateNdlovu, Edinah
/papers/preparing-future-workf...Makwela, Mashaole Jacob
A-TITLE Mr Mashaole Jacob Makwela is an artist, animator/film maker, educator and researcher. He is currently a PhD candidate in Visual Arts and his research interes...
/author/costandius-elmarieCostandius, Elmarie
/papers/ethical-dilemma-rapidlyVan Niekerk, Johan
/papers/making-co-creating-and...Hughes, Kristin
/author/bediako-kimberlyBediako, Kimberly
A-TITLE Kimberly Bediako is a lecturer in the Department of Fashion Design at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture. She...
/papers/undergraduate-design-s...Dehrmann, Annika
/author/doman-jakobDoman, Jakob A.
A-TITLE My background as Practitioner is grounded in a combination of experience in the Commercial Advertising, Editorial and Fine Art arenas for which I have been h...
/author/osman-amiraOsman, Amira
/papers/design-lecturers-pedag...Batchelor, Jacqueline
/papers/role-assessment-design...Grobler, Anika
/author/strydom-marietteStrydom, Mariette
A-TITLE Mariette Strydom has a PhD in Consumer Science from the University of South Africa. She is a senior lecturer in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences ...
/papers/innovation-hopeTeodorescu, Prof George
/papers/preparing-future-workf...Olalere, Folasayo Enoch
A-TITLE Folasayo Enoch Olalere is a designer, educator, and interdisciplinary NRF-rated researcher. He holds a PhD in Product Design, and his main research interests...
/papers/student-photography-andSullivan, Marius
/papers/integrated-teaching-st...Johnston, Ian
/author/khan-zakkiyaKhan, Zakkiya
/papers/academic-knowledge-man...van der Merwe, Johan
/papers/testing-effectiveness-...Oosthuizen, Phil
/papers/decolonial-academy-add...Cowling, Richard M
/papers/cultural-action-change...Berman, Kim
/papers/strategies-infusing-cu...Popovic, Prof Vesna
/papers/time-quality-and-strat...Almendra, Rita
/papers/enhancing-learner-perf...Nazier, Farieda
/papers/speculative-futuresMokgatla, Oratile
/papers/praxis-design-educationMeiring, Elzabe
/papers/re-storying-design-res...du Preez, Kirsten
/papers/developing-theoreticalCunningham, Nicole
/papers/successful-learning-th...Rowe, Gill
/papers/intersections-indigeno...Tapela, Nigel
/papers/buna-africa-participatoryMabasa, Nyiko C
/author/duker-maryDuker, Mary
/papers/surface-design-interve...Nel, Nicole
/author/giloi-susanGiloi, Susan
/author/munro-allan-jMunro, Allan J
/author/goode-heatherGoode, Heather
/papers/decolonised-approachOldewage-Theron, Wilna
/papers/architecture-and-agenc...Bennett, Jhono
/papers/makers-spacespace-makingFischer, Steffen
/papers/creative-industries-cr...Gatfield, Rowan
/author/van-tonder-francinevan Tonder, Francine
A-TITLE Francine van Tonder is a qualified Architect, Lecturer, and Cold Studio specification consultancy start-up owner, with a MTech Architecture from the Tshwane ...
/papers/use-automation-and-art...Rwelamila, P D
A-TITLE P. D. Rwelamila is a Professor of Project Management and Procurement Systems at the University of South Africa Graduate School of Business Leadership (GSBL),...
/author/di-ruvo-monicaDi Ruvo, Monica
A-TITLE Monica Di Ruvo has a background in Interior Design and is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Department of Applied Design at the Cape Peninsula University of ...
/papers/your-hands-self-portraitBotes, Nico
/papers/masking-4ir-fashion-de...Baloyi, Tinyiko
A-TITLE Tinyiko Baloyi is a design educator and maker who lecturers part-time at the University of Johannesburg and facilitates workshops in fibre crafts and sewing ...
/author/gauhar-razaGauhar, Raza
/papers/design-based-research-...Ankiewicz, Piet
/papers/understanding-culturalSaayman-Hattingh, Heidi
/papers/designing-social-valueSheik, Adelaid Margaret
/papers/history-african-indige...Muller, Karla
/papers/mirror-mirror-wallDuvenhage, Christelle
/author/christiaans-henryChristiaans, Henry
/papers/buchanan’s-matrix-fram...Sauthoff, Marian
/papers/talk-talk-traditional-...Wells, Kate
/papers/enhancing-awareness-in...Cocotos, Colleen
/papers/corporate-socialMoodly, Cheryldene
/author/potter-mary-annePotter, Mary-Anne
/papers/measures-advertising-c...Kreusch, Sean
A-TITLE Sean has spent twenty-eight years in the communications industry and has run his own successful Integrated Marketing and Communications organisation, Vision ...
/papers/bim-alternative-archit...Allen, Chris
A-TITLE A family man; all-around athlete; an innovator and pioneer regarding visual planning and Building Information Modelling for construction, Chris Allen has bee...
/papers/designing-education-sa...Sooful, Avitha
/papers/social-media-facilitatesTobias-Mamina, Rejoice
A-TITLE Dr Rejoice Jealous Tobias-Mamina has a PhD in Business Sciences (Marketing Management) from University of the Witwatersrand. She is currently a senior lectur...
/papers/embracing-cosmopolitanCronje, Johannes
/papers/nurturing-personal-andHardman, Theresa
/author/enslin-carlaEnslin, Carla
A-TITLE My interest and experience in brand building include the design and implementation of brand identity systems, brand alignment and contact strategies. I head ...
/papers/lost-connection-reflec...Ernst, Cailin
A-TITLE Cailin Ernst is a part-time lecturer at the University of Johannesburg’s Jewellery Department, where she currently coordinates the third-year level of study ...
/papers/typographic-shifts-ari...Ralarala, Monwabisi
/papers/green-screen-actor’s-c...Munro, Marth
/papers/towards-design-thinkingCruz, Laura
/author/gaede-rolf-jGaede, Rolf J
A-TITLE Rolf Gaede is currently an Associate Professor in Visual Communication Design and the programme co-ordinator of the PhD in Visual and Performing Arts at the ...
/papers/cape-town’s-search-inc...Futerman, Rael G
/papers/undergraduate-design-s...Liebenberg, Hein
/papers/extending-learning-lan...Buhrs, Helen
/papers/reimagining-design-edu...Yiannakaris, Laskarina
/author/chisin-alettia-vorsterChisin, Alettia Vorster
/papers/importance-cultural-ex...Berger, Janet
/author/barnes-veronicaBarnes, Veronica
/papers/enhancing-learner-perf...Saidi, Finzi
/papers/dilemma-technology-acc...Sealetsa, Oanthata J
/papers/myth-unified-global-cu...Swanepoel, Mike
/papers/buna-africa-participatoryRouhani, Qurban
/author/assibey-ginn-bonsuAssibey, Ginn Bonsu
/papers/history-african-indige...van der Merwe, Nicolette
/papers/south-african-futurismPoulsen, James
/papers/designing-breakthrough...Kumar, Krishan L.
/papers/using-digital-imagingShangase, Mlungisi Ronald
/author/van-der-wath-elanavan der Wath, Elana
/papers/new-sites-practice-edu...McDermott, Prof Catherine
/papers/growing-design-leaders...Martin, Peter
/papers/measures-advertising-c...Schiller, Selma
A-TITLE Selma Schiller is a lecturer at the Tshwane University of Technology and the British International College. She has been lecturing at several institutions in...
/papers/industrial-design-univ...Khumomotse, Samuel
/papers/designing-environmentsBussiahn, Waldemar
/papers/educational-interior-d...Shireen Govender
A-TITLE Resilient, determined, enthusiastic and nurturing best describes Shireen. Her academic journey began from humble beginnings and blossomed into a business own...
/author/mastamet-mason-anneMastamet-Mason, Anne
/papers/design-education-craftsMehta, Shashank
/author/dahl-avrilDahl, Avril
/author/bolton-martinBolton, Martin
/papers/capacity-building-cult...Guille, Jackie
/author/de-klerk-annekede Klerk, Anneke
/author/cronje-franciCronje, Franci
A-TITLE I am a Cape Town-based educator, researcher and academic holding a PhD in Media Studies, and two master’s degrees – one in Fine Art and the other in Teaching...
/author/groenewald-lizeGroenewald, Lize
/author/prinsloo-ilsePrinsloo, Ilse
/papers/spot-4ir-soft-skills-s...Scheffer, Leana
A-TITLE Leana Scheffer is an interdisciplinary lecturer, has a Masters in Interior Architecture by Research and is currently enrolled for a Graduate Diploma in Terti...
/papers/lost-connection-reflec...Radebe, Thato
A-TITLE Thato Radebe is a Johannesburg-based jewellery designer and lecturer working at the University of Johannesburg. His passion in academia and research lies in ...
/author/de-la-harpe-hanride la Harpe, Hanri
/papers/additive-manufacturing-3dKuhn, Carol
/papers/negating-serif-postcol...Campbell, Kurt
/papers/betterness-braamfonteinDonaldson, Tasmin Jade
/papers/contesting-decolonisationRasedile, Tumelo
/papers/architectural-artisanshipMokaba, Malesela John Victor
/author/morkel-jolandaMorkel, Jolanda
/author/crul-marcelCrul, Marcel
/papers/curriculum-development...Christie, Lorna
/papers/lost-connection-reflec...Cook, Shashi Cullinan
A-TITLE Shashi Cullinan Cook is a lecturer in Contextual Studies at the University of Johannesburg’s Department of Jewellery Design and Manufacture. After studying F...
/papers/visual-mapping-and-mea...Simpson, Jody
/papers/determining-jewellery-...Lötter, Tracey Jane
A-TITLE Tracey is passionate about skills development and creating equal opportunity through education. After 8 years of teaching computer aided design (CAD) to stud...
/author/du-plessis-hesterdu Plessis, Hester
/papers/typographic-shifts-ari...Lee, So-Dam
/papers/typographic-shifts-ari...van Zyl, Izak
/papers/overcoming-educationalNana, Keshni
A-TITLE Keshni Nana received a Masters of Technology qualification in Fashion from the Vaal University of Technology in 2019. She is currently employed by the Villio...
/papers/re-storying-design-res...Coetzee, Hesté
/papers/redesigning-design-edu...Hagen, Mel
/papers/towards-educational-st...Joubert, Nina
/papers/architecture-and-agenc...Toffa, Tariq
/papers/hacking-taste-cycle-pr...Snyman, Hilde
/papers/changing-landscape-designBradnum, Chris
/papers/reshaping-business-designGroenewald, Jurie
/papers/good-bad-and-uglyAhmed, B Aly
/author/newman-ninaNewman, Nina
A-TITLE Nina is a lecturer at the Tshwane University of Technology in the Department of Design Studies (Jewellery Design and Manufacture Programme). She teaches jewe...
/papers/exploring-potential-de...Bodunrin, Itunu Ayodeji
/author/mathee-thinusMathee, Thinus
/papers/teaching-inclusive-designGibberd, Amanda
/author/van-zyl-christaVan Zyl, Christa
/papers/flipping-script-usingGeyser, Maretha
/papers/positioning-afro-diasp...Ambala, Anthony Terah
A-TITLE Dr Ambala heads the Digital Media Design department in the Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture (FADA), University of Johannesburg. His current research ...
/papers/integrating-design-con...Moremoholo, Tsekelo Patrick
/papers/“community”-basicMusonda, Innocent
/papers/exploring-non-placemen...Treurnicht, Francisca
/papers/decision-making-processRamatla, Aubrey
/author/christenson-mikeChristenson, Mike
/author/kruger-runetteKruger, Runette
/author/hobbs-jasonHobbs, Jason
/papers/decolonizing-thought-p...Newport, Inge
/papers/decolonised-approachCoetzee, Nicolene
/papers/studio-jewellery-proce...Caru Smuts
A-TITLE Caru Smuts is a, jeweller, designer and educator, currently working towards a Masters in Design at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. She is a Cape Tow...
/papers/digital-transformationElgie, Christina
A-TITLE Christina Elgie’s strong academic background, creative hand and vast work experience as a costume designer in the film industry is an asset to STADIO School ...
/author/de-lange-rudi-wde Lange, Rudi W
/papers/extending-learning-lan...Schoeman, Mornay
/papers/student-perceptions-cu...Collet, Rachel
/papers/design-lecturers-pedag...Roux, Ronmari
/papers/theory-design-researchKethro, Philippa
/papers/design-thinking-–-cros...Viljoen, Nadia
/author/myers-hadassahMyers, Hadassah
A-TITLE Hadassah Myers is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Multimedia at the University of Johannesburg. Her fields of expertise include Design Thinking, Servi...
/papers/decolonial-academy-add...Neustetter, Marcus
/papers/envisioning-effectivevan Rooyen, Anel
/papers/designing-breakthrough...Letsholo, Paulson
/author/martins-estherMartins, Esther
/author/balkanska-alexandraBalkanska, Alexandra
A-TITLE A qualified Interior Designer with an MSc in Sustainable Product Design with years of experience in the field. During the last nine years I have realised my ...
/papers/exploring-non-placemen...Svendsen, Heidi
/papers/envisioning-effectiveVan Renssen, Sanri
/papers/architectural-artisanshipNkambule, Mbongiseni Emmanuel Nathi
/papers/sincerity-authenticity...Seda, Owen
/papers/developing-personal-andSchoeman, Alta
/papers/breaking-barriers-–-ac...Hann, Michael
/papers/exploring-non-placemen...Segal, Jenna
/papers/value-using-hypothesis...Moremoholo, Ts'ekelo P
/author/carey-piersCarey, Piers
/papers/teaching-production-te...De Deugd, Prof JAG
/author/harvey-neshaneHarvey, Neshane
A-TITLE Dr. Neshane Harvey is the Head of Department: Fashion Design at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg. She holds a PhD enti...
/author/cadle-bruceCadle, Bruce
/papers/exploring-manual-and-d...Scheepers, Annelize
A-TITLE Annelize Scheepers studied at TUT and completed a B-Tech in Fashion Design and Technology in 2005. In 2008 she joined LISOF (now STADIO Faculty Arts & Design...
/papers/designosaurus-hesa-lay...van Winkel, Keith
/papers/role-ergonomics-clothingRamdass, Kem
/papers/towards-design-thinkingGachago, Daniela
/papers/evaluation-interpretedVenter, Nelia
/papers/reflexive-account-deve...Modiba, Tholo
/papers/object-biographies-methodPretorius, Deirdre
/papers/axis-mundi-pedagogicalde Villiers, Courtney
/author/sidogi-pfunzoSidogi, Pfunzo
/papers/representations-agency...Theo, LJ (Nic)
/author/kempen-elizabeth-lKempen, Elizabeth L
A-TITLE Elizabeth Kempen has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Liverpool. She is a professor in the Department of Life and Consumer Sciences at the Universi...
/author/de-wet-leede Wet, Lee
/papers/designing-behind-cameraCairns, Graham
/papers/strategies-infusing-cu...Hickling-Hudson, Anne
/papers/covid-19-lockdown-musicMoses, Roland
A-TITLE Dr Roland Moses is a senior lecturer specialising in Performance and Improvisation teaching at the Tshwane University of Technology. Roland Moses completed t...
/papers/exploring-design-strat...Debrah, Ratlitsa
/papers/why-design-students-ne...Pickard, Michael
/author/du-preez-vikkidu Preez, Vikki
/author/m’rithaa-mugendi-kM’Rithaa, Mugendi K.
/papers/terra-incognita-mappingSutherland, Ian
/papers/customized-size-chart-...Ola-Afolayan, Olubunmi
/papers/postgraduate-communica...Naude, Loffie
/papers/use-technical-drawing-...Gondkar, Raja
/author/chmela-jones-kateChmela-Jones, Kate
/papers/future-written-text-ar...Hemmings, Jessica
/papers/nomads-and-narrativesvan Graan, Janet Purcell
/author/konigk-raymondKonigk, Raymond
/papers/exploring-non-placemen...Sutherland, Merie
/author/carstens-lizetteCarstens, Lizette
A-TITLE Lizette started in 1994 as communication designer for an NGO where she designed voter education material for the first democratic elections. She joined QData...
/papers/mapping-relevant-educa...Nizetich, Andro
/papers/lost-connection-reflec...Mthethwa, Khanya
A-TITLE Khanya Mthethwa is an award-winning jewellery designer, born in KwaZulu-Natal and currently working at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Some of her forem...
/papers/towards-empathetic-designSekhu, Tumishang
/papers/towards-design-thinkingParker, Michele
/papers/representations-agency...Bechan, Nirvana
/papers/integration-critical-t...Croci, Chiara
/author/findlay-piaFindlay, Pia
A-TITLE I am a young Industrial Designer with a passion for design, both in practice and theory. After completing my MA Design at the University of Johannesburg at t...
/author/moalosi-richieMoalosi, Richie
/papers/digital-supervisor-key...Cilliers, Ryna
/papers/critical-design-critiqueKuhn, Simon
/papers/design-opportunity-map...Gayatri, Menon
/papers/ideas-integratingBenson, Eric
/papers/new-3rs-design-educationKhamala, Martin
/author/fenn-terenceFenn, Terence
/author/moseley-ashton-mMoseley, Ashton M
A-TITLE Ashton Moseley is a lecturer in the Department of Industrial Design at the University of Johannesburg. She is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teac...
/papers/textualising-visual-st...anse van Rensburg, Mieke
/author/ojo-olutunmiseOjo, Olutunmise
/papers/green-screen-actor’s-c...Jacobs, Nicolaas
/author/van-zyl-riavan Zyl, Ria
A-TITLE Ria van Zyl started her career in 1985 as a communication designer and later joined Woolworths as a Packaging Co-ordinator and Technologist, before starting ...
/papers/teaching-production-te...Tempelman, Erik
/papers/reviewing-design-educa...Daniels, Colin
/papers/no-more-utopias-modelingStairs, David
/papers/ai-alexander-and-archi...Delport, Hermie
/author/lavelle-carolLavelle, Carol
A-TITLE Carol Lavelle currently lectures in the Department of Fashion Design in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture (FADA) at the University of Johannesburg ...
/papers/design-education-craftsKatiyar, Vijai Singh
/papers/interdisciplinary-theoryRaubenheimer, Landi
/author/laurie-annekeLaurie, Anneke
/papers/latest-new-media-pedagogyEgenhoefer, Beth
/papers/new-3rs-design-educationPido, Donna
/papers/failing-schools-south-...Fouche, Cariana
/papers/visual-mapping-and-mea...Pretorius, Naretha
/author/perold-bull-karolienPerold-Bull, Karolien
/papers/nine-factors-guiding-t...Gomes, Luiz
/papers/design-based-research-...van As, Francois
/papers/new-3rs-design-educationPido, Odoch
/papers/sincerity-authenticity...Manyeneng, Motshidisi
/papers/continuing-professionalSui, Kin Wai Michael
/papers/developing-educationalHendricks, Denver
A-TITLE Denver Hendricks is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture and the founder of the fabrication lab at the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, at th...
/papers/green-screen-actor’s-c...Broodryk, Chris
/papers/exploring-need-fashion...Strydom, Le-nika
/papers/towards-empathetic-designMatome, Tsholofelo (Mothusi)
/papers/flipping-script-usingGraaf, Christiaan
/papers/south-african-futurismSchreuder, Diandra
/papers/ethics-tastemaking-tow...Kahn, Zakkiya
/papers/‘-pretty-stuff’-gender...Campbell, Angus Donald
/author/maharajh-reshmaMaharajh, Reshma
/papers/pitches-and-proposals-...Botes, Herman
/author/breytenbach-amandaBreytenbach, Amanda
A-TITLE Amanda Breytenbach describes herself as a ‘passionate green citizen’, who believes in a responsible and sustainable environment. Breytenbach was trained as a...
/papers/decolonising-fashion-e...Lucking, Jacking
/papers/designing-person-–-loc...Watson, Karin
/papers/lebanese-graphic-designFallaha, Nathalie
/papers/cultivating-voice-throughStaden-Garbett, Miranthe
/author/economou-ingeEconomou, Inge
A-TITLE Originally from a graphic design background, Inge fell in love with design education. At Inscape she facilitates a learning environment which blends industry...
/papers/team-mentoring-–-vehicleLinde, Doret
/papers/slow-design-eyilweMuir, Margot
/papers/spectrum-disabilityKhan, Ilhaam
/papers/buna-africa-participatoryAdrie Haese
/papers/influence-fourth-indus...Walter, Cherisé
A-TITLE Since her undergraduate interior design studies at Nelson Mandela University, Cherisé, has been interested in the cross-pollination of disciplines and how th...
/author/gray-brendenGray, Brenden
/author/gill-andrewGill, Andrew
/papers/overcoming-educationalCarla Roos
A-TITLE Carla Roos received a Master of Arts (Design) qualification from the University of Johannesburg in 2020. She is currently employed by the Villioti Fashion In... A DESIGN SCHOOL EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - 2023 CONFERENCE ventana Externo Subdominio ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto

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